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Middle East Peace -- Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (16 January 1995)

Bangladesh -- Water Crisis (18 April 1995)

United Nations -- Sanctions -- Human Rights (12 June 1995)

Islam and the West (9 October 1995)

Sudan -- Democracy (3 January 1996)

Joint Appeal by the International Organization for Muslim Women and the I.P.O. (19 February 1996)

International Conference on Democracy and Terrorism (27 July 1996)

United Nations and economic sanctions (16 August 1996)

World Peace Assembly (26 October 1996)

Economic Sanctions and Development  (29 November 1996)

Mediterranean/Arab World/Europe  (17 December 1996)

Pakistani elections: I.P.O.-observers doubt conclusions of Commonwealth observer group (4 February 1997)

Globalization/Development (14 February 1997)

Security Council Reform  (5 April 1997)

Iraq/Turkey/United Nations (16 May 1997)

Economic Sanctions and Development/UNDP Report  (16 June 1997)

Globalization/East-West Relations (7 July 1997)

Libyan sanctions/Security Council (12 July 1997)

Global Economy/ASEAN (19 August 1997)

Centre for Civilisational Dialogue (20 September 1997)

Euro-Mediterranean Co-operation (20 October 1997)

Iraq/United Nations/Arab-European Security (1 November 1997)

Iraq/United Nations (14 November 1997)

Peoples' Security Council (28 November 1997)

Palestine/Self-determination (15 December 1997)

Iraqi sanctions / appeal of American bishops (29 January 1998)

Palestine/United Nations (25 February 1998)

Kofi Annan: Nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize (26 February 1998)

Human Rights / United Nations (8 March 1998)

Kofi Annan: Worldwide support for Nobel Prize nomination (13 March 1998)

Europe/Islamic World (25 March 1998)

Appeal to the ASEM Summit in London (26 March 1998)

IRAQ/USA - Iraq Sanctions Challenge (25 April 1998)

India/Pakistan/United Nations/Nuclear Non-proliferation (2 June 1998)

Civilizations: conflict or dialogue?  (12 June 1998)

Kazakhstan / Human Rights Conference (19 June 1998)

OAU/Libya/United Nations sanctions (26 June 1998)

Sudan/USA/United Nations (25 August 1998)

United Nations/Iraq: Call for Independent International Inspection Team (23 September 1998)

Palestine/Human Rights (20 November 1998)

Economic Sanctions: Humanitarian Appeal to the President of the Security Council (5 February 1999)

International Roundtable on the Challenges of Globalization (20 March 1999)

Yugoslavia -- NATO -- United Nations (7 April 1999)

NATO War in Yugoslavia (12 April 1999)

European Union -- Democratic Citizenship (22 April 1999)

Yugoslavia -- NATO -- United Nations (23 April 1999)

War Crimes Charges Against NATO (7 June 1999)

Turkey -- PKK -- Peace Proposals (7 August 1999)

Nuclear Arms -- Question of Legality (20 August 1999)

Iraq -- Arab League (6 September 1999)

Charter for Global Democracy (17 September 1999)

Iraq -- U.K. -- Message to Foreign Office Minister (25 September 1999)

Center for Balanced Development (6 November 1999)

WTO -- Stop the Millennium Round! (28 November 1999)

Iraq -- Security Council -- Economic Sanctions (21 January 2000)

Austria -- European Union (1 February 2000)

Palestinian Refugees -- Right of Return (2 February 2000)

Rebuilding Bosnia-Herzegovina (9 February 2000)

International Year for the Culture of Peace (IYCP) (28 February 2000)

Global Economic Rights -- Appeal to the IMF and the World Bank (17 March 2000)

Lockerbie Trial in the Netherlands -- Observer Delegation of the I.P.O. (17 April 2000)

Calls for Palestinian Right of Return (25 April 2000)

Summit on Social Development -- Critical Evaluation of Implementation (25 April 2000)

Lockerbie Trial in the Netherlands -- International Observers (14 May 2000)

Globalization and Development: Declaration of the NGO Millennium Forum (26 May 2000)

First International Conference on the Right to Self-Determination and the United Nations (14 August 2000)

Millennium Summit -- Charter for Global Democracy -- Message to Austrian Chancellor (16 August 2000)

Palestine -- Israel -- Critical Evaluation of the "Peace Process" (2 October 2000)

Parliamentary Elections in Belarus -- International Observer Mission (16 October 2000)

Al-Quds Intifadah -- Arab Summit (20 October 2000)

Iraqi sanctions -- United Nations -- illegal air embargo (15 November 2000)

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (29 November 2000)

The Al-Aqsa Intifadah and International Law (30 November 2000)

One-China Principle -- International Law (25 December 2000)

Lockerbie Verdict -- Question of Fairness of Trial (1 February 2001)

Lockerbie Trial -- Report of International Observer (4 February 2001)

Palestine -- United Nations -- Emergency Measures (22 February 2001)

Occupied Palestine -- Israeli Shelling -- Urgent Call for International Protection Force (26 February 2001)

Implementation of the United Nations Millennium Declaration (16 March 2001)

League of Arab States -- International Conference on Lockerbie Issue (9 April 2001)

Peaceful Reunification of Korea (9 June 2001)

Foreign Observers for Elections in Fiji (16 June 2001)

International Criminal Justice -- Law versus Politics (1 July 2001)

Extradition of former President Milo¹eviæ -- Violation of international law and of the Yugoslav Constitution (1 July 2001)

Population and the Urban Future -- World Population Awareness Week (27 July 2001)

Palestine -- Condemnation of Israeli state terrorism -- Call for UN Protection Force (1 August 2001)

Destruction of Palestinian farmland by Israeli occupation troops (6 August 2001)

Statement on the Illegal Occupation of the Orient House in Jerusalem (15 August 2001)

Proposed Statement on Population Stabilization (16 August 2001)

Fiji: UN observer teams leave for polling stations around the country (22 August 2001)

World Conference Against Racism -- Address by Ms. Hanan Ashrawi (28 August 2001)

Presidential elections in Belarus -- Observer mission of the I.P.O. (31 August 2001)

World Conference against Racism, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance -- NGO Declaration  (3 September 2001)

Presidential elections in Belarus -- Report and Recommendations (11 September 2001)

UN Secretary-General condemns terrorist attacks on US (11 September 2001)

I.P.O. President Hans Koechler visits Central Asian Republic of Uzbekistan (14 September 2001)

Global Appeal for "No more violence!" (15 September 2001)

Muslim scholars say "hijackers' letter" unauthentic (2 October 2001)

Lockerbie Court -- Appeal -- Sitting at Kamp van Zeist on 15 October 2001 (11 October 2001)

Kofi Annan -- Nobel Peace Prize 2001 (12 October 2001)

"Islam and Terror Are Incompatible" -- International Conference in Baku (10 November 2001)

Afghanistan -- Condemnation of massacre at Mazar i-Sharif (30 November 2001)

Scottish Court in the Netherlands -- Consultation meetings of Prof. Hans Koechler (20 December 2001)

Occupied Palestine: condemnation of collective punishment (14 January 2002)

Iraq -- United Nations: I.P.O. Meeting with Former UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq -- Memorandum to UN General Assembly (19 February 2002)

Lockerbie Court -- Appeal Verdict on 14 March 2002 (7 March 2002)

I.P.O. President visits the Philippines -- Consultations and lectures on international terrorism (14 March 2002)

Lockerbie appeal: miscarriage of justice -- Court not in conformity with European human rights standards (15 March 2002)

Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty – New Challenges to Implementation and Verification – New Threats to Nuclear Disarmament (18 March 2002)

I.P.O. President visits Turkmenistan (25 March 2002)

Report on Lockerbie appeal submitted to United Nations -- Termination of I.P.O. observer mission (27 March 2002)

War in Palestine -- Declaration of the International Progress Organization (2 April 2002)

Palestine -- American Muslim leaders meet with Secretary of State Colin Powell (4 April 2002)

Massacres and human rights violations in Palestine -- Urgent Appeal of the International Progress Organization (15 April 2002)

Lockerbie Trial -- Miscarriage of Justice -- Call for Public Inquiry (25 April 2002)

Citizens' Initiative against the Threat of Nuclear War -- Appeal (3 May 2002)

Opening of the FIFA World Cup 2002 in Seoul -- International Roundtable on Understanding among Cultures and Peoples (31 May 2002)

Lockerbie case -- Judicial review -- Proposal of Nelson Mandela (11 June 2002)

Lockerbie case -- Follow-up and reactions to Professor Koechler's reports (12 July 2002)

War victims and international law (18 July 2002)

Lockerbie Case -- New Revelations -- Call for fresh criminal investigation and independent public inquiry (23 August 2002)

The "Clash of Civilizations" and the Problem of Terrorism (23 September 2002)

Terrorism in a Globalized World -- International Ecumenical Conference in Manila (27 September 2002)

Call for immediate resumption of arms inspections in Iraq -- Appeal by the NGO Committee on Peace (Vienna) (24 October 2002)

International Conference on Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Cooperation in Shanghai (16 November 2002)

Iraq -- United Nations: International Meeting against the War (17 November 2002)

United Nations: International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (29 November 2002)

Israeli peace movement Gush Shalom appeals to Attorney-General to prevent war crime in Hebron (9 December 2002)

Iraq -- Renewal of call for independent international inquiry over alleged use of arms of mass destruction (1February 2003)

Lawyers for International Justice (1 March 2003)

Iraq -- United Nations -- Threat of the Use of Force -- Violation of the United Nations Charter -- Violation of Art. 6 of the Treaty of Amsterdam by the United Kingdom and Spain (15 March 2003)

Declaration of the International Progress Organization on the War of Aggression against Iraq (24 March 2003)

War on Iraq -- United Nations -- Call by international NGOs for Invoking Uniting for Peace Resolution  (27 March 2003)

Prosecution of War Crimes Committed in Iraq -- Memorandum by the President of the International Progress Organization (28 March 2003)

Declaration against the War on Iraq by the Foundation for Social Justice, Philippines (31 March 2003)

Research publication on international criminal law (9 May 2003)

"Towards a New World Order": The Bangalore Declaration (6 June 2003)

North Korea Nuclear Weapons Crisis - Message to World Leaders (14 July 2003)

Prof. Hans Koechler on status of foreign diplomatic missions in Iraq (17 July 2003)

International Progress Organization joins Committee for a Democratic United Nations (1 August 2003)

Memorandum on the legal implications of the 2003 war against and subsequent occupation of Iraq (12 August 2003)

Libya -- United Nations: Call for independent inquiry of the Lockerbie case (23 August 2003)

Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty -- IPO supports NGO appeal for ratification (5 September 2003)

I.P.O. President visits Kyrgyzstan (14 September 2003)

United Nations: Hans Koechler's statement on Lockerbie settlement forwarded to Scottish Court authorities (17 September 2003)

I.P.O. President honoured in the Philippines (18 October 2003)

I.P.O. participates in Rutgers University Model United Nations (23 November 2003)

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People: I.P.O. participates in solemn meeting at UN headquarters (2 December 2003)

Prosecution of International Crimes in Iraq -- Lack of Constitutional Authority (19 December 2003)

Vote Watch Philippines 2004 (5 January 2004)

Iraq war 2003 and the question of aggression: Letter from Mr. Ramsey Clark to the Secretary-General of the United Nations (29 January 2004)

Islamic headscarf and religious freedom -- Declaration of the President of the I.P.O. on the proposed French legislation (5 February 2004)

Call for Lockerbie investigation renewed -- I.P.O. President holds consultations with victims' families in London (12 February 2004)

Assassination of Sheikh Ahmed Yasin -- Declaration by the President of the I.P.O. (22 March 2004)

The United Nations and International Power Politics -- The Future of World Order: I.P.O. Roundtable in Chicago/USA (5 April 2004)

Irregularities in Philippine elections (10 May 2004)

Call for establishment of International War Crimes Commission for Iraq (14 May 2004)

International War Crimes Commission for Iraq: Endorsement by Turkish and International Human Rights Organizations (1 June 2004)

East-West University to Host U.N. Forum on Global Politics (1 June 2004)

Information visit to the Philippines by the President of the I.P.O. (2 June 2004)

I.P.O. Roundtable on the United Nations and International Power Politics (5 June 2004)

Renowned expert on UN reform meets with Manila leaders (25 June 2004)

Iraq Crisis: so-called "handover of sovereignty" on 30 June 2004 without legal basis, says President of the I.P.O. (25 June 2004)

I.P.O. President concludes information visit to the Philippines (25 June 2004)

Security Council: No Veto Right for New Members, Says Committee (8 July 2004)

I.P.O. President on international criminal justice and power politics -- Interview for CCTV International (2 August 2004)

Declaration by the international coordinating committee of the World Tribunal on Iraq (23 August 2004)

Statement on the Assignment by "Trial Chamber III" of the so-called "International Tribunal" of Counsel to the Former President of Yugoslavia against His Will (8 September 2004)

Tbilisi Appeal for a Dialogue among Civilizations (2 October 2004)

The United Nations and the Emerging World Order -- Second International Law Conference (18 November 2004)

Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban-Treaty Organization (25 November 2004)

The European Union and the Reform of the United Nations (3 December 2004)

Tsunami Disaster Appeal of the International Progress Organization (30 December 2004)

The Tsunami and the Brandt Report -- Statement by Share the World's Resources (21 February 2005)

United Nations Reform: Remarks on Kofi Annan's proposals for a comprehensive convention on terrorism and enlargement of the Security Council (22 March 2005)

Sudan: double standards in international criminal justice -- Security Council resolution violates Statute of International Criminal Court (2 April 2005)

International Conference on Environment, Peace and the Dialogue among Civilizations and Cultures (11 May 2005)

Reinventing Transnational Government: I.P.O. President Addresses Global Forum in Seoul (26 May 2005)

"The Use of Force in International Relations: Challenges to Collective Security" -- International Roundtable Conference Marking the 60th Anniversary of the United Nations Organization (23 June 2005)

ASEAN Press Convention 2005: I.P.O. President underlines global role of Asian media (8 August 2005)

Lockerbie revelations: Statement of Dr. Hans Koechler, International Observer at the Lockerbie Trial (14 October 2005)

Golden Honorary Medal of the I.P.O. Awarded to Public Figures from Turkey and the Philippines (7 November 2005)

International Progress Organization calls for independent international investigation of the death of Yasser Arafat (29 November 2005)

International Progress Organization condemns anti-Muslim hate propaganda and calls upon the European Union to take a firm stand in defense of the rights of all religious communities (6 February 2006)

International Progress Organization joins World Public Forum for Dialogue of Civilizations (27 March 2006)

Iran: I.P.O. President calls for peaceful settlement of nuclear dispute, addresses Memorandum to Security Council  (15 April 2006)

"Starvation Policy against Palestinians Is an International Crime" (2 June 2006)

"Lockerbie Retrial an Imperative of the Rule of Law" -- Hans Koechler's exclusive interview with Al-Jazeera International (8 June 2006)

"Legal Reform in the Arab World: An Imperative of Self-determination" (13 June 2006)

Civil Society Organizations at United Nations Conference Condemn Israeli Assault on Gaza (30 June 2006)

International Progress Organization condemns serious violations of international humanitarian law in Lebanon, supports "Save the Lebanese Civilians Petition" (20 July 2006)

Studies in International Relations -- New Release: "The Use of Force in International Relations" (29 August 2006)

Asia-Europe Co-operation Cornerstone of New Multipolar World -- I.P.O. Statement at ASEF Meeting in Helsinki (9 September 2006)

Statement by the President of the International Progress Organization on the lecture delivered by Pope Benedict XVI in Regensburg (16 September 2006)

I.P.O. President joins International Coordinating Committee of World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations" (2 October 2006)

Statement by the President of the International Progress Organization on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (29 November 2006)

International Progress Organization awards Golden Honorary Medal to Dr. Fatemah Remedios C. Balbin, Philippines (19 December 2006)

Religion and violence as an issue of international affairs -- Lecture tour by the President of the I.P.O.and academic debates in Malaysia and Singapore (27 January 2007)

European Union: double standards in criminal justice? Statement by Dr. Hans Koechler on the European-Libyan controversy (14 February 2007)

Second International Forum on "Globalization and Dialogue between Civilizations" (29 May 2007)

Dr. Hans Koechler's statement on the referral of the case of Abdelbaset Ali Mohamed Al Megrahi to the High Court of Justiciary (29 June 2007)

Lockerbie case: Call for independent investigation (4 July 2007)

Lockerbie case: new accusations of manipulation of key forensic evidence (28 August 2007)

Gush Shalom: "The starving of the Gaza inhabitants is a crime and a folly" (19 September 2007)

Lockerbie trial : an intelligence operation? New revelation about financial offer to a key witness from Switzerland (5 October 2007)

International experts assess impact of "global war on terror" on Muslim-Western relations (15 December 2007)

"Global Discourse on Kashmir" at the European Parliament (3 April 2008)

"Financial markets can not govern us!" -- Open Letter of 14 Elder Statesmen on International Financial Crisis (10 June 2008)

Lockerbie case: Foreign Office letter to UN observer Dr. Hans Koechler (1 September 2008)

Law and Politics in the Lockerbie case: Fact-finding visit of UN observer Dr. Hans Koechler to Scotland (22 September 2008)

The International Criminal Court and International Realpolitik -- TransAtlantic Conference 2008 (12 November 2008)

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People -- I.P.O. statement at United Nations meeting (27 November 2008)

Attack on Gaza / United Nations / Arab League -- Urgent call for Emergency Special Session of UN General Assembly (31 December 2008)

Israel / Gaza: International appeal for immediate halt of attack on Gaza (2 January 2009)

Situation of indigenous peoples in the Philippines: Urgent appeal to United Nations Organization (5 January 2009)

War on Gaza: Call for creation of United Nations War Crimes Commission (9 January 2009)

I.P.O. supports NGO statement on "human right to peace" at United Nations Human Rights Council (18 February 2009)

The Lockerbie Trial and the Rule of Law: Criminal Justice in the Framework of International Power Politics  (13 March 2009)

Sudan / ICC: The politicization of international criminal justice (7 April 2009)

Global Justice or Global Revenge? Launching of transnational research network (27 April 2009)

Law and Politics in the Rwanda Conflict: Letter from indictees of the International Criminal Tribunal to the President of Rwanda (12 May 2009) -- French version

Economy and Civilization in an Era of Global Crisis -- Prague Dialogue on Europe in the XXI Century (14 May 2009)
Unity in Diversity: Eurasia's Contribution to Civilizational Dialogue (9 June 2009)
Non-Aligned Summit in Egypt: President of the I.P.O. on the future prospects of the Non-Aligned Movement   (13 July 2009)
The Lockerbie case: prisoner transfer or prisoner release? (6 August 2009)

Release of the Lockerbie prisoner: the case is not closed (21 August 2009)

The politicization of international criminal justice (16 November 2009)

Power, Justice and World Order -  Book Presentations in Honour of Hans Köchler (21 November 2009)

Swiss minaret ban violates basic human rights and threatens religious peace in Europe (3 December 2009)

President of I.P.O. condemns ethnic violence in Nigeria (9 March 2010)
United Nations Civil Society Meeting in Support of the Palestinian People (26 March 2010)
The Security Council and the future of international criminal justice (12 April 2010)
Australia: International Progress Organization expresses concern over deportation of Sheikh Mansour (31 May 2010)
Free Gaza flotilla: International Progress Organization calls for investigation of reports of cold-blooded murder (3 June 2010)
President of I.P.O. visits Nomura Center, discusses role of education in a globalized world (26 June 2010)
"Compassionate release" of Lockerbie convict: investigation must be comprehensive and independent (21 July 2010)
Lockerbie truth "may not emerge": BBC interview with Dr. Hans Köchler (21 July 2010)
The Security Council as Administrator of Justice? (27 January 2011)
Arab League Cancels International Jerusalem Conference - I.P.O. releases comprehensive analysis of Palestine and Jerusalem problem (10 February 2011)
"The Revolt of the Arabs" -- Interview with Prof. Hans Koechler (German) (24 March 2011)
"All necessary means" -- United Nations vs. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya: Humanitarian Intervention or Colonial War? (28 March 2011)
Religion, State and Society in Turkey - International and interdisciplinary research seminar discusses issues of multiculturalism (26 May 2011)
"Global Justice or Global Revenge?" -- Publication of Arabic Edition (5 July 2011)
World Economic and Social Survey -- Book launching at World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations" (13 October 2011)
The new social media and the reshaping of communication in the 21st century (4 November 2011)
International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People -- I.P.O. statement at United Nations meeting (29 November 2011)
Doha Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations: Hans Köchler addresses special session on cultural diversity (14 December 2011)

International Conference on Jerusalem: Emir of Qatar calls for international commission of inquiry on Israeli practices (27 February 2012)

I.P.O. President visits Central Asian Republic of Tajikistan (7 May 2012)
Statement by the President of the I.P.O. on the Syrian crisis (23 August 2012)
Statement by the President of the I.P.O. on Islamophobia and the escalation of violence in the Middle East (14 September 2012)
International Progress Organization 1972 - 2012: 40 Years of Dialogue among Civilizations (1 October 2012)
Speech of the President of the I.P.O. at the 10th Anniversary Session of the Rhodes Forum (4 October 2012)
"The State of Palestine and the International Rule of Law" (29 November 2012)
International conference on crisis in the Middle East: Istanbul Appeal for Peace (15 December 2012) 
Philosophy and the Dialogue between Religions (29 December 2012)
Vienna Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (1 March 2013)
Syria: civil strife must not become a religious conflict - Appeal for the release of Syrian bishops (3 May 2013)

"No more violence, no more bloodshed, no more killings": Joint Appeal to Sunnis and Shi'as (22 May 2013)

International Progress Organization condemns mass killings by Egyptian security forces and calls for international investigation (28 July 2013)

Syria: International Progress Organization supports call for International Peace Conference (6 September 2013)
Self-determination in the Age of Global Empire: Keynote speech by President of I.P.O. at 3rd People's Forum in Korea (25 October 2013)
The Policy of Violence and its Destructive Impact on Social Cohesion (8 February 2014)
"War in the 21st Century" -- I.P.O. President speaks at National Defense Academy of Austria (22 May 2014)
War in Gaza: Agreement on ceasefire must address root causes of conflict (24 July 2014)
War in Ukraine / tragedy of flight MH 17: Urgent call for independent international investigation (26 July 2014)
Peace Summit -- World Alliance of Religions (20 September 2014)
World Order and the Politics of Regime Change (2 October 2014)
Gusi Peace Prize to be awarded to President of the International Progress Organization (22 October 2014)
Clash of Civilizations? Statement by the International Progress Organization (9 January 2015)
Statement by the President of the International Progress Organization on Ukraine peace talks in Minsk (12 February 2015) German   French
Rwanda: Call for truth and justice in the African Great Lakes Region (10 February 2015)
War in Yemen: Blockade of Emergeny Relief Supplies a War Crime (5 April 2015)
Security Council Resolution on War in Yemen not Conducive to Peace (17 April 2015)
World Order and National Interest -- Keynote Speech by President of International Progress Organization (14 May 2015)
The New Threat: Hybrid Wars as Tool of Subversion (7 July 2015)
International Community Must Take Urgent Action on Situation in Egypt (8 July 2015) 
I.P.O. supports Afghan Peace Volunteers' call to abolish war as a means of foreign policy (19 August 2015)
Democracy and its Practice -- President of I.P.O. Highlights Double Standards at Forum 2000 Conference in Prague (14 September 2015)
Mass Migration and State Failure -- Statement by the President of the International Progress Organization (21 September 2015)
Palestine, the Rule of Law and Global Power Politics (24 November 2015)
Culture and World Order -- I.P.O. President delivers keynote address at International Conference on Cultural Diplomacy (14 December 2015)
Prohibition of the use of force in international law -- I.P.O. President stresses need for Security Council reform (16 March 2016) 
Unilateral Use of Force and the Ineffectiveness of International Law: I.P.O. President addresses 2nd anniversary summit of World Alliance of Religions for Peace (21 September 2016) 
Media and Geopolitics: I.P.O. President addresses 5th annual conference of Russia's International Affairs journal (30 September 2016)
Consultation on the Prohibition of Nuclear Arms (20 January 2017)
Syria: From Proxy War to Regional Peace? The Pitfalls and Prospects of Realpolitik (28 February 2017)
New World Order - Ideals of Dialogue and Delusions of Power: I.P.O. President delivers keynote address at National Defence University, Islamabad (2 April 2017)
Nuclear crisis on the Korean peninsula (30 August 2017) 
The United Nations in a Multipolar World -- Keynote Speech of President of I.P.O. at World Festival of Youth and Students (19 October 2017) 
Yemen / United Nations -- In message to UN Security Council, I.P.O. condemns Saudi blockade as war crime and crime against humanity (2 November 2017)
Palestine / United Nations -- Statement by the President of the I.P.O. on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (29 November 2017)
Strikes on Syria Would Be a Violation of International Law (12 April 2018)
Denuclearization and Peaceful Reunification of Korea: Pan-European Peace Forum in Frankfurt, Germany (12 May 2018)
1948-2018 -- Palestine: The Elusive Peace (15 May 2018)
Transfer of U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem -- Statement of the President of the International Progress Organization (30 May 2018)
PALESTINE/PEACE: International Progress Organization supports petition for recognition of the State of Palestine (21 August 2018)

States of Exception and the Politics of Anger: President of I.P.O. outlines ideology of international power politics (24 October 2018)

Peace in an Era of Global Instability -- Intenational Progress Organization takes part in annual meeting of International Association of Peace Messenger Cities (2 November 2018)
Global Governance and United Nations Reform -- I.P.O. takes part in Global Think Tanks Forum 2018  (24 November 2018)
International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People: President of International Progress Organization speaks at United Nations (29 November 2018)

Information Technology in the Global Age -- President of I.P.O. addresses 12th International Forum on Lifelong Integrated Education (17 December 2018)

United Nations / Challenges to the International Rule of Law -- International conferences in Belgrade (6 April 2019)
Responsibility in International Affairs -- I.P.O. President calls for reform of UN decision-making rules (4 November 2019)
30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Wall: I.P.O. President moderates final session of commemorative event in Berlin (9 November 2019)
Responsibility in International Relations: International Progress Organization launches global debate (17 June 2020)
The International Criminal Court in the Web of Power Politics: Statement on the Executive Order signed by the President of the United States on 11 June 2020 (26 June 2020)
Populism versus Multilateralism in the Global Age: President of I.P.O. speaks at Horasis Extraordinary Meeting (3 October 2020)
World Order in a Time of Transition -- President of I.P.O. Addresses International Forum in Volgograd (2 November 2020)
President of I.P.O. delivers statement at United Nations meeting, calls for convening International Conference on Palestine under UN auspices (10 December 2020)
Mediterranean / Law of the Sea -- International Progress Organization calls for the convening of a Mediterranean Conference on Maritime Demarcation and Cooperation (21 January 2021)
Austria and Non-alignment -- International Conference on the Non-aligned Movement (11 February 2021)
President of International Progress Organization calls for global dialogue on human rights (8 April 2021)
Unilateral Economic Sanctions: Immorality and Arrogance of Great Power Politics (9 May 2021)
Austria, Neutrality and Non-alignment (30 July 2021)
Animal Cruelty: International Progress Organization condemns mass slaughter of dolphins (17 September 2021)
Afghanistan 2021 -- Graveyard of Empires / Test Case for Global Justice: Statement by the President of the International Progress Organization (22 September 2021)
United Nations Day 2021: I.P.O. President addresses United Nations Association of the United States of America (31 October 2021)
Palestine and the International Rule of Law -- United Nations Office at Vienna (29 October 2021)
Lockerbie case: Declassified documents reveal doubts about Maltese key witness (21 December 2021)
Neutrality in Times of Conflict -- Austria, Neutrality and Non-alignment -- I.P.O. Research Publication (8 March 2022)
Ukraine: blueprint for sustainable peace -- Statement of the International Progress Organization (11 March 2022)
Russia -- Ukraine: What Peaceful Co-existence? (18 March 2022)
Ukraine -- Russia: War could have been avoided on the basis of Minsk Agreement (29 March 2022)
The Role of Culture in Post-conflict Situations:  I.P.O. President addresses identity politics and the dual role of culture (26 May 2022)
Dialogue in Times of Global Realignment: President of I.P.O. addresses Arab intellectuals (8 June 2022)
The Struggle for World Order -- President of I.P.O. addresses 20th International Likhachev Conference (12 June 2022)
Ukraine War and Threat to Global Peace (28 July 2022)
Human Rights and Global Power Politics -- United Nations Council on Human Rights (19 September 2022)
Grave Escalation in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict -- Interview with Professor Hans Köchler (23 September 2022)
International Progress Organization 1972-2022 -- 50th Founding Anniversary (3 October 2022)
War and the Deceptive Arrogance of Great Powers -- Speech by President of I.P.O. at NGO meeting at German Parliament (10 November 2022)
Nuclear Arms and International Law: Legality vs. Morality? -- President of I.P.O. addresses international law conference in Poland (25 November 2022)
United Nations -- International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People -- Special Address of the I.P.O. (29 November 2022)
Quran Burning Not Protected by Law -- International Progress Organization condemns anti-Islamic hate crime in Sweden (25 January 2023)
G20 Summit 2022 : Implications for World Order -- Speech of I.P.O. President at Sorbonne University, Paris (8 February 2023)
Democracy in Times of War -- I.P.O. President delivers opening speech at World Forum on Democracy & Peace 2023 (18 February 2023)
France: The Philosophers' Appeal for Peace (11 April 2023)
Maritime Dispute between Türkiye and Greece in the Eastern Mediterranean: International Law and Everyday Reality (26 June 2023)
The Human Rights Industry: Reflections of a Veteran Human Rights Defender (10 July 2023)
Republic of Niger: International Progress Organization condemns collective punishment of the people of Niger (8 August 2023)
The United Nations and the Multipolar Order of the Future (8 September 2023)
Responsibility in International Relations -- International Roundtable Conference in Vienna (21 September 2023)
The Dilemma of International Criminal Justice -- Lecture of the President of the I.P.O. at the University of Szczecin, Poland (24 November 2023)
International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (5 December 2023)
Sovereignty and Coercion : The United Nations in the Web of Power Politics -- The Bosphorus Roundtable 2024 (24 January 2024)
The United Nations and Global Power Politics: President of I.P.O. addresses World Forum on the Future of Democracy (19 February 2024)
Dialogue or Coexistence? -- President of I.P.O. at Abu Dhabi International Book Fair (4 May 2024)
Sovereignty and Coercion -- The Bosphorus Roundtable (12 September 2024)
The Global Governance Dilemma of the United Nations (12 October 2024)
United Nations -- International Day of Solidarity in Support with the Palestinian People (29 November 2024)
Maritime Order in the Global Era -- International Roundtable Consultation of the I.P.O. in Malta (25 January 2025)
Türkiye in the Global Order -- Statement by the President of the International Progress Organization (7 February 2025)

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