Tsunami Disaster Appeal of the International Progress Organization
The earthquake of 26 December 2004 and the ensuing tsunamis have devastated large parts of South and South East Asia with many deaths and untold miseries. "The longer term effects may be nearly as devastating as the Tsunami itself." (UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Jan Egeland) Fresh trauma awaits many of the estimated 5 million people displaced by the waves, as they try to find shelter, water and food, and cope with the psychological effects of their experiences. The people in the affected regions are in the most dire need of help. The International Progress Organization urges all its members and all people of goodwill to collect donations and make them available through the respective charitable organizations. The head office of the International Progress Organization in Vienna (Austria) has made funds available through the Austrian Red Cross. For those intending to help, the I.P.O. provides the following links: |
Latest information on humanitarian emergency in Asia: Reuters AlertNet -- Alerting humanitarians for emergencies -- ASIA |