Archive Page (1994-2003)
The committee was established in 1994 to co-ordinate the work of
non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the United Nations (ECOSOC) in
the fields of development and North-South relations. The committee is related to the
United Nations Office at Vienna. The International Progress Organization serves as the
Secretariat of the Committee.
Mailing address: c/o International Progress Organization, A-1010 Vienna,
Kohlmarkt 4, phone +431-5332877, fax +431-5332962.
For comments and
inquiries send e-mail to info@i-p-o.org.
Members of the Executive Board
Mr. Romesh Chandra (World Peace Council), Chairperson
Ms. Hamsa Eichler (Help Age International & All India Women's Conference)
Ms. G. Führer (Federation of Associations of Former International Civil Servants)
Mr. Leo Gabriel (Boltzmann Institute for Latin America)
Mr. Hans Koechler (International Progress Organization)
Ms. Erika Leonhartsberger (Soropimist International), Treasurer
Mr. Andreas Pecha (Austrian Peace Council)
Mr. N. Richter (International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering)
Meetings of the NGO Committee on Development
Debate on the World Summit for Social Development and on North-South Cooperation (with an introduction by Prof. Dr. Hans Koechler, President of I.P.O.) (27 February 1995)
Seminar "The United Nations and Economic and Social Development" (to mark the 50th anniversary of the United Nations) (12 June 1995)
Seminar "The Eradication of Poverty" (23 October 1995)
Seminar "Coming to Grips with Poverty" (19-20 March 1996)
Debate on the Reduction of Unemployment (10 May 1996)
Roundtable discussion on Economic Sanctions and their Impact on Development (28 November 1996)
Panel discussion on The Impact of Globalization on Economic and Social Development (13 February 1997)
Seminar on The Right to Development (4-5 June 1997)
Seminar on Economic and Social Development in Africa (17 November 1997)
Seminar Human Rights and Development in Latin America (19 May 1998)
Seminar on Health and Development (in co-operation with Médecins sans frontières) (27 May 1999)
Seminar on Problems of the Foreign Debt of Developing Countries (2 July 1999)
Felicitation Meeting for the Laureate of the 1999 Nobel Peace Prize, Médecins sans frontières (2 November 1999)
Seminar: Five Years after Copenhagen: The Worldwide Struggle against Poverty and Unemployment (13 December 1999)
NGO-Meeting on Secretary-General Kofi Annan's Millennium Report "We the Peoples: The Role of the United Nations in the 21st Century" (14 June 2000)
Seminar on Financing for Development (12 June 2001)
Seminar on the draft document for the International Conference on Financing for Development (24 January 2002)
Seminar for Economic and Social Development -- Against War and Terrorism (14 February 2002)
Panel discussion "Processes of Autonomy in Latin America: An Alternative to the Nation-State and Globalization?" (in co-operation with Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Contemporary Research on Latin America and Society for Threatened Peoples) (6 March 2002)
Lecture meeting on "Development and Peace vs. the threat of war - two fundamental issues of the 3rd World Social Forum in Porto Alegre" (20 March 2003)