of the First General Assembly (October 1972) |
of the International Conference on The Cultural
Self-Comprehension of Nations (July 1974) |
of the International Meeting of Experts on The New
International Economic Order -- Philosophical and
Socio-Cultural Implications (April 1979) |
of the International Conference on The Legal Aspects
of the Palestine Problem with Special Regard to the
Question of Jerusalem (November 1980) |
of the International Symposion on The Concept of
Monotheism in Islam and Christianity (November
1981) |
of the International Conference on the Principles of
Non-alignment (May 1982) |
Appeal for the
Reunification of Korea (23 June 1983)
Resolution of the International Conference on Israel
as Occupying Power (May 1984) |
of the International Symposion on the New
International Information and Communication Order (October
1984) |
Declaration on Terrorism (March 1987) |
by Lawyers Against Nuclear War (June 1987) |
on the Situation in the Occupied [Palestinian]
Territories in Regard to the Hague Declaration and
to the Human Rights Convention (February 1988) |
on the situation of human rights in Palestine with
special focus on children and juveniles (June
1989) |
for the Reunification of Korea Adopted by the
Participants of the International Seminar on the
Reunification of Korea through Confederation
(June 1989) |
on the Invasion and Annexation of Kuwait by Iraq and
Measures to Resolve the Crisis Peacefully
(September 1990) |
sanctions against Iraq -- Statement at the U.N.
Commission on Human Rights (August 1991) |
International Conference On A More Democratic United
Nations (September 1991) |
Energy Charter (November 1991) |
World Conference on Human Rights -- Declaration of the
International Progress Organization (June 1993)
of the International Meeting of Experts on the
United Nations and International Democracy (July
1994) |
Memorandum Issued by the I.P.O. On the Applicability
of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment
of the Crime of Genocide of December 9, 1948
(July 1995) |
for total international ban of landmines
(September 1995) |
against sanctions (August 1996) |
of the I.P.O. observer mission on the Pakistani
elections (March 1997) |
on the United Nations sanctions and monitoring
regime in Iraq (November 1997) |
of the Committee of Legal Experts on UN Sanctions
Against Libya (September 1998) |
of the International Roundtable on the Challenges of
Globalization (March 1999) |
Memorandum on the Indictments by the International
War Crimes Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (May
-- German
version (unofficial translation)
-- Serbo-Croat
version (unofficial translation)
Turkish version (unofficial translation) |
by the President of the I.P.O. at the solemn meeting
held by the Committee on the Exercise of the
Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People at the
United Nations Office in Vienna (November 2000) |
Report on and
evaluation of the Lockerbie Trial conducted by the
special Scottish Court in the Netherlands at Kamp
van Zeist by Dr. Hans Köchler, University Professor,
international observer of the International Progress
Organization nominated by United Nations
Secretary-General Kofi Annan on the basis of
Security Council resolution 1192
(February 2001)
-- Arabic
version (unofficial translation)
version (unofficial translation)
-- Korean
version (unofficial translation)
Report of
the I.P.O. observer mission on the presidential
elections in Belarus (September 2001)
Baku Declaration on Global Dialogue and Peaceful
Co-existence among Nations and the
Threats Posed by
International Terrorism (November 2001)
version (unofficial translation)
addressed to the President of the General Assembly
and to the Secretary-General of the United Nations
concerning the humanitarian emergency caused by
economic sanctions imposed on Iraq and the threat of
the use of force against Iraq (February 2002)

Spanish version
(unofficial translation)

German version
(unofficial translation)

Report on the appeal proceedings at
the Scottish Court in the Netherlands (Lockerbie
Court) in the case of Abdelbaset Ali Mohamed Al
Megrahi v. H. M. Advocate by Professor Hans
Koechler, international observer of the
International Progress Organization nominated by UN
Secretary-General Kofi Annan on the basis of
Security Council resolution 1192 (1998) (March 2002)
version (unofficial translation)
by the President of the I.P.O. at the solemn meeting
held by the Committee on the Exercise of the
Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People at the
United Nations Office in Vienna (November 2002)

Declaration of the International Progress
Organization on the War of Aggression against Iraq
(March 2003)

Memorandum on
the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for
International Crimes, Including the Crime of
Aggression, in the Territory of Iraq
(March 2003)
Memorandum on
the legal implications of the 2003 war against and
subsequent occupation of Iraq and requirements for the
establishment of a legitimate constitutional system in
Iraq, including measures of criminal justice
(August 2003)
on the agreement between the United States, the United
Kingdom and the Libyan Jamahiriya on the
dispute (August
2003) |
Statement of
Non-Governmental Organizations to the Conference on
Facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive
Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) (September 2003)
(co-sponsored by the I.P.O.)
on the Assignment by "Trial Chamber III" of the
so-called "International Tribunal" of Counsel to the
Former President of Yugoslavia against His Will
(September 2004) |
Double Standards in International Criminal Justice:
The Case of Sudan (April 2005) |
Transnational Government": Plenary Address at the
6th Global Forum on Reinventing Government (May
International Roundtable Conference "The Use of Force
in International Relations: Challenges to Collective
Security" -- Executive Summary (June 2005)
by the President of the I.P.O. at the solemn meeting
held by the Committee on the Exercise of the
Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People at the
United Nations Office in Vienna (November 2005)
on the dispute between the Islamic Republic of Iran
and the United States of America and other states
over the interpretation of the Treaty on the
Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and related
legal and political problems of the
non-proliferation régime
(April 2006)
by the President of the I.P.O. at the solemn meeting
held by the Committee on the Exercise of the
Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People at the
United Nations Office in Vienna (November 2006)
Lockerbie Trial: Statement on the referral of the case of Abdelbaset Ali Mohamed Al Megrahi
to the High Court of Justiciary (June 2007) |
Culture and Empire: Lecture by the President of the
I.P.O. at the Second People's Forum in Bogotá,
Colombia (March 2009) |
Challenges and Contradictions of World Order: Lecture
by the President of the I.P.O. at Jilin University,
P.R. of China (July 2010) |
Memorandum by the President of the International
Progress Organization on Security Council resolution
1973 (2011) and its implementation by a “coalition of
the willing” under the leadership of the United States
and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (March
2011) -- Italian version (unofficial

The New Social Media and the Reshaping of
Communication in the 21st Century: Lecture by the
President of the I.P.O. at the 9th Doha Interfaith
Conference (October 2011) |
تطوّر مشكلة فلسطين ووضع القدس: قوة القانون أم
قانون القوة؟ Lecture by the President of the
I.P.O. at the International Conference for Jerusalem
(February 2012)
The International Progress Organization and the
Dialogue among Civilizations and Religions (1972-2012) |
Appel pour la vérité et la justice dans la région des
Grands Lacs (February 2015) |
Order and National Interest (May 2015) |
Moral Philospophy and the Coming World Order: A
Dialogue of Civilizations to Counter Global Hegemony |
by the President of the I.P.O. at the solemn meeting
held by the Committee on the Exercise of the
Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People at the
United Nations Office in Vienna (November 2017)
Cultural Diplomacy in a World of Conflict
(December 2017)
Unity in Diversity: The United Nations in the 21st
Century (October 2021)
Blueprint for Peace in Ukraine (10 March 2022) |
Russia -- Ukraine: What Peaceful Co-existence?
(18 March 2022) |
Statement by the President of the I.P.O. at the
solemn meeting held by the Committee on the Exercise
of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People
at the United Nations Office in Vienna (December 2023) |
"Sovereignty and Coercion" -- Introductory Remarks
by the President of the I.P.O. at the Bosphorus
Çırağan Palace, Istanbul
September 2024) |
Executive Summary of the International Roundtable
Consultation on Sovereignty and Coercion, Istanbul
(September 2024)