International Conference
on the Legal Aspects of the Palestine Problem with Special Regard to the
Question of Jerusalem
(Vienna, 5-7 November 1980)
The International Progress Organization held an International Conference
on the Legal Aspects of the Palestine and Jerusalem Problem at the Hilton
Hotel, Vienna, from 5 to 7 November 1980. Approximately 120 academicians, social
scientists, lawyers and public affairs theorists from 31 countries
participated in the conference. The Federal Chancellor of Austria, H. E.
Bruno Kreisky, gave an official reception for the participants at
the government's building in Vienna.

Separate panels of experts presented papers on the following subjects:
I. The Palestinian people and the right of self-determination;
II. The status of Jerusalem under international law;
III. Political and administrative measures of the Israeli authorities in
the occupied territories seen from the viewpoint of
humanitarian law;
IV. Israeli law in the light of general principles of human rights.
Special guests who also made presentations included: Mr. Willibald Pahr,
Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria; Mr. Ramsey
Clark, ret. Attorney-General of the United States; Mr. Mohamed Ibn Slama,
Deputy Secretary-General, League of Arab States; Mr. Falilou Kane, Chairman,
Committee for the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian
People of the United Nations; Mr. Rouhi El-Khatib, Mayor of East Jerusalem;
Mr. Joseph Algazy-Galili, Secretary, The Israel League for Human and Civil
The conference dealt with:
I. The Palestinians' right to self-determination
The conference agreed that the Palestinians, as people, have a right
to self-determination and that all efforts have to be made to allow them
uncompromisingly to exercise this right freely and without any constraint
within the framework of the rules of international law.
II. The problem of Jerusalem as inseparable from the Palestine question
The conference agreed that the status of Jerusalem must conform with
the relevant Unitcd Nations resolutions and rnust ultimately be permanently
resolved in the total context of the Palestine settlement. Any unilateral
change of this status, any unilateral annexation is and shall remain unacceptable
from the viewpoint of international law. Consequently, the annexation by
Israel must be considered null and void.
III. Administrative measures in the occupied territories
1. Israel's policy in its capacity of being in power, has not been in
conformity with the provisions of the law pertaining to armed conflict
in general since 1967, and with the Geneva Convention (IV) in particular.
Therefore, this policy in itself represents a severe breach of humanitarian
law, and its consequences are: the responsibility of the state of Israel
in the light of international law should be assessed as well as the penal
responsibility of any individual having committed such infringement in
actual case and practicing the Israel policy in the occupied regions.
2. All possible means to make the international public aware of this
policy and the infringements of humanitarian rights should be explored;
this action must be developed by information and mass media as well as
by other appropriate means to arouse public awareness; at the same time
the actions should operate legally in order that international law may
be applied.
3. In this context,
the role of non-governmental organizations is
very important and all possibilities must be explored by which they could
act; in particular by organizing proper and impartial investigation on
the occupied territory as such.
4. The possibilities of sanctions against Israel will have to be explored
in order to force it to cease the infringement of international law.
The participants expressed sincere appreciation of the contributions
of the Israeli delegates whose attitude gave definite hope for the possibility
of a peaceful living together.
The participants urged the new Reagan government of the U.S.A. to pursue
an impartial and international legally accepted attitude to the Palestine