International Symposion
on the New International Information
and Communication Order
Nicosia, 26-27 October 1984

Whereas Unesco, consistent with its constitutional mandate and
responsibilities, has provided a world forum for dialogue and discussion on the establishment of a New International Information
and Communication Order;
The participants of the international research seminar on the New
International Information and Communication Order, convened in Nicosia, Republic
of Cyprus (26-27
October 1984) by the International Progress Organization,
Convinced that the right of all people to communicate, everywhere,
individually and collectively, is a fundamental human right enshrined in Article
19 of the Declaration of Human Rights, and which remains denied to two thirds of
the world's people,
Recognizing that a New International Information and Communication Order
is essential to the pursuit of world peace, universal freedom and human liberty,
Concerned that Unesco's Major Programme devoted to "Communication in the
Service of Man" and committed to the quest for a "New World Information and
Communication Order," is threatened by a deliberate and concerted attempt to
erode the will of the majority of the member states of Unesco,
Noting that the universal character of Unesco facilitates the promotion of
the free exchange of information and ideas among men and nations and contributes
to the avoidance of disputes and confrontation between nations,
Regretting the decision of a member state to give notice of unilateral
withdrawal from Unesco, thereby placing in jeopardy the universality of the
United Nations system,
Express their full support for Unesco's Major Programme "Communication
in the Service of Man" and their continuing confidence in the Director-General and
the Secretariat of Unesco to fulfill the
constitutional mandate of the Organization.
Nicosia, 27 October 1984