Vienna, 2 - 3 May 1984
Since the IPO's major meeting on Palestine in 1980, the Conference
has become deeply disturbed by developments in the Middle East.
Israel has been an occupying power since its formation when it
took over a land with people. Israel has launched a brutal invasion
of Lebanon. In its occupation Israel has persistently ignored United Nations Resolutions and violated International Law.
These events have impelled us to scrutinize anew the character
of the Zionist State and Israel's conduct as an occupying power.
Israel has increasingly terrorized the Palestinian people subject
to its control and has systematically undermined its fundamental
rights. The Conference recalls United Nations Resolution 181 of
1947 which made possible the creation of a Jewish state and
provided guarantees safeguarding the fundamental rights of the Arab population of Palestine. That resolution called for the
right of self-determination and the establishment in Palestine
of an Arab Palestinian state.
The Conference further recalls United Nations Resolution 194 of
1948, and others which affirm the right of all Palestinians to
return to their homes and properties from which they were
The Conference demands the withdrawal of Israel from all territories
occupied in 1967 and subsequently. It totally rejects the claim
that it is too late for an Israeli withdrawal from the occupied
The Conference resolves, in conformity with all United Nations
resolutions, that the Holy City of Jerusalem must enjoy a special
status. The Conference supports the unanimously adopted United
Nations Security Council resolutions 465 and 478 considering Israeli
actions with respect to Jerusalem null and void.
In addition to the full withdrawal from Lebanon the Conference
calls for the end of the Israeli blockade of South Lebanon and
of the harassment of the civilian population. Further, there should
be an adequate United Nations force, as called for in previous
Security Council resolutions.
The Conference finds that the Israeli aggression against Lebanon
constitutes a gross violation of International Law. Israel has
deliberately and indiscriminately bombarded civilian targets
including schools, hospitals, and other non-military objects. It
has systematically bombarded and otherwise caused the destruction
of cities, towns, villages and Palestinian refugee camps.
Its uses of weaponry constitute flagrant violations of International
Law. The Israeli government has further deliberately and indiscriminately
subjected Palestinian, Lebanese, and prisoners of other nationalities
to inhuman and degrading treatment.
The Conference recognizes that Israel's aim is to destroy the identity
as well as the aspirations of the Palestinian people and to partition
Lebanon. This process culminated in the total disregard for human
life during the invasion of Lebanon and the genocidal massacre at
Sabra and Shatila which must never be forgotten.
This repression continues in Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza, the
Syrian Golan Heights and Lebanon.
The Conference finds that Israel has an international legal obligation
to pay full reparations to Lebanon for all damage done during the
invasion as well as compensation to the victims and their survivors.
Israel is further liable for full indemnity for damage to property
and for services provided during the war, to the International Committee
of the Red Cross, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, United Nations
agencies as well as to other voluntary agencies. The Conference finds
that the government of the United States has a responsibility to
share in this compensation on the basis of its deep complicity in
Israeli actions.
The Conference calls for the creation of an International Tribunal
on all crimes in connection with the occupation, the invasion of
Lebanon, the Sabra and Shatila massacre and other massacres.
The Conference condemns United States
involvement in the invasion
of Lebanon and the subsequent tragedy of Sabra and Shatila. It
condemns the continued flow of American dollars and arms to Israel.
The Conference deplores the escalating arms race, and the continuing
and worsening occupation which heightens the danger of a nuclear
The Conference calls for the curtailment of all forms of aid to Israel,
as such aid only encourages Israeli military adventurism, until it
ceases to violate all norms of international behavior.
The Conference fully supports the continuing just struggle of the
Palestinian people under the leadership of the Palestine Liberation
Organization to attain the exercise of its inalienable rights.
The Conference condemns the insidious propaganda that represents
this struggle as a continuation of Hitler's war against the Jews.
Zionism is not Judaism, and Judaism is not Zionism. To be
anti-Zionist is in no way to be anti-Semitic.
The Conference expresses its grave concern over the discriminatory
practices of the government of Israel against Israeli citizens.
The Conference expresses its deep appreciation of and support for
the Palestinians, who after almost four decades of ethnocide,
believe in and work for the termination of this unendurable situation.
The same appreciation and support are given to Israeli peace forces
who have been striving to achieve a just peace with the Palestinians,
in accordance with universal values of humanity.
The Conference affirms its full support for an International Peace
Conference with the participation of all parties to the Arab-Israeli
conflict, including Israel, the Palestine Liberation organization as
well as the USSR and the United States.