Cinema News Show, Innsbruck, Austria, 26 July
1973: Interview on the projects of the
International Progress Organization in preparation
for the Olympic Winter Games in Innsbruck, Austria
Ahram, Cairo, Egypt, 15
March 1974: President of International Progress
Organization visits Egypt for cultural contacts
The People, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, 28 March 1974:
Bangladesh invited to
IPO seminar
Al-Goumhouria, Cairo,
Egypt, 11 April 1974:
"Cairo and the World" by
Aida Thabet
Kuwait Times, Kuwait,
17 March 1974:
Austrian Professor here to promote
Int'l Progress
Abendzeitung, Munich, Germany, 24 June 1974:
Wir Europäer und die Dritte Welt
Soleil, Dakar, Senegal,
30 July 1974:
Les cultures africaines sont
Indo Asia,
Stuttgart / Tübingen, Germany, Vol. XVI, No. 4,
1974: Internationales Symposion der IPO
Wiener Zeitung,
Vienna, Austria, 3 April 1979:
braucht neue Ordnung
Der Kurier,
Vienna, Austria, 8 November 1980: Warnung für Reagan aus
Action, New York, 24 November 1980: 1st
International Conference Held on Legal Aspects of
Palestinian Problem in Vienna
Al Qabas, Kuwait, 12 December 1980:

Stampa, Torino, Italy, 18 November 1981:
appello per Gerusalemme città santa di tre
La Jornada,
Mexico City, Mexico, 10 October 1984:
Reagan, fuera
de la ley, dicen juristas
(I Simerini), Nicosia, Cyprus, 27 October 1984:
[Seminar on communication]
Cyprus Mail, Nicoasia, Cyprus, 27 October 1984:
Communication - the key word to peace
Press, Dublin,
18 March 1987:
Irish for talks
on terrorism
Donostia, Spain, 20 March 1987: Se celebra en
Viena un seminario no gubernamental sobre terrorismo
Le Matin,
Lausanne, Switzerland, 21 March 1987: L'autre
La Repubblica, Rome, Italy, 12 February 1988:
Il presidente resta candidato al Premio Nobel per la
pace 1988
Baghdad, Iraq, 9 March 1989:
وزير الخارجية يستقبل رئيس منظمة التقدم الدولية
EIR Executive Intelligence Review, Washington
DC, USA, 19 July 1991:
Aid is mobilized to save
Iraqi children
Damascus, Syria, 28 January 1992:
interview with Professor Hans Koechler (Arabic)
Mexico City, Mexico, 11 November 1992:
Con la
participación de intelectuales se darà la
democracia en México: Koechler
Mexico City, Mexico, 16 November 1992:
Mundial si la ONU Asume el Principio de "Soberanía
Daily Awaz International, Lahore, Pakistan, 6
December 1993: The Bosnian conflict and the New
World Order
Straits Times, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 19
November 1994:
Call for replacement of New World
Recorder, Karachi, Pakistan, 4 February 1997:
IPO observers question Commonwealth team's findings
News, Karachi, Pakistan, 5 February 1997:
observers say polls were not free and fair
Al-Arabi, London, UK, 12 February 1997:
interview with Professor Hans Koechler
Statesman, Delhi, India, 6 March 1998:
'UN a
puppet in hands of powerful countries'
interview with Prof. Hans Koechler]
News, Karachi, Pakistan, 11 March 1998:
nominates Kofi Annan for Nobel Peace Prize
Zeit, Vienna, Austria, 10-23 April 1998:
Stimme zur Sanktionspolitik der Vereinten Nationen:
Gegen Kollektivstrafen
Sun, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10 August 1998:
Globalisation will lead to instability
Beirut, Lebanon, n. 154, 1998:
interview with Professor Hans Koechler
Solidarität, Wiesbaden, Germany, 9 June 1999:
Gefährlicher Präzedenzfall
Nations Press Briefing, New York,
28 April 2000:
Lockerbie Trial
Observer, London,
8 April 2001:
judgment criticised
The Times, London, UK, 9 April 2001:
criticises Lockerbie trial
Hebdo, Cairo, Egypt, 11-18 April 2001:
Lockerbie : Le verdict est le résultat d'influences
Welt, Berlin,
30 June / 1 July 2001:
Ist die
Milosevic-Auslieferung ein Sieg für das Völkerrecht?
Газета +
[Nasha Gazeta
Plus], Kiev, Ukraine,
September 2001:
Против выдачи
Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 4 February 2002:
Ein eigentümliches Verfahren
Manila Bulletin,
Manila, Philippines, 17 March 2002:
Al-Ahram Weekly,
Cairo, Egypt, 21-27 March 2002: A spectacular
Junge Welt, Berlin, Germany, 8 April 2002:
Kollektivstrafen sind unzulässig
Khaleej Times,
Sharja, United Arab Emirates, 16 July 2002:
to prosecute Jenin killers
شبكة الوسم / Al-Wsm, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,
16 July 2002:
رئيس منظمة التقدم العالمي يحلل
Inter Press
Service News Agency, Dubai, United Arab
Emirates, 23 July 2002: U.N. viewed as irrelevant
in region's crisis
Junge Welt, Berlin, Germany, 26 July 2002:
Kein Schutz für Palästinenser
Washington Post, washingtonpost.com, Washington,
DC, 23 August 2002:
Lockerbie Families Seek Inquiry
over Abu Nidal Claim
WAM -- Emirates News
Agency, Abu Dhabi, 9 December 2002:
of International Progress Organization speaks at
Gulf News, Dubai, 10 December 2002:
silence on Mideast conflict decried
Reformatorisch Dagblad, Apeldoorn, Netherlands,
8 January 2003: Schots onrecht op Nederlandse
Wiener Jugendmagazin, Vienna, Austria, 3 June 2003:
Wirtschafts-Sanktionen - eine tödliche Waffe
Reykjavik, Iceland, 19 August 2003: Eru Sameinuđu
Þjóđirnar úreltar?
Intelligence Review, Washington D.C., 29 August
2003: Bombing of UN, Shows The U.S. Must Withdraw
Women's Research & Studies Center, Qum, Islamic
Republic of Iran, February 2004:
مقام سازمان ملل: ممنوعيت حجاب با حقوق بشر مغاير است
Bulatlat.com, Quezon City, Philippines, 27 June
- 3 July 2004:
UN Expert
Sees Political Instability in Philippines
Central Television / CCTV International,
Beijing, China, 2 August 2004:
Trial of Saddam
UEF News, Union of
European Federalists (U.E.F.), Brussels, Belgium,
1 December 2004: The EU and the Reform of the UN
Global Policy Forum, New York, 2 April 2005:
Sudan: Double Standards in International Criminal
Yonhap News Agency, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 26
May 2005: European NGO chief expects Japan to win
permanent UNSC seat
Korea Plus, Biweekly, Seoul, Republic of Korea,
1 June 2005:

University of Innsbruck, ipoint news, Innsbruck,
Austria, 30 June 2005: Runder Tisch mit
internationaler Besetzung an Uni Innsbruck
Bangkok Post,
Bangkok, Thailand, 6 August 2005:
Govts urged to
stop fighting press − Asian leaders told to look at
big picture
Vientiane Times, Vientiane, Laos, 10 August
2005: LJA assumes vice presidency of CAJ
Shia News,
Tehran, Iran, 10 February 2006:
Progress Organization condemns anti-Muslim hate
propaganda ...
Libération, Casablanca, Morocco, 19 September
Un philosophe autrichien répond au Pape
Bulgaria in EU -
Press Center,
Sofia, Bulgaria, 14 February 2007: European
Union: double standards in criminal justice?
Daily Inquirer, Manila, Philippines, 27 April
2007: Award for social justice work
The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 7 July
2007: UN Lockerbie trial observer urges
independent inquiry into the case
Azeri Press Agency
(APA), Baku, Azerbaijan, 27 September 2007:
hosts int conference on “Dialogue of civilizations:
role of parties”
Türksolu, Istanbul, Turkey, 28 January 2008:
Malezya'dan gözlelmer
JUST -- International Movement for a Just World,
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 3 April 2008:
Global Discourse on Kashmir at the European
Interfaith Peace-Builders (IFPB), Washington DC,
USA, 31 July 2008: 2008 Investing in Peace
Herald, Glasgow,
Scotland, 17 September 2008:
Experts on Lockerbie
bombing trial call for fresh inquiry
Damascus, Syria, 25 June 2009: اعتقال 13
فلسطينيا في الضفة الغربية .. توغل للآليات العسكرية
في قطاع غزة
Deutsche Welle, Bonn, Germany, 13 July 2009:
Non-Aligned Movement struggles for relevancy in
post-Cold War world
Al Jazeera, Doha, Qatar, 15 July 2009:
"Inside Story" - The Non-Aligned Movement
TREND News Agency, Baku, Azerbaijan, 11 December
2009: Turkey is important for Europe in regional
Millî Gazete,
Istanbul, Turkey, 18 December 2009: AB,
Mardin'de tartışıldı
United Nations Information Service, New York,
USA, 26 March 2010: Activists opposed to
separation wall speak up during United Nations Civil
Society Meeting in Support of the Palestinian People
Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney, Australia, 2 June
2010: Peace prize winner in bid to save sheikh
Philippine Star, Manila, Philippines, 31 March
2011: Postscript
BusinessWorld, Manila, Philippines, 31 March
2011: US-NATO: Might is not right
Junge Welt, Berlin, Germany, 11 April 2011:
Freibrief für Intervention
World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations"
(WPFDC), Moscow, Russia, 27 May 2011:
State and Society in Turkey
Voltairenet.org, France, 27 May 2011:
Résolution 1973 et l'intervention en Libye
sont-elles légales?
Vrede vzw, Brussels, Belgium, 2 June 2011:
Resolutie 1973 en de interventie in Libië
Current Concerns, Zurich, Switzerland, 12 July
2011: Taking the Principle of the Subject's
Dignity Seriously
Oxygène, Sainte Clotilde, Réunion, 16 July 2011:
Prenons au sérieux le principe de dignité de
Zaman Avusturya, Vienna, Austria, 27 March 2012:
"Suriye, geleceği Paris ya da
Londra'da yuvarlak masa toplantιlarιyla
belirlenebilecek herhangi küçük bir Körfez ülkesi
Aksiyon, Istanbul, Turkey, 2 April 2012:
Suriye'de çözüm çok uzun sürer
Mail & Guardian, Johannesburg, South Africa, 4
July 2012: Justice? That's rich,
coming from the ICC
Signum, Uppsala, Sweden, 27 September 2012:
FN och EU: Vad menas med
"respekt för religion"?
Horizons et débats, Zurich, Switzerland, 4
October 2012: Négociations sans ingérence de
puissances extérieures
International Movement for a Just World (JUST),
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11 October 2012:
International Progress Organization 1972 - 2012
Raiffeisenzeitung, Vienna, Austria, 18 October
2012: Waffenlieferungen an Syrien sind
TRT Türk, Ankara, Turkey, 6 December 2012:
Köchler: BM Güvenlik Konseyi'nin acil revizyona
ihtiyacı var
Aksiyon, Istanbul, Turkey, 11 November 2013:
Süper güçler değişti, Güvenlik Konseyi de değişmeli
Der Soldat, Vienna, Austria, 25 June 2014:
Krieg im 21. Jahrhundert
RIA Novosti, Moscow, Russia, 29 July 2014:
UN Observer Says Justice Subordinated to 'Power
Politics' During Lockerbie Bombing Trial
Famagusta Gazette, Famagusta, Cyprus, 29
September 2014: New foundation for development
of humankind needed, say experts
Horizonts et débats, Zurich, Switzerland, 24
February 2014: "Un signe encourageant"
Russia Direct, Moscow, Russia, 15 April 2015:
For Europe,
relationship with Russia is of vital importance
Kashmir Images, Srinagar, India, 2 May 2015:
JKDLP pitches for awareness on Kashmir and
youth-centric initiatives in Europe
Zeit-Fragen, Zurich, Switzerland, 2 May 2015:
Resolution des Sicherheitsrates zum Krieg im
Jemen nicht friedensfördernd
Sputnik Radio International, Edinburgh, UK, 2
December 2016: The World in Focus / Rwanda
Belarus TV 1, Minsk, Belarus, 2 December 2016:
Сегодня важнейшие политические решения принимают
жители Европы
Sputnik News International, Edinburgh, UK, 7
April 2017: UK Backing of Trump Bombardment:
"Policy of Double Standards"
UNPA Campaign, Berlin, 26 June 2017:
Roundtable on Increasing Democratic Representation
at the United Nations in The Hague
Horizonts et débats, Zurich, Switzerland, 7
August 2017: "Une véritable violation du droit
Dialogue of Civilizations Research Institute,
Berlin, Germany, 26 October 2017: Years of
negotiations are better than war
UNPA Campaign, Berlin,
30 October 2017:
Need for "reinvention" of the UN highlighted at
Global Forum of Young Diplomats
BBC Russian Service, London, 22 November 2017:
Приговор Младичу правосудие торжествует, но
примирения пока нет
Sputnik International, Edinburgh, UK, 8 February
2018: New Global Disarmament Initiative 'Will
Unavoidably Remain Vague' - NGO Chief
وكالة كليوباترا للأنباء
/ Cleopatra News Agency, Cairo, Egypt, 10 May 2018:
مؤتمر " القضية الفلسطينية إلى أين" بالجامعة
الأردنية يواصل اعماله لليوم الثاني
Chun Ji Daily, Seoul, South Korea, 26 May 2018:
HWPL's Peace Delegation Visits Five European
Countries Asking for Support of the Peaceful
Reunification of the Korean Peninsula
Beijing Review, Beijing, China, 17 May 2019:
A Timely Act: Dialogue of Asian civilizations
encourages inclusiveness to counteract clashes
Одбрана, Belgrade, Serbia, June 2019:
Daily News, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 5 September
2019: Mervyn de Silva: The exceptional
sensibility and intellect of a journalist
John Cabot University, Rome, Italy, 3 March
2020: The United Nations and International
Veterans Today, USA, 29 June 2020:
International Criminal Court Asserts Jurisdiction
Over US Actions in Afghanistan
BORGEN Magazine, Seattle, USA, 21 November 2020:
The Effects of Sanctions During COVID-19
sans apriori, France, 3 January 2021: La
paix exige l'égalité des droits et de la justice
pour tous - y compris en Palestine
Zeit-Fragen, Zurich, Switzerland, 26 January
2021: Extraterritoriale Sanktionen sind
Casablanca, Morocco, 22 April 2021:

Bandung Spirit Bulletin, 30 July 2021:
Austria, Neutrality and Non-alignment
Horizons et débats, Zurich, Switzerland, 12
October 2021:
Afghanistan 2021:
cimetière des puissances mondiales – la justice
internationale à l’épreuve
The Times, London, UK, 22 December 2021:
Doubts over witness led to fears Lockerbie trial
would collapse
Al-Massae, Casablanca, Morocco, 18 January 2022:

RT International,
Moscow, 3 April 2022:
Neutral, not neutered?
إكسبريس, Morocco, June 2022:
الفيلسوف هانز كوكلر
يكرم النخبة الثقافية المغربية
Газета «Вести», St. Petersburg, Russia, 7
September 2022: В День знаний педагогами СПбГУП
стали послы и академики
Point de vue Suisse, Zurich, Switzerland, 10
October 2022:
Grave escalade dans le
conflit Russie Ukraine
Rai al-Youm, London, UK, 26 January 2023: لا
يحمي القانون حرق المصحف
Voice of Europe, Prague, Czech Republic, 11
August 2023: President of the "International
Progress Organization" opposes interference in Niger
Arrêt sur info, France, 31 August 2023:
L'Organisation internationale pour le progrès
condamne la punition collective du peuple nigérien
Current Concerns, Zurich, Switzerland, 19
December 2023: International humanitarian law
must be respected in all circumstances
اليوم, Amman, Jordan, 3 January 2024:
خطاب البروفيسور النمساوي د. هانس كوكلر، بمناسبة
اليوم الدولي للتضامن مع الشعب الفلسطيني، بمقر مكتب
الأمم المتحدة، بفيينا، يوم 5 ديسمبر 2023
Scheerpost, New York,
USA, 9 April 2024:
Patrick Lawrence: "Automated Murder": Israel's "AI"
in Gaza
Hindustan Times, New Delhi, India, 11 July 2024:
Nehru facilitated Austria's emergence as neutral
country, says Chancellor
TCE News, Lefkose, Cyprus, 9 October 2024:
The Betrayal of Promises
LVSL, Sarreguemines, France, 21 February 2025:
Sanctions américaines :
des effets dévastateurs pour les peuoples, mais pas
pour les régimes
Documentation Service -- Vienna --
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