I.P.O. conference archive



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Conference "Cultural Self-comprehension of Nations"
Innsbruck (July 1974)

Meeting with H.H. Pope John Paul II
Rome (February 1979) 

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Vienna (April 1979)

Meeting with Yasser Arafat in Beirut
Beirut (February 1980)

  Reception by Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky 
Vienna (November 1980)

Former U.S. Attorney-General Ramsey Clark
Vienna (November 1980)

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Kuwait (December 1980)

Symposion on Islam and Christianity
Rome (November 1981)

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Rome (November 1981)

Conference on Non-alignment - with Iraqi Vicepremier Tareq Aziz
Baghdad (May 1982)

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Paris (December 1982)

Jean Genet
Vienna (December 1983)

Vienna (May 1984)

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Brussels (September 1984)

Brussels (September 1984)

International Symposion in Nicosia
Nicosia (October 1984)

I.P.O. Vice-President General Mercado with U.N. Secretary-General Pérez de Cuéllar
New York (October 1985)

 International Colloquium New York 1985
New York (October 1985)

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Geneva (November 1985)

Richard Falk -- Nobel Laureate Seán MacBride
Geneva (March 1987)

Kader Asmal -- Edgardo Mercado Jarrín
Geneva (March 1987)

International peace delegation on the Iran-Iraq war meeting with the Iraqi President in Baghdad, May 1988
Baghdad (May 1988)

U.N. Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar with I.P.O.-delegation on Iran-Iraq peace 
UN headquarters/New York

(June 1988)

With Field Marshal el-Dahab (Sudan) at press conference at U.N. headquarters 
UN headquarters/New York

(June 1988)


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Geneva (May 1989)

Vienna (June 1989)

 Session of the Executive Board of the I.P.O. -- New Delhi, 23 February 1990
New Delhi (February 1990)

With former Indian President Gyani Zail Singh
New Delhi (February 1990)

 With Austrian President Kurt Waldheim
Vienna (May 1991)

 United Nations, Vienna
UN Vienna (September 1991)

Ramsey Clark -- Lisbeth Palme -- Athens
Athens (February 1992)

Vienna (May 1992)

Meeting of Experts on the UN Sanctions Policy
Geneva (May 1992)

Executive Board meeting Vienna
 Vienna (November 1992)

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Mmabatho (May 1993)

Symposion on Islam and the West - problem of Bosnia-Herzegovina
Vienna (November 1993)

Presentation of Peace Award
Vienna (November 1993)

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New York (May 1994)

Innsbruck (May 1994)

Roundtable on United Nations -- Geneva, 1994
Geneva (July 1994)

Conference of the British Afro-asian Solidarity Organization -- London, 23 July 1994

London (July 1994)

With Princess Nakamaru (Japan) 
Kuala Lumpur (November 1994)

Dr. Hans Koechler with H.E. Mirza Gholam Hafiz, Minister of Justice of Bangladesh -- Dhaka, April 1995
Dhaka (April 1995)

With Indonesian opposition leader Amien Rais

Penang (October 1995)

The President of the I.P.O. with Indian Foreign Affairs Minister K. P. Gujral -- Conference on Democracy and Terrorism
New Delhi (July 1996)

London (November 1996)


Roundtable on Sanctions and Development

  United Nations, Vienna

(November 1996)

Austrian President Kurt Waldheim with students of Central College Iowa
Vienna (April 1998)

Conference on human rights -- New Delhi
New Delhi (March 1998)

Roundtable on civilizational dialogue -- Innsbruck
Innsbruck (June 1998)

Roundtable on globalization - Munich

Munich (March 1999)

Lecture at Pusan National University, Korea

Pusan/Korea (June 2001)

Prof. Koechler's Centenary Lecture at the Supreme Court of the Philippines
Manila (March 2002)

International NCCP Conference on Terrorism in a Globalized World, Manila, Sept. 2002
Manila (September 2002)

Conference on Facilitating the Entry into Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban-Treaty (Vienna, 3-5 September 2003)

Vienna (September 2003)

International Roundtable "The United Nations and International Power Politics" -- Chicago, 5 June 2004
Chicago (June 2004)

New Delhi (November 2004)

Brussels (December 2004)

The Hague (February 2005)

International Roundtable Conference "The Use of Force in International Relations: Challenges to Collective Security" -- University of Innsbruck, 22 June 2005

Innsbruck (June 2005)

New Delhi (December 2005)

Dr. Abdulhusin M. Kashim, Secretary-General of the Philippine Muslim Solidarity Council (Manila), center, with Dr. Hans Köchler, President of the I.P.O., at his right and Prof. Koechler's postgraduate students from Austria, Germany, Italy, Nigeria, and the United States -- Kuala Lumpur, 21 January 2007
Kuala Lumpur (January 2007

Penang (December 2007)

Experts meeting on the Lockerbie trial -- Press conference at Greshornish House, Isle of Skye, Scotland, 16 September 2008
Isle of Skye (September 2008)

The President of the International Progress Organization, Dr. Hans Koechler, addresses the special meeting in observance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People -- United Nations Office at Vienna, 26 November 2008
Vienna (November 2008)

Dr. Hans Köchler, President of the I.P.O., center, with Dr. Ioannis N. Grigoriadis, Asst. Professor at the Dept. of Political Science, Bilkent University (Ankara), right, and Mrs. Minhas Majeed Khan, Lecturer at the Dept. of International Relations, University of Peshawar (Pakistan), at his right, and Mr. Khan, left, at the Inter-cultural Dialogue Center (KADIM) in Istanbul, 6 May 2011
Istanbul (May 2011)

Rhodes (October 2012)

Vienna (May 2014)

Rhodes (September 2014)

United Nations, Vienna (November 2015)

United Nations, Vienna (November 2017)

Vienna (September 2023)

Istanbul (September 2024)

I.P.O. Information Service -- Vienna -- info@i-p-o.org -- fax 00431-5332962