Vienna, 23 December 2013
العلاقة بين الغرب والمسلمين.. الأسباب والحلول
Strained Relations between the West and the Muslims: Causes and
Beirut: Jadawel, 2013. ISBN
The International Progress
Organization and the Dialogue among Civilizations and Religions
Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue
(DICID), Doha, Qatar, 24
April 2013.
The book "World
Order: Vision and Reality"
(Studies in International Relations, Vol. 31) received the Best Book
of the Year Award of the Sri Ramanuja Mission Trust, India.
The International Progress Organization continued its
activities aimed at the promotion of intercultural dialogue between
Islam and the West.
On 5 February 2013, a lecture
meeting on "Cultural Self-perception and Co-existence" was held at
University Abdelmalek Essaâdi, École
Supérieure Roi Fahd de Traduction in Tangier,
From 27 to 28 February 2013,
the I.P.O. participated in the 5th Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations
in Vienna. The President of the organization delivered statements in
Working Sessions 1 and 6. Among the participants of the Forum were the
Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban-Ki Moon, and the Prime
Minister of Turkey, Mr. Recep Tayyep Erdogan.
The I.P.O. further took part in the
International Book Fair /
international de l'édition et du livre in Casablanca,
Morocco where the book launching of the new Arabic publication
تشنج العلاقة بين الغرب
والمسلمين.. الأسباب والحلول [The
Strained Relations between the West and the Muslims: Causes and
Solutions] was
held on 2 April 2013.
The I.P.O. further
participated in the
following intercultural
conferences: – Interfaith Conference "Faith and Reconciliation: What is
the Future of Interfaith Dialogue?", jointly organized by Interfaith
Kosovo, Soul of Europe, and the Balkan Institute in Peja / Peć, Kosovo
(24-25 May 2013); – 2nd
World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue in Baku, Azerbaijan (30-31 May
The I.P.O. also took
part in the working session of the International Coordinating Committee
(ICC) of the World Public Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations” (Vienna, 6
September 2013).
The International Progress Organization
participated in the 28th Meeting of the Abant Platform
("Diverse Perspectives on Turkey"), organized by the Journalists &
Writers Foundation of Turkey. The President of the I.P.O. acted as
Moderator of the panel on "Turkey's
Regional Role and Foreign Policy."
On 1 May 2013 the
Fletcher Forum on World Affairs
(USA) published an op-ed article by the President of the I.P.O. on
"Using History to Understand Muslim-Western Relations and the 'Arab
On 3 May 2013 the International Progress Organization issued
an urgent appeal for the release of two Christian bishops in Syria
("Syria: civil strife must not become a
religious conflict").
Live interview for
ORF - Radio Tirol
Austria) on developments in Turkey and Syria (12 June 2013)
On 28 July 2013 the I.P.O.
issued an urgent call for an independent investigation of the mass
killings by Egyptian security forces.
On 6 September 2013 the I.P.O. endorsed an appeal
of the World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations" in support of
an international peace conference for the resolution of the conflict
in Syria.
Interview for Turkish newspaper
on the United
Nations Security Council and the Syrian crisis (19 October 2013).
International Symposion "Migration, Islam and Multiculturality
in Europe," organized by Hacettepe University / Migration and
Politics Research Centre, Ankara, Turkey (with the participation of
H.E. Abdulla Gül, President of the Republic of Turkey) (11 April
European Ombudsman Conference / 25th anniversary of the
European Ombudsman Institute, Innsbruck, Austria (20-21 September
International Conference on "Democracy, Self-determination and
Liberation of Peoples," European Parliament, Brussels (23 September
Rhodes Forum 2013 of the World Public Forum "Dialogue of
Civilizations” in Rhodes, Greece. The International Progress
Organization acted as co-ordinator of Plenary Session I
("Alternative Visions of the World - Geopolitics") (5 October 2013).
13th Anniversary Celebration of the Sri Ramanuja Mission Trust
in Chennai, India (12-13 October 2013). The President of the I.P.O.
delivered the Presidential Address at the Inaugural Session.
Baku International Humanitarian Forum, Baku, Azerbaijan (1
November 2013).
Special commemorative meeting organized by the Committee for
the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People
(United Nations General Assembly) at the United Nations Office at
Vienna (29 November 2013).
“The International Progress
Organization and the Dialogue among Civilizations and Religions”:
10th Doha Interfaith
Conference "Best Practices in Interfaith Dialogue," Doha, Qatar (24
April 2013).
“Dialogue among Civilizations and
Cultures: Philosophical Foundations and Implications for World
Order”: 13th International
Likhachov Scientific Conference, St. Petersburg University of
Humanities and Social Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia (16 May
Citizenship and Intercultural Action”:
World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue, Baku, Azerbaijan (31 May
“The International
Progress Organization: Evolution of a Global Think Tank”:
Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand (17
July 2013).
“Ethical Problems
of Multiculturalism”:
Guest Lecture, "In preparation for the ASEAN Economic Community
(AEC) 2015," Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University, Bangkok,
Thailand (17 July 2013).
“Islamophobia: Problems of a Legal Definition”: International
Conference "Islamophobia: Law and Media," jointly organized by the
Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey / General
Directorate of Press and Information (DGPI), and the Organization
for Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Istanbul, Turkey (13 September 2013).
in an Era of Geopolitical Transformation”:
International Conference on "Democracy, Self-Determination and
Liberation of Peoples," European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium (23
September 2013).
“World Order
- Vision and
Presidential Address, Inaugural Session, 13th Anniversary
Celebrations, Sri Ramanuja Mission Trust, Chennai, India (12 October
in the Age of Global Empire”:
3rd People's Forum of Peace for Life: "Affirming Life Together in
the Face of Belligerent Empire," Jeju Island, South Korea (25
October 2013).
From 19 to 22 July the President
of the I.P.O. made a fact-finding visit to the Republic of Cambodia. He
visited the Genocide Museum in Phnom Penh and inquired about the fate of
Prof. Pan Sothi who, as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture of
the Khmer Republic, had attended the first international conference of
the I.P.O. on “The Cultural Self-comprehension of Nations” in Innsbruck,
Austria. He disappeared after the takeover of Phnom Penh by the
Khmer Rouge in 1975.
From 27 to 30 September 2013 the
President of the I.P.O. undertook a fact-finding visit to the Province
of Van (Eastern Anatolia) in Turkey.
9 February 2013:
Prof. Bekir Karlığa,
Coordinator (Turkey) for the UN Alliance of Civilizations, in Abant,
1 March 2013:
H.E. Beşir Atalay, Deputy
Prime Minister of Turkey, in Vienna, Austria.
1 March 2013:
Ambassador Tariq Ali Al-Ansar,
Executive Director, United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, in
Vienna, Austria.
2 April 2013:
Mr. Majid Boutaleb,
President, Fondation Abdelhadi Boutaleb, in Casablanca, Morocco.
18 June 2013:
Prof. Tonin Gjuraj, Rector
of the European University of Tirana, in Tirana, Albania.
6 August 2013:
Prof. Emilian M. Dobrescu,
Academy of Sciences of Romania, in the head office of the I.P.O. in
30 August 2013:
Prof. Živadin Jovanović, former
Foreign Minister of Yugoslavia, in Zurich, Switzerland.
12 September 2013:
H.E. Bülent Arinc,
Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey, in Istanbul, Turkey.
13 September 2013:
Mr. Cemal Uşak,
Vice-Chairman, Journalists & Writers Union of Turkey, in Istanbul,
20 September 2013:
Prof. Nina Karpachova
(University of Kiev), former Ombudsman of the Republic of Ukraine,
in Innsbruck, Austria.
23 September 2013:
Mr. Saleh M. Mohamed Muslim,
Co-President, Democratic Union Party (PYD) (Syria), at the European
Parliament in Brussels, Belgium.
26 September 2013:
Prof. Süheyl Batum,
Member of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and Deputy Chairman
of the Constitutional Committee, in Ankara, Turkey.
12 October 2013:
Sri Chaturvedi Swamy,
President of the Sri Ramanuja Mission Trust, in Chennai, India.
31 October 2013:
Dr. Javanshir Mammadov,
Director of Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic
of Azerbaijan, in Baku, Azerbaijan.
20 November 2013:
Mr. Zoughbi Zoughbi,
Director, Palestinian Conflict Resolution Center - Bethlehem, at the
head office of the I.P.O. in Vienna.
Anadolu Ajansı / Anatolia
News Agency
(Turkey): on Turkey's international role (8 February 2013)
Daily newspaper
Türkiye (Turkey): on Turkey and the
European Union (8 February 2013)
Online news portal
Rota Haber (Turkey): on Turkey and
the Arab uprising (9 February 2013)
Daily newspaper
Zaman (Turkey): on Turkey's foreign
policy (9 February 2013)
NHK WORLD (Japan Broadcasting
Corporation), Global Debate WISDOM: on the Algerian hostage crisis
(16 March 2013)
TRT Türk
(Television): on Islamophobia
in Europe (Ankara, 12 April 2013) (live interview)
Daily newspaper PALITRA, Azerbaijan (4
June 2013)
ORF - Radio Tirol
(Innsbruck, Austria):
on developments in Turkey and Syria (12 June 2013) (live interview)
A9 TV (Turkey): on intercultural
dialogue and peace (12 September 2013)
Al Ekhbariya Television (Saudi Arabia):
on the situation in the Middle East (12 September 2013)
Belarus Television (Minsk) / Interview
Series "DIALOGUE" (3 October 2013)
ZDF German Television and
on the Lockerbie case, 25 years after the explosion on Pan Am
Flight 103 (18 October 2013) (exclusive interview)
Daily newspaper
on the United Nations Security
Council and the Syrian crisis (19 October 2013)
"Building Bridges" talkshow of
(Turkey): on
peaceful co-existence among nations and the role of Islam (19
October 2013)
on Security Council reform and
Turkish policy in Syria (11 November 2013)
DW Deutsche Welle / German Radio
International: on the Lockerbie case - 25 years after the explosion
of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie (16 December 2013)
Independent on Sunday (London): on the 25th
anniversary of the Lockerbie bombing (21 December 2013)
International Progress Organization has continued co-operation with the
World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations" (Moscow / Vienna) and
agreed to co-operate with Sri Ramanuja Mission Trust, Chennai, India,
and the Palestinian Conflict Resolution Center (WI’AM) in Bethlehem.
Justin Ooms (Calvin College, Grand Rapids,
Minnesota, USA) served
as intern at the head office of the I.P.O. in Vienna.