International Conference

Rebuilding the World Economy after the Systemic Crisis

Town Hall, Rüsselsheim, Germany, 21 February 2009

Dr. Hans Koechler, President of the International Progress Organization, at the speaker's desk, delivering the lecture on "The 'New International Economic Order' Revisited: Philosophical Considerations on the Collapse of Neoliberal Globalization."  Seated, from right: Lyndon H. LaRouche (USA), Prof. Devendra Kaushik (India), Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany), General Eric Pougin de La Maisonneuve (France).

Panelists, from left: Dr. Hans Köchler, General Eric Pougin de La Maisonneuve, Ms. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Prof. Devendra Kaushik.