International Symposionon The Cultural Self-comprehension of NationsInnsbruck, 27-29 July 1974

RESOLUTIONThe International Symposion of the I.P.O. on the "Cultural Self-Comprehensionof Nations," held in Innsbruck (Austria) from 27th to 29th of July 1974 under the joint auspices of L�opold S�dar Senghor, President of the Republic of Senegal, and Rudolf Kirchschläger, President of the Republic of Austria, RECOGNIZING the value of the aims and concerns embodied in the I.P.O. Statute, among which are: the right of self-realization of all national cultures; the promotion of tolerance towards other cultures; and
the support of all cultural entities that have not been given an opportunity for free development so far; CONVINCED of the necessity of efforts to increase the understanding of other cultures in view of a self-comprehension which is a prerequisite of any global development of the individual and of the group; ASSUMING that in the modern perilous era the main task and mission
of cultural foreign policy must be the quest for peace; DETERMINED to implement with concrete actions, directly and through
governmental channels all over the world, the aims and the concerns so defined; INSTANTLY ASKS UNESCO, and the international organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, and member States thereof, to organize systematic and global comparative research on the different cultures of the world,
in view of obtaining clear guidelines for future action; URGES the member States of UNESCO to make all possible efforts for amore intensive training of diplomats in the field of international cultural co-operation especially through the channels of UNESCO itself, and to develop
the cultural aspects of their foreign policy; INVITES the regional organizations especially those working in the framework
of the UN family, to set up or to sponsor the creation of regional Institutes of Culture in other geographic areas of the world, in view to spread
a coherent and non-nationalistic knowledge of the cultures of the planet; IS AWARE of the importance of any initiative aiming to reduce the tensions
in the world, especially in those areas where racism in all its forms gives rise to discrimination, exploitation, and denial of the most fundamental
human rights; AND DECLARES its intention not to lose the results of the works of the
Symposium, inviting I.P.O. to keep in touch with UNESCO as well as with all participants, in view of permanent and coordinated actions in all parts
of the world. |