List of international debates and media coverage
 related to Professor Hans Koechler's reports on the Lockerbie trial and the Lockerbie appeal

Selected articles, commentaries,  transcripts and programs in chronological order.
The text
s listed below do not necessarily express the views and policies of the I.P.O. or Hans Koechler.

  1. Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, Vol. 7, Issue 1 (2000), pp. 156-185
    ("So much Scots law: the legal framework of the Lockerbie trial" by Iain Scobbie)

  2. BBC News (Radio), London, UK, 31 January 2001
    ("A United Nations observer at the trial notes ...," retrieved at Forgotten History,, Middle East Overview)

  3. Center for Cooperative Research,, Libya, 31 January 2001
    ("A United Nations observer at the trial notes ...": link to BBC news item)

  4. International Progress Organization – Information Service, Camp Zeist (Netherlands)/Vienna, 1 February 2001
    ("Lockerbie Verdict – Question of Fairness of Trial – Report of International Observers")

  5. The LNL Libyan Portal (Internet, Libya News List), 1 February 2001
    ("Lockerbie Verdict": reposting of I.P.O. news release of 1 Feb.)

  6. Kuwait News Agency (KUNA), Kuwait, 2 February 2001
    (" عنان يتلقى تقييما لقرار محكمة لوكربي من خمسة رجال قانون بينهم نمساوي")

  7. International Progress Organization – Information Service, Santiago de Chile, 4 February 2001
    (“Lockerbie Trial Not Fair – Report of International Observer”)

  8. Noam Chomsky: Prospects for Peace in the Middle East, 4 March 2001
    (First Annual Maryse Mikhail Lecture presented at the University of Toledo, USA)

  9. Turkish News, Ankara, 13 March 2001
    (“The Lockerbie Trial” by Prof. Dr. Türkkaya Ataöv)

  10. الشرق الأوسط , London, 6 April 2001
    ("القذافي يشارك في ندوة حول لوكربي تبدأ بالقاهرة" by الهامي المل)

  11. AirJet Airline World News, 6-8 April 2001
    ("UN Criticizes Lockerbie Judgment")

  12. Nación Arabe, No. 44, Primavera de 2001, CSCA web,, Madrid, Spain, March 2001
    ("Caso Lockerbie: punto y seguido")

  13.  الشرق الأوسط  (As-Sharq Al-Awsat), London, 7 April 2001, Front Page
    ممثل لأنان في محاكمة لوكربي ينتقد الحكم والتدخلات السياسية "/ Representative of Annan in the Lockerbie Court criticizes the verdict and the political interventions)

  14. Associated Press, Cairo, 7 April 2001
    legal observer criticizes Lockerbie judgment as inconsistent”)

  15. SME Svet,, Bratislava, Slovakia, 7 April 2001
    ("Právny expert OSN kritizoval rozsudok škótskeho súdu v prípade Lockerbie")

  16. Kuwait News Agency (KUNA),, Kuwait, 7 April 2001
    ("  قانونيون يؤكدون فى ندوة بالجامعة العربية ان حكم لوكربى سياسى وظالم ")

  17. Xinhua News Agency (Beijing, China), Cairo, 7 April 2001
    ("Arab League Seeks Release of Libyan in Lockerbie Case")

  18., The Union-Tribune Publishing Company, San Diego, USA (Internet, April 2001)
    ("U.N. legal observer criticizes
    Lockerbie judgment as inconsistent" by Omar Shama, Associated Press)

  19. Archief "koekoeroe radio," 97.4 FM, Netherlands (Internet, April 2001)
    ("Rapportage van Dr. Hans Köchler over het Lockerbie proces, februari 2001")

  20. Xinhua News Service (China), Brussels, 7 April 2001
    "U.N. Official Criticizes Lockerbie Trial Judgement")

  21. The New York Times, News From A..P., 7 April 2001 (Internet)
    (“UN Criticizes Lockerbie Judgment;” reposting of AP news release)

  22., Syracuse, NY, USA, 7 April 2001
    UN legal observer criticizes Lockerbie judgment as inconsistent")

  23.  University of Houston, HYPERGROUPS, Houston/Texas, 7 April 2001 (Internet newsgroup)
    ("UN Criticizes Lockerbie Judgement," reposting of AP news release)

  24. Al-Jazeera Satellite Channel, Doha, Qatar (recording on 7 April 2001)
    (Interview with Prof. Koechler at the Cairo conference)

  25.  الجزيرة نت, Al-Jazeera,, Doha, Qatar, 7 April 2001
    ("خبير بالقانون الدولي يشكك في أحكام محكمة لوكربي ")

  26. BBC NEWS, London, UK, 7 April 2001, 16.30 GMT
    (“Lockerbie verdict 'politically influenced’”)

  27. BBC Nuus / Wêreld,, London, UK,7 April 2001, Dutch Service
    ("Lockerbie uitspraak 'polities beïnvloed")

  28. Ananova, Internet news service, UK, 7 April 2001
    ("Lockerbie verdicts inconsistent, says UN legal observer") 

  29. Al Bawaba,, Amman, Jordan, 7 April 2001
    ("ندوة الجامعة العربية حول لوكربي تؤكد الحكم على المقراحي ظالم وسياسي")

  30. Kuwait Newws Agency (KUNA), Kuwait, 7 April 2001
    ("Law-Lockerbie-Case-Seminar / 2 legal experts criticize rule in Lockerbie bombing case")

  31. Sunday Times, London, UK, 8 April 2001
    ("UN man queries Lockerbie verdict" by Joanne Robertson)

  32. Jamahiriya Satellite Channel, Tripoli, Libya (recording on 8 April 2001)
    (Interview with Prof. Koechler at the Cairo conference)

  33. Scotland on Sunday, Edinburgh, 8 April 2001, p. 1
    (“Lockerbie trial damned by UN report” by William Paul)

  34. Scotland on Sunday, Edinburgh, 8 April 2001, p. 10
    ("Unfair, incomprehensible, irrational and arbitrary")

  35. The Observer, London, 8 April 2001, p. 4 (News)
    (“Lockerbie judgment criticized”)

  36. Türkiye Gazetesi,, Istanbul, Turkey, 8 April 2001
    ("Libya su

  37. Sunday Herald, Glasgow, UK, 8 April 2001, p. 1 + 2
    (“UN claims Lockerbie trial rigged. EXCLUSIVE. Court was politically influenced by US” by Neil Mackay)

  38. [CP-List], internet newsgroup, 8 April 2001
    (“ UN: Lockerbie Trial Rigged,” reposted from the Sunday Herald)

  39. Antifa Info-Bulletin, No. 294, internet newsgroup, 8 April 2001
    (Reposting of the Sunday Herald exclusive report)

  40. The Pan Am 103 News Website, 8 April 2001
    ("IPO/BBC NEWS et al.: UN observer: 'Lockerbie verdict politically influenced'")

  41. Sunday Mercury, Birmingham, England, 8 April 2001
    ("Pan-Am verdict 'unfair'")

  42. Syracuse Herald, Syracuse, NY, USA, 8 April 2001
    ("Lockerbie judgment criticized by U.N. observer")

  43. The Post-Standard, Syracuse, NY, USA, 8 April 2001
    ("Lockerbie judgment criticized by U.N. observer")

  44. Desert News, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 8 April 2001
    ("Lockerbie judgment criticized by U.N. observer")

  45. Der Standard,, Vienna, Austria, 8 April 2001
    ("Österreichischer UNO-Beobachter kritisiert Lockerbie-Urteil")

  46. Der Tagesspiegel,, Berlin, Germany, 8 April 2001, Politik
    ("Lockerbie-Prozess: UN-Beobachter: Kritik an Urteil")

  47. , News 8, April 2001
    (Reposting of Prof. Koechler’s Lockerbie report, April 2001)

  48. The Gainesville Sun, Gainesville, Florida, USA, 8 April 2001, p. A3
    ("Egypt: U.N. observer blasts Lockerbie trial verdict"

  49. Anti Imperialist League – Peace and Resistance, Internet, April 2001
    (“UN claims Lockerbie trial rigged,” reposting of the Sunday Herald article of 8 April 2001)

  50. The Nando Times (Nando Media), USA (Internet)
    (“World: U.N. official criticizes Lockerbie decision”
    [reposting of the AP report of 8 April 2001])

  51. , Internet newsgroup, 8 April 2001
    (“The full UN report of Hans Koechler,” reposting in the chapter “Pan Am 103 Lockerbie crash”)

  52. The Times of India, New Delhi, 8 April 2001
    (“UN legal observer slams Lockerbie judgement”)

  53. ORF ONLINE, Vienna, Austria, 8 April 2001
    ("Ein österreichischer UNO-Beobachter ...")

  54. Deseret News,, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 8 April 2001, World datelines / Deseret News wire services
    ("Cairo - An official U.N. observer of the Lockerbie bombing trial ...")

  55. Auf den zweiten Blick. Unfrisierte Bemerkungen, Internet, 8 April 2001
    (Reposting of ORF Online report with commentary by Roman Obrovski)

  56. Common Dreams News Center, Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community, Portland, Maine (USA),, 8 April 2001
    ("UN Claims Lockerbie Trial Was Rigged": reposting of Sunday Herald article)

  57. Libya: News and Views,, 8 April 2001
    ("A United Nations observer at the trial of the two Libyans ..." [BBC])

  58. The Mail Archive,, 8 April 2001
    (Reposting of "Libya News and Views" report)

  59. Disaster Message Service,, 8 April 2001
    ("UN claims Lockerbie trial rigged": reposting of
    the Sunday Herald article of 8 April 2001)

  60. Professional Pilots Rumour Network,, 8 April 2001
    ("UN Man Questions Lockerbie Verdict": reposting of Sunday Times article)

  61. Tagesspiegel,, Berlin, Germany, 8 April 2001
    ("Lockerbie-Prozess: UN-Beobachter: Kritik an Urteil")

  62. News of the World, London, UK, 8 April 2001, p. 22
    ("Lockerbie trial was a 'sham' says UN expert" by Douglas Wight)

  63. The Times, London, 9 April 2001, p. 3
    ("Expert criticises Lockerbie trial")

  64. The Times, London, 9 April 2001, Scotland p. 6
    Lockerbie verdicts 'result of political influence'" by Gillian Harris, Scotland Correspondent)

  65. The Daily Telegraph, London, 9 April 2001
    ("Lockerbie inquiry call"
    by Tara Womersley)

  66. Daily Express, London, 9 April 2001
    ("Lockerbie bomb trial 'wasn't fair'")

  67. Daily Mail, London, 9 April 2001, p. 21
    ("Bomb victim's mother renews call for inquiry")

  68. The Sun, London, 9 April 2001
    ("Lockerbie mum call for probe")

  69. Associated Press, 9 April 2001
    (“UN Official Criticizes Lockerbie Decision” by Omar Shama)

  70. Global Policy Forum, New York, web site, 9 April 2001
    ("UN Official Criticizes Lockerbie Decision," reposting of AP news release of 9 April 2001)

  71. Radio China International, Beijing, 9 April 2001, German Service
    ("Österreichischer UN-Beobachter kritisiert Lockerbie-Urteil")

  72. Der Tagesspiegel online, Berlin, Germany, 9 April 2001, Nachrichten : Politik : Aussenpolitik
    ("UN-Beobachter: Kritik an Urteil - 'Verurteilung nicht nachvollziehbar'")

  73. Al-Ahram, Cairo, 9 April 2001, p. 5
    (“Calling upon the United States and the United Kingdom to lift the sanctions against Libya” [Arabic] by Mohamed Mabruk and Omniah Nasr) 

  74. The Independent, London, 9 April 2001
    (“UK put pressure on Lockerbie judges, warns UN
    ” by Paul Peachey)

  75. ADN Kronos / IGN,, Rome, Italy, 9 April 2001
    ("Terrorismo: osservatore Austriaco critica sentenza Lockerbie")

  76. The Herald, Glasgow, UK, 9 April 2001
    (“Parents’ doubts on bomb verdict: Swires concerned about political influence on Lockerbie judges” by Vicky Collins)

  77. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, 9 April 2001
    ("Lockerbie trial outcome rigged, says UN observer")

  78. Libyan TV (Arabic), Tripoli, 9 April 2001, 19.30 hrs
    (“Libyan TV says UN observer casts new doubts on Lockerbie verdict,” BBC Monitoring)

  79. Airline Industry Information, M2 Communications Ltd., 9 April 2001
    (“Arab League and UN observer criticise Lockerbie trial proceedings”)

  80. International Progress Organization – Information Service, Cairo, 9 April 2001
    (“League of Arab States – International Conference on Lockerbie Issue”)

  81. Daily Record, London, 9 April 2001

  82. Birmingham Post, Birmingham, UK, 9 April 2001
    (“Mother demands Lockerbie inquiry”
    by Emma Pinch)

  83. Xinhua News Agency (Beijing, China), Cairo, 9 April 2001
    ("Libya Has Right to Be Compensated for Losses Due to Sanctions: Arabs")

  84. Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), Tehran, 9 April 2001
    ("New Doubts Cast Over Lockerbie Verdict")

  85. intellnet, the intelligence network, Intelligence News Summary, 9 April 2001
    ("New Doubts Cast Over Lockerbie Verdict")

  86. UN WIRE, An Independent News Briefing about the UN, Washington DC, 9 April 2001
    (“LOCKERBIE: UN Official Criticizes Judgement As Inconsistent”)

  87. epxNews at, 9 April 2001
    ("UN expert slams Lockerbie verdict")

  88. COURT, USA, 9 April 2001
    ("U.N. legal observer attacks Lockerbie judgement")

  89., Internet Newsgroup, 9 April 2001
    ("UN Criticizes Lockerbie Judgment")

  90. soc.culture.african, etc., Internet Newsgroups, 9 April 2001
    ("U.N. official criticizes Lockerbie decision")

  91. Law Zone -  the online law community, The Legal Practitioner, United Kingdom,, 9 April 2001
    ("The Summing Up - The Legal Week 9th April - 15th April 2001")

  92. Al-Bayan Newspaper,, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 9 April 2001
    الجامعة والمحامون العرب يستعدون لاستئناف حكم لوكيربي ")

  93. Associated Press, Cairo, 9 April 2001
    ("Spokesman for Lockerbie victims' families asks for patience" by Omar Shama)

  94. kominform,, web log, Finland, 9 April 2001
    ("Lockerbie Trial: Court was politically influenced by US")

  95. House of Commons, London, Standing Committee D, 10 April 2001
    (International Criminal Court Bill [Lords])

  96. de Volkskrant, Amsterdam, 10 April 2001
    "Vonnis inzake Lockerbie ‚is arbitrair’")

  97. Evrensel, Turkey, 10 April 2001 ( )
    ("Lockerbie karari siyasi")

  98. Play be Our Rules, Laws - You Lose, Internet Newsgroup, alt.culture, tunisia, 10  April 2001
    ("UN official criticizes Lockerbie decision": summary of AP news release)

  99. Libyan TV, Tripoli, Libya, 10 April 2001
    ("Libyan TV says UN observer casts new doubts on Lockerbie verdict": transcript in BBC archive)

  100. Lockerbie Trial Briefing Site – University of Glasgow Law School, 11 April 2001, Headline
    (“UN Observer’s Report”)

  101. MAI-NOT Forum, Internet newsgroup, 11 April 2001
    ("Lockerbie verdict damned by UN observer" - reposting of newspaper articles)

  102., Internet Newsgroup, UK, 11 April 2001
    ("Lockerbie verdict damned by UN observer" - reposting of newspaper articles)

  103. Al-Ahram Hebdo, Cairo, Egypt, 11-18 April 2001, n. 345
    (“Lockerbie : Le verdict est le résultat d’influences politiques” by Atef Saqr)

  104. New California Media at, 12 April 2001
    ("Lockerbie Trial Revisited")

  105. Al-Ahram Weekly, Cairo, 12-18 April 2001
    (“The whole truth …’?” by Gamal Nkrumah)

  106. Masress,, Egyptian news portal, Cairo, Egypt, 12 April 2001
    (“'The whole truth …'?”: reposting of Al-Ahram article)

  107. Dagbladet Arbejderen, Copenhagen, 13 April 2001
    "FN kritiserer Libyen-dom. USA var den virkelige dommer i Libyen-sagen")

  108. RECHT4ALL, wetgeving, jurisprudentie, rechtshulp, ..., Weblog, Rotterdam, 13 April 2001
    ("Vonnis inzake Lockerbie 'is arbitrair'")

  109.  Scotland on Sunday, Edinburgh, 15 April 2001
    (“Reputation of Lockerbie trial judges is beyond reproach” by Sir Frederick O’Brien, QC)

  110. The Pan Am 103 Crash Website, 15 April 2001
    ("Scot QC challenges UN observer on Lockerbie trial comments": reposting of Scotland on Sunday report)

  111. alt.prisons, Internet Newsgroup, 16 April 2001
    ("Sure and Swift Justice")

  112. Libya News List, posted on 17 April 2001
    (republication of Professor Koechler’s Lockerbie report of 3 February 2001)

  113. Libyan American Friendship Association website, Washington DC, April 2001
    ("'The whole truth ...'?": reposting of the Al-Ahram article and of Prof. Koechler's report on the Lockerbie trial)

  114. Maghreb Confidentiel/Maghreb Confidential, No 507, 19 April 2001 (Internet)
    (Libya/Austria, Hans Kochler)

  115. Left Coast, USA, 20 April 2001 (reposted at )
    "Foreign Devil" by Alexander Cockburn)

  116., Internet newsgroup, 22 April 2001
    (“Lockerbie: Koechler’s invisible report;” reposting of Prof. Koechler’s report)

  117. World History Archives,, 22 April 2001
    ("Report on the Lockerbie Trial in the Netherlands": reposting of Hans Koechler's report of 3 February 2001)

  118. The News at, USA, 23 April 2001
    (“Foreign Devil” by Alexander Cockburn, reposted from

  119., 24 April 2001
    ("TRIAL RIGGED?": Sunday Herald Review)

  120. [IWW-News], Internet newsgroup, and MAI-NOT Forum, 24 April 2001
    (“Lockerbie: The air of international power politics is present in the whole verdict”
    : reposting of Prof. Koechler’s report)

  121. KOMINFORM International, Helsinki, Finland, April 2001 (Internet edition)
    "Lockerbie-farssi vei pohjan länsimaisen oikeuslaitoksen uskottavuudelta / Who believes in Western 'justice' after the Lockerbie farce?")

  122. ACCIDENT REPORTS / YALPA, April 2001
    ("UN Criticizes Lockerbie Judgment" at )

  123. Flamesong,, web log, USA, April 2001, Okulo News
    ("Lockerbie: Pan Am Flight 103": reposting of Dr. Koechler's trial report)

  124. جريدة الدستور  /Ad-Dustour, Amman, Jordan, April 2001
    ("مراقب دولي: محاكمة لوكربي غير عادلة.. الحكومة الاميركية تدخلت في سير المحاكمة ووجهتها لصالح اهدافها السياسية": news release of Petra News Agency)

  125. La Belle Trial - Aktuell, Berlin,, Germany, April 2001
    ("The whole truth ...?": Summary of BBC news item of 8 April 2001)

  126. KOMINFORM International, Helsinki, Finland, April 2001 (internet edition)
    ("Historian Polttopisteessä. Libya: Lockerbie-prosessi")

  127. House of Commons, London, Hansard Vol. No. 367, Part No. 77, 1 May 2001
    (Written Answers to Questions: "Lockerbie Trial")

  128.  Labour & Trade Union Review, London, May 2001, No. 104
    ("Hans Koechler -- UN Disquiet Over Lockerbie Trial")

  129. The Tripoli Post, Tripoli, 7 May 2001, p. 7
    ("U.N. Observer of Lockerbie Attacks Judgment: 'Considerable Political Influence on Judges and Verdict'")

  130. The Nation, USA, Vol. 272, Issue 18, 7 May 2001, "Beat the Devil" Column
    ("Justice Scotched in Lockerbie Trial" by Alexander Cockburn)

  131. Österreichische Bewegung gegen den Krieg, Informationsblatt Nummer 185, 15 May 2001, p. 6
    ("Unabhängigkeit, ...")

  132. This is Worcestershire (online journal), UK, 16 May 2001
    ("Bombing trial a 'whitewash'")

  133. Cornell University Library, Middle East & Islamic Studies Collection, USA (Internet), posted May 2001
    (Text of Prof. Koechler's report in section "Modern History of the Middle East -- Current Political Issues" at

  134. Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, Vol. 7 (2000-2001), pp. 180-185
     ("Report on and evaluation of the Lockerbie Trial conducted by the special Scottish Court in the Netherlands at Kamp Zeist": reprint of Prof. Koechler's Lockerbie report)

  135. University of Queensland Law Journal, Australia, Vol. 21 (2000-2001), pp. 21ff.
    - An Explanation of the Lockerbie Trial" by Susan D. Anderson)

  136. Bayerischer Rundfunk, 2. Programm, Munich, Germany, 27 May 2001, 21-22 hrs
    "Lockerbie – Versuch der Rekonstruktion einer mysteriösen Tragödie," interview with Prof. Köchler by Dr. Matthias Fink, recorded on 26 April 2001)

  137. Al-Shams, Tripoli, 27 May 2001
    ("Hans Köchler, the international observer in the Lockerbie case, in a statement to Al-Shams: 'The verdict of the Lockerbie Court came as a result of political pressure and is not supported by any legal evidence'" by Abdullah Rashid and Al-Jalidi Al-Mahdi [Arabic])

  138.  الأهرام  [Al-Ahram], Cairo, Egypt, 28 May 2001
    مسئول دولي‏:‏ حكم محكمة لوكربي جاء نتيجة لضغوط سياسية‏!‏")

  139. Al-Zahaf Al-Akhdar, Tripoli, 29 May 2001, p. 5
    ("Jurisprudent witness with an impartial international status reveals secret and rebuffs American allegations relative to the Lockerbie affair" by Khaled Ghalam / Arabic)

  140. Al-Shams, Tripoli, issue no. 2419, 29 May 2001, p. 4
    ("Al-Shams interviews Prof. Koechler who has been assigned by the U.N. the function of international observer at the Lockerbie trial" by Abdullah Rashid / Arabic)

  141. Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series, Vol. 38, Issue 4, 31 May 2001
    (Reference to Hans Koechler's Lockerbie report)

  142. Al-Shahid, Beirut, May 2001, pp. 34-37
    ("Conference organized by the Arab League and the Arab Lawyers Association: 'Lockerbie - Legal and Political Dimensions"/Arabic)

  143. Articles on the Lockerbie trial by David Morrison, web site,, May 2001
    ("Lockerbie trial 'not fair', says UN observer
    . Account of the report of the official United Nations observer, Hans Koechler": reposting of the Labour & Trade Union Review report of May 2001)

  144. Private Eye, London, May/June 2001 (Special Report)
    ("Lockerbie -- The Flight from Justice" by Paul Foot; publication of Prof. Koechler's report as Appendix 3)

  145. Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Special Report, May - June 2001,
    ("Did U.S. Machinations at the Pan Am 103 Lockerbie Trial Sully the Verdict?")

  146.  Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Vol. 20, Issue 4, May - June 2001, pp. 22-24
    ("Special Report: Report on and Evaluation of the Lockerbie Trial Conducted by the Special Scottish Court in the Netherlands at Kamp van Zeist": Publication of the full text of Hans Koechler's report)

  147. Encyclopedia Britannica, Magazines, online edition, 2001
    ("Report on and Evaluation of the Lockerbie Trial Conducted by the Special Scottish Court in the Netherlands at Kamp van Zeist": reposting of Prof. Koechler's report as published in the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, May/June 2001)

  148. Encyclopedia Britannica, Magazines, online edition, 2001
    "Did U.S. Machinations at the Pan Am 103 Lockerbie Trial Sully the Verdict?": reposting of the article published in the Washington Report on the Middle East, May/June 2001, vol. 20, issue 4)

  149. MEED Quarterly Report -- Maghreb, 6 June 2001
     (MAGHREB: Political Outlook -- LIBYA: "Lockerbie truths remain elusive")

  150. Al-Arab, London, 11 June 2001
    (“The Lockerbie Judgment Suits Western Interests Irrespective of Legal Principles”

  151. Internet newsgroup, 17 June 2001
    ("Lockerbie: Hans Koechler responds to criticisms of his report")

  152. The Nation, New York, USA, 18 June 2001, Letter to the Editor
    ("Lockerbie Families Speak" by Daniel Cohen, Susan Cohen, Helen Engelhardt)

  153. The Nation, New York, USA, 18 June 2001, Letter to the Editor
    ("Lockerbie Families Speak -- Cockburn Replies" by Alexander Cockburn)

  154. MEBOCOM Internet Site, Zurich, 3 July 2001
    ("Are investigating inspectors involved in criminal activities in the Lockerbie-affair?")

  155. The Independent, London, UK, 4 July 2001
    ("Conviction will lead to trials on 'poor evidence'" by Robert Verkaik, Legal Affairs Correspondent)

  156. ZMagazine, published by Institute for Social and Cultural Communications, USA, Vol.14, July/August 2001, pp. 46f
    ("The Lockerbie case")

  157. The Post-Standard, Syracuse, NY (USA), Editorial, 15 August 2001
    ("I seek what Pan Am 103 families also seek: the Truth" by Alan M. Dershowitz)

  158. E.K.O.ME. Newsletter, at, Greece, August 2001
    ("Libyan Convicted of Lockerbie Bombing Appeals")

  159. University of Queensland Law Journal (Australia), article, vol. 21, no. 2 (2001), pp. 220ff.
    ("Guilty? An explanation of  the Lockerbie trial")

  160. Business a.m.,, Edinburgh, Scotland, 8 October 2001
    ("Lockerbie bomber is granted leave for appeal")

  161. United Nations, General Assembly, Fifty-sixth session, 12 November 2001, 15hrs, official document A/56/PV.49
    (Statement by H.E. Mr. Abdurrahman Mohamed Shalgham, Secretary of the General People's Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation, before the Fifty-sixth Session of the United Nations General Assembly, New York, 12 November 2001
    , 3 p.m.)

  162. Permanent Mission of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to the United Nations, New York, 14 November 2001
    (Statement by Mr. Abdurrahman M. Shalgham, Secretary of the General People's Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation at the Ministerial Meeting of the Coordinating Bureau of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, New York, 14 November 2001)

  163. Scottish Socialist Voice, Issue 70, 15 November 2001, page 13
    ("Superpowers ignore the international courts" by Gill Hubbard)

  164. The Pan Am 103 Crash Website, 18 November 2001 (
    ("University professor protests against VOA's Lockerbie news report")

  165. United Nations, Economic and Social Council, Commission on Human Rights, Doc. E/CN.4/2002/125, 27 November 2001
    (Circulation of Dr. Koechler's Lockerbie report as official document of the fifty-eighth session of the UN Commission on Human Rights)

  166. Madinat Al-Muslimeen, Archive,, 23 December 2001
    ("Pan Am 103 Lockerbie Trial Sullied?")

  167. ZMagazine, USA, December 2001
    ("The New World Order Rule Of Injustice. The Lockerbie case" by Edward S. Herman) 

  168. Shadow over Lockerbie. The Continuing Search for Truth and Justice. Eds. Fatemah Remedios C. Balbin / Jaime B. Ramirez. Manila/Philippines: Foundation for Social Justice, 2001
    (Reprint of Dr. Koechler's report, pp. 125

  169. World History Archives,, 2001
    ("The assault on Libya: Response to the Lockerbie incident [1998-2001]")

  170. Revista española de derecho internacional, Madrid, 2001
    ("Terrorismo, mantenimiento de la paz y nuevo orden" by Antonio Remiro Brotóns)

  171., Nona's press awards & how the press often fails us, 15 January 2002
    "Does the media tell us the truth?" )

  172. Radio Nederland, Wereldomroep, Nederlands Service, 21 January 2002
    ("Bewijslast onder vuur in hoger beroep Lockerbiezaak" by Sebastiaan Gottlieb)

  173. BBC NEWS, 21 January 2002, 16.24 GMT
    (“Lockerbie verdict 'politically influenced’”
    / reposting of news item of 7 April 2001)

  174., News and Document archive source, deceptions : planes : panam103: verdict politically influenced.txt, 21 January 2002
    (“Lockerbie verdict 'politically influenced’”
    / reposting of BBC NEWS of 21 January 2002)

  175., internet site, January 2002
    ("The Truth about Lockerbie, and Pan Am 103, and Drugs": "'Verdict was politically motivated', says U.N."
    : reposting of BBC report of 21 January 2002) 

  176. Radio Netherlands, 22 January 2002
    ("Live Broadcast Lockerbie Appeal" by Sebastiaan Gottlieb)

  177. Radio Nederland, Spanish Service, 22 January 2002
    ("Caso Lockerbie" by Sebastiaan Gottlieb)

  178. NRC Handelsblad,, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 23 January 2002 / Actualiteiten
    ("Aandacht voor het hoger beroep in de Lockerbiezaak")

  179. Internet newsgroup, Malaysia, 23 January 2002
    ("LOCKERBIE VERDICT POLITICALLY INFLUENCED - UN observer!" / reposting of BBC News of 21 January 2002)

  180. Internet newsgroup bit.listserv.hellas, 23 January 2002
    ("Arxizei n efesn tou evos katadikas0evtos prwtodika Libuou gia to Lockerbie")

  181. Radio Nederland, Wereldomroep, Bahasa Indonesia Service, 23 January 2002
    ("Sidang banding perkara Lockerbie dimulai" by Sebastiaan Gottlieb)

  182. Dutch Public Television, NCRV, Hilversum, 23 January 2002
    (exclusive interview with Prof. Koechler for the news report of "KRO netwerk")

  183. Reformatorisch Dagblad, Netherlands, 23 January 2002
    ("Afloop hoger beroep 'Lockerbie' onzeker" by Evert van Vlastuin)

  184. Vjesnik, Zagreb, 24 January 2002
    ("Novi dokazi u slučaju Lockerbie" by Jasna Zanić Nardini)

  185. Third World Quarterly – Journal of Emerging Areas, vol. 23, No. 1, 1 February 2002, pp. 31-53
    ("Libya in US foreign policy: from rogue state to good fellow?" by Yahia H. Zoubir)

  186. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt, 4 February 2002, p. 10
    ("Ein eigentümliches Verfahren. Welche Rolle spielen politische Interessen im Lockerbie-Prozeß?" by Friederike Bauer)

  187. Al-Ahram Weekly Online, Cairo, 14-20 February 2002, Issue No. 573
    ("Maltese connection under scrutiny" by Judit Neurink)

  188. World Socialist Web Site at, 20 February 2002
    ("Lockerbie appeal raises new questions" by Steve James)

  189. Opinio, World News (Europa), 6 March 2002, 14:06 GMT
    ("Strage di Lockerbie in appello. 'Montatura', dice giornalista," reposting of Reuters news release)

  190. Reuters, 6 March 2002
    ("UK Journalist Campaigns for Lockerbie Acquittal" by Kate Kelland)

  191. REMEMBERING PAN AM FLIGHT 103, Website, 6 March 2002

  192. Business Recorder, Karachi, Pakistan, 7 March 2002
    ("UK journalist campaigns for Lockerbie acquittal")

  193. Everything You Know Is Wrong: The Disinformation Guide to Secrets and Lies, ed. by Russell Kick. New York, N.Y: The Disinformation Company Ltd., Spring 2002, p. 194
    ("The Bombing of PanAm Flight 103
    : Case Not Closed" by William Blum)

  194. Jamahiriya News Agency, Tripoli, Libya, 14 March 2002
    The General People's Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation / Statement")

  195. Dutch Public Television, NCRV, Hilversum, 14 March 2002
    (exclusive interview on the appeal decision with Prof. Koechler for the news report of "KRO netwerk" by Marcel Baas)

  196. BBC Radio Scotland, Newsdrive programme, 14 March 2002
    (interview on appeal decision)

  197. BBC Television, Glasgow, 14 March 2002
    (interview on appeal decision)

  198. BBC News Online, World (Top World Stories), 14 March 2002, 17.25 GMT
    ("UN monitor decries Lockerbie judgement -- The proceedings were flawed, says Prof Köchler")

  199. BBC NEWS, 14 March 2002
    ("UN monitor decries Lockerbie judgement - A United Nations observer has described the dismissal of the Lockerbie bomber's appeal as 'a spectacular miscarriage of justice'")

  200. BBC MUNDO, Noticias, 14 March 2002, 17.09 GMT
    ("ONU/Lockerbie: 'no se hizo justicia'")

  201., World News Map: Arab Countries, Crime Timeline / Crime & Justice Timeline, 14 March 2002
    ("Lockerbie bomber's appeal dismissed -- Netherlands: A UN observer has described the dismissal of Megrahi's appeal ..." [reposting of BBC report])

  202. CNN Denmark,, 14 March 2002, 21:02 HRS
    ("FN-observatør kritisirer Lockerbie-dom")

  203. Reuters, 14 March 2002
    ("Libyan Lockerbie Bomber Loses Appeal" by Abigail Levene and Eric Onstad)

  204. Reuters, 14 March 2002, 22:03 HRS
    ("Lockerbie bomber on way to Scottish jail")

  205. De Telegraaf, Amsterdam, 14 March 2002
    ("Lockerbie-vonnis blijft 20 jaar in hoger beroep" by Joost Ruempol)

  206. Libyan Radio, 14 March 2002
    ("Libyan Foreign Ministry says Lockerbie verdict is insult to Scottish justice" - according to BBC Monitoring Middle East - Political)

  207.  الموضوع: أخبار ليبيا [Akhbar-Libya],, Tripoli, Libya, 14 March 2002
    بيان اللجنة الشعبية العامة للاتصال الخارجي والتعاون الدولي")

  208. The Pan Am 103 Crash Website, The Appeal Verdict, 14 March 2002
    ("UN observer condemns appeal rejection")

  209. verkko uutiset, Finland, 14 March 2002
    ("YK-tarkkailija moitti Lockerbie-ratkaisua")

  210. Yahoo! Top Stories Headlines, 14 March 2002
    ("Lockerbie Bomber Loses Appeal, Sent to Scotland," by Abigail Levene and Eric Onstad)

  211. NewsScape, Live Feed Stories, item 37, 14 March 2002, 15:41:45 GMT (BBC News / world /Africa)
    ("UN monitor decries Lockerbie judgement")

  212. O ESTADO DE S. PAULO, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 14 March 2002, 18.14 HRS
    ("Líbia vai apelar contra sentença no caso Lockerbie")

  213. ummah, Original Accurate News for the Ummah, 14 March 2002
    ("Conviction of Libyan agent described as travesty": VOA News and BBC)

  214. Diario Amanecer EDOMEX, Mexico, 14 March 2002
    (Noticias de Ultima Hora)

  215.,, soc.culture.israel, Internet Newsgroups, 14 March 2002
    ("UN monitor decries Lockerbie judgement")

  216. KOMINFORM international, 14 March 2002
    ("tuomioistuin hylkäsi vetoomuksen")

  217. Lockerbie Bombing Trial, THE APPEAL VERDICT, website, 14 March 2002
    (Reposting of "The General People's Committee for Foreign Liaison and International Cooperation / Statement")

  218. Flames, personal homepage,, USA, 14 March 2002
    ("NY Times - the hidden propaganda machine?")

  219. Vizzavi Europe,, 14 March 2002
    ("Lockerbie bomber on way to Scottish jail": reposting of Reuters report)

  220. LiVEJOURNAL, Internet Newsgroup, 14 March 2002
    ("UN monitor decries Lockerbie judgement": rerposting of BBC report)

  221., Kansas' Home Page, USA, 14 March 2002, News
    ("Lockerbie Bomber Loses Appeal, Sent to Scotland": reposting of Reuters report)

  222. Islam FAQ,, 14 March 2002
    ("Conviction of Libyan agent described as travesty": VOA News and BBC)

  223. Deutsche Presse Agentur (DPA), Hamburg, Germany, 14 March 2002
    (News release on Lockerbie appeal decision)

  224. El Norte, Monterrey, Mexico,, 14 March 2002, Internacional
    ("Confirman sentencia en el Caso Lockerbie. Critica el fallo un observador de Naciones Unidas": DPA report)

  225., USA, 14 March 2002
    ("Lockerbie Bomber Loses Appeal, Sent to Scotland": reposting of Reuters report)

  226., USA, 14 March 2002
    ("Lockerbie Bomber Loses Appeal, Sent to Scotland": reposting of Reuters report)

  227. Politiken,, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14 March 2002
    ("Appeldomstol opretholder Lockerbie-dom")

  228., internet site, 14 March 2002
    ("UN monitor decries Lockerbie judgement")

  229. Lockerbie Trial Website, Lockerbie Bombing Trial, THE APPEAL VERDICT, 14 March 2002
    ("Lockerbie bombing appeal dismissed")

  230. International Progress Organization  Information Service, Camp Zeist / Vienna, 15 March 2002
    Lockerbie appeal: miscarriage of justice Court not in conformity with European human rights standards")

  231. Australian Broadcasting Corporation, broadcast at 08.00 AEST, 15 March 2002 on local radio, Australia
    ("Lockerbie gaol appeal," reported by Matt Peacock from London)

  232. STUFF, New Zealand,, 15 March 2002
    ("Libyan Lockerbie bomber loses appeal," updated report of Reuters)

  233. Calgary Herald, Calgary, Canada, 15 March 2002, p. A33
    ("Judges uphold conviction of Libyan Pan Am bomber" by Bruce Wallace)

  234. O ESTADO DE S. PAULO, Sao Paulo, Brazil, INTERNACIONAL, 15 March 2002
    ("Tribunal ratifica pena contra líbio do caso Lockerbie")

  235. Trouw, Amsterdam, 15 March 2002
    ("Kritiek op unanieme uitspraak Lockerbie" by Judit Neurink)

  236. The Gazette, Montral, Canada, 15 March 2002, p. A14
    ("Appeal on Lockerbie bombing rejected" by Bruce Wallace)

  237. The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, Canada, 15 March 2002, p. A9
    ("Judges uphold Lockerbie conviction: Libya accuses U.S., Britain of political fix" by Bruce Wallace)

  238. MALTA MEDIA, Special Feature, Lockerbie Trial, The Lockerbie Trial in The Malta Media Daily Online News Service archives, 15 March 2002
    ("Al Megrahi starts serving life sentence" by Darrell Pace)

  239. Indymedia UK (UK Independent Media Centre),, news item by the Foreign Press Foundation, 15 March 2002
    ("The Sham : Tears over Lockerbie" by Henk Ruyssenaars)

  240. The Independent, London, 15 March 2002
    Lockerbie: Verdict does little to end bitterness and suspicion; Lawyers denounce 'miscarriage of justice' while agent faces grim future and Gaddafi returns to the fold" by Kim Sengupta and Andrew Buncombe)

  241. Indymedia Belgium,, 15 March 2002
    ("The sham: Tears over Lockerbie ..." by Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars)

  242. The Vancouver Sun, Vancouver, Canada, 15 March 2002, p. A10
    ("Libya riled as court backs Lockerbie conviction: UN observer also criticizes 'miscarriage of justice'" by Bruce Wallace)

  243. The Guardian, Manchester, UK, 15 March 2002
    ("Lockerbie's memorial: one guilty man starts life in a Scottish cell" by Gerard Seenan)

  244. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, 15 March 2002
    ("Lockerbie question that remains unanswered")

  245. Anorak, Keeping Tabs on the Tabloids, The Broadsheets, UK, 15 March 2002 (reposted at YAHOO! NEWS UK-Ireland)
    ("The multi-million pound prisoner")

  246. alt.true-crime, Internet newsgroup , 15 March 2002
    ("Libyan Lockerbie bomber loses appeal")

  247. SBS News, Special Broadcasting Service, Melbourne, Australia, 15 March 2002
    ("Lockerbie Bomber Faces Jail")

  248. Times - Colonist, Victoria, BC, Canada, 15 March 2002, p. B.7
    ("Lockerbie bomber loses appeal: Libyan security official shipped off to start life prison sentence" by Bruce Wallace)

  249. UN WIRE, United Nations Foundation, Washington DC, 15 March 2002
    ("LOCKERBIE: Bomber's Appeal Denied; U.N. Observer Denounces Ruling")

  250. Internet newsgroup, 15 March 2002
    ("a spectacular miscarriage of justice": reposting of report of BBC News Online)

  251. Federation of Arab News Agencies (FANA), Beirut, News Headlines, 15 March 2002
    ("The General People's Committee for Foreign Liaison and international Cooperation / statement": reposting of report of Jamahiriya News Agency)

  252. Utrechts Nieuwsblad, Utrecht, Netherlands, 15 March 2002
    ("Gejammer en applaus na uitspraak" by Hans Westervoorde")

  253. de Gelderlander, Arnhem, Netherlands, 15 March 2002, Buitenland
    ("Al-Megrahi terug naar 'café Kadafi'")

  254. Veluws Dagblad, Gelderland, Netherlands, 15 March 2002, Regio
    ("Gejammer en applaus na uitspraak": reprint of article from Utrechts Nieuwsblad)

  255. Amersfoortse Courant, Amersfoort, Netherlands, 15 March 2002, Regio
    ("Gejammer en applaus na uitspraak": reprint of article from Utrechts Nieuwsblad)

  256. Reformatorisch Dagblad, Apeldoorn, Netherlands, 15 March 2002
    ("Hoger beroep Libiër in Lockerbie-zaak afgewezen")

  257. Reforma, México D.F., Mexico, Internacional, 15 March 2002
    ("Condena a libio corte escocesa. Ratifica sentencia a cadena perpetua por caso Lockerbie")

  258. Trouw, De verdieping, Amsterdam, 16 March 2002
    ("Juridische dwalingen in Kamp Zeist" by Judit Neurink)

  259., website, 16 March 2002
    ("UN monitor decries Lockerbie judgement": reposting of BBC news coverage)

  260. Foreign Press Foundation, Netherlands, 16 March 2002
    ("Open letter sent to Marlise Simons at the New York Times")

  261. The New York City Independent Media Center,, New York, NY, USA, 16 March 2002
    ("The Sham : Lockerbie : Open Letter to NYT")

  262. The Observer, London, 17 March 2002
    ("After Lockerbie, an international court is needed more than ever" by Arnold Kemp)

  263. Guardian Unlimited, Manchester, Special reports, Special report Lockerbie, 17 March 2002
    ("After Lockerbie, an international court is needed more than ever": reposting of Arnold Kemp's article, The Observer, 17 March 2002)

  264. World War 3 Report, Issue 25, 17 March 2002, by Bill Weinberg with David Bloom
    ("Appeal Denied in Lockerbie Conviction")

  265. The Peace Archives – [Peace] News notes, 17 March 2002, Part 1 (Internet newsgroup)
    ("Terrorists are who we say they are")

  266. Libya: News and Views, website, 17 March 2002
    ("A United Nations observer has described ...")

  267. KOMINFORM international, 17 March 2002
    ("A United Nations observer has described the dismissal of the Lockerbie bomber's appeal as a 'spectacular miscarriage of justice'.")

  268. [Peace] News notes, Internet newsgroup, 17 March 2002
    ("Terrorists are who we say they are": Thursday, March 14, 2002)

  269. Muslim News,, 17 March 2002
    ("UN monitor decries Lockerbie judgement": reposting of BBC report)

  270. Free Lists,, 17 March 2002
    ("UN monitor decries Lockerbie judgement": reposting of BBC report)

  271. The People, London, 17 March 2002
    ("Lockerbie UN critic is pro-Libya")

  272. Interactivist Info Exchange, Independent Media & Analysis, 18 March 2002
    (Reposting of Bill Weinberg's World War III Report, #25, March 17, 2002: "Watching the Shadows - 1. Appeal denied in Lockerbie Conviction")

  273., Internet newsgroup, 18 March 2002
    ("Lockerbie appeal: Miscarriage of justice [Hans Koechler/I.P.O.
    ]": reposting of I.P.O. news release of 15 March 2002)

  274., website, 18 March 2002
    (Comment: "Lockerbie bomber's appeal 'a spectacular miscarriage of justice'": reposting of BBC report)

  275. THE ENERGY NET,, Political Files, 18 March 2002
    ("18/03/02 Lockerbie appeal: Miscarriage of justice [Hans Koechler/I.P.O.]"
    : reposting of I.P.O. news release of 15 March 2002)

  276. Al-Ahram Weekly Online, Cairo, Issue No. 578, 21-27 March 2002
    ("A spectacular miscarriage" by Judit Neurink)

  277. World Socialist Web Site,, 22 March 2002
    ("Pan Am 103/Lockerbie: Appeal against guilty verdict thrown out" by Steve James)

  278. Foreign Press Foundation, Netherlands, 23 March 2002
    ("Lockerbie: the shameless scam ..." by Henk Ruyssenaars)

  279. Internet newsgroup, 23 March 2002
    ("[IMC-NL] Lockerbie : The 122 Million $ Sham ...")

  280. Отстойник форума газеты "Дуэль", news service,, Russia, 25 March 2002

  281. News India-Times, 29 March 2002
    ("Britain: Lockerbie case convicted starts life sentence")

  282. 153 News Update, The 153 Club, January - March 2002
    ("Libya": News Update compiled by Barnaby Rogerson)

  283., "Global Issues That Affect Everyone," March 2002
    ("September 11th and Terrorism FAQ": "Libya and terrorism" by Chris Tolworthy)

  284. Al-Fajr Al-Jadeed, Tripoli, No. 0048, Vol. 03, March 2002, p. 2
    ("Foreign Liaison Statement on the Decision of the Scottish Court")

  285. High Times, Celebrating the Counterculture, March 2002
    ("Watching the Shadows: Appeal Denied in Lockerbie Conviction": reposting of World War 3 Report # 24)

  286. Clarion Group,, Related articles on deceit, 3 April 2002
    ("A spectacular miscarriage": excerpt of article by Judit Neurink)

  287. Dagbladet Arbejderen, Copenhagen, 5 April 2002
    ("Håb om retfærdighed gjort til skamme")

  288. Kornet Web News, 9 April 2002
    ("Lockerbie appeal: Report by Dr Hans Koechler of the I.P.O.")

  289. THE ENERGY NET, European News, 9 April 2002
    ("09/04/02 Lockerbie appeal: Report by Dr Hans Koechler of the I.P.O.")

  290. GREEN LEFT WEEKLY, Australia, 10 April 2002
    ("NETHERLANDS: 'A spectacular miscarriage of justice'" by Norm Dixon)

  291. Reuters, Breaking News from Around the Globe, 13 April 2002

  292. Sunday Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 14 April 2002
    ("UN observer to Lockerbie trial slams Scottish justice" by Neil Mackay)

  293. Sunday Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 14 April 2002, p. 4
    ("Lockerbie accused betrayed by lawyers" by Neil Mackay, Home Affairs Editor)

  294. Sunday Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 14 April 2002, p. 4
    ("Scots justice
    'unfair, arbitrary and not related to search for truth'" by Neil Mackay)

  295. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 19 April 2002
    ("Lockerbie decision," letter by Hans Köchler)

  296. Sunday Herald, Glasgow, 21 April 2002
    ("Lockerbie bomber: free me or hang me" by Neil Mackay)

  297. Indymedia@ UK,, 25 April 2002
    ("Kissinger needs a fair trial!" by Henk Ruyssenaars)

  298. The Pan Am 103 News Website -- Latest News -- The Lockerbie Crisis, updated 28 April 2002
    (Reposting of the Sunday Herald article of 14 April and other news items on Prof. Koechler's observer mission)

  299. House of Commons, London, 29 April 2002
    Debate on question of jurisdiction in the Lockerbie case)

  300. New Jersey Lawyers Articles,, New Jersey, USA, April 2002
    ("Lockerbie accused 'betrayed' by lawyers UN observer believes": reposting of Sunday Herald Article)

  301., website, April 2002
    ("Free Megrahi!")

  302. Internationales Institut für Medienanalyse und Friedensforschung, Germany, April 2002
    ("Der Prozeß")

  303. Private Eye, London, No. 1052, 19 April-2 May 2002, p. 27
    ("LOCKERBIE: Latest")

  304. The Herald, Glasgow, 1 May 2002, Letters
    ("Unanswered queries on Lockerbie trial" by David Rollo)

  305. House of Commons, London, 1 May 2002
    ("Speaker's Statement" and debate on international aspects of the Lockerbie case)

  306. Edinburgh Evening News, Edinburgh, 2 May 2002
    ("DR JIM SWIRE: If we find the truth, we can end the hate")

  307. The Sunday Times, London, 5 May 2002, News p. 15
    ("Mandela will visit Lockerbie bomber" by Lucy Adams)

  308. West Africa, West Africa Pub. Co., London, UK, Issue 4321, 2002, pp. 23ff
    ("Lockerbie: not the last word")

  309. The Sunday Times, 5 May 2002, Scotland News p. 1
    ("Mandela plans to visit Libyan in Scottish jail")

  310. Times Online, London, 5 May 2002
    ("Mandela will visit Lockerbie bomber" by Lucy Adams)

  311. House of Commons, London, Session 2001-02, 7 May 2002
    (Part 1: Written Questions for Answer on Tuesday 7 May 2002: Mr. Tam Dalyell (Linlithgow): question addressed to the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs)

  312. Edinburgh Evening News, Edinburgh, 7 May 2002
    ("Lockerbie truth must come out" by David Rollo)

  313. Greenleft Weekly, Australia, 8 May 2002
    ("NETHERLANDS: UN observer slams rejection of Lockerbie appeal" by Norm Dixon)

  314. House of Commons, London, Written Answers for 14 May 2002, Hansard, Column: 548W
    (Lockerbie: "To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what assessment he has made of the report ...": Tam Dalyell)

  315. House of Commons, London, Written Answers to Questions, 20 May 2002, Hansard: Column 66W
    (Lockerbie: "To ask the Secretary of State ... if he will raise the matter of Professor Hans Koechler's report ... in the United Nations General Assembly": Tam Dalyell)

  316. Private Eye, London, No. 1054, 17-30 May 2002, p. 35
    ("Lockerbie: Libya's dilemma")

  317., World News Map: Netherlands Timeline, 24 May 2002; Libya Timeline, 4 June 2002
    ("A UN observer has described the dismissal of a-Megrahi's attempt as 'a spectacular miscarriage of justice'")

  318. 2SER (Sydney Educational Radio), Sydney, Australia, 28 May 2002
    (Radio interview conducted by Rick Abram)

  319. Workers Online. The Official Organ of Labornet (Australia), Week in Review, 14 June 2002
    ("It's The Rules, Stupid")

  320. Turkish News, Ankara, 20 June 2002
    ("The Lockerbie case: judicial review" by Türkkaya Ataöv)

  321. Nordic Research Network for Human Rights / Åbo Akademi Institute for Human Rights, Åbo, Finland, 2002
    ("Holding Armed Rebel Groups and Terrorist Organisations Accountable for Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes, and for 'Terrorist Offences' under International Anti-Terrorist Conventions" by Duncan Brown)

  322. The Militant, New York, Vol. 66/No. 26, 1 July 2002
    ("Nelson Mandela meets with victim of Lockerbie frame-up" by Rebecca Hutchinson)

  323. Times Online, London, 2 July 2002
    ("ICC hopes to give peace a chance" by Michael Caplan, QC)

  324. Organization of African Unity (OAU), Commission of Jurists on the Lockerbie Case, 8 July 2002
    ("Report of the Commission of Jurists on the Lockerbie Case" presented to the Assembly of Heads of State and Government at the Thirty-Eighth Ordinary Session of the Organization of African Unity, Durban, South Africa, 8 July 2002 by Hon. Justice Ben Hlatshwayo, Chairman, under item 7 of the agenda, Doc. AHG/236[XXXVIII])

  325. House of Commons, London, Daily Debates, 11 July 2002
    ("Intelligence Agencies": statement/question by Mr. Tam Dalyell)

  326. Cryptome Out,, 28 July 2002
    ("Intel Secrets of the Lockerbie Disaster": reposting of the House of Commons record of 11 July 2002)

  327. The Portia Campaign,, United Kingdom, "News and Views," [July] 2002
    ("Lockerbie Trial Unfair. Another British Fit-up. Verdict of an independent UN observer": reposting of Prof. Koechler's trial report of 3 February 2001
    and appeal report of 26 March 2002)

  328. CSCA web, Madrid, 8 August 2002, Mundo Árabe, Nota Informativa
    ("'International Progress Organization' publica los documentos del caso Lockerbie")

  329. Workers Online. The Official Organ of Labornet, Australia, Issue No. 148, 16 August 2002
    ("It's The Rules, Stupid")

  330. The Spectator, London, 17 August 2002
    ("The Lockerbie scapegoat" by Tam Dalyell)

  331. Reuters, London, 23 August 2002, 08:01 AM ET
    ("Lockerbie Families Seek Inquiry over Abu Nidal Claim" by Dominic Evans)

  332. The Washington Post online, Washington DC, 23 August 2002
    ("Lockerbie Families Seek Inquiry over Abu Nidal Claim": reposting of Reuters release)

  333. Reformatorisch Dagblad, Apeldoorn, Netherlands, 23 August 2002
    ("Nabestaanden Lockerbie eisen nader onderzoek")

  334. Yahoo! News, 23 August 2002
    ("Lockerbie Families Seek Inquiry over Abu Nidal Claim": reposting of Reuters release)

  335., 23 August 2002
    ("Lockerbie families seek inquiry over Abu Nidal claim": reposting of Reuters news release)

  336. also not found in nature, weblog, UK, 23 August 2002
    ("Aide says Nidal confessed to Lockerbie bombing")

  337. American Samizdat, web site, 23 August 2002
    Lockerbie Trial Unfair")

  338. Al-Jazeera,, Doha, Qatar, 23 August 2002
    تبني أبو نضال لحادثة لوكربي يثير اهتمام أقارب الضحايا ")

  339. FindLaw, Legal News and Commentary, web site, 23 August 2002
    ("Lockerbie Families Seek Inquiry Over Abu Nidal Claim": reposting of Reuters report of 23 August 2002)

  340. Malta Media, Online News from Malta, 23 August 2002
    ("Palestinian terrorist Abu Nidal linked to Lockerbie bombing" by Martin Debattista)

  341. Ledger-Enquirer, Columbus, Georgia, USA, 23 August 2002
    ("Lockerbie families seek inquiry over Abu Nidal claim": reposting of Reuters news release)

  342. The Mercury News - Contra Costa Times, San Francisco, USA, 23 August 2002
    ("Lockerbie families seek inquiry over Abu Nidal claim": reposting of Reuters news release)

  343., Tallahassee, Florida, USA, 23 August 2002
    ("Lockerbie families seek inquiry over Abu Nidal claim": reposting of Reuters news release)

  344. Times Leader,, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, USA, 23 August 2002
    ("Lockerbie families seek inquiry over Abu Nidal claim": reposting of Reuters news release)

  345. Macon Telegraph, Macon, Georgia, USA, 23 August 2002
    ("Lockerbie families seek inquiry over Abu Nidal claim": reposting of Reuters news release)

  346. Aberdeen News, Aberdeen, South Dakota, USA, 23 August 2002
    ("Lockerbie families seek inquiry over Abu Nidal claim": reposting of Reuters news release)

  347., Minneapolis/St.Paul, USA, 23 August 2002
    ("Lockerbie families seek inquiry over Abu Nidal claim": reposting of Reuters news release)

  348. The Intelligence Network,, 23 August 2002
    ("Lockerbie families seek inquiry over Abu Nidal claim": reposting of Reuters news release)

  349. Times of Malta,, La Valletta, Malta, 24 August 2002
    ("Lockerbie families seek inquiry over Abu Nidal claim": reposting of Reuters news release)

  350. جريدة الدستور  /Ad-Dustour, Amman, Jordan, 24 August 2002
    ("مراقب دولي يثير تساؤلات عن موقف الدفاع خلال المحاكمة: عائلات `لوكربي` تطالب بالتحقيق في مسؤولية ابو نضال ")

  351. الشرق الأوسط , London, 24 August 2002
    ("نائب بريطاني وعائلات الضحايا يطالبون بالتحقيق حول ضلوع أبو نضال في حادث لوكربي")

  352. supanet, newsgroups,, 26 August 2002
    ("Lockerbie: Call for new investigation")

  353. The Energy Net,, European News, 26 August 2002
    ("Lockerbie: Call for new investigation [Hans Koechler/I.P.O.]")

  354. جريدة ايلاف اليومية الإلكترونية ,, London, UK, 29 August 2007
    (" لوكربي مجددًا... بشهود ومعلومات قد تقلب كل المعايير")

  355. International Men's Network, internet site, August 2002
    ("Lockerbie Case - New Revelations ...": reposting of news release of 23 August 2002)

  356. Libyan-American Friendship Association (LAFA),, Current News Articles, August 2002
    (Reposting of the Reuters news release of 23 August)

  357. VOMIT UK 35/02, 31 August 2002
    (Reposting of I.P.O. news release of 23 August 2002)

  358. Al-Ahram Weekly, Cairo, Issue No. 601, 29 August - 4 September 2002
    ("Lockerbie reconsidered" by Rasha Saad)

  359., 4 September 2002
    ("Lockerbie Trial Unfair: Another British Fit-up": update of 4 Sep. 2002)

  360. MEBO LTD - Telecommunication, Zurich, 9 September 2002
    ("Public Letter to Prime Minister Tony Blair" by Edwin Bollier)

  361. Absolute Common Sense,, 13 September 2002
    ("Lockerbie Reflections" by Martin Kelly, Glasgow)

  362. Al-Fursan, Dubai, 15 September 2002, pp. 72-73
    ("Lockerbie affair - from Libya to Iran?"/Arabic)

  363. Scottish Peoples Mission, Dunvegan, Isle of Skye, Press Statement, 18 October 2002
    ("Protesters demand sight of evidence clearing secret society ...")

  364. The Herald, Glasgow, 21 October 2002, p. 6
    ("Pressure mounts for probe into Speculative Society" by Shan Ross)

  365. Journal of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, Vol. XXVIII, 3rd & 4th Quarters 2002, No. 2, pp. 99-106
    ("The Lockerbie Trial. Documents Related to the IPO Observer Mission Including the Reports of UN Independent Observer, Dr. Hans Koechler:" Book Review by Fatemah Remedios C. Balbin)

  366. Law after Ground Zero, edited by John Strawson, Sydney, London (UK) / Portland, Or., USA / Coogee, NSW, Australia: Cavendish Publishing and Glasshouse Press, 2002 (reprinted 2004), pp. 44-55
    ("The terrors of freedom: the sovereignty of states and the freedom to fear" by Anthony Carty)

  367. International Mens Organisation, internet site, 3 November 2002
    ("Pressure mounts for probe into Speculative Society": reposting of the Herald article of 21 October 2002)

  368. Website "Fathers Fighting Injustice,", 3 November 2002
    ("Pressure mounts for probe into Speculative Society": reposting of the article of 21 October in The Herald)

  369. Fóruns do Publico, Lisbon, Portugal,, 8 November 2002
    ("Aspectos éticos das sanções económicas")

  370. Scottish Left Review, Glasgow, Issue 13, November/December 2002, pp. 18-19
    ("A gentlem
    en's agreement" by Henry McCubbin)

  371. JURA GENTIUM. Centre for Philosophy of International Law and Global Politics, Florence, web site: , 2002
    ("Plural Islam: Resources, Libya": listing of Dr. Koechler's Lockerbie trial report of 2001)

  372. "Background of the Corruption of Law," CCMCC web site by O. Shimura, 2002
    ("Rule of Injustice -- The Lockerbie Case": reposting of article by Edward S. Herman)

  373. "Achtergrond van verdorven gezag," CCMCC web site by O. Shimura, 2002
    ("Het heersende onrecht -- De Lockerbie zaak": Dutch version of article by Edward S. Herman)

  374. Edinburgh Review, Vol. 110 (2002), edited by Ronald Turnbull, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 91-102
    ("The Lockerbie Tragedy and the Limits of the Rule of Law in International Society" by Anthony Carty)

  375. Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series, Vol. 39, 2002
    (Reference to Hans Koechler's Lockerbie appeal report)

  376. The Ashton Group, Contemporary Theatre, Barrow-in-Furness, England, January 2003
    ("Lockerbie 103 - Background Notes": for the drama "Lockerbie 103" by Des Dillon)

  377. Reformatorisch Dagblad, Apeldoorn, Netherlands, 8 January 2003
    ("Schots onrecht op Nederlandse bodem" by Evert van Vlastuin / book review of  "The Lockerbie Trial" by Hans Koechler and Jason Subler [eds.])

  378. "Monumental Challenge to Scottish Senior Judiciary," news release by Robbie the Pict,, 18 February 2003
    ("Judicial Inquiry by the Lord Justice Clerk Lord Gill into the Speculative Society of Edinburgh")

  379. The Daily Mail, London, 18 February 2003
    ("'Brotherhood' of judges faces probe" by Cameron Douglas)

  380. Richard M. Bennett, Conspiracy: Plots, Lies and Cover-ups. London: Virgin, 2003
    (Chapter: "1988 - Lockerbie Conspiracies")

  381. Public Petition 306 -- Submissions to the Justice 2 Committee of the Scottish Parliament, February 2003
    "The Lockerbie Trial & Appeal" by Thomas Minogue, Petitioner)

  382., Reviews / Speakers' Corner, "The War Against Terrorism," 9 March 2003
    ("Who are the bad guys? The scandal of Lockerbie")

  383. MEBO Ltd. - Telecommunication,, Internet press conference, 4 April 2003
    ("The Lockerbie air disaster: Die Wahrheit. Enthüllung mit Beweisen im Lockerbie-Kriminalfall")

  384. San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center,, San Francisco, USA, 2 May 2003
    ("Libya was framed in downing Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie")

  385. Indybay / Racial Justice,, USA, 2 May 2003
    ("Libya was framed in downing Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie"
    : reposting of SF Indymedia article)

  386. Reformatorisch Dagblad, Apeldoorn, Netherlands, 14 June 2003, p. 27
    ("Recht en realisme. Internationale vervolging oorlogsmisdrijven botst met politieke belangen" by Evert van Vlastuin)

  387. International Legal Practitioner, Vol. 28 (July 2003), pp. 61ff
    ("Impact of Cases such as Pinochet on the Development of Both Domestic and International Law" by Michael Caplan QC)

  388., documents on international criminal law, 2003
    ("Selected judgments of international criminal tribunals": reposting of Prof. Koechler's trial and appeal reports)

  389. Information Clearing House,, 18 August 2003
    ("Lockerbie: $ 2.7 Billion Sham and Shame" by Henk Ruyssenaars, Foreign Press Foundation, Amsterdam)

  390. U.N. Observer & International Report,, 18 August 2003
    (Reposting of "Lockerbie: $ 2.7 Billion Sham and Shame")

  391. MEBO LTD -- Telecommunication, The Lockerbie Air Disaster, internet site,, Zurich, 20 August 2003
    ("Wie der Staat Libyen mit der Verantwortung im LockerbieFall 'über den Tisch gezogen wurde'")

  392. nl.politiek, Internet newsgroup, 20 August 2003
    ("De Nederlandse schande : Lockerbie een Sovjet proces ?")

  393. Nelson Mandela -- all the current Nelson Mandela news, 22 August 2003
    (Reposting of "Lockerbie: $ 2.7 Billion Sham and Shame")

  394. Deutsche Welle Radio, Cologne, Germany, 22 August 2003
    (Exclusive interview on agreement between the USA, UK and Libya on the Lockerbie case)

  395. Trouw, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2 September 2003
    ("Doofpot helpt Kadafi aan vrienden")

  396. Private Eye, London, 5 September 2003, no. 1088, p. 26
    ("Lockerbie -- Just Fancy That")

  397. ALHAQA'EQ,, London, 11 September 2003
    قضية لوكربي.. والدروس المستفادة ")

  398. MEBO LTD -- Telecommunication, The Lockerbie Air Disaster, internet site,, Zurich, 17 September 2003
    ("The chapter of the Lockerbie investigation can only be closed when the full truth will have been established")

  399. International Progress Organization, Information Service, Vienna, 17 September 2003
    United Nations: Hans Koechler's statement on Lockerbie settlement forwarded to Scottish Court authorities"

  400., web log, Germany, 22 December 2003
    ("Lockerbie - schon 15 Jahre sind vergangen")

  401. Documentation published by David Rollo, Glasgow, Scotland, September 2003
    ("Lockerbie -- Truth Emerges Slowly")

  402., Malta, Issue No. 617, Opinion, 29/30 September 2003
    ("Joe Mifsud Vindicated Over Lockerbie" by Mike Turner)

  403. الشباب اليمني, Al-Shabab Al-Yemeni,, , web log, Sana'a, Yemen, September 2003
    ("تقرير مراقب الأمم المتحدة: قرار الإدانة اعتباطيـًا وغير عقلاني" by YemenSky)

  404. Indymedia Paris, web site,, 14 October 2003
    ("Gadaffi & France : comme US milliard $ chantage?")

  405. Egypt Today, Cairo, October 2003
    ("The Lockerbie Precedent" by Alex Ionides)

  406. War Crimes Memoranda /  Case Western Reserve University / School of Law Scholarly Commons, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, Fall 2003
    ("(1) Is There A Role For 'Fair Trial Observers' in International Criminal Trials? (2) Disdcussion of Observers In Other High Profile Trials (3) Proposed Guidelines For Ictr Fair Trial Observers" by Ryan C. Scott)

  407. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 13 November 2003
    ("UN observer attacks Lockerbie justice" by Lucy Adams, Home Affairs Correspondent)

  408. Scottish Peoples Mission, Dunvegan, Isle of Skye, Scotland, 13 November 2003
    (Press Release: "UN monitor's book slams 'unfair' Scottish judicial system

  409., The SKAT Legal Group and the Scottish Peoples Mission, Edinburgh, 13 November 2003
    (Reposting of Press Release: "UN monitor's book slams 'unfair' Scottish judicial system -- Skye complaints of 'secret society partiality' respected")

  410. Fathers Fighting Injustice Web Site, 15 November 2003
    ("Lockerbie: was justice seen to be done?": reposting of the Scottish Peoples Mission news release of 13 November 2003)

  411. Independent Media Center,, 22 November 2003
    ("Jailed in Scotland: Is the 'Lockerbie bomber' innocent?" by Foreign Press Foundation, Netherlands)

  412., Internet newsgroup, 23 November 2003

  413. Dunfermline Press, Dunfermline, Scotland, 27 November 2003
    ("CONCERN: Expert's book supports West Fife man's suspicions about 'old boys' network' -- Campaigner wages war on 'nod-and-wink' society" by Gary Fitzpatrick)

  414. CL -- The collective lounge,, 27 November 2003
    (Letter to Kirsty Scott of The Guardian and Dr. Hans Köchler re. Lockerbie prisoner)

  415., Internet newsgroup, 5 December 2003
    ("The Scottish Judiciary, Robbie the Pict and Tom Minogue")

  416. La Ley. Actualidad, Buenos Aires, 30 December 2003
    ("Proceso penal. Imparcialidad ..." by Luis Oscar Márquez Urtubey)

  417. Europäische Ideen, Berlin, Germany, Issue 128, 2003
    ("Lügen, Verbrechen, Cover-Ups")

  418. Frontline. India's National Magazine from the publishers of THE HINDU, New Delhi, Vol. 21 - Issue 05, February 28 - March 12, 2004
    ("Rendering criminal justice globally" by R. K. Raghavan / book review of "Global Justice or Global Revenge?")

  419., News Facts and Analysis,, USA, 17 March 2004
    ("The Bombing of PanAm Flight 103: Case Not Closed" by William Blum [2001])

  420. Al-Muajaha. The Iraqi Witness,, newswire, 5 May 2004
    ("Teaching Iraqi Judges about Justice?" by Foreign Press Foundation)

  421. - Disparate Quotations, Videos and Documents, USA, 2 June 2004
    ("al Qaeda Scams: Lockerbie and TWA 800": reposting, inter alia, of BBC News article of 21 Jan. 2002)

  422. John P. Grant, The Lockerbie Trial: A Documentary History. Dobbs Ferry, NY (USA): Oceana Publications, 2004
    (Part 3: "The Trial and the Appeal," 7: "Köchler Report No. 1"; 11: "Köchler Report No. 2")

  423., "African Media Debates Web Report," 2004
    ("International debates on and media coverage of Prof. Koechler's Lockerbie reports")

  424. Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, Vol. 36 (2004), No. 2-3, pp. 453-472
    ("Beyond the Montreal Convention" by John P. Grant)

  425. Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, Vol. 36 (2004), No. 2-3, pp. 473-485
    ("The Lockerbie Judgments : a Short Analysis"
    by Julian B. Knowles)

  426. New York City Independent Media Center,, 30 September 2004
    ("United Nations Go Home!" by Foreign Press Foundation)

  427. Indymedia NL, Vrij Media Centrum Nederland, Amsterdam, 1 October 2004
    ("United Nations go home!" by Henk Ruyssenaars)

  428., Venezuela's Electronic News,, 1 October 2004
    ("United Nations go home! Libya will pay for any extra expense to move ..." by Henk Ruyssenaars)

  429. Independent Media Center Japan,, 1 October 2004
    ("United Nations go home!" by Foreign Press Foundation)

  430. Independent Media Centre South Africa,, 1 October 2004
    ("United Nations go home!" by Foreign Press Foundation)

  431. Indymedia Victoria, Canada, 1 October 2004
    ("United Nations go home!" by Foreign Press Foundation)

  432. Wikicitáty,, Czech Republic, 2004
    ("Aféra Lockerbie")

  433. Sydney Independent Media Center,, 1 October 2004
    ("United Nations Go Home!" by Foreign Press Foundation)

  434. Independent Media Center of the Netherlands,, 1 October 2004
    ("United Nations go home!" by Henk Ruyssenaars)

  435. San Francisco Independent Media Center,, 1 October 2004
    ("United Nations go home!" by Foreign Press Foundation)

  436. American Patriots Friends Network,, 1 October 2004
    ("United Nations go home!" by Foreign Press Foundation)

  437. imc india, independent media center,, 1 October 2004
    ("United Nations go home!" by Foreign Press Foundation)

  438. Palestine Independent Media Center, Jerusalem,, 1 October 2004
    ("United Nations go home!" by Foreign Press Foundation)

  439. Indymedia Estrecho/Madiaq, Maghreb, newswire,, 1 October 2004
    ("United Nations go home!" by Foreign Press Foundation)

  440. Independent Media Center, Mumbai (India),, 1 October 2004
    ("United Nations go home!" by Foreign Press Foundation)

  441. Japan Indymedia, Tokyo,, 1 October 2004
    ("United Nations go home!" by Henk Ruyssenaars)

  442. Argentina Indymedia,, 2 October 2004
    ("United Nations go home!" by Foreign Press Foundation)

  443. Al-Muajaha, "The Iraqi Witness," newswire,, 2 October 2004
    ("United Nations go home!" by Foreign Press Foundation)

  444. Centro de Medios Independientes Santiago, Santiago de Chile, 2 October 2004
    ("United Nations go home!" by Foreign Press Foundation)

  445. The International Journal of Human Rights, Vol. 7, No. 4, October 2004
    ("Legal boundaries to UN sanctions" by Elias Davidsson)

  446. Covertaction Quarterly, Covert Action Publications, Washington DC, USA, Issue 77, 2004
    ("The bombing of PanAm 103 and Libya")

  447. Annuaire français de droit international, Paris, France, Vol. 50, 2004, pp. 173-212; p. 178
    ("Le règlement des affaires Lockerbie et du DC 10 d'UTA: indemnités et questions connexes" by J.-F. Marchi)

  448. Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, Germany, Vol. 14, Issue 2 (2004), p. 716
    ("Köchler, Hans: Global Justice or Global Revenge?")

  449. Scottish Standard, Scotland's Only Pro-independence Newspaper,, 23 March 2005
    ("The Lockerbie bomb trial suggested that something is going badly wrong in Scotland": posting in chat group "Why Scotland must be independent")

  450. AANGIRFAN,, Monaco, 9 April 2005
    ("Lockerbie Bomb and Ecuador and New Zealand")

  451. Robbie the Pict v. HM Advocate, April 2005
    ("Two preliminary points of law, raised under Section 6 of the Human Rights Act 1998")

  452. AANGIRFAN,, Monaco, 12 May 2005
    ("'Plane bomber' was CIA agent")

  453. Sheriffdom of Grampian Highland and Islands at Portree, A93/4,, 13 May 2005
    ("Judgement of Sheriff Principal Sir Stephens S T Young Bt QC in the cause Robbie the Pict, Pursuer, against Miller Buidheann Limited, Defenders," Par. 15)

  454. Global Politician,, 16 May 2005
    ("The Bombing of PanAm Flight 103: Case Not Closed" by William Blum)

  455. VPRO TV, Tegenlicht Forum,, Netherlands, 6 June 2005
    ("Lockerbie, het witwassen van een regime - DaanSpeak over Lockerbie")

  456. aangirfan blogspot, Monaco, 20 June 2005
    ("Good countries to invest in? 'Criminal' justice systems / Scottish Justice")

  457. Indymedia Brussels,, 22 June 2005
    ("Zijn Nederlanders meelzakken?" by Henk Ruyessenaars)

  458. Indymedia Antwerpen,, 23 June 2005
    ("Zijn Nederlanders meelzakken?" by Henk Ruyessenaars)

  459. Indymedia Oost Vlaanderen,, 23 June 2005
    ("Zijn Nederlanders meelzakken?" by Henk Ruyessenaars)

  460. Indymedia Liege,, 23 June 2005
    ("Zijn Nederlanders meelzakken?" by Henk Ruyessenaars)

  461. Indymedia West Vlaanderen,, 23 June 2005
    ("Zijn Nederlanders meelzakken?" by Henk Ruyessenaars)

  462. aangirfan blogspot, Monaco, 18 July 2005
    ("Planes brought down by the CIA?")

  463. Book manuscript by Dr. Jim Swire and Peter Biddulph (c/o Communication Consultants, London),, updated 19 July 2005
    Lockerbie ... & Our Dangerous Friend ...")

  464. London-Bombs,, London, UK, 30 July 2005
    ("Britain's worst terror incident at Lockerbie; the Lockerbie trial 'was rigged'"

  465. El embargo economico como instrumento político: Caso Estados Unidos - Libya. By Kenia P. Meléndez Gutiérrez and Jasser A. Jiménez Echegoyen.
    (Graduation paper, Universidad Americana, Managua, Nicaragua, 3 August 2005)

  466. Indymedia Ireland,, 29 August 2005
    ("Police chief - Lockerbie evidence was faked by the CIA")

  467. Indymedia Scotland,, 29 August 2005
    ("Police chief - Lockerbie evidence was faked by the CIA")

  468., Discussion Forum, Canada, 29 August 2005
    ("Former police chief says Lockerbie evidence faked")

  469. NEWS FOR THE REST OF US,, web log, 30 August 2005
    ("Topic: Lockerbie evidence faked")

  470. BBC TV, Newsnight Scotland, Glasgow, 1 September 2005
    (Interview of Hans Koechler by Anne Mackenzie of Newsnight Scotland on the judicial review of the Lockerbie case and a possible retrial)

  471. web log, 14 September 2005
    ("Why Only Silence Over The Lockerbie Frame-up" by T. H. Ford)

  472. Wikipedia, online encyclopedia,, September 2005
    ("Pan Am Flight 103")

  473. Manila Bulletin, Embassy Updates, Manila, Philippines, 27 September 2005
    ("New evidence disputes Libyan responsibility in PanAm flight 103 blast")

  474. Cornell International Law Review, Vol. 38, No. 3 (Fall 2005), pp. 911-947
    ("Errors and Missteps: Key Lessons the Iraqi Special Tribunal Can Learn from the ICTY, ICTR, and SCSL" by Michael P. Scharf and Ahran Kang)

  475. AANGIRFAN blogspot, Monaco, 13 October 2005
    ("Indonesia and Britain seem to be very similar when it comes to courts and judges")

  476. International Progress Organization, Information Service, Vienna, 14 October 2005
    Lockerbie revelations: Statement of Dr. Hans Koechler, International Observer at the Lockerbie Trial, on Recent Reports in the Scottish and British Media")

  477. Foreign Press Foundation (FPF), web log,, 14 October 2005
    ("UN Observer: Lockerbie Trial a US/UK CIA Fake")

  478. FPF - Internet Samizdat,, 14 October 2005
    "UN Observer: Lockerbie Trial a US/UK CIA Fake")

  479. Lets Roll!, web log,, 14 October 2005
    ("Lockerbie ... Another False Flag Op? .. Cui Bono?")

  480. Spies 'R' Us, web log, 14 October 2005
    ("UN Observer: Lockerbie Trial a US/UK CIA Fake -- 'A spectacular miscrarriage of justice'": reposting of FPF report)

  481. American Patriot Friends Network (AFPN), AFPN Messageboard Archives,, 15 October 2005
    ("UN Observer: Lockerbie Trial a US/UK CIA Fake")

  482. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 20 October 2005
    ("Lockerbie truth" by David Rollo)

  483. Anti-imperialistische Korrespondenz,, Bonn, Germany, 21 October 2005
    ("Neues im Fall Lockerbie. Hauptbeweisstück der Anklage von der CIA fabriziert" by Klaus von Raussendorff)

  484. Labournet-Austria,, Vienna, 21 October 2005
    ("Krieg gegen den 'Terror' ... und die Bürgerrechte": reposting of article by Klaus von Raussendorff "Neues im Fall Lockerbie")

  485. RedGlobe Nachrichten, Germany,, 22 October 2005
    ("Lockerbie: Hauptbeweisstück der Anklage von der CIA fabriziert" by Klaus von Raussendorff)

  486. Foreign Press Foundation, web log,, 23 October 2005
    ("The Lockerbie disaster was one big matrix media fake")

  487. Kommunistische Internet-Zeitung, Germany, 23 October 2005
    ("Neues im Fall Lockerbie")

  488. de.soc.politik.misc, newsgroup, Germany, 23 October 2005
    ("Lockerbie: CIA verantwortlich")

  489. American Patriot Friends Network, AFPN Message Board,, USA, 23 October 2005
    ("Disinformation: What's Syria's Next Move" by Henk Ruyssenaars)

  490. Evidence in Terrorism Cases, Roundtable Meeting, University of the Philippines, College of Business, Manila, Philippines, 25 October 2005
    (Working paper by Carla Berg, MA)

  491. Trouw , Amsterdam, 27 October 2005
    ("Twijfel groeit over schuld Libiër" by Judit Neurink)

  492., [alternative news network], October 2005
    ("Police Chief Says Lockerbie Evidence Was Faked")

  493. Physics 911 - Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven,, USA, October 2005
    ("CIA Involvement in Lockerbie Bombing": reposting of the I.P.O. news release of 14 October 2005: "
    Lockerbie revelations: Statement of Dr. Hans Koechler, International Observer at the Lockerbie Trial, on Recent Reports in the Scottish and British Media")

  494. FPF − Internet Samizdat,, 1 November 2005
    ("The New World Order & CIA Fakes du Jour: Lockerbie & the Tonkin Incident" by Henk Ruyssenaars)

  495. Lancaster University, UK: thesis chapter by Martin Pedersen, 2005
    ("The rule of law as a significant cultural achievement?")

  496. Manila Bulletin, National News Bulletin, Manila, Philippines, 4 December 2005, p. 16
    ("Human rights cases discussed in forum" by Encarnita Martinez)

  497. Chronological documentation (Arabic) published by the office of Prince Khaled bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, Dep. Minister of Defense and Aviation, Saudi Arabia (accessed: Dec. 2005):

  498. Géopolitique méditerranéenne, Paris: Harmattan, 2005, p. 108
    (Book by Dominique Bendo-Soupou and Hamit Bozarslan)

  499. Wikipedia, online encyclopedia,, visited January 2006
    ("Pan Am Flight 103 bombing trial" / "The UN observer")

  500. Booman Tribune, web log,, USA, 24 January 2006
    ("Send Saddam to the Hague")

  501. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 31 January 2006
    ("The verdicts we reached were correct" by Steven Raeburn)

  502. AANGIRFAN,, Monaco, 18 February 2006
    ("The top government prosecutor and trials that appear to be rigged")

  503. Scotland on Sunday, Edinburgh, Scotland, 5 March 2006
    UN law expert joins calls for McKie probe" by Marcello Mega and Eddie Barnes)

  504. St Louis Star, St. Louis, USA,, World News, Vol. 1/09, 5 March 2006
    UN law expert joins calls for McKie probe")

  505. Legal Spring,, UK, 5 March 2006
    ("Utter criminality and persecution in fingerprint cover up": reposting of Soctland on Sunday article)

  506. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 6 March 2006
    ("Fingerprint experts changed minds" by Tom Gordon)

  507. Legal Spring,, UK, 6 March 2006
    ("Legal mafia in fingerprint cover up": reposting of The Herald article)

  508. Argentina Indymedia,, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 8 March 2006
    ("Lockerbie & the FBI: Fakes Bureau International?" by Foreign Press Foundation)

  509. Ayrshire Blog,, 8 March 2006
    ("Justice? - FBI links between Lockerbie and McKie case")

  510. Indymedia Beirut,, Beirut, Lebanon, 8 March 2006
    ("Lockerbie & the FBI: Fakes Bureau International?" by Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars)

  511. Scottish Peoples Mission, Dunvegan, Isle of Skye, Scotland, News Release, 9 March 2006
    ("SKAT Legal Group Backs McKie - Swire Axis for Truth")

  512. EthicsinPolicing,, UK, March 2006
    UN law expert joins calls for McKie probe": reposting of Scotland on Sunday article)

  513. United Nations - Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Rule  of Law and Democracy Unit, Geneva 17 May 2006
    ("Draft Policy Paper on Trial Observation" by Robert Husbands)

  514. VUNET.ORG.CN, Helsinki, Finland, 23 May 2006, Kolumnit
    ("Helsingin Sanomat julkaisi sepitelmän Lockerbie-turmasta / Lockerbie-prosessi")

  515. Human Rights & Human Welfare, University  of Denver, USA, May 2006
    (Book review of "Global Justice or Global Revenge?")

  516. Justice Initiatives: The Extraordinary Chambers. New York: Open Society Justice Initiative, Spring 2006, pp. 130-138
    ("The Importance of Monitoring the Trials at the Extraordinary Chambers" by Richard J. Rogers)

  517. [Justice Initiatives: The Extraordinary Chambers. New York: Open Society Justice Initiative, Spring 2006], Khmer edition, pp. 139ff, esp. pp. 146-147
    ("The Importance of Monitoring the Trials at the Extraordinary Chambers" by Richard J. Rogers)

  518. Université Libre de Bruxelles, Master's Thesis (Mémoire du diplôme d'Études Approfondies en Droit), Brussels, Belgium, May 2006
    ("L'affaire de Lockerbie devant la Justice écossaise" by William Woll)

  519. Al-Jazeera International, Doha, Qatar, 7 June 2006
    (Interview for the program "People and Power," conducted by Program Editor Richard Dove)

  520., 12 June 2006
    ("Lockerbie 2006": reposting of news release on Al-Jazeera interview)

  521. SYYSKUUN 11., Finnish Web Log, 28 August 2006
    Avoin kirje kansanedustajille koskien Britannian 'terrorismipidätyksiä' -- Arvoisa Kimmo Sasi")

  522. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland,, 15 October 2006
    ("Missing evidence may free Megrahi," Comments, 18 October 2006)

  523. Air Crash Investigations: Lockerbie, The Bombing of PanAm Flight 103. Book by  Allistair Fitzgerald. Raleigh, NC: Lulu Enterprises, 15 October 2006.

  524. Berliner Umschau, Daily Newspaper, Berlin, Germany, 9 December 2006
    ("Libanon - Die Krise easkaliert / Der Lockerbie-Prozess ein warnendes Beispiel" by Klaus von Raussendorff)

  525. Al-Jazeera International, English Channel, Doha, Qatar, 19 December 2006
    ("Flight into Darkness": documentation by John Coates for the program "People & Power")

  526. DKP Darmstadt,, Germany, 19 December 2006
    (Reposting of article "Libanon - Die Krise easkaliert / Der Lockerbie-Prozess ein warnendes Beispiel" by Klaus von Raussendorff)

  527. Gathara's World, Web Log,, 20 December 2006
    ("My Thoughts on the Benghazi Six Verdict")

  528. SKY ONE TV, London, 22 December 2006
    (Retransmission of "Flight into Darkness" by Al-Jazeera International)

  529., 22 December 2006
    ("Lockerbie: A Cover-Up of Convenience": transcript of the interviews in the Al-Jazeera special report by John Coates)

  530. Reuters News Agency, 30 December 2006
    ("Libya's Gaddafi suggests spy link in HIV case")

  531. O direito internacional contemporâneo. Rio de Janeiro: Renovar, 2006, pp. 317ff
    ("O complexo Lockerbie e a supremacia do Direito Internacional Político" by Denise de Souza Soares)

  532. International Aviation Terrorism: The Lockerbie Affair between Law and Politics. Johannesburg (South Africa): University of Witwatersrand, 2006
    (PhD dissertation by Maria Rosaria Brizi)

  533. СтандАрт, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 January 2007, Interview
    ("Сестрите станаха жертва на 'Локърби'" by Georgi Gotev)

  534. Standart News, Sofia, Bulgaria, Issue 152, 8 January 2007, Interview
    ("Bulgarian Nurses Fall Victims to Lockerbie" by Georgi Gotev)

  535., Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 January 2007, Top Stories in Today's Papers
    (The Standard Daily: "Bulgarian Nurses Fall Victims to Lockerbie")

  536. Bulgaria in the EU - Press Center,, Brussels, 8 January 2007
    ("Hans Köchler: 'If the European Union is prepared to say that the Libyan case is political, they should change their attitude on the Lockerbie case"

  537. Bulgarian National Radio, Sofia, Bulgaria, "Bulgaria and the world," 8 January 2007
    ("Brussels feels conscience-stricken and doesn't dare finalize deal with Gaddafi")

  538. CountryWatch,, Houston, TX, USA, 8 January 2007
    ("BTA Reviews 8 Jan Bulgarian Press Highlights")

  539. Focus Information Agency, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 January 2007, Opinion
    ("Hans Köchler: If the European Union is prepared to say that the Libyan case is political, they should change their attitude in the Lockerbie case")

  540., web log, Sofia, Bulgaria, 16 January 2007
    ("Медицинските сестри в Либия и случаят Локърби")

  541. Wikipedia, online encyclopedia,, visited January 2007
    ("Alternative theories of the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103")

  542. United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Washington, D.C., USA, 1 February 2007
    (Ethel Hurst, et al., Plaintiffs, v. The Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, et al., Defendants. Civil Action 02-02147 (HHK): "Memorandum Opinion and Order": Henry H. Kennedy, Jr., United States District Judge)

  543. BBC News, London, UK, 12 February 2007
    ("June deadline in Lockerbie review")

  544. EIN News,,, Washington, DC, USA, 12 February 2007
    ("June deadline in Lockerbie review":  Benelux United Nations News - Media Monitoring Service by EIN News; reposting of BBC news item)

  545. Bulgaria in EU - Press Center, Sofia, Bulgaria, 14 February 2007
    ("European Union: double standards in criminal justice?": publication of I.P.O. news release)

  546. Standart News, Sofia, Bulgaria, Issue 191, 16 February 2007
    ("Hans Koechler: Libya should allow international observers to the trial" by Georgi Gotev)

  547. International Movement for a Just World (JUST), Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 30 June 2007
    ("European Union: double standards in criminal justice?": Reposting of I.P.O. News Release of 14 February 2007)

  548. Bulgarian National Radio, "Bulgaria and the World," Sofia, Bulgaria, 19 February 2007
    ("Hans Koechler: Libya should allow international observers to the trial" by Georgi Gotev: reposting from "Standart News")

  549. AmCham Bulgaria Magazine, American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria, Sofia, Issue 76, February 2007
    - Back to the Future. Lives of Bulgarian medics became bargaining chips in a geopolitical game" by Mirolyuba Benatova)

  550. Darik News, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2 March 2007
    ("Undead Flames" [Bulgarian])

  551. Sofia News Agency,, Sofia, Bulgaria, 3 March 2007
    ("Undead Flames: A Day in the Life: 2 March 2007, Friday" by Svetoslav Ivanov --  English translation of Darik News article by Margarita Stoyancheva)

  552. Case Research Paper Series in Legal Studies, Working Paper 07-10, Case Western Reserve University, USA, March 2007
    ("The Lockerbie Model" by Michael P. Scharf)

  553. Akhbar Libya,, Tripoli, Libya, 8 May 2007
    "لوكربي من جديد (1) :عودة للنظريات")

  554. Libyans4Justice,, 8 May 2007
    لوكربي : عودة للنظريات البديلة لكشف الفاعل .. إذا أطلق سراح المقرحي")

  555. The Libyan Economy. Economic Diversification and International Repositioning. By Waniss Otman and Erling Karlberg. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer, 2007 (28 May 2007), pp. 29-62
    (Chapter 2: "Libya's Foreign Policy and External Relations")

  556. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 8 June 2007
    ("SNP-Westminster feud flares over Lockerbie bomber": Comments, no. 461, no. 497)

  557. Daily Mail, London, UK, 8 June 2007
    ("Lockerbie row escalates as Scottish minister damns No 10 claim that no deal was done")

  558. TERRORSTORM,, 8 June 2007
    ("Lockerbie row escalates as Scottish minister damns No 10 claim that no deal was done. First major row between the Government and the minority SNP": reposting of Daily Mail article)

  559. Conspiracy Research,, 8 June 2007
    ("Lockerbie row escalates as Scottish minister damns No 10 claim that no deal was done. First major row between the Government and the minority SNP": reposting of Daily Mail article)

  560. Persistence of Vision. The online community for political discvussion,, web log, 15 June 2007
    ("'Inconvenient Truths' [Hugh Miles on the Lockerbie bombing]")

  561. Crimes and Corruption of the New World Order News, web log,, 15 June 2007
    ("Who put the bomb on Pan Am 103?": posting of Hugh Miles' "Inconvenient Truths")

  562. The Sunday Times, London, UK, 17 June 2007 / Focus, p. 12
    ("Who did bomb Pan Am 103?" by Hugh Miles)

  563. July 7th People's Independent Inquiry Forum, web log, UK, 17 June 2007
    ("Alan Feraday")

  564. RandomPottins,, 18 June 2007
    ("Who really bombed Pan Am flight 103?": Posting of article by Hugh Miles)

  565. /, news group, Netherlands, 19 June 2007, "Lockerbie revisited"
    ("FBI bood Lockerbie getuige 4 miljoen dollar")

  566. London Review of Books, London, UK, Vol. 29, No. 12, 21 June 2007
    ("Inconvenient Truths" by Hugh Miles)

  567. Centre for Research on Globalization,, Pincort, Québec, Canada, 22 June 2007
    ("Lockerbie Pan Am Flight 103: Inconvenient Truths": Reposting of article by Hugh Miles)

  568. Muntada: Libya Human & Political Development Forum,, 22 June 2007
    ("Lockerbie Pan Am Flight 103: Inconvenient Truths": Reposting of article by Hugh Miles)

  569. uk.politics.misc, Internet newsgroup, 22 June 2007
    ("The 15 year 'Control Order' - Lockerbie prisoner to go free?")

  570. information liberation, the news you're not supposed to know ...,, 22 June 2007
    (Reposting of "Inconvenient Truths" by Hugh Miles)

  571. nowpublic. crowd powered media,, 23 June 2007
    ("Lockerbie Pan Am Flight 103: Inconvenient Truths": Reposting of article by Hugh Miles)

  572. UK Indymedia,, London, UK, 23 June 2007
    ("Lockerbie Pan Am Flight 103: Inconvenient Truths": Reposting of article by Hugh Miles)

  573. Terrorism,, web log, 24 June 2007
    ("State Terror")

  574. War of the Words,, UK, 24 June 2007
    ("Lockerbie Pan Am Flight 103: Inconvenient Truths": Reposting of article by Hugh Miles)

  575. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 25 June 2007
    ("Lockerbie evidence 'was tampered with, destroyed and overlooked'": Comments)

  576. University of Glasgow,, Glasgow, UK, 25 June 2007
    ("Lockerbie Pre-trial Review Notes -- Updated 25 June, 2007" by Leslie Wolfson)

  577. UK Indymedia,, London, UK, 26 June 2007
    ("Lockerbie Appeal")

  578. Indymedia Scotland,, 26 June 2007
    ("Lockerbie Appeal")

  579. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 27 June 2007
    ("Facing justice in Scotland's Dutch enclave": Comments)

  580. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotlaand, 28 June 2007
    ("Appeal D-day as the doubts remain over Lockerbie": Comments, n. 17)

  581. Bayern2Radio, Bavarian Radio, Channel 2, Munich, Germany, 28 June 2007
    ("Gespräch mit Hans Köchler, Philosophieprofessor an der Universität Innsbruck: Wird der Lockerbie-Prozess neu aufgerollt?": Interview, Moderator: Birgit Schmeitzner)

  582. Lenin's Tomb,, 28 June 2007
    ("Lockerbie appeal"
    by Richard Seymour)

  583. Deutsche Welle / English Radio Service, Bonn, Germany, 28 June 2007
    (Interview on the referral of the Lockerbie case by Alex Bakst)

  584. JURIST Legal News & Research, University of Pittsburgh School of Law, Pittsburgh, USA, 28 June 2007
    ("Scotland commission sends Lockerbie bombing case to high court for review" by Michael Sung)

  585. "Plane Truth." A Private Investigator's Story" by Carl A. Davies,, 28 June 2007
    ("Megrahi 2nd appeal")

  586. NEU World Order, web log,, USA, 28 June 2007
    ("Lockerbie appeal")

  587. Hans Köchler Bibliography and Reader. Hans Koechler Political and Philosophical Society: Manila/Innsbruck, June 2007, pp. 163-168
    ("Shadow over Lockerbie: The Issue of Evidence in Terrorism Cases"  by Carla Berg and Fatemah Remedios C. Balbin)

  588. The Independent, London, UK, 29 June 2007
    ("Blame shifted after Saddam invaded Kuwait" by Kim Sengupta and Lorna Shaddick)

  589. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 29 June 2007
    ("This could open a can of worms for the entire Scottish justice system" by Ian Ferguson)

  590. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 29 June 2007
    ("The key players")

  591. Svetoslav's Blog,, Sofia, Bulgaria, 29 June 2007
    ("Lockerbie - The Biggest Secret Of CIA" by Svetoslav T. Ivanov)

  592. Steph's Blog,, UK, 29 June 2007
    ("Lockerbie - Miscarriage of Justice")

  593. AANGIRFAN,, 29 June 2007

  594. Steph's Blog,, UK, 29 June 2007
    ("Lockerbie: lack of transparency")

  595. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 29 June 2007
    ("Time to end all doubt with a public inquiry" by Tam Dalyell: Comments)

  596. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 29 June 2007
    ("But if he didn't do it, who did? The other theories": Comments)

  597. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 29 June 2007
    ("Lockerbie: Scottish justice in the dock": Comments, n. 43)

  598. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 29 June 2007
    ("How trial of the century ended as our worst embarrassment": Comment)

  599. International Movement for a Just World (JUST), Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 30 June 2007
    ("Statement by Dr Hans Köchler": Reposting of I.P.O. News Release of 29 June 2007)

  600. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 30 June 2007
    ("Lockerbie suspect can still be brought to trial" by Lucy Adams, Chief Reporter)

  601. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 30 June 2007
    ("First suspect could face Lockerbie charge" by Steven Raeburn)

  602. The Herald, Edinburgh, Scotland, 30 June 2007
    ("Lockerbie: a disgraceful episode for Scots law": Comments)

  603. Time Magazine, New York, USA, 30 June 2007
    ("Re-Opening the Lockerbie Tragedy" by Laura Blue)

  604. The Ferris Conspiracy Forum,, UK, 30 June 2007
    ("Another miscarriage of justice")

  605. Friedens Treiber Agentur, web log,, Germany, FTA No. 175/2007, 30 June 2007
    ("9.03 Libyen, Lockerbie und die USA")

  606. Sunday Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 1 July 2007
    ("Revealed: testimony that casts doubt on Lockerbie verdict": Comments)

  607. Aljazeera International Television (English), Qatar, Doha, 1 July 2007, program "People and Power"
    ("Lockerbie bombing probe": Excerpts of  interview with Dr. Koechler)

  608. Die Tageszeitung Junge Welt, Berlin, Germany, 2 July 2007, Ausland, p. 7
    ("Prozeß wird neu aufgerollt. Überprüfungskommission für Lockerbie-Verfahren befürchtet Fehlurteil" by Rainer Rupp)

  609. Postimees,, Tallinn, Estonia, 3 July 2007
    ("Lockerbie pommimees võib-olla polegi süüdi" by Jürgen Tamme)

  610., Scotland, UK, 2 and 4 July 2007
    (Web links: "Dr Hans Köchler speaks out;" "Dr. Hans Köchler calls for Lockerbie enquiry")

  611. MEBO Ltd, Telecommunication, "The PanAm 103 Air-Disaster - Lockerbie 2007,", Zurich, Switzerland, 4 July 2007
    ("Justice-fraud, Court protocol manipulation on the official CD-ROM")

  612. Berliner Umschau, Berlin, Germany, 4 July 2007
    ("Neues zu Lockerbie. Prozeß in Schottland könnte neu aufgerollt werden" by Klaus von Raussendorff)

  613. International Movement for a Just World (JUST),, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 4 July 2007
    ("Lockerbie case: Call for independent investigation": reposting of I.P.O. news release)

  614., web log, Scotland, 5 July 2007
    ("The Impact of Lockerbie")

  615. International Movement for a Just World (JUST),, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 5 July 2007, Articles
    ("Lockerbie case: Callfor independent investigation": reposting of I.P.O. news release)

  616. EURASIAN NATION, web log,, UK, 6 July 2007
    ("... granted leave to make a second appeal ...")

  617. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 7 July 2007
    ("UN Lockerbie trial observer urges independent inquiry into the case" by Michael Howie, Home Affairs Correspondent)

  618. A Diary of Injustice in Scotland, web log by Peter Cherbi,, Scotland, 7 July 2007
    ("Legal Profession attempts fiddle against new Scottish Legal Complaints Commission as wider review required on injustice in Scotland")

  619. AANGIRFAN,, 7 July 2007
    ("Lockerbie, Dr Hans Kochler, the SCCRC, Oliver Revell")

  620. AANGIRFAN,, 7 July 2007

  621. SCOTLAND,, UK, 7 July 2007
    ("Lockerbie, the Review Commission, Dr Hans Kochler")

  622. The Observer, London, UK, 8 July 2007
    ("UN observer calls for fresh Lockerbie probe" by Paul Kelbie)

  623. Guardian Unlimited,, Manchester, UK, 8 July 2007
    ("UN observer calls for fresh Lockerbie probe": reposting of Observer article)

  624. Bulgarian National Radio,, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 July 2007
    ("UN observer on Lockerbie attack Hans Koe[c]hler demands new investigation into the case")

  625. Radio Nationale Bulgare,, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 July 2007
    ("Hans Kö[c]hler, observateur des Nations Unies pour l'affaire de l'attentat de Lockerbie réclame une nouvelle enquête judiciaire")

  626. Radio Nacional de Bulgaria,, Noticias, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 July 2007
    ("Observador de la ONU reclama nueva investigación del atentado de Lockerbie")

  627. Bulgaristan Milli Radyosu,, Haberler, Sofia, Bulgaria, 8 July 2007
    Birleşmiş Milletlerin Lockerby terör saldırı davasındaki temsilcisi Hans Kö[c]hler, yeniden soruşturma yapılmasını talep ediyor")

  628. Daily Express, London, UK, 8 July 2007
    ("Finger of blame for Lockerbie pointed at American citizen": Comment)

  629. Daily Express, London, UK, 8 July 2007
    ("US desperate to point finger of blame to Iran": Comment)

  630. الخيمة ,, Beirut, Lebanon, 8 July 2007
    الأمم المتحدة تطالب بتحقيق مستقل حول لوكربي")

  631. JURIST Legal News & Research, University of Pittsburgh School of Law, Pittsburgh, USA, 9 July 2007
    ("UN Lockerbie trial observer urges probe of UK-US Pan Am 103 investigation" by Natalie Hrubos)

  632. المنارة للإعلام (Lighthouse Media),, London, UK, 9 July 2007
    الأمم المتحدة تطالب بتحقيق جديد مستقل بقضية لوكربي ")

  633. الخليج  (Al-Khaleej Newspaper), Dubai, UAE, 9 July 2007
    الأمم المتحدة تطالب بتحقيق مستقل في  لوكربي")

  634. CJ Scotland [Criminal Justice in Scotland], "An independent resource about criminal justice in Scotland,", Scotland, 9 July 2007
    ("SCCRC refers Lockerbie case to High Court: UN Observer responds")

  635.  جريدة المستقبل (Almustaqbal Newspaper),, Beirut, Lebanon, No. 2668, p. 14, 9 July 2007
    الأمم المتحدة تطالب بتحقيق جديد مستقل بقضية لوكربي")

  636. اخبار ليبيا,, Tripoli, Libya,  , 9 July 2007
    (" ليبيا في الاعلام": report on AFP news release)

  637. ليبيا اليوم (Libya Today),, London, 9 July 2007
    (Report on the Observer article of 8 July 2007)

  638. مركز الإمام موسى الصدر للأبحاث والدراسات ,, Beirut, Lebanon, 9 July 2007, خبر - سياسي عربي ودولي - ليبيا
    ("الامم المتحدة تطالب بتحقيق جديد مستقل حول قضية لوكربي")

  639. البيان, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 9 July 2007
    الأمم المتحدة تطالب بفتح تحقيق جديد حول لوكيربي")

  640. Libyajeel,, London, UK, 9 July 2007
    ("'الأمم المتحدة تطالب بتحقيق مستقل في 'لوكربي")

  641. WatanPress News Agency,, Palestine, 9 July 2007
    ("أثبتت شكوكا خطيرة حول أدلة "إدانة" المقرحاي لأمم المتحدة تطالب بتحقيق جديد مستقل حول قضية لوكربيي ")

  642. شباب ليبيا - معا من اجل ليبيا الغد  (The Libyan Youth of Tomorrow),, Tripoli, Libya, 10 July 2007
    (" الأمم المتحدة تطالب بتحقيق جديد مستقل حول قضية لوكربي")

  643. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 10 July 2007
    ("Lockerbie: 'Experts,' Mysterious Timer - [Analysis] Investigation clouded by accusations of planted evidence" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  644. MEBO LTD, Telecommunication,, Zurich, Switzerland, 10 July 2007
    ("UN Lockerbie trial observer Dr. Hans KÖCHLER urges independent inquiry into the case")

  645. The Northern Investigative News, web log,, Canada, 10 July 2007
    ("UN demands new Lockerbie probe")

  646. Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Cologne, Germany, 11 July 2007
    ("Neues zu Lockerbie" by Klaus von Raussendorff)

  647. Nebuchadnezzar, web log, Wooloowin, Brisbane, Australia, 13 July 2007
    ("US Democrats oppose Libya relations")

  648., "a daily review of radical comment and analysis," UK, 15 July 2007
    ("Review Rejects Key Lockerbie 'Evidence'": Posting of article by Norm Dixon from Green Left Weekly)

  649. Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia,, July 2007ff
    ("Hans Köchler's Lockerbie Trial Observer Mission")

  650. Rigorous Intuition,, web log, Canada, 15 July 2007
    ("Was Convicted Pan Am 103 Bomber Framed?")

  651. Scottish Law. Reporting on news & issues of Justice, Law & Politics, from Scotland,, 16 July 2007
    ("Scottish Legal Complaints Commission becomes latest victim of lawyers interference in battle over complaints regulation")

  652. Schattenblick, web log,, Germany, 17 July 2007
    ("AIKOR/087: Zu Lockerbie und der Korruption internationaler Strafjustiz")

  653. Green Left Weekly, New South Wales, Australia, Issue 717, 18 July 2007
    ("Scotland: Review rejects key Lockerbie 'evidence'" by Norm Dixon)

  654. The Christian Science Monitor, Boston, Ma., USA, 18 July 2007
    ("End in sight for medics' Libyan ordeal" by Jill Carroll and Nicole Itano)

  655. Gulf News, Dubai, UAE, 19 July 2007
    ("End in sight for medics' Libyan ordeal")

  656. | European News for America, Cologne, Germany, 20 July 2007
    ("Key Witness Casts Further Doubt on Lockerbie Verdict" by Alex Bakst)

  657. You Tube,, USA, July 2007
    ("Lockerbie news reports": Comments & Responses, July 2007)

  658. International Progress Organization, I.P.O. Research Papers, Vienna, Austria, July 2007
    ("Zur Korruption internationaler Strafjustiz" by Klaus von Raussendorff)

  659. News Africa,, London/UK, Lagos/Nigeria, July 2007
    ("Free at last")

  660. The Sctosman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 23 July 2007
    ("The fairy story of the Crown's independence" by Robert Black)

  661. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 25 July 2007
    ("Article in The Scotsman on 23 July 2007": Reposting of article by Robert Black)

  662. Scottish Law Reporter. Reporting on news & issues of Justice, Law & Politics, from Scotland,, Scotland, 26 July 2007
    ("Criminal justice system inquiry long overdue for Scotland": Reposting of article by Robert Black)

  663. Newnations. Monthly reports on finance, business, trade, economics, political analysis,,  Monmouth, UK, 26 July 2007, Update No: 045
    ("The End of Two Ordeals: Release for the Nurses and Redemption for Libya")

  664. World Concern, Blog Geopolemics,, 27 July 2007
    (Blog entry: "Countries: Libya")

  665. Information, Daily Newspaper,, Copenhagen, Denmark, 27 July 2007
    Spøgelset fra Lockerbie vender tilbage" by Maria Skov)

  666. Scots Law News, Edinburgh Law School, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2007
    (Item 658: "Lockerbie: Professor Black v Lord Advocate")

  667. The Firm,, Glasgow, Scotland, August 2007, pp. 13-17, 27
    ("The Lockerbie bombing: Attack or a trick?" by Steven Raeburn)

  668. باب الأخبار  ,, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 27 August 2007
    شاهد أساسي في قضية لوكربي يعترف بالكذب بحق المقرحي")

  669.  العرب اونلاين, Al-Arab Daily Newspaper,, London, 27 August 2007
    دليل جديد يكشف التلاعب في التحقيق لتجريم ليبيا ")

  670.  صوت الطليعة , The Libyan National Movement,, London, 27 August 2007
    لوكربي : دليل جديد يكشف التلاعب فى التحقيق ")

  671. DKP Darmstadt,, Germany, August 2007
    ("Berufungsverfahren vor dem Obersten Gericht Schottlands wird eröffnet - Neues zu Lockerbie" by Klaus von Raussendorff: reposting of article)

  672. I.P.O. Information Service,, Vienna, Austria, 28 August 2007
    "Lockerbie case: new accusations of manipulation of key forensic evidence")

  673. Scottish Law Reporter. Reporting on news & issues of Justice, Law & Politics, from Scotland,, 28 August 2007
    ("Accusations of evidence manipulation surface in Lockerbie Trial")

  674. Lycos iQ, web log,, Germany, 28 August 2007
    ("Flugzeugattentat Lockerbie. War alles ganz anders?  Libyen  evtl. gar unschuldig? Warum Beweismanipulationen? Cui bono?": reposting of article published in Berliner Zeitung)

  675., website, 28 August 2007   
    ("MEBO breakthru")

  676.  Al-Arab, London, UK, Issue 7769, 28 August 2007
    شاهد أساسي في قضية لوكربي يقر بالكذب لتوريط ليبيا ")

  677. Berliner Zeitung, Online,, Berlin, Germany, 29 August 2007, "Politik," p. 9
    ("Neue Zweifel an Lockerbie-Ermittlungen. Weiterer Zeuge bestätigt Manipulation von zentralen Beweismitteln /  Aussage könnte zu Neuauflage des Prozesses führen" by Daniel Baumann and Andreas Förster)

  678. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 29 August 2007
    ("The Lumpert Affidavit" by Robert Black)

  679. جريدة الشمس (Al-Shams Newspaper), Tripoli, Libya, 29 August 2007
    الحرية لعبدالباسط المقرحي")

  680. Elaph, Electronic magazine,, London, UK, 29 August 2007
    ("تزوير أدلة وتلاعبات لإلصاق التهمة بليبيا ")

  681. ليبيا اليوم (Libya Today),, London, 29 August 2007
    ("صحف ليبيا تطالب بتبرئة ساحة المقرحي بعد تراجع شاهد لوكربي واعترافه بالكذب")

  682., Besser Wissen, Munich, Germany, 29 August 2007
    ("Flugzeugattentat Lockerbie. War alles ganz anders?  Libyen  evtl. gar unschuldig? Warum Beweismanipulationen? Cui bono?": reposting of article published in Berliner Zeitung)

  683. الإنترنت العربية,, web log, 29 August 2007
    ("لوكربي مجددًا... بشهود ومعلومات قد تقلب كل المعايير")

  684.  دار القلم للأبحاث والترجمة / Dar Al-Qalam for Research & Translation,, London, UK, 29 August 2007
    صحف ليبيا تطالب بتبرئة ساحة المقرحي بعد تراجع شاهد لوكربي واعترافه بالكذب ")

  685. STV Scottish Television, Glasgow, Scotland, 30 August 2007
    (Interview on the implications of the publication of the "Lumpert affidavit": recorded on 30 August 2007

  686. العالم العربي,, web log, 30 August 2007
    ("لوكربي مجددً.. تزوير أدلة وتلاعبات لإلصاق التهمة بليبيا ")

  687.  اخبار ليبيا,, Tripoli, Libya, 30 August 2007
    ("تزوير أدلة وتلاعبات لإلصاق التهمة بليبيا ")

  688. Deutsche Welle, German Radio, Bonn, 30 August 2007
    (Interview on the implications of the Lumpert affidavit, recorded on 30 August 2007, 7 p.m., by Alexander Bakst)

  689. Qualitätspresse quergelesen, web log,, Germany, 30 August 2007
    ("Beweisfälschungen gegen Libyen im Fall Lockerbie": reposting of FAZ article by Johannes Leithäuser)

  690. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt a.M., Germany, No. 202, 31 August 2007, p. 3, Politik
    ("Explosiver Widerruf. Ist Libyen unschuldig? Ein Schweizer Ingenieur behauptet, Lockerbie-Beweisstücke seien 'vorsätzlich politisch' manipuliert worden" by Johannes Leithäuser, dated 30 August 2007)

  691. RINF.COM, Monitoring The Surveillance Society, web log, 31 August 2007
    ("Lockerbie case: new accusations of manipulation of key forensic evidence": reposting of I.P.O. news release of 28 August 2007)

  692. Pan Am Stories Message Board, web log, PANAMAIR.ORG, message, 31 August 2007
    ("Lockerbie / Flt 103")

  693. Grolo's Infohub, web log,, Germany, 31 August 2007
    ("Gefälschte Beweise im Lockerbie Fall?")

  694. Flamesong, web log,, 31 August 2007
    ("Lockerbie case: new accusations of manipulation of key forensic evidence": reposting of I.P.O. news release)

  695. RINF.COM, Προοδευτικός Ακτιβισμός μέσων , web log, 31 August 2007
    ("Περίπτωση Lockerbie: νέες κατηγορίες του χειρισμού των βασικών δικανικών στοιχείων")

  696. Pan Am 103 Lockerbie crash,, web log, 31 August 2007
    ("Mebo timer stolen": reposting of I.P.O. news release)

  697. RINF News,, USA, 31 August 2007
    ("Cas de Lockerbie : nouvelles accusations de manipulation de l'évidence légale principale")

  698., web log, Scotland, UK, August 2007
    ("Re: Lockerbie - The plot thickens")

  699. انتصار الثورة , web log, Germany, 1 September 2007
    ("Lockerbie-Attentat: Expolsiver Widerruf": reposting of FAZ article of 31 August)

  700. جريدة الأسبوع,, Cairo, Egypt, 1 September 2007
    تهاوي أدلة اتهام‮ '‬ليبيا‮' ‬في قضية‮ '‬لوكيربي‮'‬ "by  محمود بگري
    [Mohamed Bakri])

  701. AANGIRFAN,, 2 September 2007
    ("Lockerbie - who were the key players in the trial?")

  702. Libyans4Justice,, Libya, 2 September 2007
    لوكيربي .. صكوك براءة ليبيا يقدمها الشاهد الرئيسي" by سعيد فرحات [Said Farhat])

  703. Transparency Libya,, 2 September 2007
    لوكيربي .. صكوك براءة ليبيا يقدمها الشاهد الرئيسي": Reposting of article by سعيد فرحات [Said Farhat])

  704. الإسلام اليوم ,, 3 September 2007
    ("علي طريقة أكذوبة أسلحة الدمار الشامل العراقية تهاوي أدلة اتهام* '‬ليبيا*' ‬في قضية* '‬لوكيربي")

  705. العرب  (Al-Arab), London, UK, 3 September 2007, p. 5
    ("تفاصيل عن اعترافات المهندس السويسري التي قلبت التحقيقات في قضية لوكربي" by Samir Awad)

  706. Gulf News, Dubai, UAE, 4 September 2007
    ("Was Libya framed for Lockerbie bombing?" by Linda S. Heard)

  707., web log, 4 September 2007
    Дело против Ливии о взрыве над Локерби было сфабриковано?")

  708. Переводика,, Moscow, 4 Septembr 2007
    ("Дело против Ливии о взрыве над Локерби было сфабриковано?") (Translation/reposting of Gulf News article of 4 Sept. 2007)

  709. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 4 September 2007
    ("Was Libya framed for Lockerbie bombing?": Reposting of Gulf News article)

  710. جريدة الراية  (Al-Rayah Newspaper), Doha, Qatar, 4 September 2007
    ("اعترافات المهندس السويسري تقلب قضية لوكربي رأساً علي عقب" by سمير عواد  [Samir Awad] from Berlin)

  711. Zawya: Middle East Business News and Company Directory,, Dubai, UAE, 4 September 2007
    ("Was Libya framed for Lockerbie bombing?": Reposting of Gulf News article)

  712. World Bulletin,, Istanbul, Turkey, 4 September 2007
    ("Was Libya framed for Lockerbie bombing?": Reposting of Gulf News article)

  713., web log, Moldova, 5 September 2007
    Дело против Ливии о взрыве над Локерби было сфабриковано?": Reposting of Gulf News article)

  714. CFP Canada Free Press,, Toronto, Canada, 5 September 2007, Cover Story
    ("Key Lockerbie Witness Admits to Perjury" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  715. Nederland tegen censuur,, web log, Netherlands, 5 September 2007
    ("Key Lockerbie Witness Admits to Perjury": reposting of article by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  716. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 5 September 2007
    ("Probe into Lockerbie timer claims" by Lucy Adams, Chief Reporter)

  717. Scottish Law Reporter. Reporting on news & issues of Justice, Law & Politics, from Scotland,, 5 September 2007
    ("Calls for investigation into 'planted' evidence in Lockerbie Trial": Reposting of article by Lucy Adams, The Herald)

  718. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 6 September 2007
    ("Key Lockerbie Witness Admits Perjury: 'I am sorry for the consequences of my silence at that time'" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  719. Online Journal,, USA, 6 September 2007, Commentary
    ("Was Libya framed for Lockerbie bombing?": reposting of article by Linda S. Heard)

  720. News & Viewpoints,, web log, USA, 6 September 2007
    ("Was Libya framed for Lockerbie bombing?": reposting of article by Linda S. Heard)

  721. The Intelligence Daily,, USA, 6 September 2007
    ("Was Libya framed for Lockerbie bombing?": reposting of article by Linda S. Heard)

  722. The Truth Seeker, web log,, UK, 6 September 2007
    ("Was Libya framed for Lockerbie bombing?": reposting of article by Linda S. Heard)

  723. البيان, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 6 September 2007
    (" لوكيربي» .. صكوك براءة ليبيا يقدمها الشاهد الرئيسي »")

  724.  متن الساحل / Maten Alsahel Forums, Maten Al-Sahel, Tartous, Syria,, 6 September 2007
    ("اعترافات المهندس السويسري تقلب قضية لوكربي رأساً علي عقب ")

  725.  اخبار ليبيا,, Tripoli, Libya, 7 September 2007
    (" صحيفة البيان الاماراتية " by  سعيد فرحات [Said Farhat])

  726. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 7 September 2007
    ("A most perceptive analysis": Reposting of article by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  727. المنارة للإعلام / Almanara (Lighthouse Media),, London, UK, 7 September 2007
    لوكيربي» .. صكوك براءة ليبيا يقدمها الشاهد الرئيسي »" by  سعيد فرحات [Said Farhat])

  728. QUESTION EVERYTHING, web log,, USA, 7 September 2007
    ("Was Libya framed for Lockerbie bombing?": reposting of article by Linda S. Heard)

  729.   ليبيا المستقبل / Libya Almostakbal, 7 September 2007
    ("«لوكيربي» .. صكوك براءة ليبيا يقدمها الشاهد الرئيسي ")

  730.  منتديات صافيتـا ,, Safita, Syria, 7 September 2007
    ("اعترافات المهندس السويسري تقلب قضية لوكربي رأساً علي عقب ")

  731. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 7 September 2007
    ("Lockerbie - miscarriage of justice": comment on Ludwig De Braeckeleer's article)

  732. Pan Am 103 News, web log,, 8 September 2007
    ("Key Lockerbie Witness Admits Perjury": reposting of article by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  733. ABC Radio National, Sydney, Australia, 9 September 2007, "Rear Vision"
    ("Politics and justice: the Lockerbie trial": interview by Keri Phillips)

  734. This Day, www.thisdayonline, Lagos, Nigeria, 9 September 2007
    ("Was Libya Framed for Lockerbie Bombing?" by Chinedu Eze)

  735. PRAVDA, web log,, Moscow, Russia, 9 September 2007
    ("Was Libya framed for Lockerbie bombing?": reposting of article by Linda S. Heard)

  736. Nigerians-Abroad, News and Articles,, 9 September 2007
    ("Was Libya Framed for Lockerbie Bombing?": reposting of article by Linda S. Heard)

  737. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 11 September 2007
    ("Politics and justice: the Lockerbie trial")

  738. Pan Am 103 News, web log,, 11 September 2007
    ("Transcript: Politics and justice: the Lockerbie trial": transcript of ABC broadcast of 9 September 2007)

  739. U.S. Politics Online: A Political Discussion Forum, web log,, USA, September 2007
    ("false flag terror alert")

  740. Le Figaro, Paris, France, 14 September 2007, Actualité | International
    ("Lockerbie : et si la Libye était innocente ...")

  741. Maroc Annuaire,, Morocco, 14 September 2007
    ("Lockerbie : et si la Libye était innocente ...": reposting of article in Le Figaro)

  742. Centre for Research on Globalization,, Pincort, Québec, Canada, 15 September 2007
    ("Was Libya Framed for Lockerbie Bombing?": reposting of article by Linda S. Heard)

  743. Centre for Research on Globalization,, Pincort, Québec, Canada, 15 September 2007
    ("Key Lockerbie Witness Admits Perjury": reposting of article by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  744. Nettali - Le Quotidien exclusivement sur Internet,, Dakar, Senegal, 15 September 2007
    ("Et si la Libye était innocente ...": reposting of article in Le Figaro)

  745. AFRICATIME,, New York, USA, 15 September 2007
    ("Lockerbie et si la Libye était innocente": reposting of article in Le Figaro)

  746. Debate Both Sides,, web log, USA, 15 September 2007
    ("Was Libya Framed for Lockerbie Bombing?": reposting of Gulf News article)

  747. Gaimes BlowBack NewZ, web log,, 16 September 2007
    ("Was Libya Framed for Lockerbie Bombing? By Linda S. Heard": reposting of Gulf News article)

  748., web log, 16 September 2007
    ("Was Libya Framed for Lockerbie Bombing? By Linda S. Heard": reposting of Gulf News article)

  749. Ministère des affaires étrangeres: Les affaires politiques, les affaires économiques et Locales 16/9/2007,, Cairo, Egypt, 16 September 2007
    ("7. Lockerbie : et si la Libye était innocente ... [Le Figaro]")

  750., News & Views about Venezuela,, 17 September 2007
    ("Dr. Hans Koechler: I was an international observer at the Lockerbie trial")

  751. Tripoli Post, African Path,, Tripoli, Libya, 17 September 2007
    ("Was Libya Framed for Lockerbie Bombing?": reposting of article by Linda S. Heard)

  752. Mathaba News Agency,, UK, 18 September 2007
    ("Key Lockerbie Witness Admits Perjury [Affidavit]":
    reposting of article by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  753. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 20 September 2007
    ("I must know truth behind Annie's death": Comment no. 28)

  754. Edinburgh Evening News, Edinburgh, Scotland, 20 September 2007
    ("I must know truth behind Annie's death": Comment no. 28)

  755. Tunsia Today,, Tunis, Tunisia, September 2007
    ("Lockerbie: Toutes les preuves sur l'innocence de ly Libye")

  756. Libya Online,, Tripoli, Libya, September 2007
    ("Key Lockerbie Witness Admits Perjury": reposting of article by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  757. Centre for Research on Globalization,, Pincort, Québec, Canada, 22 September 2007
    ("The New York Times on the Libya-Pan Am 103 Case: A Study in Propaganda Service" by Edward S. Herman)

  758. Philadelphie Independent Media Center,, Philadelphie, USA, 22 September 2007
    ("Ed Herman, NYT on the Libya-Pan Am 103 Case: A Study in Propaganda Service" by Todd Wolfson)

  759. КОМПЬЮТЕРРА,, Moscow, Russia, 26 September 2007
    ("Шпионы в стране Wikipedia / 'Вопиющая ошибка правосудия'")

  760. Wikipedia Watch,, 26 September 2007
    ("Spies in Wikipedia / 'A spectacular miscarriage of justice'": reposting of article from Computerra magazine, trans. from Russian)

  761. American Journal of International Law, Washington, DC, USA, Vol. 101, Nº 3, 2007 , pp. 553-580, fn. 81
    ("Dealing with a 'Rogue State': the Libya Precedent" by Jonathan B. Schwartz)

  762. BBC TV, Newsnight Scotland, Glasgow, 2 October 2007
    (Interview of Hans Koechler by Gordon Brewer on new revelations about the withhholding of evidence and on the arrangements for new appeal proceedings)

  763.  اخبار ليبيا,, Tripoli, Libya, 2 October 2007
    ("( دراسة مقارنة عن تغطية وتناول قضايا إسقاط الطائرات المدنية (الليبية ، الإيرانية والأمريكية – لوكربي ")

  764. Ed's Blog City,, UK, 2 October 2007
    ("Lockerbie Needles": reposting of article by Steven Raeburn)

  765. streetsmedia,, web log, 2 October 2007
    ("Вопиющая ошибка правосудия")

  766. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 3 October 2007
    ("Police chief claims licensing law paperwork will keep staff away from frontline duties": Comment)

  767. International Progress Organization  Information Service, Vienna / Zurich, 5 October 2007
    ("Lockerbie trial: an intelligence operation? BBC interview of Dr. Hans Köchler -- New revelation about financial offer to a key witness from Switzerland")

  768. Centro de Medios Independientes Santiago,, Santiago de Chile, Chile, 5 October 2007
    ("Lockerbie trial: CIA paid $2 million to use fake 'evidence'" by Henk Ruyssenaars)

  769. Scottish Law Reporter. Reporting on news & issues of Justice, Law & Politics, from Scotland,, 5 October 2007
    ("Allegations of Lockerbie trial outcome 'fixed' by intelligence services")

  770., web log, Scotland, UK, 5 October 2007
    ("IPO again calls Lockerbie trial: an intelligence operation?")

  771. Foreign Press Foundation. Échte Journalistiek - Real Journalism,, Netherlands, 5 October 2007
    ("Lockerbie trial: CIA paid $2 million to use fake 'evidence'")

  772. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 6 October 2007
    ("FBI offered me $4m: Lockerbie bomb witness" by Michael Howie, Home Affairs Correspondent)

  773. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 6 October 2007, p. 16
    ("MSPs gagged over Crown's Lockerbie deceit")

  774. Centre for Research on Globalization, "Global Research,", Pincort, Québec, Canada, 6 October 2007
    ("Lockerbie Investigator Disputes Story. Richard Marquise led the U.S. task force that investigated the bombing" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  775. Muntada: Libya Human & Political Development Forum,, UK, 6 October 2007
    ("Lockerbie Investigator Disputes Story. Richard Marquise led the U.S. task force that investigated the bombing: reposting of article by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  776. Union Tribune,, web log, San Diego, USA, 6 October 2007
    ("FBI agents offer Lockerbie bombing witness $5 million to lie")

  777. Gather Inc.,, web log, Boston, USA, 6 October 2007
    ("FBI Offered Me $4m: Lockerbie Bomb Witness": reposting of Scotsman article of 6 October 2007 and other articles and reports)

  778. Libya: News and Views,, 6 October 2007
    ("A witness in the Lockerbie case ...": summary of Scotsman article)

  779. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 6 October 2007
    ("More from Dr Ludwig de Braeckeleer": reposting of OhmyNews article)

  780. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 7 October 2007
    ("Lockerbie Investigator Disputes Story" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  781. The Sunday Times, Scottish edition, London, UK, 7 October 2007
    ("UN observer says Scots law is flawed" by Mark Macaskill)

  782. Pan Am 103 News,, 7 October 2007
    ("Lockerbie trial: an intelligence operation?": reposting of I.P.O. news release of 5 October 2007)

  783. Scotland on Sunday, Edinburgh, Scotland, 7 October 2007
    ("Swire offered cash help to al-Megrahi": Comments no. 7, no. 17)

  784. Digital Journal Magazine,, Toronto, Canada, 7 October 2007
    ("Did The FBI Try To 'Buy' Evidence In The Lockerbie Trial?")

  785. ZapLog,, web log, Netherlands, 7 October 2007
    ("FBI bood Lockerbie getuigen 4 miljoen dollar")

  786. Democratic Underground, discussion forum,, Washington DC, USA, 7 October 2007
    ("Lockerbie: ... FBI offered me $4m: Lockerbie bomb witness")

  787. 9/11, the bigger picture and the quest for truth, web log,, UK, 7 October 2007
    ("Lockerbie Official Conspiracy Unravelling Fast")

  788. The Baltimore Sun, news forum,, Baltimore, USA, 7 October 2007
    ("FBI agents offer Lockerbie bombing witness $5 million to lie")

  789. CFP Canada Free Press,, Toronto, Canada, 8 October 2007, Cover Story
    ("Top FBI Lockerbie investigator disputes CFP story" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  790. Pan Am 103 News,, 8 October 2007
    ("Lockerbie: protecting the victims' rights": open letter by Dr. Jim Swire)

  791. The Dallas Morning News, Forum, Dallas, USA, 9 October 2007
    ("FBI agents offer Lockerbie bombing witness $5million to lie": reposting of article in the Scotsman

  792. Jerusalem Post, Jerusalem, Israel, 10 October 2007, News Section, p. 1
    ("Lockerbie bomber will go free on appeal, experts tell 'Post.' Libyan is only  man jailed for UKs worst terror attack. Spotlight again likely to fall on Iran and PFLP-GC" by David Horovitz, Editor-in-Chief)

  793. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 10 October 2007
    ("Lockerbie bomber to go free on appeal": reposting of Jerusalem Post online article)

  794., Malta, 10 October 2007
    L-ikkundannat Megrahi aktarx jinħeles fuq appell" by Richard Cassar)

  795.  اخبار ليبيا,, Tripoli, Libya, 10 October 2007
    مراقب الأمم المتحدة: إدانة المقرحي كانت لأسباب سياسية ")

  796. ترجمات مختارة ,, Libya, 10 October 2007
    ("الجيروزالم بوست: المقرحي قد يطلق سراحه خلال الاستئناف ": Arabic translation of Jerusalem Pst article of 10 October 2007)

  797. Jerusalem Post, Online Edition, Jerusalem, 11 October 2007
    ("Editor's Notes: Lockerbie - a miscarriage of justice?" by David Horovitz, Editor-in-Chief)

  798. Коммерсантъ, Moscow, Russia, 11 October 2007
    Обвиняемый в подрыве самолета над Локерби выйдет на свободу по апелляции" / "Lockerbie bomber to go free on appeal" : reposting of Jerusalem Post article)

  799. العرب اونلاين,, London, 11 October 2007
    قضية المقرحي تعود مجددا الى المحكمة  - لقصور في عمل القضاء السكتلندي")

  800. Institute of Religion and Policy (IRP),, Moscow, Russia, 11 October 2007
    ("«The Jerusalem Post»: Обвиняемый в подрыве самолета над Локерби выйдет на свободу в результате апелляции": reposting of Jerusalem Post article)

  801. Jerusalem Post, Jerusalem, Israel, 12 October 2007, Features Section, p. 24
    ("Lockerbie - a sinister miscarriage of justice?" by David Horovitz with Linda Amar)

  802. Scottish Law Reporter. Reporting on news & issues of Justice, Law & Politics, from Scotland,, 12 October 2007
    ("Scots Law failure gives Scotland a 'banana republic' reputation - UN observer to Lockerbie trial")

  803. ليبيا اليوم  (Libya Today),, London, 12 October 2007
    محكمة الاستئناف الاسكتلندية تعيد النظر في قضية عبد الباسط المقرحي مجددا")

  804.   جيل /Jeel Media,, London, UK, 12 October 2007
    بدء إجراءات الاستنئاف في الحكم   السابق بقضية لوكربي")

  805. The United Jerusalem Foundation,, Jerusalem, 12 October 2007
    ("Editor's Notes: Lockerbie - a miscarriage of justice?: reposting of Jerusalem Post article)

  806.  صحيفة آرام ,, 12 October 2007
    ("سكوتلاندا تعيد النظر بقضية المقرحي ")

  807. صوت الطليعة , The Libyan National Movement,, London, 12 October 2007
    (" بدء إجراءات إعادة النظر في الحكم السابق على عبد الباسط المقرحي")

  808. Private Eye, London, UK, Issue 1195, 12-25 October 2007, p. 28
    ("Lockerbie Appeal: Fragment of the imagination?")

  809. A Diary of Injustice in Scotland - by Peter Cherbi, web log,, Scotland, 13 October 2007
    ("Scotland's corrupt justice system - worthy of a 'banana republic' and obstruction to independence")

  810. PANAPRESS (Pan African News Agency), Dakar, Senegal, 13 October 2007
    ("Début des dispositions de révision du procès de Abdelbasset AlMegrahi")

  811. Libyan Jamahiriya Broadcasting Corporation, Tripoli, Libya, 13 October 2007
    ("محكمة الاستئناف الأسكتلندية تبدأ إجراءات إعادة النظر في الحكم السابق على الرهينة السياسية عبد الباسط المقرحي ")

  812. Scotland on Sunday, Edinburgh, Scotland, 14 October 2007
    ("Lockerbie witness 'given B£2m reward'": Comments no. 2, no. 14)

  813. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 14 October 2007
    ("Lockerbie Defense Demands Documents - Prosecutors: disclosure of secret foreign documents a matter of national security" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  814. The GaiaPost,, web log of Dr. Ludwig De Braeckeleer, 15 October 2007
    ("Lockerbie Defense Demands Documents")

  815. Jerusalem Post, Online Edition, Jerusalem, Israel, 15 October 2007
    ("Duplicity over Lockerbie")

  816., web log, Libya, 15 October 2007
    ("المقرحي وأدلة على براءته جديدة ")

  817., web log, Libya, 16 October 2007
    (" أدلة جديدة على البراءة")

  818. Le Temps, Geneva, Switzerland, 16 October 2007
    ("Lockerbie: le seul condamné victime d'une erreur judiciaire?" by Eric Albert)

  819. Jerusalem Post, Jerusalem, Israel, 16 October 2007, Opinion Section, p. 14
    (Letter to the Editor by Hans Koechler)

  820. Mideast Media Analysis,, Mideast Dispatch Archives, 17 October 2007
    ("Lockerbie: Has an innocent man been locked up?")

  821. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 17 October 2007
    ("Lockerbie's indelible stain": Comment no. 2)

  822. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 18 October 2007
    ("Lockerbie anger as Libya wins seat on the UN Security Council": Comments)

  823. The Guardian, "comment is free...,", UK, 19 October 2007
    ("Libya's new look": Commissioner Carlsson, comment)

  824. comment is free..., web log,, 20 October 2007
    ("Libya's new look": Comment)

  825. The Daily Orange, independent student newspaper, Syracuse, NY, USA, 22 October 2007
    ("Pan Am 103 families speak out against UN": Comments, Patrick Haseldine, 1 November 2007)

  826. Ed's Blog City,, UK, 23 October 2007
    ("The Hidden Agenda: PA103, Lockerbie and the Iran-Contra-connection")

  827. Peace Dream,, web log, 26 October 2007
    ("Spookypedia: Wiki Spies, Lockerbie and SlimVirgin")

  828.,, USA, 29 October 2007
    ("Lockerbie - Crash of Flight 103. Pan Am Disaster - Has Libya been Blamed instead of Iran?" by Julian Worker)

  829. GroundReport,, citizens news portal, 1 November 2007
    ("Key Lockerbie Witness Admits Perjury":
    Reposting of article by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  830. AANGIRFAN,, 4 November 2007
    ("Aamer Anwar, Mohammed Siddique and Scotland's 'discredited' criminal justice system")

  831. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 12 November 2007
    ("Robbie the Pict and Hans Koechler")

  832. VUNET - Alternative News,, Helsinki, Finland, 15 November 2007
    ("Helsingin Sanomat julkaisi sepitelmän Lockerbie-turmasta")

  833. The Arran Voice (weekly nespaper), Isle of Arran, Scotland, UK, 16 November 2007
    ("When a voice needs to be heard" by Robbie the Pict)

  834. and Handakte WebLAWg, Germany, 5 December 2007
    ("Verschlusssache Lockerbie")

  835. GEHEIM, Cologne, Germany, No. 3/2007, 10 December 2007 / Vor der Festung / International
    ("Explosiver Widerruf")

  836. UK Indymedia,, London, UK, 16 December 2007
    ("South Africa blamed for Lockerbie")

  837., web log, Germany, 19 December 2007
    ("Lockerbie Beweisstücke wurden bewusst manipuliert")

  838. Congressional Quarterly,, Washington DC, USA, 20 December 2007
    ("Libya May Escape Final Judgment in Pan-Am 103 Case" by Jeff Stein, National Security Editor)

  839., web log, Chicago, USA, 21 December 2007
    ("Aviation History / 12-21-88")

  840. Crash de Habsheim,, France, 2007
    ("La bombe de la Pan Am de Lockerbie" / "Lockerbie : et si la Libye était innocente...": reposting of Le Monde article)

  841. Ed's Blog City,, USA, 22 December 2007
    ("Libya May Escape Final Judgment in Pan-Am 103 Case": reposting)

  842. Åbo Akademi University, Institute for Human Rights, Åbo, Finland, 2007
    (Course "Human Rights & Terrorism," Prof. Dr. Martin Scheinin / "The Lockerbie Case": essay by Sophie Grabsch)

  843. Juan Sanchez, Terrorism & It's Effects. Delhi, India: Global Media, 2007
    (Chapter "Pan Am Flight 103")

  844. Unfriendly Skies: 20th and 21st Centuries. Book by Rodney Stich. Silverpeak, Nevada (USA): Silverpeak Publishing, 2007, pp. 315ff
    (Republication of Hans Koechler's Lockerbie comments)

  845. Air & Space Disasters of the World. Book by Xavier Waterkeyn. Sydney/Auckland/London/Cape Town: New Holland Publishers, 2007

  846. The Lockerbie Incident: A Detective's Tale. Book by John Crawford. USA: Trafford Publishing, 2007.

  847. Mathaba News Agency,, UK, 11 January 2008
    ("Libya's First UN Security Council Action Must be on Lockerbie")

  848. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 11 January 2008
    ("Confession of an Iranian Terror Czar" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  849. Libya Online,, Tripoli, Libya, 11 January 2008
    ("Libya's First UN Security Council Action Must be on Lockerbie": reposting of Mathaba article)

  850. Private Eye, London, UK, Issue No: 1201, 11 January 2008, p. 27, "In the Back"
    ("The Lockerbie Appeal: You cannot be Syria")

  851. CFP Canada Free Press,, Toronto, Canada, 12 January 2008
    ("The Lockerbie Bombing, Syria, Iran, Palestinians -- Confession of an Iranian Terror Czar": reposting of article by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  852. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 15 January 2008
    ("Round-up from 9 to 15 January 2008")

  853. Tunisia Watch,, Tunisia, 16 January 2008
    ("Dessous et aboutissements du scandale politico judiciaire de Lockerbie" by Mokhtar Yahyoui)

  854. C4N,, France, 16 January 2008
    ("Dessous et aboutissements du scandale politico judiciaire de Lockerbie": reposting of article of Tunisia Watch)

  855. Tunis News,, Tunis, Tunisia, 8th year, No. 2795, 18 January 2008
    ("Dessous et aboutissements du scandale politico judiciaire de Lockerbie": reposting of article of Tunisia Watch)

  856. ABC Radio National, Sydney, Australia, 27 January 2008, "Rear Vision"
    ("Politics and justice: the Lockerbie trial": interview by Keri Phillips / re-broadcasting of program of 9 September 2007)

  857. The Mammoth Book of Cover-ups: 100 Most Disturbing Conspiracies of all Time. Book by John E. Lewis. London: Robinson Publishing, 2008, p. 315
    ("Lockerbie Bombing")

  858. GroundReport | United Kingdom,, UK, 11 February 2008
    ("The Lockerbie Bombing - Flight 103")

  859. Kingsley Napley law firm,, London, UK, lecture delivered at University of East London, 13 February 2008
    ("Ten Years  After Pinochet: The future of Universal Jurisdiction" by Michael Caplan QC)

  860. Ethics in Policing (EIP),, UK, 15 February 2008
    ("UN law expert joins calls for McKie probe": reposting of Scotsman article of 5 March 2006)

  861. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 23 February 2008
    ("Patrick Haseldine and Hans Köchler")

  862. Schattenblick,, electronic newspaper, MA-Verlag, Germany, 23 February 2008
    ("Lockerbie - London torpediert Klage Al Megrahis")

  863., web log, Scotland, UK, 27 February 2008
    ("Lockerbie appeal a mockery of justice")

  864. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 28 February 2008
    ("Statement by Professor Köchler")

  865. | News Services, Cologne, Germany, 1 March 2008
    ("Lockerbie Appeal Strains UK-Scottish Relations" by Alex Bakst)

  866. Daily Express, London, UK, 2 March 2008, UK News
    ("Secret file points to 'cover-up'" by Mark Stevenson)

  867. Scottish Sunday Express, Edinburgh, UK, 2 March 2008, UK News
    ("Secret file points to 'cover-up'" by Mark Stevenson)

  868. Mathaba News Agency,, UK, 6 March 2008
    ("Lockerbie: Truth - the final casualty": Comment)

  869. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 7 March 2008
    ("Court setback for Lockerbie bomber": Comments)

  870. Campaigning for Scotland. The Scots Independent Newspaper, Stirling, Scotland, Issue 405, 7 March 2008
    ("Lockerbie smokescreens")

  871. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 7 March 2008
    ("Appeal setback for Lockerbie bomber": comments)

  872. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 8 March 2008
    ("Megrahi defence team loses bid to access secret document": Comment / posting of I.P.O. statement of 25 Feb. 2008)

  873. PANAPRESS (Pan African News Agency), Dakar, Senegal, 15 March 2008
    أخطاء قضائية وأدلة جديدة تحمل براءة الليبي عبد الباسط المقرحي")

  874. ليبيا اليوم  (Libya Today),, London, 16 March 2008
    وكالة بانا بريس ترصد عودة قضية عبد الباسط المقرحى مجددا للظهور على سطح الأحداث")

  875. Forum for Students and Youth Activists, web log, USA, 20 March 2008
    (Reposting of Ohmy News report)

  876. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 29 March 2008
    ("Lockerbie: The Man Who Was Not There" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  877. Alliance-4-Justice,, UK, (retrieved) March 2008
    ("Accountability and Transparency of the Judiciary: Crucial to Social Cohesion and Democracies" by ELC Research Unit)

  878. Canada Free Press,, Toronto, Canada, 2 April 2008
    ("The Lockerbie Trial, Pan Am flight 103: The man who was not there": reposting of article by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  879. The Record. The Independent Newspaper at Harvard Law School,, Boston, USA, 15 April 2008
    (The Record Message Board/ "FBI watch making cruelty visible": summary of articles to Hans Koechler's Lockerbie remarks)

  880. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 15 May 2008
    ("The Benghazi trial and the Lockerbie trial")

  881. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 22 May 2008
    ("Bid to ban Lockerbie lawyers in secrets hearing": Comment)

  882. The Firm,, Glasgow, Scotland, 22 May 2008, News
    ("Lockerbie Press Reports Spark Crown Office Rebuttal")

  883. AANGIRFAN,, 22 May 2008
    ("Bid to ban Lockerbie lawyers in secrets hearing")

  884. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 30 May 2008
    ("Judges order bomb document handover": Comment)

  885. Voice of Africa, Tripoli, Libya, 30 May 2008
    كبير قضاة اسكتلندا يطلب من الحكومة البريطانية إطلاعه على وثيقتين تتعلقان بلوكربي تدعي أنهما سريتان")

  886. صحيفة الفجرالجديد  (al Fajr al Jadeed Newspaper), Tripoli, Libya, May 2008
    ضمن إجراءات محكمة الاستئناف الاسكتلندية إعادة النظر من جديد في الحكم السابق على الرهينة السياسية المواطن الليبي عبد الباسط المقرحي")

  887. Libyan Jamahiriya Broadcasting Corporation,, Tripoli, Libya, 31 May 2008
    (" كبير قضاة اسكتلندا يطلب من الحكومة البريطانية إطلاعه على وثيقتين تتعلقان بلوكربي تدعي أنهما سريتان")

  888. جليانة موقع ثقافي إجتماعي شامل مستقل ,, Libya, 31 May 2008
    كبير قضاة اسكتلندا يطلب من الحكومة البريطانية إطلاعه على وثيقتين تتعلقان بلوكربي تدعي أنهما سريتان": reposting of LJBC article)

  889. مدونات مكتوب ,, Libya, 31 May 2008
    ("كبير قضاة اسكتلندا يطلب من الحكومة البريطانية إطلاعه على وثيقتين تتعلقان بلوكربي تدعي أنهما سريتان ")

  890. ليبيا اليوم (Libya Today),, London, 1 June 2008
    كبير قضاة اسكتلندا يطلب من الحكومة البريطانية إطلاعه على وثيقتين تتعلقان بلوكربي تدعي أنهما سريتان ")

  891. اخبار ليبيا,, Tripoli, Libya, 2 June 2008
    "سكوتلند أون صنداي": جهاز توقيت قنبلة لوكربي زوّد لدول ليست بينها ليبيا")

  892. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 5 June 2008
    ("Interpreting what is in public interest": Comment)

  893. The Firm,, Glasgow, Scotland, 10 June 2008, News
    ("UN Observer to the Lockerbie Trial says 'totalitarian' appeal process bears the hallmarks of an 'intelligence operation'")

  894. The Sunday Times, London, UK, 15 June 2008
    ("Lockerbie bomber hearing 'flawed': The UN's observer in the trial that convicted a Libyan of the atrocity criticises the process of his appeal" by Mark Macaskill)

  895. AANGIRFAN,, UK, 15 June 2008
    ("Lockerbie, the CIA, Ho Chi Minh")

  896. Scotland on Sunday, Edinburgh, Scotland, 15 June 2008
    ("UN observer slams Megrahi appeal process" by Murdo MacLeod)

  897. Today in the Sky Blog, USA TODAY,, USA, 15 June 2008
    ("UN observer slams Megrahi appeal process": reposting of Scotsman article )

  898. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 15 June 2008
    ("Lockerbie bomber hearing 'flawed'": reposting of Sunday Times article)

  899. Libya News,, Tripoli, Libya, 15 June 2008
    ("Lockerbie bomber hearing 'flawed'": reposting of Sunday Times article)

  900. Libya News,, Tripoli, Libya, 15 June 2008
    ("UN observer slams Megrahi appeal process": reposting of Scotland on Sunday/Scotsman article)

  901. NEWSTIN - News and People,, UK, 15 June 2008
    ("UN observer slams Megrahi appeal process": reposting of Scotland on Sunday/Scotsman article)

  902. Scottish Law Reporter,, Scotland, 16 June 2008
    ("UN Special Observer to Lockerbie Trial compares recent Megrahi appeal to intelligence operation")

  903. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 18 June 2008
    ("Crown in legal bid to limit Lockerbie bomber appeal": Comment)

  904. Plane Truth,, web log, 19 June 2008, "Lockerbie 2008"
    ("Comments from Hans Koechler re High Court Hearings")

  905. The Drum  - Advertising, Design, Media, Marketing,, Glasgow and Manchester, 20 June 2008, Media / Scotland
    ("UN observer criticises Scots journalists")

  906., news from web, web log, 22 June 2007
    ("Inconvenient Truths: Who Put the Bomb in Pan Am 103?": reposting of article by Hugh Miles)

  907. The Firm,, Glasgow, Scotland, 23 June 2008, News
    ("UN Observer Challenges Professor Black's Lockerbie Views")

  908. Absolvitor. Scots Law Online,, Scotland, 23 June 2008
    ("Dutch Re-cap?")

  909. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 23 June 2008
    ("Must the new appeal be heard at Zeist?")

  910. The Firm,, Glasgow, Scotland, 24 June 2008, News
    ("UN Observer and Black at Loggerheads over Lockerbie")

  911. Private Eye, London, UK, Issue 1213, 27 June 2008
    ("Lockerbie Appeal - To Crown it All")

  912. اخبار ليبيا / Libya News,, Tripoli, Libya, 28 June 2008
    ("UN observer slams Megrahi appeal process": reposting of Scotland on Sunday article)

  913. The Shaylergate Files -- How MI6 Sponsored Al Qaeda In Libya,, web log, UK, June 2008
    ("The Framing Of Libya -- The Continuing Saga": excerpts of media articles)

  914. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 3 July 2008, Latest News
    ("UN Observer says
    'Absurd and Illogical' position of Crown Office Could Open European Appeal Route to Megrahi")

  915. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 3 July 2008
    ("Statement by Professor Hans Köchler": reposting of I.P.O. statement on the Lockerbie Appeal)

  916. Sunday Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 6 July 2008, Business
    ("Scottish newspapers accused of shirking investigative duties" by Peter John Meiklem)

  917. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 6 July 2008
    ("Scottish newspapers accused of shirking investigative duties": extract of Sunday Herald article)

  918. Compute Scotland,, Scotland, 6 July 2008
    ("Scottish media knuckles rapped  for failing to ask the right questions")

  919. AANGIRFAN,, 7 July 2008
    ("Lockerbie, Kochler and the media")

  920. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 13 July 2008
    ("US to Pay Iranian Families Compensation [Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, Part 10 - July 12, 1988]" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  921. AANGIRFAN,, UK, 15 June 2008
    ("Iran to be framed for Lockerbie? Did the CIA bring down Pan Am 103?")

  922. CFP Canada Free Press,, Toronto, Canada, 16 July 2008, Cover Story
    ("Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, Part 10 -- Reagan: US will pay compensation to Iranian familes": reposting of Ohmy News article by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  923. The Gaia Post,, Colombia, 18 July 2008
    ("US to Pay Iranian Families Compensation" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  924. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 20 July 2008
    ("Lockerbie Appeal: Making Haste Slowly")

  925. MEDIA LENS,, UK, 20 July 2008, Forum
    ("Lockerbie 9/11 - 'mad' link worth investigating")

  926. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 21 July 2008, News
    ("Miliband Put on the Spot Over Lockerbie")

  927. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 23 July 2008
    ("Letter from Professor Köchler to Foreign Secretary")

  928. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 23 July 2008
    ("Iran and Iraq Reps to Meet With UN Secretary General [Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, Part 20 - July 22, 1988]" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  929. Mathaba News Agency,, UK, 24 July 2008
    ("Lockerbie Appeal: Making Haste Slowly

  930. CFP Canada Free Press,, Toronto, Canada, 26 July 2008
    ("Iran and Iraq Reps to Meet With UN Secretary General": reposting of Ohmy News article by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  931. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 31 July 2008
    ("Saudis Urge Baghdad to Accept Ceasefire With Iran
    / Back to the Present [Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, Part 28 - July 30, 1988]" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  932. Pathless Land, web log,, Germany, July 2008, Kapitel 1
    ("Beschützt von Vater Staat: Hintergründe und Folgen der globalen Terrorismusbekämpfung")

  933. CFP Canada Free Press,, Toronto, Canada, 4 August 2008
    ("[Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, American Hostages in Lebanon] Saudis urge Baghdad to accept cease-fire with Iran / Back to the Present: reposting of article by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  934. Storming Heaven's Gates,, Netherlands, 5 August 2008
    ("Lockerbie Fake Goes On: Bush Signs Compensation Law" by Henk Ruyssenaars)

  935. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 20 August 2008
    ("Judges to rule on Lockerbie papers": Comments)

  936. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 20 August 2008, Letters
    ("Unfair to Megrahi to deny access to documents" by Jim Swire)

  937. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 20 August 2008
    ("The Scottish press and the closed hearing")

  938. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 20 August 2008
    ("Iranian Airliner Was Not Emitting Military Signal / Back to the Present [Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, Part 48 - August 19, 1988]" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  939. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 21 August 2008
    ("US Navy to Discipline No One
    / Back to the Present [Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, Part 49 - August 20, 1988]" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  940. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 22 August 2008
    ("High Court decision rapid and welcome": Comment)

  941. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 23 August 2008
    ("Iran-Iraq Ceasefire Operational / Back to the Present [Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, Part 51 - August 22, 1988]" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  942. CFP Canada Free Press,, Toronto, Canada, 23 August 2008
    ("[Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, Part 49] US navy to discipline no one / Back to the Present": reposting of article by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  943. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 25 August 2008
    ("Blaming the Victims of US Foreign Policy / Back to the Present [Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, Part 52 - August 23, 1988]" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  944. CFP Canada Free Press,, Toronto, Canada, 26 August 2008
    ("[Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, Part 52] Blaming the victims of US foreign policy / Back to the Present": reposting of article by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  945., UK, 26 August 2008
    ("Lockerbie Bombing - PanAm 103 - People")

  946. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 2 September 2008, News
    ("Foreign Office climbs down over 'not proven' description of innocent Lockerbie defender")

  947. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal, Glasgow, Scotland, September 2008, News Update, p. 4
    ("Skye event seeks Lockerbie justice")

  948. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal, Glasgow, Scotland, September 2008, p. 7
    ("Dr Hans Kochler | Newsmaker / Man on a Mission for Justice")

  949. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 2 September 2008
    ("Foreign Secretary's response to Professor Köchler")

  950. Lockerbie Justice Group (LJG), Isle of Skye, Scotland, 5 September 2008
    ("PRESS CALL - UN Monitor Dr Hans Koechler in Skye for Talks next week")

  951. PRIVATE EYE, London, No. 33/1218, 5-18 September 2008
    ("Lockerbie Appeal: No truth, no justice")

  952. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 13 September 2008
    ("Skye Gathering")

  953. Cuillin FM, Isle of Skye, Scotland, 14 September 2008
    (Exclusive interview on the Lockerbie appeal)

  954. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 16 September 2008
    ("Greshornish House Accord")

  955. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 17 September 2008, News
    ("Lockerbie accord sets out framework for future justice")

  956. BBC News, London, UK, 17 September 2008
    ("Appeal court plans Lockerbie move" by Reevel Alderson, BBC Scotland home affairs correspondent)

  957. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 17 September 2008, News, p. 13
    ("Legal experts call for new public inquiry on Lockerbie bombing" by John Ross)

  958. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 17 September 2008, News, p. 8
    ("Experts on Lockerbie bombing trial call for fresh inquiry")

  959. Ed's Blog City,, UK, 17 September 2008
    ("What now, Scotland? Lockerbie Accord Sets out Framework for Future Justice")

  960. The Journal Online. The members' magazine of the Law Society of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland, 17 September 2008
    ("Call for Lockerbie bombing re-investigation")

  961. Scotsgate. Scotland's independent internet community, web log,, Scotland, 17 September 2008
    ("Call for new Lockerbie enquiry")

  962. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 18 September 2008, News
    ("Courts 'go Soviet' in Megrahi case")

  963. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 18 September 2008
    ("More on the PII debacle")

  964. CFP Canada Free Press,, Toronto, Canada, 18 September 2008
    ("[Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, Part 75] Bonn hails release of Rudolf Cordes / Back to the Present": reposting of article by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  965. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 19 September 2008
    ("Bonn hails release of Rudolf Cordes / Back to the Present [Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, Part 75 - September 15, 1988]" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  966. The Times Online, London, UK, 19 September 2008
    ("Lockerbie bomber leaves jail to undergo tests in hospital")

  967. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 19 September 2008
    ("Hospital visit for Megrahi")

  968. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 20 September 2008
    ("Turkey Opposes Inquiry Into Iraqi Chemical Weapons / Back to the Present [Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, Part 76 - September 16, 1988]" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  969. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 22 September 2008, News
    ("Swire endorses Skye accord and joins call for international inquiry")

  970. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 22 September 2008, News
    ("Details revealed of Megrahi's secret 'special counsel'")

  971. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 23 September 2008
    ("Professor Köchler on PII")

  972. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 26 September 2008
    ("Book Sheds Light on Reagan / Back to the Present [Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, Part 80 - September 20, 1988]" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  973. Sunday Express, Edinburgh, Scotland, 28 September 2008, Features, pp. 10-11
    ("In the terrorist's corner" by Nicola Barry)

  974. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 30 September 2008
    ("Hans Köchler and Lockerbie")

  975. Scotched Justice, web log,, Scotland, 30 September 2008
    ("Lockerbie: Justice or Politics?" by Jim Swire)

  976. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal, Glasgow, Scotland, October 2008, pp. 14-15
    (Feature "Skye Justice": "No limits on Skye as legal academics aim for new way ahead" by Steven Raeburn)

  977. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 4 October 2008
    ("The Firm's coverage of Skye event")

  978. [KRT] Khmer Rouge Trial Portal,, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2008
    ("The Importance of Monitoring the Trials at the Extraordinary Chambers")

  979. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 8 October 2008
    ("Gaddafi 'not excited' about coming UK visit": Comment)

  980. CFP Canada Free Press,, Toronto, Canada, 8 October 2008
    ("The metamorphose of the Pan Am Radio Bomb [Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, Part 98 - October 8, 1988]" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  981. CFP Canada Free Press,, Toronto, Canada, 9 October 2008
    ("Alan Feraday and the evidence of the Lockerbie trial" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  982. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 12 October 2008
    ("No Hope For American Hostages Prompt Release [Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, Part 97 - October 7, 1988]" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  983. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 12 October 2008
    ("The Metamorphose of the Pan Am 103 Radio Bomb [Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, Part 98 - October 8, 1988]" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  984. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 13 October 2008
    ("Alan Feraday and the Evidence of the Lockerbie Trial [Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, Part 99 - October 9, 1988]" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  985. EU Politics Today,, 13 October 2008, Malta Radio & TV News
    ("Alan Feraday and the Evidence of the Lockerbie Trial": reposting of article by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  986. CFP Canada Free Press,, Toronto, Canada, 18 October 2008
    ("What a tragedy. What a mess ... [Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, Part 108 - October 18, 1988]" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  987. Daily Mail, London, UK, 21 October 2008
    ("Lockerbie bomber 'has weeks to live' after being diagnosed with advanced cancer" by Jonathan Brocklebank and Marcello Mega)

  988. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 21 October 2008, Features
    ("No limits on Skye as legal academics aim for new way ahead": republishing of article by Steven Raeburn)

  989. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 22 October 2008
    ("Tam Dalyell: 'Issue is not only Megrahi, but integrity of Scottish legal system ... this case does not cease simply because of death'")

  990. The Gaia Post,, 22 October 2008
    ("Alan Feraday and the Evidence of the Lockerbie Trial": reposting of article by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  991. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 23 October 2008
    ("'United States Scapegoated Libya': Tam Dalyell [Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, Part 108 - October 18, 1988]" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  992. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 26 November 2008
    ("Carter Contact Regarding Hostages Arrested in Tehran [Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, Part 141 - November 20, 1988]" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  993. The Gaia Post,, 23 October 2008
    ("'United States Scapegoated Libya': Tam Dalyell": reposting of article by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  994. Scotched Justice, web log,, Scotland, 24 October 2008
    ("Tam Dalyell: 'Issue is not only Megrahi, but integrity of Scottish legal system ... this case does not cease simply because of death'")

  995. The Sunday Times, London, UK, 26 October 2008
    ("For victims' sake, keep Megrahi in jail" by Joan McAlpine)

  996. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 26 October 2008
    ("Sunday newspapers on Megrahi's plight")

  997. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 2 November 2008
    ("Judges call for Lord Advocate to be stripped of powers")

  998. The Tripoli Post, Tripoli, Libya, 8 November 2008, Opinion
    ("Will Justice be Served? Will Al-Megrahi be Released from Prison Soon?" by Zainab Al-Arabi)

  999. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 8 November 2008
    ("Op-ed from The Tripoli Post")

  1000. UK Indymedia,, London, UK, 14 November 2008
    ("Stasi Scotlands politisch kriminelle 'Machenschaft'" by Ivan Fyodorovich)

  1001. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 23 November 2008
    ("Megrahi's right to a fair trial": Comment)

  1002. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 24 October 2008
    ("'Dalkamoni: Everything Will Be Ready in a Couple of Days [Diary of a Vengeance Foretold, Part 109 - October 19, 1988]" by Ludwig De Braeckeleer)

  1003. The Herald, "heraldtalk" / comment and debate site,, Glasgow, Scotland, 9 December 2008
    ("Megrahi wife's plea: Set my husband free to die": Comment)

  1004. Bayern 2 (Bavarian Radio, Channel 2), Munich, Germany, 13 December 2008, radio Feature
    ("Die Lügen von Lockerbie. 270 Tote und eine vertuschte Wahrheit" by Matthias Fink)

  1005., Sweden, 16 December 2008
    ("Lockerbie 20 år efteråt - gå till botten med det svenska spåret innan det kallnar!" by Anders Carlgren)

  1006. Tygodnik Powszechny,, Warsaw, Poland, 16 December 2008
    ("Tajemnica lotu nr 103" by Teresa Stylińska)

  1007. FOCUS Online, Munich, Germany, 19 December 2008
    ("Lockerbie: Der rätselhafte Massenmord" by Jens Bauszus)

  1008. Deutschlandfunk, Cologne, Germany, 20 December 2008
    (Live interview on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the explosion of flight PanAm 103 over Lockerbie / by Mario Dobovisek)

  1009. Deutschlandfunk,, Cologne, Germany, 20 December 2008
    ("Neue Erkenntnisse um Lockerbie-Attentat - Prozess-Beobachter geht von einem Justizirrtum aus: Hans Köchler im Gespräch mit Mario Dobovisek")

  1010. "Vier Strafverteidiger,", web log, Germany, 20 December 2008
    ("Lockerbie - ein Justizirrtum?")

  1011. feedcatch!de and, Germany, 20 December 2008
    ("Prozessbeobachter: Verurteilter wohl nicht schuldig")

  1012. Lockerbie: ¿Una solución ad hoc o un caso do terrorismo internacional? By Nicole Coulin Correal & Marta Catalina Carmonia. Bogotá D.C.: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana / Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas, 2008.

  1013. ShortNews,, Germany, 20 December 2008
    ("Muss die Geschichte des Lockerbie-Attentates neu geschrieben werden?")

  1014. TVinfo,, Düsseldorf, Germany, 20 December 2008
    ("Muss die Geschichte des Lockerbie-Attentates neu geschrieben werden?")

  1015. AANGIRFAN,, 21 December 2008
    ("Lockerbie bombing / Evidence 'planted' - Mail on Sunday 21 December 2008")

  1016. TERRORISM,, UK, 21 December 2008
    ("Lockerbie evidence 'planted'")

  1017. ARD Tagesschau (German Television),, Cologne, Germany, 21 December 2008
    ("Wer war für Lockerbie verantwortlich?" by Ralf Borchard)

  1018. Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR),, Cologne, Germany, 21 December 2008
    ("Vor 20 Jahren: Explosion eines PanAm-Jumbos über Schottland / Wer ist verantwortlich für Lockerbie?")

  1019. Jerusalem Post, Jerusalem, Israel, 21 December 2008
    ("New questions raised over Lockerbie bombing")

  1020. Middle East News,, 21 December 2008
    ("Libyan Framed for Lockerbie Bombing?")

  1021. Democratic Central, web log,, Virginia, USA, 21 December 2008
    ("December 21, 1988 -- Pan Am flight 103 blows up over Lockerbie")

  1022. Jerusalem Post, Jerusalem, Israel, 22 December 2008, p. 17
    ("New questions raised over Lockerbie bombing on 20th anniversary")

  1023. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 23 December 2008
    ("Criticism of Jim Swire is inappropriate")

  1024. The Epoch Times, U.S. edition,, USA, 23 December 2008
    ("Lockerbie Defendant Will Die in Prison" by Christopher Maiby)

  1025. LINKS. international journal of socialist renewal,, Australia, December 2008
    ("Lockerbie, 20 years on: Behind the frame up of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi" by Norm Dixon)

  1026. Remembering Lockerbie Online Memorial,, USA, December 2008
    ("Remembering Lockerbie")

  1027. Israpost Archive,, Israel, December 2008
    ("New questions raised over LOckerbie bombing": reposting of Jerusalem Post article)

  1028. International Criminal Law: Multilateral and Bilateral Enforcement Mechanisms. Vol. II: Multilateral and Bilateral Enforcement Mechanisms. Ed. M. Cherif Bassiouni. Leiden: Brill / Martinus Nijhoff, 2008, p. 525
    ("The Lockerbie Model of Transfer of Proceedings" by Michael P. Scharf)

  1029. 2008/9 Schools Wikipedia Selection,, Canada, 2008/2009
    ("Pan Am Flight 103")

  1030. The Middle East, London, UK, January 2009
    ("Lockerbie Mystery: Libyan agent's legal appeal could identify the real masterminds of the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 two decades ago" by Ed Blanche)

  1031. Scotland Against Crooked Lawyers. Exposing Endemic Legal Corruption, web log,, Scotland, retrieved Jan. 2009
    ("Megrahi - Guilty of Mass Murder?")

  1032. U.S. News & World Report, Washington, DC, USA, 2 January 2009
    ("20 Years Later, the Lockerbie Terror Attack Is Not as Solved as We Think" by Nathan Thrall)

  1033. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 3 January 2009
    ("US media beginning to see the light")

  1034. AANGIRFAN,, 15 January 2009
    ("Secret talks on al Megrahi, the alleged Lockerbie Bomber")

  1035. The Herald / HeraldTalk,, Glasgow, 15 January 2009, Comments
    ("Secret talks on deal to return Megrahi to Libya")

  1036. Scotland on Sunday, Gaelic service,, Edinburgh, Scotland, 6 February 2009
    ("Logarbaidh: ceartas Lagh na h-Alba no dìoghaltas Ameireaga?" by Seon C. Caimbeul)

  1037. Scotsman, Gaelic service,, Edinburgh, Scotland, 7 February 2009
    ("Logarbaidh: ceartas Lagh na h-Alba no dìoghaltas Ameireaga?": reposting)

  1038. CFP Canada Free Press,, Toronto, Canada, 10 February 2009
    ("Lockerbie witnesses were paid" by Ludwig de Braeckeleer)

  1039. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 11 February 2009
    ("Lockerbie Witnesses Were Paid": reposting of article by Ludwig de Braeckeleer)

  1040. AANGIRFAN,, 20 February2009
    ("Lockerbie Evidence")

  1041. Ohmy News International,, Seoul, Korea, 7 March 2009
    ("Meteomalta: No Evidence Against Megrahi -- 'There was definitely no rain on Dec. 7, 1988'" by Ludwig de Braeckeleer)

  1042. The Lockerbie Case,, UK,13 March 2009
    ("The Lockerbie Trial and the Rule of Law")

  1043. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 16 March 2009, Features
    ("The Lockerbie Trial and the Rule of Law -- Hans Köchler's article for National Law School of India Review [NLSIR], Vol. 19 [2009]")

  1044. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 16 March 2009, News
    ("Lockerbie verdict was a 'negotiated outcome' says UN observer. Verdict of 'diplomatic convenience was reached.")

  1045. MaltaMedia,, Santa Venera, Malta, 17 March 2009
    ("Lockerbie verdict was 'negotiated' says UN observer")

  1046. NEWSTIN - News and People,, UK, 17 March 2009
    ("Lockerbie verdict was 'negotiated' says UN observer": reposting of MaltaMedia article)

  1047. Scottish Law Reporter. Reporting on news & issues of Justice, Law & Politics, from Scotland,, Scotland, 18 March 2009
    ("The Lockerbie Trial and the Rule of Law - Hans Koechler": Reposting of I.P.O. news release of 13 March 2009)

  1048. Regents College - Webster Graduate School, London, UK, 31 March 2009, seminar paper (International Relations 6000)
    ("Pan Am Flight 103 & State Sponsored Terrorism" by Sean T. Flynn)

  1049. VPRO -- vpro tegenlicht,, Hilversum, Netherlands, 27 April 2009
    ("Wie is wie in de Lockerbie-affaire?")

  1050. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 24 April 2009
    ("The Dutch TV documentary and reactions")

  1051. NCRV Netwerk on Nederland 2, Hilversum, Netherlands, 27 April 2009, 8:25 p.m.
    (TV documentary on the Lockerbie case by Gideon Levy)

  1052. Marokko Community, web log,, Netherlands, 27 April 2009
    ("Vanavond in Tegenlicht: Lockerbie revisited": comment)

  1053. VPRO (Dutch public broadcasting corporation) on Nederland 2, Hilversum, Netherlands, 27 and 28 April 2009, "Tegenlicht" program, 8:55 p.m. / 3:05 p.m.
    ("Lockerbie revisited": TV documentary by Gideon Levy, co-produced by ARTE / ZDF and BACKLIGHT - VPRO Television)

  1054. DI-VE News,, Balzan, Malta, 29 April 2009
    ("Second appeal over Lockerbie conviction")

  1055. Z Magazine,, USA, 1 May 2009, Fog Watch
    ("Civilian Plane Shoot-Downs & International [In]Justice; from 007 to Rwanda" by Edward S. Herman)

  1056. Times of Malta, La Valletta, Malta, 3 May 2009
    ("Malta may be cleared of Lockerbie connection / Chronology of the Lockerbie trial" by Mark Micallef and Caroline Muscat)

  1057. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 5 May 2009, News
    ("UN Observer establishes global watchdog against politicised courts")

  1058. Sunday Times of Malta, La Valletta, Malta, 17 May 2009
    ("Malta could have done more to reject Lockerbie claims - UN monitor" by Caroline Muscat)

  1059. Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA) / German Press Agency, Berlin, Germany, 17 May 2009
    ("UN Lockerbie trial observer: Second appeal 'absolutely essential'")

  1060. Earth Times,, 17 May 2009
    ("UN Lockerbie trial observer: Second appeal 'absolutely essential'": reposting of DPA news release)

  1061. Top News,, India, 17 May 2009
    ("UN Lockerbie trial observer: Second appeal 'absolutely essential'": reposting of DPA news release)

  1062. Monsters and Critics,, UK, 17 May 2009, UK News
    ("UN Lockerbie trial observer: Second appeal 'absolutely essential'": reposting of DPA news release)

  1063. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 17 May 2009
    ("Malta could have done more to reject Lockerbie claims - UN monitor": reposting of Sunday Times of Malta article)

  1064. Oman Daily Observer, Muscat, Oman, 17 May 2009, World news
    ("UN Lockerbie trial observer: Second appeal 'absolutely essential'": reposting of DPA news release)

  1065. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 18 May 2009, News
    ("Maltese Government rolled over for Lockerbie case says UN Observer")

  1066. Edward S. Herman, Civilian Plane Shootdowns and International (In)justice. ColdType,, May 2009

  1067., Netherlands, 8 June 2009
    ("VN Diplomaat: Malta moet meer doen om beweringen Lockerbie te weerleggen")

  1068. Centre de la recherche sur la globalisation,, Pincort, Québec, Canada, 10 June 2009
    ("Lockerbie: De 007 au Rwanda, avions de ligne abattus et [in]justice internationale" by Edward Herman)

  1069. Alter Info / L'Info Alterntive,, Mulhouse, France, 10 June 2009
    ("Lockerbie: De 007 au Rwanda, avions de ligne abattus et [in]justice internationale": reposting)

  1070. TFR / La Tribune franco-rwandaise,, France, 12 June  2009
    ("Avions de ligne abattus et [in]justice internationale": reposting by JMV Ndagijimana)

  1071. SOTT Signs Of The Times,, France, 15 June 2009
    ("Couverture médiatique et injustice: à propos d'attentats sur des avions civils" by Edward S. Herman)

  1072. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 18 June 2009, News
    ("International honour for Professor Hans Kochler")

  1073. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 2 July 2009
    ("Dr Swire's submission to Kenny MacAskill")

  1074. The Guardian,, Manchester, UK, 10 July 2009
    ("Gaddafi demands return of Lockerbie bomber in first meeting with Brown": comment)

  1075. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal, Glasgow, Scotland, July 2009
    ("A poll of solicitors in Scotland calling for a full public inquiry into the Lockerbie incident has received backing and international support from UN appointed Special Observer")

  1076. The Firm. The Independent Law Journal, Glasgow, Scotland, July/August 2009, News Update, p. 04
    ("86% seek Pan Am 103 public inquiry")

  1077. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 3 July 2009
    ("Poll of Scottish lawyers finds 86% back inquiry into Lockerbie": reposting of article in The Firm magazine)

  1078. CFP Canada Free Press,, Toronto, Canada, 4 July 2009
    ("Jim Swire, to Scottish Justice Secretary, Kenny MacAskill, July 1, 2009")

  1079. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 6 July 2009, Features
    ("Jim Swire meets MacAskill to argue compassionate release")

  1080. AANGIRFAN,, UK, 7 July 2009
    ("Lockerbie Scandal Worsens as Judge Goes off Sick")

  1081. UK Indymedia,, London, UK, 14 July 2009
    ("Lockerbie update")

  1082. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 15 July 2009, News
    ("News Exclusive: FIRM acts on call for Pan Am 103 public inquiry")

  1083., UK, 16 July 2009
    ("Firm, Lawyers & QC's Call For Lockerbie Inquiry")

  1084. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 23 July 2009
    ("Harris book sheds new light on Lockerbie bombing case": comment)

  1085. Justice Denied, web log,, UK, 27 July 2009
    ("Libyan Appeals Frame-up By U.S. & England For Lockerbie Bombing" by Hans Sherrer)

  1086. A New Understanding of Terrorism. Case Studies, Trajectories and Lessons Learned. Ed. by M. R. Haberfeld and Agostino Hassell. New York: Springer, 2009
    (Chapter 8: "Aviation Security in the Face of Tragedy" by Courtney Hougham, pp. 143ff)

  1087. BBC 2, London, UK, 5 August 2009, Newsnight programme, 22:30 hrs
    (Debate on the release of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi)

  1088. Quantifying Bias at the B.B.C., web log,, UK, 5 August 2009
    ("Slursty Wark and the Lockerbie Bomber")

  1089. International Progress Organization – Information Service, Vienna/London, 6 August 2009
    ("The Lockerbie case: prisoner transfer or prisoner release? How to reconcile the requirements of the rule of law and the imperatives of humanity")

  1090. Come Don Chisciotte, web log,, Italy, 6 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie: dal volo 007 al Rwanda, aerei de linea abbattuti e [in]giustizia internazionale" by Edward S. Herman)

  1091. Mentereale, web log,, Italy, 7 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie: dal volo 007 al Rwanda, aerei de linea abbattuti e [in]giustizia internazionale" by Edward S. Herman: reposting)

  1092. Sunday Express, Glasgow, Scotland, 9 August 2009, Comment, p. 24
    ("Scots complicit in Lockerbie lie": article by Hans Köchler on the case of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi)

  1093. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 9 August 2009
    ("Church of Scotland: free Lockerbie bomber": comments

  1094. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 9 August 2009, News / Online Exclusive
    ("Statement on Megrahi from I.P.O.")

  1095. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 10 August 2009, News
    ("Kochler warns MacAskill of illegality of Megrahi blackmail")

  1096. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 10 August 2009, Features
    ("The Lockerbie case and the corruption of justice, or: justice delayed is justice denied")

  1097. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 11 August 2009
    ("The Lockerbie case and the corruption of justice, or: justice delayed is justice denied": reposting of article by Hans Köchler)

  1098. Al-Jazeera TV,, Doha, Qatar, 12 August 2009
    ("Britain 'to free' Lockerbie bomber")

  1099. Deutsche Presse Agentur (DPA), Berlin, Germany 13 August 2009
    ("Mixed response from Lockerbie relatives to bomber release reports")

  1100. Scottish Review. Scotland's online current affairs magazine,, Edinburgh, Scotland, 13 August 2009, Issue no 125
    ("Obstruction of justice?" by Kenneth Roy)

  1101. e Yugoslavia. Latest Happenings in Yugoslavia,, 13 August 2009
    ("Mixed response from Lockerbie relatives to bomber release reports" by Vasilije Gallak)

  1102. Top News,, India, 13 August 2009
    ("Mixed response from Lockerbie relatives to bomber release reports" submitted by Sahil Nagpal)

  1103. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 13 August 2009, News
    ("Kochler reiterates concerns about Megrahi's 'conditional' release")

  1104. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 13 August 2009, News
    ("Path cleared for Megrahi's compassionate release as government confirms 'No' to pressure claims")

  1105. Britain News.Net,, UK, 13 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie bomber's release report draws mixed response")

  1106. The Guardian,, Manchester, UK, 13 August 2009
    ("Questions remain in Lockerbie case": comment)

  1107. Monsters and Critics,, UK, 13 August 2009, UK News
    ("Possible release for Lockerbie bomber draws mixed response [Roundup]")

  1108. Prokerala.Com,, India, 13 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie bomber's release report draws mixed response")

  1109. Earth Times,  13 August 2009
    ("Possible release for Lockerbie bomber draws mixed response - Summary")

  1110. Le Figaro, Paris, France, 13 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie : le condamné pourrait être libéré" by Pierre Prier)

  1111. Welt Online, Berlin, Germany, 13 August 2009
    ("Haftverschonung: Freilassung des Lockerbie-Attentäters gerecht?" by Michael Borgstede)

  1112. New Kerala - India's Top Online Newspaper,, India, 13 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie bomber's release report draws mixed response")

  1113. Daily Telegraph,, London, UK, 13 August 2009
    ("Let justice be done - The intended release of the Lockerbie bomber will appal millions": Comment)

  1114. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 13 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie-Attentat: der Verurteilte geht - die Zweifel bleiben" by Johannes Leithäuser)

  1115. Berliner Morgenpost,, Berlin, Germany, 13 August 2009
    ("Freilassung des Lockerbie-Attentäters gerecht?" by Michael Borgstede)

  1116. Deutsche Presse Agentur (DPA), Berlin, Germany 14 August 2009
    ("Keine Gnade für Lockerbie-Attentäter")

  1117. The Independent, London, UK, 14 August 2009
    ("The Big Question: Should the Lockerbie bomber be freed from jail, and are we nearer the truth?" by Robert Verkaik, Law Editor)

  1118. Berliner Morgenpost, Berlin, Germany, 14 August 2009
    ("Aus humanitären Gründen: Lockerbie-Attentäter soll freikommen" by Michael Borgstede)

  1119. Daily Mail Online, London, UK, 14 August 2009
    ("Jailed for life - but is this man really guilty of killing 270?" by David Williams)

  1120. Welt Online, Berlin, Germany, 14 August 2009
    ("Ein Schattenmann kommt frei" by Michael Borgstede)

  1121. Daily Mail Online, London, UK, 14 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie: Dying bomber drops appeal against conviction ahead of planned release" by David Williams)

  1122.,, Ireland, 14 August 2009
    ("The Big Question: Should the Lockerbie bomber be freed from jail, and are we nearer the truth?" by Robert Verkaik)

  1123. BBC News, reporters' blogs,, London, UK, 14 August 2009, "Blether with Brian" (Brian Taylor, BBC Scotland's political editor)
    ("Elementary, my dear Watson": Comments)

  1124. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 14 August 2009, News
    ("Scottish Government 'doth protest too much'? Linkage made with Megrahi abandonment and pending compassionate release decision")

  1125. AANGIRFAN,, 14 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie Disaster")

  1126. Britannia Radio,, UK, 14 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie Disaster": reposting of AANGIRFAN blog)

  1127. Daily Mail, London, UK, 14 August 2009
    ("Doubts grow as lawyers claim witnesses were offered money" by David Williams)

  1128. Prison Planet,, USA, 14 August 2009
    ("The Truth Behind The Lockerbie Bombing": reposting of AANGIRFAN blog)

  1129. Obsolete,, web log, UK, 14 August 2009
    ("The Maltese double cross?")

  1130. القدس العربی (Al-Quds al-Arabi), London, UK, 14 August 2009
    ("التجارة و'استكمال اعادة تأهيل' القذافي وراء الافراج عن المقرحي اكثر من 'الظروف الانسانية' ")

  1131. اخبار ليبيا,, Tripoli, Libya, 14 August 2009
    ("... بدا الخلاف واضحا بين الموقف البريطاني ": reposting of article from Al-Quds Al-Arabi)

  1132. AOL Nachrichten,, Germany, 14 August 2009, Aktuelle Top-Themen
    ("Freilassung des Lockerbie-Attentäters gerecht?": reposting of article from Welt Online)

  1133. The Guardian,, Manchester, UK, 14 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie bombing: Still searching for truth": comment)

  1134. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 15 August 2009, Letters
    ("Sending Megrahi home shows we are civilised and compassionate")

  1135., web log, USA, 15 August 2009
    ("Spy-vs-Spy In Lockerbie": reposting of AANGIRFAN reports)

  1136.,, Doha, Qatar, 15 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie bomber release; What do you think?": comment)

  1137. Deutsche Presse Agentur (DPA), Berlin, Germany 16 August 2009
    ("Decision to drop Lockerbie appeal smacks of 'political deal'")

  1138. Top News,, India, 16 August 2009
    ("Decision to drop Lockerbie appeal smacks of 'political deal'")

  1139. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 16 August 2009
    ("Decision to drop Lockerbie appeal smacks of 'political deal'": reposting of article from the Malta Sunday Times)

  1140. Earth Times,  16 August 2009
    ("Decision to drop Lockerbie appeal smacks of 'political deal'")

  1141. Malta Sunday Times, Valletta, Malta, 16 August 2009
    ("Decision to drop Lockerbie appeal smacks of 'political deal'" by Caroline Muscat)

  1142. Sunday Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 16 August 2009, "Lockerbie: after the conspiracies ... the cover up?"
    ("McAskill in the eye of the storm" by Tom Gordon and Paul Hutcheon)

  1143. Sunday Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 16 August 2009, "Lockerbie: after the conspiracies ... the cover up?"
    "'I will never rest until I know who killed my daughter ... and why' -- The case for a public inquiry" by Martin Williams)

  1144. Sunday Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 16 August 2009
    ("The voice of reason whose strength must inspire" by Joanna Blythman)

  1145. greenpeace magazin,, Hamburg, Germany, 16 August 2009, tagesthemen
    ("USA: Lockerbie-Attentäter soll in Haft bleiben")

  1146. Berliner Zeitung, Berlin, Germany, 16 August 2009
    ("USA fordert: Keine Gnade für Lockerbie-Attentäter - Die USA kämpfen weiter gegen eine vorzeitige Freilassung des todkranken Lockerbie-Attentäters")

  1147. Infowars Ireland,, Dubin, Ireland, 16 August 2009
    ("Правда за Локерби Бомбардировка": Russian translation of Aangirfan blog)

  1148. AANGIRFAN,, UK, 17 August 2009
    ("Gaddafi, Rothschild, Mandelson and a Mysterious Email about Lockerbie")

  1149. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 17 August 2009, Features
    ("The Fallout From Lockerbie" by Jim Swire)

  1150. "Node in the Noosphere," web log,, UK, 17 August 2009
    ("Getting Away With It")

  1151. Herald Scotland, Glasgow, Scotland, 17 August 2009
    ("The humanity of Lockerbie families spokesman Jim Swire is inspiring, says Joanna Blythman")

  1152.  الخليــــج / The Gulf Today, Dubai, UAE, 17 August 2009
    (" أنباء عن الإفراج عن المقرحي الأربعاء")

  1153. Deutsche Presse Agentur (DPA), Berlin, Germany 18 August 2009
    ("Streit um Gnade oder Haft für Lockerbie-Attentäter" by Thomas Pfaffe)

  1154. abc NEWS,, Washington DC, USA, 18 August 2009
    ("Clinton Says Release of Lockerbie Bomber Would be 'Absolutely Wrong'": comment)

  1155. greenpeace magazin,, Hamburg, Germany, 18 August 2009, tagesthemen
    ("Streit um Gnade oder Haft für Lockerbie-Attentäter": reposting of DPA report)

  1156. NTV,, Berlin, Germany, 18 August 2009, Dossier
    ("Lockerbie-Attentat: Streit um Gnade oder Haft")

  1157. ABC News,, Washington DC, USA, 18 August 2009, "Political Punch"
    ("Clinton Says Release of Lockerbie Bomber Would be 'Absolutely Wrong'": comment)

  1158. The Guardian,, Manchester, UK, 18 August 2009
    Scottish judges allow Lockerbie bomber to drop appeal": Comment)

  1159. Further Light & Knowledge,, web log, USA, 18 August 2009
    ("Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi (Lockerbie, Pan-Am 103)": comments)

  1160. The New York Times, New York, NY, USA, 19 August 2009, The Lede / The New York Times News Blog
    ("Reports Lockerbie Convict Will Be Released" by Robert Mackey)

  1161. EurActiv. EU News, Policy Positions & EU Actors online,, Brussels, Belgium, 19 August 2009
    ("US pressures Scotland not to release 'Lockerbie bomber'")

  1162. EurActiv. EU News, Policy Positions & EU Actors online,, Brussels, Belgium, 19 August 2009
    ("Washington tlačí na Škótsko, aby neprepustilo 'teroristu z Lockerbie'")

  1163. EurActiv. EU News, Policy Positions & EU Actors online,, Brussels, Belgium, 19 August 2009
    ("USA setzt Schottland unter Druck 'Lockerbie-Bomber' nicht freizulassen")

  1164. EurActiv. EU News, Policy Positions & EU Actors online,, Brussels, Belgium, 19 August 2009
    ("Attentat de Lockerbie: l'Ecosse sous pression américaine")

  1165. Daily News,, New York, NY, USA, 19 August 2009, Discussion
    (Editorial: "No mercy for the murderer ...": comments)

  1166. Scotsman,, Edinburgh, Scotland, 19 August 2009
    ("Bomber desperate to return home as cancer reaches the terminal stage, say doctors": comments)

  1167. Tiroler Tageszeitung,, Innsbruck, 19 August 2009, Chronik
    ("Streit um Gnade oder Haft für Lockerbie-Attentäter")

  1168. The Guardian,, Manchester, UK, 19 August 2009
    ("Don't forget Lockerbie": comment)

  1169. Saarbrücker Zeitung, www.saarbruecker-zeitung. de, Saarbrücken, Germany, 19 August 2009
    ("Verschwörungs-Theorie um einen todkranken Attentäter" by Thomas Pfaffe)

  1170. Times of Malta,, La Valletta, Malta, 19 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie appeal dropped")

  1171. Jerusalem Post, Jerusalem, Israel, 20 August 2009
    ("Analysis: Injustice over Lockerbie" by David Horovitz)

  1172. U.S. News & World Report, Washington, DC, USA, 20 August 2009
    ("Was Freed Lockerbie Bomber a Patsy?" by Robert Schlesinger)

  1173. TAZ - Die Tageszeitung, Berlin, Germany, 20 August 2009
    ("Zweifel an Schuld wachsen: Schottland lässt Lockerbie-Täter frei" by Ralf Sotschek)

  1174. The Atlantic Magazine,, Washington DC, USA, 20 August 2009, Correspondents
    ("Lockerbie Compassion": comment)

  1175. BBC News,, London, UK, 20 August 2009, "Have Your Say"
    ("What is the impact of Lockerbie release?")

  1176. Formae Mentis NGO,, UK, 20 August 2009
    ("Convicted Lockerbie bomber released")

  1177. (Inoffizielles Fernsehforum),, Ludwigshafen, Germany, 20 August 2010
    ("Lockerbie - Attentäter wird freigelassen")

  1178. Al-Jazeera TV, Doha, Qatar, 20 August 2009, Newshour from London
    (Exclusive interview on the release of the Lockerbie prisoner / with Felicity Barr)

  1179. Devil's Kitchen,, web log, UK, 20 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie non-bomber to be released")

  1180. The New York Times, New York, NY, USA, 20 August 2009, The Lede / The New York Times News Blog
    ("Scottish Justice Secretary Explains Release of Lockerbie Convict" by Robert Mackey)

  1181. The Economist,, London, UK, 20 August 2009
    ("The Lockerbie decision: A long shadow": comments)

  1182. Formae Mentis,, web log, 20 August 2009
    ("Convicted Lockerbie bomber released")

  1183. I.N.N. World Report,, USA, 20 August 2009
    ("Was Freed Lockerbie Bomber a Patsy?": reposting of article by Robert Schlesinger)

  1184. AHN / All Headline News,, USA, 20 August 2009
    ("White House Dismayed Over 'Compassionate' Release Of Lockerbie Bomber" by Kris Alingod)

  1185. Heute,, Vienna, Austria, 20 August 2009, News/Welt
    ("Lockerbie-Bomber nach acht Jahren Haft frei")

  1186. Jihad Watch, web log, USA, 20 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie bomber gets hero's welcome in Libya")

  1187. BBC Türkçe, London, UK, 21 August 2009, Basın Özeti
    ("Merhamet mi, hakaret mi?")

  1188. Berner Zeitung (BZ), Berne, Switzerland, 21 August 2009
    ("Gnade für den Lockerbie-Attentäter")

  1189. Planetary Movement,, web log, USA, 21 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie & Kafka's Labyrinth" by Michael Carmichael)

  1190. Centre for Research on Globalization,, Pincort, Québec, Canada, 21 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie and Kafka's Labyrinth" by Michael Carmichael)

  1191. Huffington Post,, USA, 21 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie and Kafka's Labyrinth": reposting of article by M. Carmichael plus comments)

  1192. Le Figaro, Paris, France, 21 August 2009
    ("L'autre piste de Lockerbie, celle de la Syrie et de l'Iran" by Pierre Prier)

  1193. Der Standard, Vienna, Austria, 21 August 2009, International, p. 5
    ("Entlassen, 'um zu sterben'" by Sebastian Borger)

  1194. The Independent, London, UK, 21 August 2009, Commentators
    ("Hans Köchler: I saw the trial - and the verdict made no sense")

  1195. Die Presse, Vienna, Austria, 21 August 2009
    ('Ein Einzeltäter hätte niemals diesen Anschlag durchführen können'" by Helmar Dumbs)

  1196. De Standaard, Brussels, Belgium, 21 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie-dader zal sterven als vrij man")

  1197. Gant Daily,, Pennsylvania, USA, 21 August 2009
    ("White House Dismayed Over 'Compassionate' Release Of Lockerbie Bomber": reposting of AHN article)

  1198. Voltairenet,, web log, 21 August 2009, News in Brief
    ("Hans Köchler: I saw the Lockerbie trial - and the verdict made no sense": reposting of article from The Independent)

  1199. ansesNet Haber Ajansı,, Istanbul, Turkey, 21 August 2009
    ("Merhamet mi, Hakaret mi?")

  1200. Spiked, www.spiked-online, web log and independent news service, 21 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie: what's justice got to do with it?")

  1201. Dünya Bültenti,, Istanbul, Turkey, 21 August 2009
    ("Merhamet mi, hakaret mi?")

  1202. BBC Radio Scotland, Glasgow, UK, 21 August 2009
    (Live interview on the release of the Lockerbie prisoner)

  1203. Huffington Post,, USA, 21 August 2009
    ("The Lockerbie Trial: A Unique Moment in International Justice": comment)

  1204. Huffington Post,, USA, 21 August 2009
    ("Libyan Oil Is Thicker Than American Blood": comment)

  1205. Nürnberger Zeitung, Nürnberg, Germany, 21 August 2009
    ("Ex-UN-Beobachter: 'Megrahi war nicht der Täter'": interview conducted by Sebastian Borger)

  1206. BBC Radio 4, London, UK, 21 August 2009, -PM Programme
    ("Full coverage & analysis of the day's news mith Eddie Mair": live interview with Hans Köchler conducted by Eddi Mair on a public inquiry of the Lockerbie case)

  1207. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 21 August 2009
    ("Release of the Lockerbie prisoner: the case is not closed")

  1208., web log, UK, 21 August 2009
    ("The Hypocrisy Of Washington's Reaction Over Megrahi's Release")

  1209. omnia sunt communia,, web log of David Grierson, Scotland, UK, 21 August 2009
    ("Hans Kochler, Camp Zeist & al-Megrahi")

  1210. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 21 August 2009, News
    ("Still questions to answer - Statement from Hans Kochler")

  1211. Herald Scotland, Glasgow, Scotland, 21 August 2009
    ("Caught in the middle of a transatlantic storm" by Ian Bell)

  1212., web log, USA, 21 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie & the FBI: Fakes Bureau International?" by Henk Ruyssenaars)

  1213., web log, USA, 21 August 2009
    ("Last victim of Lockerbie is the Scottish Judicial System")

  1214. St. Galler Tagblatt, Sankt Gallen, Switzerland, 21 August 2009, p. 11
    ("'Nicht schuldig'": Interview by Sebastian Borger)

  1215. Der Standard,, Vienna, Austria, 21 August 2009
    ("USA und Großbritannien verurteilen Helden-Empfang" by Sebastian Borger)

  1216. Terrorism Watch,, web log, 21 August 2009
    ("Analysis: Injustice over Lockerbie": reposting of comment article by David Horovitz)

  1217. Consortium News. Independent Investigative Journalism since 1995,, USA, 21 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie Doubts" by Lisa Pease)

  1218. The Independent, London, UK, 21 August 2009
    ("Unanswered questions: Lockerbie's legacy: 270 dead, no one behind bars" by Jerome Taylor)

  1219. Belfast Telegraph, Belfast, UK, 21 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie bomb legacy: 270 dead, no one in jail")

  1220. Morning Star,, London, UK, 21 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie: Will the truth ever come out?" by Paddy McGuffin)

  1221. Irish Independent,, Dublin, Ireland, 21 August 2009
    ("Was the wrong man jailed for Lockerbie?" by Jerome Taylor)

  1222. Independent Minds,, web log, London, UK, 21 August 2009
    ("Hans Köchler: I saw the trial - and the verdict made no sense")

  1223. Signs of the Times News,, 21 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie Doubts": reposting of article by Lisa Pease)

  1224. No Lies Radio,, USA, 21 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie bombing - Was it to kill a whistleblower who was about to expose CIA drug running?")

  1225. VUNET.ORG.CN, Helsinki, Finland, 21 August 2009, Kolumnit
    ("Helsingin Sanomien vihanlietsonnan kohteena tällä kertaa Libya")

  1226. A Thinking Man,, web log, UK, 21 August 2009
    ("Convicted Mass Murderer Goes Free": comment)

  1227., Helsinki, Finland, 21 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie 1988. Likainen poliittinen prosessi lakaistiin lopulta maton alle" by Heikki Sipilä)

  1228. Kızıl Bayrak,, Turkey, 21 August 2009
    ("İngiltere basınından özetler")

  1229. The Guardian,, Manchester, UK, 21 August 2009
    ("Does Megrahi case prove SNP unfit to govern Scotland?": comments)

  1230. The Guardian,, Manchester, UK, 21 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie bomber release: Brown sought 'sensitivity' in letter to Gaddafi": comment)

  1231. Der Standard, Vienna, Austria, 22/23 August 2009, International, p. 6
    ("Triumph in Tripolis - und offene Fragen" by Sebastian Borger)

  1232. Question Everything,, web log, USA, 22 August 2009
    ("Was Freed Lockerbie Bomber a Patsy?": reposting of article by Robert Schlesinger)

  1233. Demeur,, web log, 22 August 2009
    ("A nice can of worms")

  1234. Daily Kos,, United States, 22 August 2009
    ("FBI Director Mocks the Rule of Law - UPDATED")

  1235., web log, 22 August 2009
    ("Blair, 'blood money' and a Lockerbie deal: Talks with Gaddafi": comment)

  1236. Austrian Wings - Österreichs Luftfahrtmagazin,, Vienna, Austria, 22 August 2009
    ("El Megrahi - das Bauernopfer der Lockerbie-Tragödie?")

  1237. WorldMeets.US, USA, 22 August 2009
    ("Persuasive Leads in Favor of Lockerbie Convict Were Overlooked": article from Le Figaro, translated by Mary Kenney)

  1238. In Place of Fear,, web log, 22 August 2009
    ("Yes I'm ashamed and angry ... that an innocent man was jailed until months before his death")

  1239. National Post (NP), Canada, 22 August 2009
    ("Why so little outcry from Washington on al-Megrahi?" by David Frum, NP Editor)

  1240. Huffington Post,, USA, 22 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie and Kafka's Labyrinth": reposting of article by Michael Carmichael)

  1241. Týden,, Prague, Czech Republic, 22 August 2009
    ("Pokrytecký Londýn? V kauze agenta se schovává za Skoty")

  1242. Britannia Radio,, UK, 22 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie : $2.7 Billion Sham And Shame" by Henk Ruyssenaars)

  1243., Canada, 22 August 2009
    ("Why no outcry?": reposting of article by David Frum)

  1244. Jailhouselawyer's Blog,, UK, 22 August 2009
    ("The price of oil justice" by John Hirst Hull)

  1245., UK, 22 August 2009
    ("Megrahi, Mueller, Mandelson and the Quality of Mercy" by Richard Lawson)

  1246. AEI - American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research,, Washington DC, USA, 22 August 2009, Articles & Commentary
    ("Why No Outcry?": reposting of article by David Frum)

  1247. Vancouver Sun, Vancouver, Canada, 22 August 2009
    ("Why no outcry?": reposting of article by David Frum)

  1248., web log, Austria, 22 August 2009
    ("Hunderte Libyer empfingen jubelnd Lockerbie-Terroristen": reposting of interview from "Die Presse")

  1249. The Seminal,, web log, USA, 22 August 2009
    ("FBI Director Robert Mueller Blasts Release of Lockerbie Bomber": comment)

  1250. Star Tribune,, Minneapolis-St. Paul, USA, 22 August 2009
    ("FBI director says Lockerbie bomber release 'gives comfort to terrorists' all over the world")

  1251. Nürnberger Zeitung, Nürnberg, Germany, 22 August 2009
    ("Freigelassener Lockerbie-Attentäter in Libyen wie ein Held gefeiert: Peinliches Triumphgeheul" by Sebastian Borger)

  1252. Huffington Post,, USA, 22 August 2009
    ("FBI Director Outraged By Lockerbie Bomber Release": comments)

  1253. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 22 August 2009
    ("families brand release 'sickening' and call for a boycott of Scotland / How others see us")

  1254. 9/11 Archiv,, Germany, 22 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie: Schauprozeß als Vorlage für 9/11 ?": reposting of interview from Nürnberger Zeitung)

  1255. The Guardian,, Manchester, UK, 22 August 2009
    ("Megrahi's release: Justice and geopolitics": comment)

  1256. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 22 August 2009
    ("So why is Brown silent on release of Megrahi?": comments)

  1257., Vienna, Austria, 22 August 2009
    ("Hunderte Libyer empfingen jubelnd Lockerbie-Terroristen")

  1258. The Guardian,, Manchester, UK, 22 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie fury grows as Gaddafi meets bomber Megrahi": comment)

  1259. Anorak News,, UK, 22 August 2009
    ("Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi Nearly Killed Journalist": comment)

  1260. The Guardian,, Manchester, UK, 22 August 2009
    ("'We should be ashamed that this has happened'": comment)

  1261. Britannia Radio,, 23 August 2009
    ("The West has sold its soul for a barrel of oil": reposting of Daily Mail article)

  1262. Scottish Law Reporter. Reporting on news & issues of Justice, Law & Politics, from Scotland,, Scotland, 23 August 2009
    ("UN Observer Dr Koechler on Lockerbie Bomber release: 'The case is not closed'": reposting of I.P.O. news release of 23 August 2009)

  1263. Woolly Days,, USA, 23 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie anguish continues as Al-Megrahi protests innocence")

  1264. Scotland on Sunday, Edinburgh, Scotland, 23 August 2009
    ("Hans Koechler: 'I strongly suspect he was pressurised into dropping appeal'")

  1265. The Mail on Sunday, London, UK, 23 August 2009
    ("The West has sold its soul for a barrel of oil"  by William Rees-Mogg)

  1266., web log, USA, 23 August 2009
    ("Why Is There Such Uncritical Acceptance of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi's Conviction in the US?")

  1267. Martin Meenagh blog,, UK, 23 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie Anomalies")

  1268. G-Radio / Gorilla Radio blog,, Victoria BC, Canada, 23 August 2009
    ("The Lies of Lockerbie")

  1269. The Moderate Voice,, USA, 23 August 2009
    ("Will Lockerbie Bomber Release Topple Scottish Government?" by Joe Gandelman, Editor-in-Chief)

  1270. Scotland on Sunday, Edinburgh, Scotland, 23 August 2009
    ("MacAskill's job on the line" by Tom Peterkin)

  1271. Free Republic,, USA, 23 August 2009
    ("MacAskill's job on the line [Trouble in Scotland?]": reposting of article from Scotland on Sunday)

  1272. The Kansas City Star, Kansas City, USA, 23 August 2009
    ("Pro-Con | Was Scotland right to release the Lockerbie bomber?")

  1273. CBS NEWS,, Washington DC, 23 August 2009
    ("Scotland Defends Lockerbie Bomber Release": comment)

  1274. Bear Market News,, USA, 23 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie 'bomber' ... really? - the conviction of al-Megrahi a CIA fix")

  1275., web log, UK, 23 August 2009
    (Timeline of Lockerbie case)

  1276. Jeff Rense Program,, USA, 23 August 2009
    ("Kochler Suspects Megrahi Pressured To Drop Appeal": link to Scotland on Sunday article)

  1277. Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center,, USA, 23 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie Doubts": reposting of article by Lisa Pease)

  1278. Sunday Express, London, UK, 23 August 2009, Express Comment
    ("Why we'll fight to uncover the truth about Lockerbie": comment)

  1279. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 23 August 2009
    ("O what a tangled web we weave")

  1280. Common Dreams News Center,, Portland, Maine (USA), 23 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie Doubts": reposting of article by Lisa Pease)

  1281., web log, USA, 23 August 2009
    ("The Alternative Root Of The Lockerbie Disaster?")

  1282. Facts not Fairies,, USA, 23 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie release: Unanswered questions")

  1283. The Guardian,, Manchester, UK, 23 August 2009
    ("The dodging ministers have made their own Libyan bed": comment)

  1284. The Guardian,, Manchester, UK, 23 August 2009, Comment is free
    ("The shameful silence over Lockerbie": comment)

  1285., web log, USA, 23 August 2009
    ("Alternative Root Of Lockerbie Bombing?")

  1286. Middle East Online,, London, UK, 24 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie Doubts" by Lisa Pease)

  1287. The Mancow Show. The Free Speech Radio Network,, nationally syndicated radio show (Talk Radio Network, over 30 radio stations in the US), WLS-AM, Chicago, Ill., USA, 24 August 2009
    (Live interview with Matthew Eric 'Mancow' Muller on the release of the Lockerbie prisoner)

  1288. Britannia Radio,, 24 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie: Will the Truth Ever Come Out?": reposting of article by Paddy McGuffin)

  1289. AFPN Message Board, web log, 24 August 2009
    ("The Lockerbie hoax: US & UK defend crime" by Henk Ruyssenaars)

  1290. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 24 August 2009, News
    ("Mackechnie breaks silence and joins Kochler in criticism of airbrushing of Megrahi miscarriage")

  1291. Irish Left Review,, Dublin, Ireland, 24 August 2009
    ("Wha Is There Such Uncritical Acceptance of al-Megrahi's Conviction in the US?")

  1292. The Nation Weblog, Bangkok, Thailand, 24 August 2009
    ("A story about drugs, guns, money and high level deceit: Lockerbie aircraft bombing - Megrahi: A convenient scapegoat? What they don't tell you!")

  1293., The News-Community,, USA, 24 August 2009
    ("America Kicks Back over Lockerbie Bomber Release": comment)

  1294. Puma Blog,, USA, 24 August 2009
    ("Was Freed Lockerbie Bomber a Patsy?")

  1295. The First Post,, UK, 24 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie bombing: three conspiracy theories": comment)

  1296. Castanet / The Okanagan's Discussion Forum,, Kelowna, BC, Canada, 24 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie bomber compassionate release")

  1297. America - a View From Over Here,, web log, USA, 24 August 2009
    ("Boycott Scotland!?")

  1298. CHRY 105.5fm Radio Basics, York University, Toronto, Canada, 24 August 2009, "Radio for the People," 8 p.m.
    ("Global Revenge: revisiting the U.S. and U.K. show trial of Libyan al-Megrahi": interview with Hans Köchler conducted by Justin Panos)

  1299. Media Lens Message Board,, web log, 24 August 2009
    ("Seems good old Scottish compassion extends beyond Megrahi ...")

  1300. UK Indymedia,, London, UK, 24 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie: the real culprits": reposting of article by Paddy McGuffin)

  1301. KenyaImagine,, Nairobi, Kenya, 24 August 2009
    ("Why is there such uncritical acceptance of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi's conviction in the US?" by Oliver Farry)

  1302., Malta, 24 August 2009
    ("The Lockerbie case")

  1303. العرب  (Al-Arab), London, UK, 24 August 2009, p. 5
    الدوافع الحقيقية وراء إطلاق سراح المقرحي" by Samir Awad)

  1304. the mortal bath,, web log, UK, 24 August 2009
    ("Turning the other cheek")

  1305. Der Standard, Vienna, Austria, 25 August 2009
    ("Schottischer Justizminister: Begnadigung war 'die richtige Entscheidung'" by Sebastian Borger)

  1306. Leadership Nigeria,, Abuja, Nigeria, 25 August 2009
    ("The Lockerbie Patsy" by Hannatu Musawa)

  1307. Daily Telegraph,, London, UK, 25 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie: Megrahi may have been the victim of a political fix, but don't expect the CIA to set the record straight": comment)

  1308. The New Yorker,, New York, USA, 25 August 2009, News Desk
    ("Megrahi's Compassionate Release" by Andrew Solomon)

  1309. alt.politics,, Internet newsgroup, 25 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie Bomber released on Obama's watch")

  1310. JUST / International Movement for a Just World,, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 25 August 2009
    ("Release of Lockerbie prisoner: the case is not closed": reposting of I.P.O. news release)

  1311. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 25 August 2009
    ("MacAskill to survive as MSPs back off key vote": comments)

  1312. House of Politics - Political Forum,, UK, 25 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie bomber release")

  1313. Peoples Republic of Cork Discussion Forums,, Cork, Ireland, 25 August 2009
    ("So he's free")

  1314. Nemzetközi jog blog - hírek, elemzések (International Law Blog - News & Analyses),, Budapest, Hungary, 25 August 2009
    ("A Lockerbie ügy - Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi szabadlábra helyezése")

  1315. Peep Sierra Leone / Sierra Leone's news and satirical magazine,, Freetown, Sierra Leone, 26 August 2009
    ("Is The Lockerbie Bomber Really Guilty?")

  1316. (Philadelphia Inquirer / Philadelphia Daily News),, Philadelphia, USA, 26 August 2009
    ("No room for this Libyan": comment)

  1317. Austrian Wings - Österreichs Luftfahrtmagazin,, Vienna, Austria, 26 August 2009
    ("Mutmaßlicher Lockerbie Attentäter will Buch schreiben")

  1318., web log, USA, August 2009
    ("Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi / The Lockerbie 'Bomber' Walks Free")

  1319., web log, UK, August 2009
    ("Megrahi: Oh, what a tangled web")

  1320. NowPublic News Coverage,, USA, August 2009
    ("Lockerbie Bombing - Pan Am Flight 103")

  1321. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 26 August 2009
    ("A view from The New Yorker": reposting of article from The New Yorker)

  1322. Aljazeera Magazine,, Dubai, UAE, 26 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie doubts": reposting of article by Lisa Pease)

  1323. Socialist Unity,, web log, UK, 26 August 2009
    ("Boycott Scotland")

  1324. The Daily Star, Beirut, Lebanon, 27 August 2009
    ("Megrahi debacle: The darker corners of the Scottish criminal justice system" by Andrew Allen)

  1325. Pakistan Daily,, Pakistan, 27 August 2009
    ("Megrahi Libyan Lockerbie Bomber doubts" by David Miller Smith)

  1326. The Arran Voice, Isle of Arran, Scotland, 27 August 2009
    ("Megrahi - the other questions")

  1327. The Star Lated Edition,, Sheffield, UK, 21 August 2009
    ("Release of 'bomber' from jail is welcome")

  1328. WOT [war on terrorism] on Earth?,, Los Angeles, USA, 27 August 2009
    ("The Megrahi release furore ...")

  1329. Libération, Paris, France, 27 August 2009
    ("Sale temps pour les victimes du terrorisme" by Huguette Chomski-Magnis)

  1330. Bitácora Almendrón,, Spain, 27 August 2009
    ("Sale temps pour les victimes du terrorisme": reposting of article from Libération)

  1331. The Economist, London, UK, 27 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie fallout: Counting the cost": comment)

  1332. DefenceWeb,, Johannesburg, South Africa, 27 August 2009
    ("Analysis: A hero's welcome in Libya": comment)

  1333. the Friend,, London, UK, 28 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie grief and justice" by Julia Cadman)

  1334. today,, 28 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie mastermind to be named?")

  1335. The New Nation,, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 28 August 2009
    ("Release of Lockerbie prisoner: Case not closed": reposting of I.P.O. news release)

  1336.   جريدة الراية,, Doha, Qatar, 28 August 2009
    ("الأسباب الحقيقية وراء الإفراج عن المقرحي " by Samir Awad)

  1337. Daily Mirror,, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 28 August 2009, "World Watch"
    ("Lockerbie: the Lie in the sky" by Ameen Izzadeen)

  1338. Akhbar Libya,, Tripoli, Libya, 28 August 2009, ليبيا في الاعلام
    ("الأسباب الحقيقية وراء الإفراج عن المقرحي ": reposting of article from Al-Raya)

  1339. ليبيا يا منايــا ,, web log, Libya, 28 August 2009
    ("الأسباب الحقيقية وراء الإفراج عن المقرحي -- كبش فداء لقرار سياسي أمريكي - بريطاني")

  1340. Nachrichten Heute,, web log, Germany, 28 August 2009
    ("Heimkehr eines Attentäters, Libyens Staatschef Gaddafi und das deutsche Auswärtige Amt": comment)

  1341. Scottish Socialist Youth,, UK, 28 August 2009
    ("Megrahi - Lockerbie's scapegoat": comment)

  1342. De groene Amsterdammer,, Dutch Weekly, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 28 August 2009, Buitenland
    ("Nog eenmaal Megrahi" by Aart Brouwer)

  1343. Le Temps,, Geneva, Switzerland, 29 August 2009
    ("Attentat de Lockerbie: Les incohérences de la piste libyenne" by Jean-Claude Péclet)

  1344. Sudan Vision - An Independent Daily,, Khartoum, Sudan, 29 August 2009, Focus
    ("Lockerbie Repercussions Unravel Ocampo's Farces and Allegations" by Alfatih Ziada)

  1345. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 29 August 2009
    ("Megrahi's Lawyer to release dossier 'proving' his innocence": comment)

  1346. The Moderate Voice,, USA, 29 August 2009
    ("Persuasive Leads in Favor of Lockerbie Convict Were Overlooked: Le Figaro, France" by William Kern)

  1347. Nachrichten Heute,, Berne, Switzerland, 29 August 2009
    ("al-Megrahi wirklich der Attentäter?")

  1348. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 29 August 2009
    ("Three in five Scots oppose Megrahi's release": comment)

  1349. AANGIRFAN,, UK, 30 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie, Lord Browne, MI6, BP, Hookers")

  1350. SoulCast,, web log, USA, 30 August 2009
    ("Did Abu Elias carry out the Lockerbie Bombing?")

  1351. Mail & Guardian,, Johannesburg, South Africa, 30 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie: Drowning the facts" by Bryan Rostron)

  1352. Huffington Post,, USA, 30 August 2009
    ("The Truth About Lockerbie May Now Never Come Out Thanks to Gordon Brown's Thirst for Libyan Oil" by Vicky Ward)

  1353., news:documentaries:opinion, 30 August 2009
    ("The Real Truth Behind The Release Of al-Megrahi" by George Valentine Corr)

  1354. The National,, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 30 August 2009
    ("Libyans insist Megrahi is innocent" by Paul Woodward, Online Correspondent)

  1355. Zim Newswire,, Zimbabwe, 30 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie: drowning the facts": reposting of article from Mail & Guardian Online)

  1356. Sailan Muslim,, Colombo, Sri Lanka,  30 August 2009
    ("Lockerbie: the Lie in the sky": reposting of article by Ameen Izzadeen)

  1357. Gulf News, Dubai, UAE, 31 August 2009
    ("Al Megrahi paid high price for freedom" by Abdel Bari Atwan)

  1358. Firedoglake,, web log, USA, 31 August 2009
    ("'The Lockerbie Bomber': The Rest of the Story")

  1359. - The NCA Africa Blog Forum,, Norway, 31 August 2009
    ("A Crying Shame" by Patrick Gathara)

  1360. Gathara's World,, web log, 31 August 2009
    ("A Crying Shame")

  1361. Patrick Henry Press,, USA, 31 August 2009
    ("'The Lockerbie Bomber': The Rest of the Story")

  1362. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 31 August 2009
    ("Unanswered Lockerbie questions": reposting of a letter by Dr. Jim Swire)

  1363. BTN The Business Travel News,, Edgware, UK, 31 August 2009
    ("REFLECTIONS: Lockerbie" by Humphrey Dawson)

  1364. AERBT - An Excecutive Review of Business Travel,, Herts, UK, 31 August 2009
    ("Reflections: Lockerbie" by Humphrey Dawson)

  1365. Коммерсантъ / Kommersant, Moscow, Russia, No. 34, 31 August 2009, pp. 38-42
    ("Подарок для полковника [Present for the Colonel]" by Konstantin Zemliakov)

  1366. Le Temps,, Geneva, Switzerland
    ("Al-Megrahi promet de nouvelles révélations" by Jean-Claude Péclet)
    , August 2009

  1367. SLOVO - spoločensko-politický týždenník, Bratislava, Slovakia, n. 31/32, August 2009
    ("Špinavé tajmostvo Lockerbie"

  1368. homepage DAILY: The World's First Global Student Newspaper,, August 2009
    ("The Big Question: Should the Lockerbie bomber be freed from jail, and are we nearer the truth?": reposting of article from The Independent newspaper)

  1369. Third World Resurgence,, Penang, Malaysia, August/September 2010, Issue No. 228/229
    ("Pan Am Flight 103 and the Lockerbie controversy" by Tom Fawthrop)

  1370. CounterPunch,, USA, September 1-15 2009, Vol. 16, No. 15
    ("Megrahi's Release: How Libya Was Framed for the Lockerbie Bombing" by Alexander Cockburn)

  1371. Private Eye, London, UK, Issue 1243, 21 August - 3 September 2009
    ("Libyan Takeaway")

  1372. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 1 September 2009, News
    ("Kochler suspicious that 'covert deal' led to Megrahi dropping appeal")

  1373. The Times, London, UK, 1 September 2009
    ("Unanswered Lockerbie questions. Father of Lockerbie victim speaks out after release of al-Megrahi")

  1374., India, 1 September 2009, Opinion
    ("The Bombing of Pan Am 103: Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle" by C. R. Sridhar)

  1375. Daily Telegraph,, London, UK, 1 September 2009, Letters
    ("Questions on Lockerbie" by Jim Swire)

  1376. The New York Times, New York, NY, USA, 1 September 2009, The Lede / The New York Times News Blog
    ("Lockerbie Letters Reveal Tensions Between Scottish and British Officials": comment)

  1377. Liberal Burblings,, web log, UK, 1 September 2009
    ("Cameron's disgraceful point-scoring")

  1378. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 1 September 2009
    ("Lockerbie: Drowning the facts": reposting of article from Mail & Guardian)

  1379. Okulo News,, UK, 1 September 2009
    ("Police chief: Lockerbie evidence faked")

  1380. The Frontier Post - National Daily Published from Peshawar and Quetta, Pakistan, 1 September 2009
    ("Al Megrahi paid high price for freedom": reposting of article by Abdel Bari Atwan)

  1381. The Guardian,, Manchester, UK, 1 September 2009
    ("Cameron calls for inquiry following claims Brown did not want Megrahi to die in jail": comment)

  1382. ABC Radio National, Sydney, Australia, 2 September 2009, "Rear Vision"
    ("The Lockerbie trial revisited": interview by Keri Phillips)

  1383. The Times, London, UK, 2 September 2009, Letters
    ("Lockerbie trial, justice and inquiry: Unanswered questions about al-Megrahi's guilt or innocence and the purpose of a Scottish trial" by David Boswell)

  1384. The Independent, London, UK, 2 September 2009
    ("Geoffrey Robertson: Megrahi should never have been freed": comment)

  1385. The Way I See It,, web log, UK, 2 September 2009
    ("Sick to death of Lockerbie")

  1386. B 92 Radio,, Belgrade, Serbia, 2 September 2009
    ("Išli smo u Afrika da ...?": comment)

  1387. Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2 September 2009
    ("Scottish government loses Lockerbie vote": comment)

  1388. Daily Telegraph, London, UK, 2 September 2009
    ("Lockerbie bomber: Holyrood critics queue up to throw rotten tomatoes at Labour and the SNP": comment)

  1389., web log, 2 September 2009
    ("Is the Lockerbie Bomber innocent?" by Sully Syed)

  1390. BBC News, reporters' blogs,, London, UK, 2 September 2009, "Blether with Brian" (Brian Taylor, BBC Scotland's political editor)
    ("Redirected controversy": comment)

  1391. Jonathan Mitchel QC: Scots law and legal practice,, web log, UK, 2 September 2009
    ("Compassionate release in Scotland: the actual policy and law": comment by Jim Swire)

  1392. UrgentQuestions,, web log, India, September 2009
    ("Bombing of Pan Am 103: pieces of a jigsaw puzzle": reposting)

  1393. The Wall Street Journal, New York, NY, USA, 2 September 2009, p. 15, Opinion
    ("Why Libya welcomed Megrahi" by Ali Aujali)

  1394. The Guardian,, Manchester, UK, 2 September 2009
    ("Gordon Brown's role in release of Megrahi revealed": comment)

  1395. Guardian,, Manchester, UK, 2 September 2009
    ("Gordon Brown's role in release of Megrahi revealed": comment)

  1396. Al-Jazeera English TV, Doha, Qatar, 2 September 2009, Listening Post
    ("The Lockerbie bomber media circus" by Richard Gizbert)

  1397. Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 3 September 2009
    ("Lockerbie: Salmond 'proud' of support for Megrahi release": comment)

  1398. , Kampala, Uganda, 3 September 2009
    ("Lockerbie: Truth, Realpolitik and the future of international law")

  1399. El País,, Madrid, Spain, 3 September 2009, La Comunidad / Theleme -- El caso del Boeing en Lockerbie (2a parte)
    ("Testigo clave de Lockerbie admite perjurio" by  Ludwig de Braeckeleer / translation of article from Global Research)

  1400. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 3 September 2009
    ("MSPs say bomber release was wrong": comment)

  1401. Tangible Information,, 3 September 2009
    ("PanAm 103 Over Lockerbie by William Blum")

  1402.,, Jakarta, Indonesia, 3 September 2009, International
    ("Mengapa Libya Menyambut Pengebom Lockerbie?")

  1403. Jerusalem Post, Jerusalem, Israel, 3 September 2009
    ("Editor's Notes: A Lockerbie indictment" by David Horovitz)

  1404. History News Network (HNN),, Seattle, WA, USA, 3 September 2009
    ("Ali Aujali: Why Libya Welcomed Megrahi": reposting of article from Wall Street Journal)

  1405. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 3 September 2009
    ("MSPs say bomber release was wrong": comments)

  1406. Britské listy,, web log, Czech Republic, 3 September 2009
    ("Špinavé tajomstvo Lockerbie" by Matúš Holý)

  1407. The Daily Vanguard,, Lagos, Nigeria, 4 September 2009
    ("Lockerbie: Bellyaching over a just release" by Owei Lakemfa)

  1408., Washington DC, USA, 4 September 2009, Opinion
    ("Lockerbie: Bellyaching over a just release": reposting of article from the Daily Vanguard)

  1409. BASICS - Free Community Newsletter,, Toronto, Canada, 4 September 2009, Basics #15 (Sep/Oct 2009)
    ("Scotland releases wrongfully-convicted Libyan Abdelbaset al-Megrahi" by Justin Panos)

  1410.   جريدة الوطن  / Al-Watan, Doha, Qatar, 4 September 2009
    (" المقــرحــي وإطــلاق الســراح الرحــيم")

  1411. Star Weekend Magazine,, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Vol. 8, Issue 85, 4 September 2009
    ("The Mystery Of Pan Am Flight 103" by Syed Zain Al-mahmood)

  1412. Australian Observer,, Australia, 5 September 2009
    ("The release of Abdel Baset el-Megrahi")

  1413. Merced Sun-Star,, Merced, California, USA, 5 September 2009
    ("Why the Scots don't get what all the Lockerbie fuss is about" by Steve Cameron)

  1414. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 5 September 2009
    ("Oil behind Megrahi deal, admits Straw": comments)

  1415. Tribune Magazine, London, UK, 6 September 2009
    ("Justice is still denied in the Lockerbie fiasco" by Bryan Rostron)

  1416. PÚBLICO,, Lisbon, Portugal, 6 September 2009
    ("Será Megrahi o bode expiatório perfeito?" by Ana Fonseca Pereira)

  1417. Daily Telegraph,, London, UK, 6 September 2009
    ("The Lockerbie bomber scandal: Gordon Brown has sold Britain's reputation for thirty pieces of silver": comment)

  1418. NowPublic - Crowd Powered Media,, Vancouver, Canada, 6 September 2009
    ("UK Gov-Controversy-Trade-Lockerbie-Megrahi")

  1419.,, Kumaranalloor, Kerala, India, 6 September 2009
    ("UN Judicial Observer Found Lockerbie Trial a Miscarriage of Justice")

  1420. SoulCast,, web log, 6 September 2009
    ("Lockerbie: The Truth")

  1421. ليبيا المستقبل / Libya Almostakbal, Tripoli, Libya, 7 September 2009
    (" «لوكيربي» .. صكوك براءة ليبيا يقدمها الشاهد الرئيسي")

  1422. OEN -,, USA, 7 September 2009
    ("UN Judicial Observer Found Lockerbie Trial a Miscarriage of Justice" by Jay Janson)

  1423., web log, 7 September 2009
    ("Lockerbie trial: an intelligence operation?": reposting of I.P.O. news release of 5 Oct. 2007)

  1424. Fortean Times,, UK, 7 September 2009, Forums
    ("lockerbie bomber is innocent?")

  1425. BBC Radio Scotland, Glasgow, Scotland, 8 September 2009, Good Morning Scotland
    (Live interview with Janet MacDonald on the Lockerbie appeal)

  1426. GLOBALIZATI,, web log, 9 September 2009
    ("The Other Side of Lockerbie")

  1427. العرب  (Al-Arab), London, UK, 9 September 2009, p. 3
    اَكو دية- ماكو خطيئة" by Mohamed Kabartai)

  1428. LIBYA 24 | 24 ليبيا,, 9 September 2009
    ("! اَكو دية- ماكو خطيئة": reposting of article by Mohamed Kabartai)

  1429. In Place of Fear,, 10 September 2009
    ("Lockerbie: doesn't the truth matter?")

  1430. The Economist,, London, UK, 10 September 2009, Opinion/Letters
    ("Lockerbie questions remain" by Jean and Berry Berkley)

  1431., San Francisco, New York, Washington, USA, 11 September 2009
    ("Are we safer than we were eight years ago?" by Patrick Smith)

  1432. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 11 September 2009
    ("Why Libya welcomed Megrahi": reposting of article from Wall Street Journal)

  1433. Media Review Network (MRN),, Laudium, South Africa, 11 September 2009
    ("A Megrahi paid high price for freedom": reposting of article from Gulf News)

  1434., Alpharetta, GA, USA, 11 September 2001
    ("Remembering 9-11: Are we safer than we were eight years ago?": reposting of article from

  1435. Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), Washington, DC, USA, 11 September 2009, International, pp. 45-48
    ("Libya's Qaddafi Is Brought Back Into the British Royal Family" by Dean Andromidas and Hussein Askary)

  1436. Frontline - India's National Magazine,, India, 12-25 September 2009, Vol. 26, Issue 19
    ("Lockerbie echo" by John Cherian)

  1437. Herald Scotland, Glasgow, Scotland, 12 September 2009
    ("Campaigners push for UN inquiry into Lockerbie bombing" by Lucy Adams)

  1438. New Zealand Herald,, Auckland, New Zealand, 12 September 2009
    ("Diplomacy means getting your hands dirty for national interests" by Paul Thomas)

  1439. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 12 September 2009
    ("Campaigners push for UN inquiry into Lockerbie": reposting of article from The Herald)

  1440. Foundation for Social Justice, Manila, Philippines, 12 September 2009
    ("Death of Truth in Lockerbie")

  1441. BBC News,, London, UK, 12 September 2009
    ("UN urged to investigate Lockerbie")

  1442. Edinburgh Evening News, Edinburgh, Scotland, 12 September 2009
    ("Call for UN to probe bomb")

  1443. The Times,, London, UK, 12 September 2009
    ("Gareth Peirce calls for independent inquiry into Lockerbie bombing" by Frances Gibb, Legal Editor)

  1444. ROCKETNEWS,, 12 September 2009
    ("Call for UN Lockerbie inquiry")

  1445. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 12 September 2009
    ("Gareth Peirce calls for independent inquiry into Lockerbie bombing": reposting of Times article)

  1446. The Observer-Dispatch,, Utica, NY, USA, 12 September 2009
    ("Scots don't believe they've heard the truth about Lockerbie" by Steve Cameron)

  1447. Mail on Sunday,, London, UK, 13 September 2009
    ("Lockerbie bomber's health worsens: 'His condition has deteriorated rapidly'")

  1448. WARDOG,, 13 September 2009
    ("A UN Lockerbie inquiry?")

  1449. Sunday Island Online,, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 13 September 2009
    ("Lockerbie - A Labyrinthine and Kafkaesque Tragedy ... Western political intrigue at the very highest levels!" by Selvam Canagaratna)

  1450. Belfast Telegraph,, Belfast, UK, 14 September 2009
    ("Al Megrahi's health rapidly deteriorating, reports claim")

  1451. Daily Telegraph,, London, UK, 14 September 2009
    ("Megrahi health has 'deteriorated markedly'")

  1452. NEWSTIN - Organizing the News,, UK, 14 September 2009
    ("UN urged to investigate Lockerbie": reposting of BBC report)

  1453. The Press and Journal,, Aberdeen, UK, 14 September 2009
    ("Health of Lockerbie bomber deteriorating, says brother - Campaigners hoping UN General Assembly will hold inquiry into atrocity" by Victoria Mitchell)

  1454. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 14 September 2009
    ("An open letter to the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations")

  1455. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 14 September 2009, News
    ("Firm joins Chomsky, Dalyell and others to petition UN General Assembly to open Pan Am 103 inquiry")

  1456. AirlinersNet,, web log, 14 September 2009, discussion forum
    ("The Forgotten History Of Air Crimes": commentary by Patrick Smith)

  1457. Western Morning News, UK, 14 September 2009
    ("Megrahi 'in special unit' as health deteriorates" by Victoria Mitchell)

  1458. JREF Forum - James Randi Educational Foundation,, web log, USA, 15  September 2009
    ("Do you think Megrahi did it?")

  1459. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, Scotland, 15 September 2009
    ("How to add Sheen to your campaigning ..." by Fiona McCade)

  1460. AIRLINERS.NET,, USA, 15 September 2009, Civil Aviation Forum
    ("The Forgotten History of Air Crimes" by Patrick Smith)

  1461. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 16 September 2009
    ("The framing of al-Megrahi": reposting of article by Gareth Peirce)

  1462. Justice for Lockerbie,, UK, 16 September 2009
    ("UN General Assembly urged to launch enquiry")

  1463. Ann Phoblacht - Sinn Féin Weekly,, Dublin, Ireland, 17 September 2009, Feature
    ("Hypocrisy and hysteria surround Lockerbie release" by Emma Clancy)

  1464. Huffington Post,, USA, 18 September 2009
    ("Deception Over Lockerbie?" filed by Amy Hertz)

  1465. Breaking-News, WordPress, web log, 18 September 2009
    ("Deception Over Lockerbie?": reposting of article from Huffington Post)

  1466. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 18 September 2009
    ("Marquise's response to Peirce")

  1467. Private Eye,, London, UK, 18 September 2009
    ("Lockerbie latest")

  1468. Disaster History,, 19 September 2009
    ("Lockerbie - fight for the truth")

  1469. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 19 September 2009
    ("Megrahi: I'll persuade Scots I'm not guilty": comments)

  1470. The Independent on Sunday, London, UK, 20 September 2009
    ("The Framing of a-Megrahi" by Gareth Peirce)

  1471. AANGIRFAN,, UK, 20 September 2009
    ("Gareth Peirce on the Framing of al-Megrahi")

  1472. JOURNALISTS,, UK, 20 September 2009
    ("The Trouth about al-Megrahi - the Independent on Sunday and the London Review of Books")

  1473. AFPN Message Board, web log, 21 September 2009
    ("Lockerbie: dying Megrahi fights to prove his innocence / The Lockerbie court case: a spectacular miscarriage of justice" by Henk Ruyssenaars)

  1474. The Courier,, Dundee, Scotland, 21 September 2009
    ("Suspicion persists over Lockerbie trial fairness" by Donald Macgregor)

  1475. SACC - Scotland Against Criminalising Communities,, Scotland, UK, 21 September 2009
    ("The Framing of al-Megrahi": reposting of article by Gareth Peirce)

  1476. Pax Mundi,, web log, 22 September 2009
    ("Panam Flight 103 - The Framing of al-Megrahi": reposting of article by Gareth Peirce)

  1477. Bush Quaker,, web log, USA, 22 September 2009
    ("Compassion revisited")

  1478. Neue Solidarität,, Wiesbaden, Germany, 23 September 2009, No. 39
    ("Gaddafi kehrt zurück in die Arme Ihrer Majestät" by Dean Andromidas and Hussein Askary)

  1479. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 23 September 2009
    ("Deception over Lockerbie?": reposting of artricle by Malise Ruthven)

  1480. London Review of Books,, London, UK, 24 September 2009, Vol. 31, No. 18, 24 September 2009
    ("The Framing of al-Megrahi" by Gareth Peirce)

  1481. Dissident Voice,, newsletter, USA, 24 September 2009
    ("Deception over Lockerbie" by Maidhc Ó Cathail)

  1482. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 24 September 2009, News
    ("Exclusive: Crown challenged to prove semtex link to Pan Am 103")

  1483. Canada Free Press (CFP),, Toronto, Canada, 24 September 2009
    ("Lockerbie tragedy - Exclusive: Crown challenged to prove semtex link to Pan Am 103")

  1484. Persistence of Vision,, web log, UK, 24 September 2009
    ("Lockerbie latest from Private Eye": reposting of article from Private Eye)

  1485. Craig Murray web log,, UK, 25 September 2009
    ("Al-Megrahi Was not the Lockerbie Bomber" by Craig Murray, former British Ambassador)

  1486. The New York Times,, New York, NY, USA, 25 September 2009
    ("Memo from Edinburgh: When Doing the Scottish Thing Backfires" by Sarah Lyall)

  1487. Philadelphia Independent Media Center,, Philadelphia, USA, 25 September 2009
    ("Inky Toes Party Line on Lockerbie at the Expense of Truth" by Edward S. Herman)

  1488. Surabaya Post,, Surabaya, Indonesia, 26 September 2009
    ("Gadhafi: Saya Bertemu Keluarga Korban Lockerbie")

  1489. News from Underground, web log, 26 September 2009
    ("Lockerbie bomb evidence 'implausible,' say Scottish scientists")

  1490. The Peoples Voice,, USA, 26 September 2009
    ("Deception over Lockerbie": reposting of article by Maidhc Ó Cathail)

  1491. Fabius Maximus,, web log, USA, 26 September 2009
    ("Apologies, Anger and Apathy - My Lai and Lockerbie Reconsidered": comments)

  1492. Global Research,, Québec, Canada, 27 September 2009
    ("Deception over Lockerbie": reposting of article by Maidhc Ó Cathail)

  1493. Staffordshire Sentinel,, UK, 27 September 2009
    ("Lockerbie evidence to be released" by Roy Haywood)

  1494. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 28 September 2009, News
    ("Angiolini backs away from semtex challenge")

  1495. Переводика,, Moscow, Russia, 27 September 2009
    ("Обман в деле Локерби"/ Russian version of article from Global Research)

  1496. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 28 September 2009
    ("Angiolini backs away from semtex challenge": reposting of article from The Firm magazine)

  1497. الشرق الأوسط  (As-Sharq Al-Awsat), London, 28 September 2009

  1498. In These New Times,, web log, 28 September 2009
    ("Deception over Lockerbie": reposting of Global Research article)

  1499. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 30 September 2009
    ("Lockerbie latest from Private Eye")

  1500. blogSpirit,, Kampala, Uganda, September 2009
    ("Lockerbie: Truth, Realpolitik And The Future Of International Law": reposting)

  1501. Boston United,, Boston, USA, September 2009
    ("UN urged to investigate Lockerbie": reposting of BBC report)

  1502. The Spokesman, UK, September 2009, Issue 106 (2009), pp. 12-19, chapter "Responsibility to Protest: After Lockerbie"
    ("Unfair Tial
    ": republication of Dr. Hans Koechler's first trial report)

  1503. The Spokesman, UK, September 2009, Issue 106 (2009), pp. 3-7, chapter "Responsibility to Protest: After Lockerbie"
    ("After Lockerbie": Editorial by Ken Coates)

  1504. New York Review of Books, New York, NY, USA, October 2009
    ("Deception over Lockerbie?" by Malise Ruthven)

  1505. LY Promo Information and News,, October 2009
    ("Was The Trial Of The Lockerbie Bomber The Biggest Miscarriage Of Justice In Global Legal History?")

  1506. Tiempo,, Barcelona, Spain, 1 October 2009
    ("El misterio de Lockerbie" by Josep Fontana)

  1507. Pirate Star Wars Rental,, 1 October 2009
    ("Article on al-Megrahi case for CtrlAltShift")

  1508. New Age Islam,, 2 October 2009
    ("'The Truths' Behind The Lockerbie Bombing: Will the Truth ever be known?": reposting of article from AANGIRFAN blog)

  1509. luogocomune - le notizie commentate,, web log, Italy, 2 October 2009
    ("La vera storia del volo di Lockerbie" by Massimo Mazzucco)

  1510. Malta Sunday Times, Valletta, Malta, 4 October 2009
    ("Malta asked to support demands for UN inquiry on Lockerbie" by Caroline Muscat)

  1511. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 4 October 2009
    ("Malta asked to support demands for UN inquiry on Lockerbie": reposting of article from the Malta Sunday Times)

  1512. Michael Meacher - Labour's Future,, web log, UK, 5 October 2009
    ("Lockerbie: the truth is finally coming out")

  1513., Brattleboro, Vermont, USA, 6 October 2009
    ("UN Judicial Observer Found Lockerbie Trial a Miscarriage of Justice")

  1514. DOK Leipzig | DOK FESTIVAL,, Leipzig, Germany, October 2009
    (Film review: "Lockerbie Revisited" by Gideon Levy)

  1515. LE DESSOUS des CARTES,, France, October 2010
    ("Terrorisme: La véritable histoire de Lockerbie" by Massimo Mazzucco)

  1516. ReOpen911 - News,, USA, 6 October 2009
    ("Terrorisme: La véritable histoire de Lockerbie": reposting of article by Massimo Mazzucco))

  1517. OpEdNews,, USA, 7 October 2009
    ("Deception over Lockerbie": reposting of article by Maidhc Ó Cathail)

  1518. "Qui a le savoir, a le pouvoir,", Switzerland, 7 October 2009
    ("Terrorisme: La véritable histoire de Lockerbie": reposting)

  1519. The Harvard Law Record,, Harvard University, USA, 8 October 2009
    ("Who was really behind Lockerbie?" by Kate Spencer)

  1520. Conspiracy Encyclopedia,, 9 October 2009
    ("Alleged framing of Libya")

  1521. House of Lords, London, UK, 12 October 2009 / Parliamentary Debates, House of Lords: Vol. 713, 5th Series, 2008-09, 12 October 2009 - 29 October 2009, p. 41
    ("Libya: Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi": Question. Asked by Lord Pannick)

  1522. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 13 October 2009
    ("Megrahi release and the House of Lords")

  1523. Hans Koechler Political and Philosophical Society, network site,, Manila, Philippines, 14 October 2009
    ("Death of Truth in Lockerbie": reposting of statement by Foundation for Social Justice)

  1524. Private Eye, London, UK, 16 October 2009, Issue 1247
    ("Lockerbie: the $3m questions")

  1525. The Sentinel,, Staffordshire, UK, 16 October 2009
    ("No justice at Lockerbie trial")

  1526. Okulo News,, UK, 18 October 2009
    ("Lockerbie: The three million dollar question": reposting of article from Private Eye magazine)

  1527. TRUETEN.DE, web log, Germany, 19 October 2009
    ("Politische Justiz: Beispiel Lockerbie. Fortsetzung und vorläufiger Schluss" by Wolfgang Hänisch)

  1528. Fabius Maximus,, web log, USA, 20 October 2009
    ("More hidden history, more unsettling truths: the Lockerbie bombing")

  1529. NowPublic News Coverage,, 20 October 2009
    ("Lockerbie Bombing Timeline")

  1530. Shockfront,, 21 October 2009

  1531. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 22 October 2009
    ("Al Megrahi's lawyer denies 'death' reports":  comment)

  1532. Malta Sunday Times, La Valletta, Malta, 25 October 2009
    ("Call on Malta to question Lockerbie witness - Labour supports call for UN inquiry into Lockerbie" by Caroline Muscat)

  1533. Times of Malta,, La Valletta, Malta, 25 October 2009
    ("Lockerbie case rumbles on in Scotland and Malta")

  1534. Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA), Berlin, Germany, 25 October 2009
    ("Trial monitor calls on Malta to question key Lockerbie witness")

  1535. Monsters and Critics,, UK, 25 October 2009, UK News
    ("Trial monitor calls on Malta to question key Lockerbie witness": reposting of DPA news release)

  1536. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 25 October 2009
    ("Call on Malta to question Lockerbie witness")

  1537. ChinaDaily BBS,, Shanghai, China, 25 October 2009
    ("Lockerbie To Be Reviewed")

  1538. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 25 October 2009
    ("Dr Swire doubts sincerity of Crown Office announcement")

  1539. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 25 October 2009
    ("Lockerbie questions")

  1540. Earth Times,, New York, NY, USA, 25 October 2009
    ("Trial monitar calls on Malta to question key Lockerbie witness": DPA news release)

  1541. The Herald, Glasgow, Scotland, 26 October 2009, Letters
    ("Original suspect in Pan Am atrocity should be the starting point for further examination of evidence" by Jim Swire)

  1542. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 26 October 2009, News
    ("Exclusive: Cynicism and doubt over latest Crown Office 'spoiler'")

  1543. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 26 October 2009, Features
    ("Exclusive: To have your cake and eat it? by Jim Swire")

  1544. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 26 October 2009
    ("A cynical spoiling operation?")

  1545. AANGIRFAN,, UK, 26 October 2009
    ("Lockerbie psyop")

  1546. Abdel Bari Atwan (editor-in-Chief, Al-Quds Al-Arabi),, blog, London, UK, 27 October 2009
    ("Lockerbie: Implicating Iran and Syria")

  1547. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 28 October 2009
    ("Lockerbie and the Prime Minister": comment)

  1548. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, Scotland, 30 October 2009
    ("We should have tried Megrahi in US court, says new ambassador": comments)

  1549. Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA), Berlin, Germany, 31 October 2009
    ("Malta will not probe Lockerbie star witness")

  1550. Rodney Stich, Defrauding America, Vol. Two. Alamo, CA, USA: Silverpeak Enterprises, 2009, 4th edition, pp. 1-50
    ("Lockerbie: Worst Terrorist Attack - And Greatest Hoax")

  1551. Earth Times,, 31 October 2009
    ("Malta will not probe Lockerbie star witness": reposting of DPA news release)

  1552. FAIR / Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting,, New York, NY, USA, October 2009, Extra!
    ("Lockerbie in the Propaganda System: Release of Al-Megrahi evokes selective history" by Edward S. Herman)

  1553. Integrity News - TV/Radio,, web log, USA, no date (accessed October 2009)
    ("The Strange Disappearance of Lester K. Coleman")

  1554. Malta Sunday Times,, La Valletta, Malta, 1 November 2009
    ("Malta won't probe Lockerbie witness: Victim's father urges government to search for 'truth and justice'" by Kurt Sansone)

  1555. Malta Sunday Times,, La Valletta, Malta, 1 November 2009, Letters
    ("Malta should clear its name" by Eric Frith)

  1556. Monsters and Critics,, UK, 1 November 2009, UK News
    ("Malta will not probe Lockerbie star witness": reposting of DPA news release)

  1557. JREF Forum - James Randi Educational Foundation,, web log, USA, 2 November 2009
    ("al Megrahi and the Lockerbie bombing")

  1558. Times of Malta,, La Valletta, Malta, 2 November 2009
    ("PM insists Malta will not probe prime witness: 'Nothing to justify a change'" by Cynthia Busuttil)

  1559. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 2 November 2009
    ("PM insists Malta will not probe prime witness": reposting of article from The Times of Malta)

  1560. AANGIRFAN,, UK, 4 November 2009
    ("Aamer Anwar, Mohammed Siddique and Scotland's 'discredited' criminal justice system")

  1561. JREF Forum - James Randi Educational Foundation,, web log, USA, 10 November 2009
    ("Tony Gauci and the mystery shopper")

  1562. Economic and Philosophic Science Review / World Revolutionary Socialist Review,, London, UK, 11 November 2009, No. 1359
    ("Hypocrisy and hysteria surround Lockerbie release")

  1563. Ian Fraser Blog,, UK, 19 November 2009
    ("How Orwellian is modern Scotland?")

  1564. storia e dintorni ...,, Italy, 19 November 2009
    ("La vera storia del volo di Lockerbie": reposting of article from "luogocomune" web log)

  1565. Kopten ohne Grenzen,, web log, Germany, 22 November 2009
    ("Gaddafi - Lässt die Muskeln tanzen!")

  1566. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 23 November 2009
    ("Fragments of truth, continued")

  1567. News With Views,, USA, 28 November 2009
    ("Pan Am 103: What Really Happened?" by Stewart Nicol)

  1568. The Firm Magazine,, Glasgow, Scotland, 29 November 2009, News
    ("New investigation reports evidence of non-semtex explosion on Pan Am 103")

  1569. Times of Malta,, La Valletta, Malta, 29 November 2009
    ("British MPs, activist say Malta should defend itself on Lockerbie case" by Caroline Muscat)

  1570. Noam Chomsky - Deterring Democracy,, 29 November 2009
    ("Chomsky / Lockerbie Bombing / US drug dealers")

  1571. Cockpit - Das Schweizer Luftfahrtmagazin, Switzerland, No. 11, November 2009, pp. 16-18
    (Civil Aviation: "Vor 21 Jahren: Die Tragödie von Lockerbie" by Patrick Radosta)

  1572. Duncan McFarlane,, web log, UK, November 2009
    ("Sources of Stability / The US and Qaddafi in Libya ...")

  1573. Realm of Scotland,, Scotland, UK, November 2009
    ("Lockerbie trial evidence that was ignored")

  1574. Power and Justice in International Relations. Essays in Honor of Hans Köchler. Farnham (UK), Burlington (USA): Ashgate, 2009, pp. 115ff
    ("Post-Bellum War Crimes Tribunals and Contemporary International Law: Adjudging State Responsibility and 'War Guilt' Issues" by Edward M. McWhinney)

  1575. Austrian Wings - Österreichs Luftfahrtmagazin,, Vienna, Austria, 6 December 2009
    ("Lockerbie Attentat - Vergleich mit 'Holocaust Leugnung'")

  1576. The 12/7-9/11 Treadmill and Beyond,, UK, 10 December 2009
    ("Another Call on Malta" by Adam Larson)

  1577. read my mind,, USA, 11 December 2009
    ("Will We Ever Know What Happened To Pan Am 103?": reposting of article by Stewart Nicol)

  1578. TIMES Live,, Johannesburg, South Africa, 16 December 2009
    ("Lockerbie bomber goes AWOL: report": Comment)

  1579. BEO,, internet magazine, Dublin, Ireland, Christmas (December) 2009, Vol. 104
    ("An fhírinne faoi Loch Earbaí á ceilt" by Maidhc Ó Cathail)

  1580. AANGIRFAN,, UK, 25 December 2009
    ("The Classic Wrongful Conviction")

  1581. International Affairs. A Russian Journal of World Politics, Diplomacy and International Relations, Moscow (Russia) / Minneapolis (USA), No. 6 (2009), pp. 72-87
    ("The Metastases of Lockerbie" by Yelena Ananyeva)

  1582. Air Desaster: Katastrophen der Luftfahrtgeschichte. Book by Xavier Waterkeyn. Munich: GeraMond, 2009, p. 67
    ("Terrorismus und Sabotage [1933-2001]")

  1583. The Firm Magazine,, Glasgow, Scotland, 6 January 2010, News
    ("UN explosives consultant says Pan Am 103 circuit board fragment could not have survived explosion")

  1584. The Firm Magazine,, Glasgow, Scotland, 8 January 2010, News
    ("Crown Office  swipes at BBC over Lockerbie claims, but dodges key explosives issue")

  1585. IFTTA - International Travel and Tourism News,, USA, 8 January 2010
    ("Lockerbie - Part 3")

  1586. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 14 January 2010
    ("Crown misinformation")

  1587. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 14 January 2010
    ("Crown agent appointed sheriff": comments)

  1588.  المكتب السوري,, web log, Damascus, Syria, 19 January 2010 
    ("إجراءات محاكمة الليبيين كانت إساءة لقضية العدالة الجنائية الدولية")

  1589. AANGIRFAN,, UK, 1 February 2010
    ("Terror conviction to be quashed? Faked evidence?")

  1590. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 1 February 2010
    ("Europe 'lost' Lockerbie observer's trial reports")

  1591. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 1 February 2010
    ("Europe 'lost' Lockerbie observer's trial reports": comment)

  1592. The Firm Magazine,, Glasgow, Scotland, 5 February 2010, News
    ("Justice Committee hammers Al-Megrahi release decision: 'Extremely concerned' - further referral to Parliament recommended")

  1593. The Lockerbie Divide,, UK, 5 February 2010
    ("Circumstantial Jigsaw Puzzle" by Robert Forrester)

  1594. The Lockerbie Divide,, USA, 13 February 2010
    ("The Lockerbie Divide" by Adam Larson)

  1595.,, 16 February 2010
    ("Not another show trial!")

  1596. Political Forum,, 20 February 2010
    ("Row as opposition demand for Lockerbie bomber's medical records": reposting of article from The Independent)

  1597. Aftonbladet,, Stockholm, Sweden, 22 Februar 2010
    ("'Spectacular miscarriage of justice' - Alla kan inte läsa ...?")

  1598. The Scotsman, Edinburgh, Scotland, 23 February 2010
    ("Pathologist: Decision to free Megrahi 'appropriate'": comment)

  1599. A Diary of Injustice in Scotland - by Peter Cherbi, web log,, Scotland, 2 March 2010
    ("Consumer legal chiefs question Lord Hamilton's plans for McKenzie Friends as calls grow for fairer deal for Scots court users": comment)

  1600. Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Washington, DC, USA, March 2010, Special Report, pp. 30-31
    ("Taking Another Look at the Destruction of Pan Am 103" by Andrew I. Killgore)

  1601. Media Monitors Network,, USA, 10 March 2010
    ("Taking another look at the Destruction of Pan Am 103": reposting of article by A. I. Killgore)

  1602. Pakistan Monitor, MMN International,, Pakistan, 10 March 2010
    ("Taking another look at the Destruction of Pan Am 103": reposting of article by A. I. Killgore)

  1603. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 14 March 2010
    ("Taking another look at the destruction of Pan Am 103": reposting of article by A. Killgore)

  1604. The Times,, London, UK, 21 March 2010
    ("Libya's feting of Megrahi insults us all" by Gillian Bowditch)

  1605. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 21 March 2010
    ("Libya's feting of Megrahi insults us all": reposting of article by by Gillian Bowditch)

  1606. British Medical Journal (BMJ),, London, UK, 30 March 2010, Views & Reviews
    ("Lockerbie: why we should be proud of Al-Megrahi's doctors" by Jim Swire)

  1607. Sudan.Net Discussion Board,, 30 March 2010
    ("Lockerbie: why we should be proud of Al-Megrahi's doctors": reposting of article from BMJ)

  1608. Hans Köchler's Lockerbie trial observer mission. Book edited by Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, and John McBrewster. Beau Bassin (Mauritius): Alphascript Publishing, 2010

  1609., web log, UK, no date (accessed March 2010)
    ("Lockerbie Job")

  1610. Press TV, Tehran, and Sky 515, London, 3 April 2010, R & R / Rattansi & Ridley, Interview
    ("Prof. Hans Kochler from the University of Innsbruck on the illegality of the ICC, Sudan and Lockerbie")

  1611. Rattansi & Ridley,, London, UK, 3 April 2010, Web Extra
    (Interview on the dropping of the Lockerbie appeal)

  1612. AGENCIA ipi,, Argentina, 6 April 2010
    ("Taking Another Look at the Destruction of Pan Am 103": reposting)

  1613. Pour la justice,, web log, Finland, 8 April 2010
    ("Operation Trojan: Taking Another Look at the Destruction of Pan Am 103": reposting of article by Andrew I. Killgore)

  1614. Daily Triumph,, Kano, Nigeria, 12 April 2010
    ("Lockerbie doubts": reposting of article by Lisa Pease)

  1615. The Lockerbie Divide,, USA, 20 April 2010
    ("'Emotional Blackmail': Deals, Appeals, and Megrahi's 'Compassionate' Release" by Adam Larson)

  1616.  The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 20 April 2010
    ("Emotional Blackmail": reposting of article by Adam Larson, plus comment)

  1617. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 19 May 2010
    ("Lockerbie bomber 'lives longest'": comment)

  1618. Human Rights Institute, London, UK, May 2010, Thematic Papers No 1
    ("Human Rights-Fact Finding: Some Legal and Ethical Dilemmas" by Geoffrey Robertson)

  1619. YAHOO!ANSWERS,, 8 June 2010
    ("Why are Americans so b*tchy about the Scots now?")

  1620. History of U.S. Aviation Disasters: 1950 to 9/11: Politics, Incompetence, and Hard Corruption. Book by Rodney Stich. Alamo, CA: Silverpeak Publishing, 9 June 2010.

  1621. JREF Forum - James Randi Educational Foundation,, web log, USA, 17 June 2010
    ("Lockerbie appeal documents to remain secret?")

  1622. Fars News Agency,, Tehran, Iran, 17 June 2010
    بمب‌گذاري لاكربي، كار المقرحي نبوده است")

  1623. Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation,, UK, June 2010
    ("Unfair Trial": reposting of Hans Köchler's Lockerbie trial report of 2001)

  1624. The Times, London, UK, 5 July 2010, p. 3 / Letters
    ("Legacy of the Lockerbie bombing")

  1625. Chez Chiara,, web log, 5 July 2010
    ("Lockerbie and Libya: Scapegoating? The Silence of the Arab League -- Doha Debates")

  1626. Akashma Online News,, 5 July 2010
    ("Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi still alive in Libya" by Michael Sheridan)

  1627. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 7 July 2010, News
    ("Crown Office blacklists The Firm after call for Parliamentary intervention over media policy")

  1628. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 9 July 2010
    ("Senators want inquiry into Megrahi release": comment)

  1629. Mother Jones,, USA, 13 July 2010
    ("Did BP Negotiate a Terrorist's Release in Exchange for Libyan Oil?" / "Bomber?": comment)

  1630. ABC News,, Washington DC, USA, 14 July 2010, The Note
    ("'Blood Money': Senators Want State Dept. Probe Into Possible BP-Lockerbie Bomber Deal": comment, 17 July 2010)

  1631. JREF Forum - James Randi Educational Foundation,, web log, USA, 15  July 2010
    ("Pan Am 103: Unaccompanied bag from Malta: Evidence?")

  1632. Schattenblick, web log,, Germany, 17 July 2010
    ("Senatorengruppe spielt das Thema Lockerbie wieder hoch")

  1633. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 19 July 2010
    ("Government must block US interference" by Tom Minogue)

  1634. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 19 July 2010
    ("Government must block US interference": reposting of letter by Tom Minogue)

  1635. Shell Blog,, UK, 19 July 2010
    (Comment #1)

  1636. Herald Scotland,, Glasgow, Scotland, 20 July 2010, Letters, p. 13
    ("Let the Americans open their files on the events surrounding PanAm Flight 103": letter by Tom Minogue)

  1637. Yahoo News / Associated Press,, 20 July 2010
    ("Clinton urges review of decision to release Libyan": comment)

  1638., Clearfield, Pennsylvania, USA, 20 July 2010
    ("Clinton Urges Review Of BP's Alleged Role in Lockerbie Bomber Release" by Kris Alingod)

  1639. The Gulf Today,, Sharjah, UAE, 20 July 2010
    ("Megrahi: Victim of a frame-up" by PV Vivekanand)

  1640. Herald Scotland,, Glasgow, Scotland, 21 July 2010, Letters Special
    ("We hear very little of the real cause of the atrocity perpetrated on PanAm 103": letter by J. Greenhorn)

  1641. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, Scotland, 21 July 2010, Letters
    ("American influence on Lockerbie trial": letter by Marion Woolfson)

  1642. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 21 July 2010
    ("American influence on Lockerbie trial": reposting of letter from The Scotsman)

  1643. International Progress Organization,, Vienna, Austria, 21 July 2010, News Release
    ("'Compassionate release' of Lockerbie convict: investigation must be comprehensive and independent")

  1644. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 21 July 2010
    ("Letter from Dr Swire to Senator Kerry")

  1645. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 21 July 2010, News
    ("Kochler calls for 'meaningful' inquiry into Megrahi affair")

  1646. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 21 July 2010, Features
    ("UN Observer: 'Compassionate release' of Lockerbie convict: investigation must be comprehensive and independent")

  1647. The Guardian,, Manchester, UK, 21 July 2010
    ("Megrahi release was compassionate, not political": comment)

  1648. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 21 July 2010
    ("'Compassionate release' of Lockerbie convict: investigation must be comprehensive and independent": reposting of I.P.O. News Release)

  1649. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 21 July 2010
    ("'The clamour for a FULL inquiry")

  1650. BBC, Glasgow, UK, 21 July 2010, Newsnight Scotland
    (Interview on the call for an inquiry into the release of the Lockerbie convict)

  1651. Suite101,, Vancouver, Canada, 21 July 2010
    ("The Lockerbie Bomber Row" by Duncan McGibbon)

  1652. RTVE, news blog,, Madrid, Spain, 21 July 2010, Aquí Londres
    ("El petróleo de BP, como el Guadiana": comment)

  1653. Concerned 4 democracy,, UK, 21 July 2010
    ("Al Megrahi - what a miscarriage")

  1654. JREF Forum - James Randi Educational Foundation,, web log, USA, 21 July 2010
    ("Lockerbie bomber alive after 9 months")

  1655. Zeit Online,, Hamburg, Germany, 21 July 2010
    ("Cameron weist Lockerbie-Verdacht zurück": comment)

  1656. C&L,, web log, USA, 21 July 2010
    ("BP confirms it lobbied the British government to release Lockerbie bomber": comment)

  1657. The Times,, London, UK, 22 July 2010, News
    ("MacAskill accused of making 'secret deal'; Bomber told to drop appeal, says UN observer" by Charlene Sweeney)

  1658.,, Alexandria, Va., USA, 22 July 2010
    ("Don't Limit Lockerbie Probe to BP Claims, Campaigners Urge US Senators" by Patrick Goodenough, International Editor)

  1659. The First Post,, London, UK, 22 July 2010
    ("How Megrahi and Libya were framed for Lockerbie" by Alexander Cockburn)

  1660. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 22 July 2010
    ("How Megrahi and Libya were framed for Lockerbie": reposting of article by Alexander Cockburn)

  1661. Herald Scotland,, Glasgow, Scotland, 22 July 2010
    ("Cameron says public inquiry over Megrahi still on the table" by Michael Settle)

  1662. Herald Sun,, Melbourne, Australia, 22 July 2010
    ("Scottish lawmaker struck secret jail deal with Lockerbie bomber, UN official alleges")

  1663. India Times,, New Delhi, India, 22 July 2010
    ("How Abdelbaset al-Megrahi and Libya were framed for Lockerbie bombing": reposting of The First Post article)

  1664. Al Jazeera English, Doha, Qatar, 22 July 2010, Inside Story
    (Interview on the circumstances of the release of the Lockerbie convict and the alleged role of BP)

  1665. Back Towards The Locus,, web log, UK, 22 July 2010
    ("Considerations Of Raison D'état ...")

  1666. BBC News,, London, UK, 22 July 2010
    ("UN observer: Lockerbie truth 'may not be uncovered'")

  1667. USA TODAY,, Washington DC, USA, 22 July 2010, Scotland Story Page
    ("Lockerbie truth 'may not emerge'": reposting of BBC  News article)

  1668. topix Netherlands,, web log, 22 July 2010
    ("Lockerbie truth 'may not emerge'": reposting of BBC  News article)

  1669. Fortean Times,, UK, 22 July 2010, Forums
    ("UN observer: Lockerbie truth 'may not be uncovered'": reposting of BBC News article)

  1670. The Courier,, Dundee, UK, 22 July 2010, Readers' letters
    ("Arrogance of the USA" by Tom Minogue)

  1671. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 22 July 2010
    ("We need a full Lockerbie inquiry": reposting of article from The Herald)

  1672. BBC News,, London, UK, 22 July 2010, South of Scotland
    ("MacAskill will not attend US hearing on bomber release")

  1673. BBC News,, London, UK, 22 July 2010, Scotland
    ("Lockerbie truth 'may not emerge'")

  1674. Newsweek,, Washington DC, USA, 22 July 2010
    ("More Twists in the Lockerbie Bomber Saga: Amid investigations into BP's role in the Libyan's release, a U.N. observer questions the trial that convicted him" by Ravi Somaiya)

  1675. ukwirednews,, London, UK, 22 July 2010, Scotland
    ("UN observer: Lockerbie truth 'may not be uncovered'")

  1676. yorkshirewired,, UK, 22 July 2010, Scotland, Yorkshire News
    ("UN observer: Lockerbie truth 'may not be uncovered'")

  1677., web log, USA, 22 July 2010
    ("Lockerbie truth 'may not emerge'": reposting of article from BBC News)

  1678. Your Democracy,, web log, Australia, 22 July 2010
    ("railroaded ....." by John Richardson)

  1679. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 22 July 2010, News
    ("Exclusive: Salmond pressed to instigate inquiry into Pan Am 103 by international coalition including Tutu, Chomsky, Dalyell, Black and Swire")

  1680. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 22 July 2010
    ("Salmond pressed to instigate inquiry into Pan Am 103 by international coalition ...": reposting of article from The Firm magazine)

  1681.   أويـا - صحيفة يومية شاملة,, Tripoli, Libya, 22 July 2010
    ("كوشلر: لم أقتنع بأن المقرحي مذنب")

  1682. القدس العربی (Al-Quds al-Arabi),, London, UK, 22 July 2009
    (" نواب امريكيون يريدون الاستماع الى مدير عام 'بريتش بتروليوم' بشأن لوكربي")

  1683. londonwired,, London, UK, 22 July 2010
    ("UN observer: Lockerbie truth 'may not be uncovered'": reposting of BBC News article)

  1684. AMIXEDBAG,, USA, 22 July 2010
    ("The Great Game")

  1685. Newsgab,, news forum, UK, 22 July 2010
    ("Scots to skip US Lockerbie hearing")

  1686. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 23 July 2010
    ("UN observer voices concerns" by Eddie Barnes)

  1687. Full Masti Online,, web log, India, 23 July 2010, News
    ("Scots to skip US Lockerbie hearing")

  1688.   لــــيبيــــا مبــــاشر / Libya Live,, Tripoli, Libya, 23 July 2010
    كوشلر: لم أقتنع بأن المقرحي مذنب")

  1689. Al Jazeera,, Doha, Qatar, 23 July 2010
    ("The Lockerbie bomber's release")

  1690. Ephems of BLB,, web log, UK, 23 July 2010
    ("Lockerbie resurgens: al-Megrahi, the myths and the unanswered questions" by Brian Barder)

  1691. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 23 July 2010
    ("Analysis: The mounting questions senators would have wanted answered" by Eddie Barnes)

  1692. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 23 July 2010
    ("MacAskill says no to US Megrahi hearing": comment)

  1693.,, USA, 23 July 2010
    ("How Megrahi and Libya Were Framed for the Lockerbie Bombing" by Alexander Cockburn)

  1694.  الجزيرة / Al-Jazeera,, Doha, Qatar, 23 July 2010
    ("بشأن علاقة بي بي بإطلاق المقرحي") 

  1695. India Times,, New Delhi, India, 23 July 2010
    ("Don't Limit Lockerbie Probe to BP Claims, Campaigners Urge US Senators": reposting of article)

  1696. المنارة للإعلام (Lighthouse Media),, London, UK, 23 July 2010
    ("بشأن علاقة بي بي بإطلاق المقرحي ": reposting of Al-Jazeera article)

  1697. Caledonian Mercury,, Edinburgh, UK, 23 July 2010
    ("Nine reasons why Mr MacAskill should got to Washington": comment)

  1698. CounterPunch,, Petrolia, CA., USA, 23-25 July 2010
    ("The Frame-Up" by Alexander Cockburn)

  1699. BBC RADIO | 5 live,, London, UK, 23 July 2010, 2:03 BST
    ("Lockerbie hearing invite declined")

  1700.   الخليــــج/ The Gulf Today,, Sharjah, UAE, 23 July 2010
    ("اسكتلندا تدافع عن إطلاق المقرحي و"الشيوخ" يطلب شهادة "بي .بي ")

  1701.   دي برس / Day Press,, Syria, 23 July 2010
    (" واشنطن تستدعي بلير وسترو للتحقيق")

  1702.  نهرين نت ,, Baghdad, Iraq, 23 July 2010
    ("في قرار لاسابقة له مجلس الشيوخ الاميركي يستدعي بلير ووزير خارجيته سترو للتحقيق بدور "بي بي " اطلاق سراح المقراحي ")

  1703. ليبيا المستقبل / Libya Almostakbal,, 23 July 2010
    ("واشنطن تستدعي بلير وسترو للشهادة ووزير العدل الاسكتلندي يرفض")

  1704. ArcaMax Publishing,, Newport News, VA, USA, 23 July 2010, Politics/Political Cartoons
    ("How Megrahi and Libya Were Framed for the Lockerbie Bombing": reposting of article by Alexander Cockburn)

  1705. Tipperary Star,, Tipperary, Ireland, 23 July 2010
    ("Eddie Barnes: The mounting questions senators would have wanted answered")

  1706.   نهرين نت,, Baghdad, Iraq, 23 July 2010
    ("في قرار لاسابقة له مجلس الشيوخ الاميركي يستدعي بلير ووزير خارجيته سترو للتحقيق بدور بي بي اطلاق سراح المقراحي")

  1707. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 24 July 2010, Letters
    ("MacAskill acted within Scottish law" by Margo MacDonald, Member of the Scottish Parliament)

  1708. The Oklahoma Observer,, Oklahoma City, USA, 23 October 2010
    ("How Megrahi and Libya Were Framed for the Lockerbie Bombing": reposting of article by Alexander Cockburn)

  1709. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 24 July 2010
    ("Straw turns his back on US Senate inquiry into Megrahi": comments)

  1710. News of the World,, London, UK, 24 July 2010, Blogs
    ("New questions over Lockerbie bomber" by Jamie Lyons, Deputy Political Editor)

  1711. Newsvine,, Seattle, USA, 24 July 2010
    ("Trial observer questions Megrahi release deals": reposting of Scotsman article)

  1712. Herald Scotland,, Glasgow, UK, 24 July 2010, Letters
    ("Wise governments do not get suckered into political grandstanding overseas" / letter by Margo MacDonald, Member of the Scottish Parliament)

  1713.   المركز الفلسطيني للتوثيق و المعلومات / Palestinian Center for Information and Documentation (MALAF),, 24 July 2010
    ("واشنطن تستدعي بلير وسترو للشهادة")

  1714.   شوكوماكو اخبار سوريا و  و العالم,, Damascus, Syria, 24 July 2010
    ("بلير وسترو للشهادة أمام لجنة أمريكية ")

  1715. Stamford Mercury,, Stamford, UK, 24 July 2010
    ("The release of Megrahi: The buck stops here" by Eddie Barns, The Scotsman)

  1716. The Times,, London, UK, 24 July 2010
    ("Stand up and answer or forever be questioned" by Magnus Linklater)

  1717. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 25 July 2010
    ("The release of Megrahi: The buck stops here" by Eddie Barnes)

  1718. The Spectator,, London, UK, 25 July 2010
    ("US double talk on Megrahi": comment)

  1719. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 26 July 2010
    ("SNP: Lockerbie letters must be made public": comment)

  1720. Veterans Today,, USA, 26 July 2010
    ("The Frame-Up of Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi": reposting of article by Alexander Cockburn)

  1721.,, Alexandria, Va., USA, 26 July 2010
    ("Lockerbie Probe May Prove Uncomfortable for Obama Administration" by Patrick Goodenough, International Editor)

  1722. Canada Free Press,, Toronto, Canada, 26 July 2010
    ("Unsolved mysteries plague Lockerbie tragedy 22 years on" by Judi McLeod)

  1723. Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ),, Zurich, Switzerland, 26 July 2010
    ("Die langen Schatten von Lockerbie: Ein Libyer verstrickt sich im Geflecht von Öl, Politik und Terrorabwehr" by Martin Alioth)

  1724. Prove Me Wrong,, web log, USA, 26 July 2010

  1725. Herald Scotland,, Glasgow, UK, 27 July 2010, Letters
    ("Genuine respect for the truth must be at the centre of any system of justice": letter by Nigel Dewar Dibb)

  1726. Online Investing,, 27 July 2010
    ("UN observer voices concerns": reposting of article from The Scotsman)

  1727. Yes Weekly, Greensboro, NC, USA, 28 July 2010, p. 20
    ("How Megrahi & Libya were framed for the Lockerbie Bombing": reposting of article by Alexander Cockburn)

  1728. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, Scotland, 28 July 2010, Scotsman News
    ("Westminster 'has learned lessons' over Megrahi row": comment)

  1729. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 29 July 2010, News
    ("Exclusive: US Senators challenged to back inquiry into Lockerbie saga")

  1730. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 29 July 2010
    ("US Senators challenged to back inquiry into Lockerbie saga": reposting of article from The Firm magazine)

  1731. Die Tageszeitung,, Berlin, Germany, 29 July 2010
    ("Lockerbie-Ausschuss wird zur Farce" by Ralf Sotscheck)

  1732. The Lockerbie Divide,, UK, 30 July 2010
    ("The London Origin Theory - The First Casualty of the Investigation was Truth")

  1733. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 30 July 2010, Letters
    ("We need the truth about bomber's release": letter by Tam Dalyell)

  1734. Balkan Forum,, web log, 1 August 2010, World News Spezial
    ("Lockerbie-Anschlag wird neu verhandelt")

  1735. Junge Welt,, Berlin, Germany, 2 August 2010, "Schwerpunkt," p. 3
    ("Politische Einmischung - Lockerbie: Ein früher Fall geopolitischer Strafjustiz 'gegen den Terrorismus'" by Klaus von Raussendorff)

  1736. Junge Welt,, Berlin, Germany, 2 August 2010, "Schwerpunkt," p. 3
    ("Verwirrspiel geht weiter - BP soll die Freilassung des als Lockerbie-Attentäter verurteilten Libyers Al-Megrahi bewirkt haben - Ein Beobachter: Der Revisionsprozeß wurde vereitelt" by Klaus von Raussendorff)

  1737. Commission of Inquiry into the Investigation of the Bombing of Air India Flight 182 - Research Studies, Vol. 3: Terrorism Prosecutions. Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government Services, 2010, p. 188
    ("Structural Aspects of Terrorist Mega-Trials: A Comparative Analysis" by Bruce MacFarlane)

  1738. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 3 August 2010
    ("Alex Salmond attacks senator for Megrahi deal 'insinuation'": comment)

  1739. The American Catholic,, USA, 9 August 2010
    ("Scottsih Cardinal Makes Fool of Himself": comment)

  1740. The Lockerbie Divide,, UK, 12 August 2010
    ("12/13 August 2009: Megrahi Files to Drop his Appeal")

  1741. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 12 August 2010, News
    ("Exclusive: Media called en masse to back Pan Am 103 inquiry")

  1742. NewsNet Scotland,, UK, 13 August 2010
    ("Lockerbie - A Demand For A Full Public Inquiry")

  1743. Huffington Post,, USA, 15 August 2010
    ("Karol Sikora, Cancer Expert, Regrets Testimony That Freed Lockerbie Bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi": comment)

  1744. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 20 August 2010
    ("Megrahi doctor says medical assessment 'fair' reflection": comments)

  1745. Time Magazine,, Washington DC, USA, 20 August 2010
    ("Five Questions About the Lockerbie Bomber's Release" by Vivienne Walt)

  1746. NewsNet Scotland,, UK, 20 August 2010
    ("Address to the People and Government of Scotland" by Robert Forrester)

  1747. CBS News,, USA, 20 August 2010
    ("Obama Seeks Imprisonment for Lockerbie Bomber": comment)

  1748. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 20 August 2010
    ("Salmond backs Megrahi doctor one year on from Lockerbie bomber's release": comment)

  1749. The Bastard - Telling You How It Is,, USA, 20 August 2010
    ("Abdel Baset al Megrahi is Innocent: Get used to it!")

  1750. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 20 August 2010
    ("Five questions about Lockerbie bomber's release")

  1751. Yahoo News,, 20 August 2010
    ("One Year On, Five Big Questions About the Lockerbie Bomber's Release": reposting of Time article)

  1752. STV,, Glasgow, Scotland, 20 August 2010
    ("Majority of Scots now oppose Megrahi's release": comment)

  1753. Tagblatt,, St. Gallen, Switzerland, 20 August 2010
    ("'Lieber zu viel Barmherzigkeit'" by Sebastian Borger)

  1754., web log, USA, 21 August 2010
    ("Why can't Al Megrahi just hurry up and die?")

  1755. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 21 August 2010, News
    ("Address to the People and Government of Scotland")

  1756. reddit United Kingdom,, web log, 22 August 2010
    ("Spiteful, hate filled comments on BBC Radio 4's Any Questions ...")

  1757. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 3 August 2010
    ("Megrahi's conviction 'entirely unsustainable'": comment)

  1758. Tehran Times,, Tehran, Iran, 23 August 2010
    ("One year on, five big questions about the Lockerbie bomber's release": reposting of Time Magazine article)

  1759. Schattenblick, web log,, Germany, 23 August 2010
    ("Das Weiße Haus greift in den Al-Megrahi-Streit ein")

  1760. JREF Forum - James Randi Educational Foundation,, web log, USA, 23 August 2010
    ("US authorities framed al-Megrahi for the destruction of Pan Am 103")

  1761. The Lockerbie Divide,, UK, 23 August 2010
    ("Time Magazine - seriously - addresses five serious questions")

  1762. Lockerbie to 9/11: Massive Fraud and Catastrophic Consequences. Volume 1. Book by Rodney Stich, Silverpeak Publishing and Amazon / Kindle Edition, USA, 23 August 2010

  1763., web log, Dubai, 25 August 2010
    ("Three cheers for Scottish justice")

  1764. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 28 August 2010, Letters
    ("Megrahi motives": comment)

  1765. Don't Panic magazine,, London, UK, 31 August 2010
    ("Live and let die?" by Oly Beer)

  1766. A Diary of Injustice in Scotland,, UK, 31 August 2010
    ("Disgraced lawyer banned by Legal Aid Board ...": comment)

  1767. Libertarian Press,, UK, September 2010
    ("Who Blew Up PanAm 103?" by Andrew Reed)

  1768. Defrauding America Blog,, USA, September 2010
    ("Lockerbie Bombing")

  1769. Tangible Information,, web log, UK, 2 September 2010
    ("Gaddafi wants to dissolve Switzerland!")

  1770., USA, 7 September 2010
    ("Question about Brown Univesity staff about knowledge of Lockerbie Evidence that contradicts government personnel and U.S. media" by Rodney Stich)

  1771. True US History,, USA, 15 September 2010
    ("Lockerbie's Massive Frauds And Continuing Catastrophic Ripple Effect" / "Real Heroes Among this Sordid Drama")

  1772. Sunday Times, London, UK, 19 September 2010, Scot Region, p. 7
    ("Swire to fight for Megrahi after his death" by Peter Laing)

  1773. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 20 September 2010
    ("Victim's father visits Lockerbie bomber Megrahi in hospital": comment)

  1774. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 21 September 2010, Online Exclusive: Editor's blog
    ("Most appealing" by Steven Raeburn)

  1775. Guerre Contro,, web log, Italy, 21 September 2010
    ("Ancora senza giustizia le vittime di Lockerbie?")

  1776. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 21 September 2010
    ("Most appealing": reposting of article from The Firm magazine)

  1777. BBC 2, Glasgow, UK, 23 September 2010, Newsnight Scotland
    (Interview with Steven Raeburn)

  1778. Al-Manar TV,, Beirut, Lebanon, 24 September 2010
    ("Lockerbie, Hariri Case and the Perversion of the International Justice" by Yusuf Fernandez)

  1779. Aletho News,, 24 September 2010
    ("Lockerbie, Hariri Case and the Perversion of the International Justice": reposting of article from Al-Manar TV)

  1780. Uprooted Palestinians,, 25 September 2010
    ("Lockerbie, Hariri Case and the Perversion of the International Justice": reposting of article from Al-Manar TV)

  1781. Silver Lining,, web log, 25 September 2010
    ("Lockerbie, Hariri Case and the Perversion of the International Justice": reposting of article from Al-Manar TV)

  1782. Z Magazine,, USA, September 2010, Commentary / Fog Watch
    ("The Global [In]justice System" by Edward Herman)

  1783. Common Man News,, 25 September 2010
    ("The Global [In]justice System": reposting of article by Edward Herman)

  1784. Austrian Wings,, Vienna, Austria, 25 September 2010
    ("Vater von Lockerbie-Opfer besuchte mutmaßlichen Täter")

  1785. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 27 September 2010, News
    ("Angiolini tells Parliament 'no evidence of any criminal act' in Pan Am 103 evidence chain")

  1786. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 27 September 2010
    ("Angiolini tells Parliament 'no evidence of any criminal act' in Pan Am 103 evidence chain": reposting of article from The Firm magazine)

  1787. city blogger,, Malaysia, 30 September 2010
    ("Lockerbie scandal worsens ...": reposting of AANGIRFAN blog of 7 July 2009)

  1788. Daily Mail,, London, UK, 30 September 2010
    ("Lockerbie bomber's release 'manipulated' by Scottish government to say he was close to death claim US senators as BP also blasted over affair": comment)

  1789. Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,, Washington DC, USA, September/October 2010, Special Report
    ("Did British Petroleum Encourage the Early Release of Abdel Basset al-Megrahi?" by Andrew Killgore)

  1790. Libië en Lockerbie: Zeven jaar VN sancties.  MA dissertation by Colin Kampschöer, University of Utrecht, Netherlands

  1791. Syrian Law,, web log, Damascus, Syria, 1 October 2010
    (" مراقب دولي في محاكمة لوكربي: إجراءات محاكمة الليبيين كانت إساءة لقضية العدالة الجنائية الدولية")

  1792. Defrauding America Blog,, USA, 2 October 2010
    ("Lockerbie intrigue: an insight into greatest source of harm for Americans" by Rodney Stich)

  1793. The Lockerbie Divide,, UK, 7 October 2010
    ("The London Origin Theory")

  1794. Newsnet Scotland,, UK, 7 October 2010
    ("The Lockerbie Trial - Dr Jim Swire questions the guilty verdict")

  1795. The Herald,, Glasgow, UK, 8 October 2010, Letters
    ("Cameron was wrong to throw himselöf into debate about release of Megrahi" by Jim Swire)

  1796. Newsnet Scotland,, UK, 8 October 2010
    ("Petition calls for Inquiry into Lockerbie Trial Verdict")

  1797. Behind the Goals,, web log, UK, 8 October 2010
    ("Petition calls for Inquiry into Lockerbie Trial Verdict": reposting of Newsnet Scotland article)

  1798. James Randi Educational Foundation,, web log, USA, 8 October 2010
    ("Scottish Parliament e-Petition 417")

  1799. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 13 October 2010, News
    ("Justice system 'available to manipulation'")

  1800. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 13 October 2010
    ("Justice system 'available to manipulation'": reposting of article from The Firm magazine)

  1801. JREF Forum - James Randi Educational Foundation,, web log, USA, 15 October 2010
    ("Pan Am Flight 103": Page 2, # 42)

  1802. Dispatches from the Dark Side. Book by Gareth Peirce, London: Verso, 15 October 2010
    (Reprint of the article "The Framing of Al-Megrahi")

  1803. The Lockerbie Divide,, UK, 17 October 2010
    ("No One Seriously doubts the Libyan's gilt? The Doubters and their Doubts")

  1804. The Lockerbie Divide,, UK, 18 October 2010
    ("Richard Marquise Disputes the Findings of the Zeist Court")

  1805. The Courier,, Dundee, Scotland, 29 October 2010, Letters
    ("New probe into Lockerbie needed" by Tom Minogue)

  1806. The Herald,, Glasgow, UK, 30 October 2010, Letters
    ("Dropping appeal against the conviction of Megrahi does not make doubts go away" by Morag G. Kerr)

  1807. "Libië en Lockerbie: zeven jaar VN-sancties" by T.M. C. Kampschöer, Master's Thesis, University of Utrecht, Netherlands, October 2010

  1808. Crimes of the FBI-DOJ, Mafia, and Al Qaeda. 2nd edition. Book by Rodney Stich, San Francisco: Silverpeak Enterprises, USA, October 2010
    (Ch. Seven: "Lockerbie, FBI-DOJ Culture, And Catastrophic Ripple Effects," pp. 192ff)

  1809. UCL Human Rights Review, Vol. 3, October 2010 (University College London, UK)
    ("Human Rights Fact-finding: Some Legal and Ethical Dilemmas" by Geoffrey Robertson)

  1810. JREF Forum - James Randi Educational Foundation,, web log, USA, 5 November 2010
    ("What happened to all the people who were certain Megrahi was guilty?": #161)

  1811. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 8 November 2010
    ("Dr Swire has meeting with Moderator, Cardinal and Primus")

  1812. The Lockerbie Divide,, UK, 27 November 2010
    ("Old Wounds That Need Re-Opened")

  1813. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 1 December 2010, Features
    ("The Perception Filter" by Steven Raeburn)

  1814. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 1 December 2010
    ("The perception filter")

  1815. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 4 December 2010
    ("British ambassador's relief": comment)

  1816. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 4 December 2010
    ("WikiLeaks: US Libyan ambassador's meeting with Saif": comments)

  1817. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 6 December 2010
    Wikileaks: Al-Megrahi move 'saved UK trade from being cut off at the knees'": comment)

  1818. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 7 December 2010
    ("Wikileaks: Al-Megrahi move 'saved UK trade from being cut off at the knees'": comment)

  1819., web log, UK, 8 December 2010
    ("Wikileaks under dos attack")

  1820. The Guardian,, Manchester, UK, 8 December 2010
    ("WikiLeaks cables: Straw and Salmond reject Megrahi 'diplomatic tittle tattle'": comments)

  1821. MP Watch Dog,, 8 December 2010
    ("Open legal report from UN in 2002 explained the Megrahi position [ot a wikileak]")

  1822., www.smesk, online newspaper, Bratislava, Slovakia, 9 December 2010
    ("WikiLeaks: Libya hrozila Británii pre atentátnika z Lockerbie")

  1823. The Guardian,, Manchester, UK, 9 December 2010
    ("WikiLeaks cables: Straw and Salmond reject Megrahi 'diplomatic tittle tattle'": comment by Duncan McFarlane)

  1824. reddit World News,, web log, 9 December 2010
    ("Confirming what most thought. Wikileaks: Decision To Free The Lockerbie Bomber Was About Oil")

  1825. Schattenblick, electronic newspaper,, Germany, 13 December 2010
    (JUSTIZ/670: "Wikileaks sorgt für Streit um den Lockerbie-Anschlag")

  1826., Indonesia, 14 December 2010
    ("Keraguan Seputar Lockerbie": translation/reposting of article by Lisa Pease)

  1827. POLITIKCITY.DE,, web log, Germany, 17 October 2010, Forum
    ("'Lockerbie' Anschlag unter falscher Flagge?")

  1828. Daily Telegraph / My Telegraph, blogs,, London, UK, 24 December 2010
    ("Lockerbie: more claptrap ...")

  1829. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 27 December 2010, Letter
    ("Megrahi verdict is the key issue": comment)

  1830. Viewpoint,, Pakistan, December 2010
    ("Lockerbie: Blood, oil, secrets and lies" by Alan McCombes)

  1831. Defrauding America,, web log, USA, December 2010
    ("Lockerbie-Related Criminal Conduct at Highest Levels")

  1832. iScot,, Scotland, December 2010
    ("LOCKERBIE: Unanswered questions by Dr Morag Kerr)

  1833. Global Justice or Global Revenge. Ed. by Frederic P. Vandome, Agnes F. MacBrewster, John Miller. Beau Bassin, Mauritius: Alphascript Publishing / VDM Publishing House, 2010
    ("Pan Am flight b103 bombing trial")

  1834. International Criminal Law: Genocide, Piracy, Crime Against Humanity, War Crime, Universal Jurisdiction, Nuremberg Code. Memphis, Tennessee: Books LLC, 2010
    ("Hans Kochler's Lockerbie Trial Observer Mission")

  1835. WikiSpooks,, 2010ff
    ("Lockerbie Bombing")

  1836. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 2 January 2011, Features
    ("The justification of abuse")

  1837. News & Events,, web log, Malaysia, 4 January 2011
    ("How do you feel about the Lockerbie bomber?")

  1838. The Lockerbie Divide,, UK, 11 January 2011
    ("The Justification of Abuse": reposting of article from Firm Magazine)

  1839. The Lockerbie Divide,, UK, 14 January 2011
    ("'They told me no one knew ...': Ray Manly and the Heathrow Break-in")

  1840. Deadliest Air: The Fifteen Worst Airline Accidents, Collisions or Acts of Terrorism (Pan Am Flight 103, Tenerife Airport Disaster, American Airlines 587, and More). Book, Webster's Digital Services, 31 Jan. 2011
    (Chapter "Pan Am : 270 Souls," pp. 141ff)

  1841. Guy Fawkes' Blog,, UK, 2 February 2011
    ("Deal or No Deal?": comments)

  1842. The Independent,, London, UK, 7 February 2011
    ("Labour attacked amid Megrahi review": comment)

  1843., web log, UK, 7 February 2011
    ("Labour Govt 'Aided Lockerbie Bomber Release'")

  1844. Huffington Post Social News,, USA, 7 February 2011
    ("Article by Dr. Hans Köchler, International Observer, appointed by the United Nations, at the Lockerbie Trial in the Netherlands")

  1845. Huffington Post,, USA, 7 February 2011
    ("UK Government Did 'All It Could' To Facilitate Release Of Lockerbie Bomber, Report Finds": comment)

  1846. Prospero,, UK, 8 February 2011
    ("Lockerbie: Collateral Damage" by Ian Bell)

  1847. digital spy,, web log, UK, 8 February 2011
    ("Britain secretly advised Libya how to secure release of Lockerbie bomber")

  1848. The Independent,, London, UK, 8 February 2011
    ("Leading article: Questions conveniently overlooked": comment)

  1849. Huffington Post Social News,, USA, 8 February 2011
    ("UK Government Did 'All It Could' To Facilitate Release Of Lockerbie Bomber, Report Finds")

  1850. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 8 February 2011, Letters
    ("Lockerbiev revelations deserve inquiry")

  1851. Herald Scotland,, Glasgow, UK, 9 February 2011
    ("Truth lies hidden beneath the blather about Megrahi" by Ian Bell)

  1852. Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 9 February 2011, Letters
    ("Lockerbie revelations deserve inquiry" by John Cameron)

  1853. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 9 February 2011
    ("Truth lies hidden behind the blather about Megrahi": reposting of article from The Herald)

  1854. SignOnSanDiego Forums, forums.signonsandiego, web log, San Diego, USA, 10 February 2011, News
    ("another travesty that capital punishment would have prevented")

  1855. BBC one,, London, UK, 10 February 2011, This Week

  1856. The Lockerbie Divide,, UK, 13 February 2011
    ("'No Laughing Matter")

  1857. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 13 February 2011
    ("Kenny MacAskill: I stand by Lockerbie decision": comment, 14 Feb. 2011)

  1858. Holyrood Magazine,, Edinburgh, UK, 15 February 2011
    ("Unoicking the truth" by Ross Reid)

  1859. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 19 February 2011, Letters
    ("Issues, not personalities, vital in election": letter by Jim Swire)

  1860. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 19 February 2011
    ("Clear message for all voters in Scotland": letter by Jim Swire)

  1861. ANORAK,, news site, UK, 21 February 2011
    ("He Killed At Lockerbie: Who Speaks For Them?")

  1862. ATS / abovetopsecret,, web log, USA, 22 February 2011
    ("Lockerbie: The Truth Of Pan Am 103")

  1863. Global Research,, Pincort, Québec, Canada, 24 February 2011
    ("Lockerbie Bombing: Libya was Framed": reposting of 2009 article by Linda S. Heard)

  1864. Daily Express,, London, UK, 24 February 2011
    ("Libya: I can prove Gaddafi ordered the Lockerbie bombing": comment)

  1865. Ephemeris 360º.org,, web log, 24 February 2011
    ("The Lockerbie Bombing: Libya was Framed": reposting of 2009 article by Linda S. Heard)

  1866. The Fresh Outlook - Newspaper,, UK, 24 February 2011
    ("Gaddafi 'ordered Lockerbie bombing' Says Ex-Minister")

  1867. In Place of Fear,, UK, 25 February 2011
    ("Libyan defectors' claims on Gaddafi and Lockerbie may be lies like Iraqi defectors' WMD claims")

  1868. Alienated Left,, web log, UK, 25 February 2011
    ("Libyan defectors' claims on Gaddafi and Lockerbie may be lies like Iraqi defectors' WMD claims")

  1869. Daily Magazines,, web log, 25 February 2011
    ("Gaddafi Murders More Than He Killed At Lockerbie: Who Speaks For Them?")

  1870. Truth is Contagious,, web log, USA, 25 February 2011
    ("Lockerbie Bombing: Libya was Framed": reposting of article by Linda S. Heard)

  1871., web log, USA, 25 February 2011
    ("Lockerbie Bombing: Libya was Framed": reposting of article by Linda S. Heard)

  1872. Prison,, web log, USA, 25 February 2011
    ("Lockerbie Bombing: Libya was Framed": reposting of article by Linda S. Heard)

  1873. The Independent,, London, UK, 26 February 2011
    ("Rebels lay siege to Gaddafi stronghold": comment)

  1874. Left Foot Forward,, blog, UK, 26 February 2011
    ("The British left should engage in serious self-reflection over Gaddafi": comment Duncan McFarlane)

  1875., web log, USA, 28 February 2011
    ("NPR Swims In A Small Pond" by Byron Watson)

  1876. The Independent,, London, UK, 3 March 2011
    ("Rebels deploy around strategic Libyan oil port": comment)

  1877. Hora do Povo,, São Paolo, Brazil, 4 March 2011, p. 7
    ("Lockerbie processo com téstemunhas compradas e provas forjadas [I]")

  1878. The Daily Bell,, USA, 5 March 2011
    ("Why Even the Best PR Is Failing the Elites": comment)

  1879. News & Star,, Carlisle, UK, 7 March 2011
    ("Who was the Lockerbie bomber?" by Stephen Blease)

  1880. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 7 March 2011
    ("Who was the Lockerbie bomber?": reposting of article by Stephen Blease)

  1881. JREF Forum - James Randi Educational Foundation,, web log, USA, 9 March 2011
    ("Did Abdelbaset al-Megrahi blow up Pan Am 103?")

  1882. Orlando News Center,, Orlando, USA, 11 March 2011
    ("Lockerbie Bombing: Libya was Framed": reposting of article by Linda S. Heard)

  1883. TVOJ PORTAL,, Belgrade, Serbia, 12 March 2011
    ("Slučaj Lokerbi: Laž o Libiji!" by Linda S. Heard)

  1884., Kerala, India, 15 March 2011
    ("Moammar Gaddafi, Socialist Revolutionary Or Charlatan?" by Dave Fryett)

  1885., web log, 15 March 2011
    Станичники сомневаются / Villagers questioned")

  1886. 123 Zprávy, zpravodajství, noviny, aktuality,, web log, Czech Republic, 18 March 2011
    ("Špinavé tajomstvo Lockerbie")

  1887. Der Standard,, Vienna, Austria, 20 March 2011
    ("Sarkozys Kritiker sind verstummt": comment)

  1888. The Handbook of Global Communication and Media Ethics. Vol. I. By Robert S. Fortner and P. Mark Fackler. Chichester (UK): John Wiley & Sons, 2011

  1889. Bible Believers' Newsletter,, USA, 23 March 2011
    ("Maltese Double Cross")

  1890. Yahoo News,, UK, 26 March 2011
    ("Comment: Why Gaddafi will survive our attacks": comment)

  1891. FDL,, web log, USA, 28 March 2011
    ("Libya's Blood for Oil: The Vampire War": comment)

  1892. Bible Believers' Newsletter 679,, Australia, March 2011
    ("Maltese Double Cross")

  1893., web log, Mexico, April 2011
    ("Libya's Blood for War: The Vampire War": reposting of article by Susan Lindauer)

  1894. Prospero,, UK, 2 April 2011
    ("Libya & Lockerbie: Secrets for Sale" by Ian Bell)

  1895. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 2 April 2011
    ("Libya & Lockerbie: Secrets for Sale": reposting of blog by Ian Bell)

  1896. The Herald,, Glasgow, UK, 3 April 2011
    ("Lockerbie: is the truth in sight?" by Ian Bell)

  1897.,, web log, Morocco, 5 April 2011
    ("Les apports de Kadafi au monde")

  1898. The Herald,, Glasgow, UK, 7 April 2011
    ("An independent legal team should question Koussa about Lockerbie" by Iain A. D. Mann)

  1899. The Herald,, Glasgow, UK, 9 April 2011, Letters
    ("Re-open appeal hearing and deal with Lockerbie in a legal manner" by Iain A. D. Mann)

  1900. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 9 April 2011
    ("Re-open appeal hearing and deal with Lockerbie in a legal manner": reposting of letter from The Herald)

  1901., Germany, 13 April 2011
    ("Deutschland weist fünf libysche Diplomaten aus": comment)

  1902. RangersMedia Forum,, web log, UK, 15 April 2011
    ("Debating Chamber": blogs on the defection of Musa Kusa)

  1903. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 29 April 2011
    ("Should the Syrian ambassador ever have been invited to the Abbey?" by Jim Swire)

  1904. Terrorism and the Law. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2011 (April), p. 528
    (Chapter V/11: "Regional Variations in Northern Ireland and Scotland")

  1905.  PPRuNe Professional Pilots Rumour Network,, 1 May 2011
    ("PanAm 103 revisited")

  1906. Hintergrund,, Frankfurt, Germany, 2 May 2011
    ("Der Krieg gegen Libyen und die Rekolonialisierung Afrikas" by Joachim Guilliard)

  1907. NewsNet Scotland,, UK, 15 May 2011
    ("Salmond to open Pan Am files": comment)

  1908. New Eastern Outlook,, Moscow, Russia, 18 May 2011
    Метастазы Локерби. Часть 1" by Елена Ананьева)

  1909. freenet,, web log, Germany, 20 May 2011
    ("Menschenverachtende Diktaturen und wie die Politik / Wirtschaft damit umgeht")

  1910. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 24 May 2011, Features
    ("The Quiet Storm" by Steven Raeburn)

  1911. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 26 May 2011
    ("Making curiosity uncool ...")

  1912. Independent,, London, UK, 28 May 2011
    ("Mistakes the Mladic trial needs to avoid": comment)

  1913. MP40.NET / Новый большой форум о политике, web log, Russia, 29 May 2011
    ("Википедия (Wikipedia) приютила шпионов" / "Вопиющая ошибка правосудия")

  1914. Mathaba.Net, Mathaba News Network, 7 June 2011
    ("Lockerbie: Attack or trick?": republication of article from The Firm magazine)

  1915. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 9 June 2011
    ("No excuse whatsoever")

  1916. The Firm Magazine. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 10 June 2011, Features
    ("No Excuse Whatsoever" by Robert Black)

  1917. COMPACT - Unabhängiges Monatsmagazin, Germany, No. 6, June 2011
    ("270 Tote und kein Mörder" by Johannes Heckmann)

  1918. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 10 June 2011
    ("The Libyan myth": comment)

  1919. Neo sagt,, Germany, 14 June 2011
    ("Lockerbie-Anschlag 1988: Gaddafi war es nicht!")

  1920., web log, Germany, 14 June 2011
    ("Lockerbie: Gaddafi war's nicht!": excerpt of article from COMPACT magazine)

  1921. Rote Pille,, Germany, 14 June 2011
    ("Lockerbie-Attentat 1988: War es ein CIA-Insidejob?": excerpt of article from COMPACT magazine)

  1922. Conspiracy theories,, web log, USA, 24 June 2011
    ("The Libyan Guy Didn't Do It - the Story of Lockerbie" by Timothy Chilman)

  1923. YouTube,, 26 June 2011
    ("Muamar Kadafi manda recado aos brasileiros e portugueses!": comment)

  1924. Mein Politikblog / Infoportal Net News,, Germany, 27 June 2011
    ("Libyen: Schwere Foltervorwürfe gegen 'Rebellenrat' kein Thema für westliche Medien und Politiker")

  1925., web log, USA, 5 July 2011
    ("A very sad affair")

  1926. Le Salon,, USA, 12 July 2011, Letters to the Editor

  1927. Identità Europea,, Rimini, Italy, 13 July 2011, Appendix
    ("Libia, Strauss-Kahn e North Dakota" by Giovanni Lazzaretti)

  1928. saragio blog,, Italy, 14 July 2011
    ("Libia, Strauss-Kahn e North Dakota": reposting of article by G. Lazzaretti)

  1929. Consortiumblog,, USA, 15 July 2011
    ("PanAm 103 Verdict: Justice or Politics?": comment)

  1930. David Wolchover's website,, London, UK, 23 July 2011
    ("Culprits of Lockerbie: Gaddafi or the extremists of Palestine" by David Wolchover)

  1931. Gazeta Wyborcza,, Warsaw, Poland, 28 July 2011
    ("Kto naprawdę odpowiada za zamach nad Lockerbie" by Robert Stefanicki)

  1932. Herald Scotland,, Glasgow, UK, 29 July 2011, Letters
    ("Decision to free Megrahi was right" by David McEwan Hill)

  1933. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 29 July 2011
    ("Decision to free Meghrahi was right": reposting of article from The Herald)

  1934., web log, UK, 14 August 2011
    ("Miscarriage Of Justice | Huge doubts about Lockerbie verdict" by Ed Hart)

  1935. Herald Scotland,, Glasgow, UK, 19 August 2011
    ("The decision to free Megrahi was supported by many influential people")

  1936. Le Grand Soir,, France, 22 August 2011
    ("Démocratie et dictateurs. Le Diable est dans les Détails" by Diana Johnstone)

  1937. Google Groups / Tout-Haiti,, Haiti, 22 August 2011
    ("Démocratie et dictateurs: Le diable est dans les détails": reposting of article by Diana Johnstone)

  1938. Centre de la recherche sur la globalisation,, Pincort, Québec, Canada, 22 August 2011
    ("Démocratie et dictateurs. Le Diable est dans les Détails": reposting of article by Diana Johnstone)

  1939., Germany, 22 August 2011
    ("Gaddafi im Porträt: Der exzentrische Despot" / Comment: "Lügen werden durch ständiges Wiederholen nicht wahrer")

  1940. Resistance71 Blog,, France, 22 August 2011
    ("Démocratie et les dictateurs, le diable est dans les détails": reposting of article by Diana Johnstone)

  1941. Vietato Parlare,, web log, Italy, 22 August 2011
    ("Libia, Strauss-Kahn e North Dakota": reposting of article by Giovanni Lazzaretti)

  1942.,, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, 23 August 2011
    ("Démocratie et dictateurs -  Le Diable est dans les Détails - Les Non-dits sur la Lybie": reposting of article by Diana Johnstone)

  1943. Cameroonvoice,, Cameroon, 23 August 2011
    ("Démocratie et dictateurs. Le Diable est dans les Détails": reposting of article by Diana Johnstone)

  1944. San Finna,, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 23 August 2011
    ("Libye: droit d'ingérence ou raison du plus fort?": reposting of article by Diana Johnstone)

  1945. Stronginva's Blog,, USA, 23 August 2011
    ("Was the Lockerbie bomber innocent?")

  1946. PBL vox,, D.R. of Congo, 24 August 2011
    ("Démocratie et dictateurs. Le Diable est dans les détails": reposting of article by Diana Johnstone)

  1947. Les rendez-vous d'Etty Macaire,, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, 24 August 2011
    ("Démocratie et dictateurs: Le Diable est dans les détails": reposting of article by Diana Johnstone)

  1948. New Statesman,, Blackfriars, UK, 25 August 2011
    ("It may be goodbye to Gaddafi, but it's far from Mission Accomplished": comment)

  1949. Silvia Cattori,, Italy, 26 August 2011
    ("Démocratie et dictateurs. Le Diable est dans les Détails": reposting of article by Diana Johnstone)

  1950. Journaux de guerre,, Belgium, 26 August 2011, No 35
    ("Libye: Médias et Manipulation de l'opinion": reposting of article by Diana Johnstone)

  1951. La Voix De La Libye,, 26 August 2011
    Journal de Lybie : médias et manipulation de l’opinion" by C. Broeder and M. Lemaire)

  1952. Herald Scotland,, Glasgow, UK, 27 August 2011, Letters
    ("Important to remember that SCCRC referred Megrahi's case for appeal")

  1953. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 27 August 2011
    ("Leader Iain Gray and Labour Party in Scotland at odds over Megrahi": reposting of letter from Herald Scotland)

  1954. AFC Chat,, web log, UK, 29 August 2011
    ("Should We Recall The Lockerbie Bomber")

  1955. Asian Image,, web log, UK, 29 August 2011
    ("Some good news")

  1956. CNN (Cable News Network),, USA, 29 August 2011
    ("CNN's Robertson on finding Lockerbie bomber")

  1957. Morning Star,, London, UK, 29 August 2009, Comment
    ("Persecuting a dying man")

  1958. Independent,, London, UK, 30 August 2011
    ("Doubts about prosecution evidence that still linger" by James Cusick)

  1959. Radio-télévision belge RTBF,, Brussels, Belgium, 30 August 2011, RTBF Matin première: Le Tour d'Europe
    ("L'Independent, à Londres, se penche sur le cas de Abdel Megrahi": Revue de l'actualité européenne de François Kirsch)

  1960. Socialist Unity,, UK, 31 August 2011
    ("Megrahi should be left to die in peace": comment)

  1961. CounterPunch,, USA, 31 August 2011
    ("Lockerbie and the Belgian Nurses: Gaddafi's Libya as Demon" by Diana Johnstone)

  1962. Aletho News,, 31 August 2011
    ("Gaddafi's Libya as Demon": reposting of article by Diana Johnstone)

  1963. Helium News,, Andover, MA, USA, 31 August 2011
    ("Al-Megrahi unlikely to clear his name as faces imminent death" by Katerina Nikolas)

  1964. Chicago Tribune,, Chicago, USA, 31 August 2011
    ("Go get the Lockerbie bomber from Libya": comment)

  1965. Libya 360º,, web log, 31 August 2011
    ("Gaddafi's Libya as Demon: Lockerbie and the Belgian Nurses": reposting of article by Diana Johnstone)

  1966., 31 August 2011
    ("Empire Strikes Back")

  1967. Journaux de guerre,, Belgium, 31 August 2011, Dossier No 3-1
    ("Démocratie et dictateurs": reposting of article by Diana Johnstone)

  1968. Rogue Statehood in International Society: The Case of Libya. PhD Thesis, Chris Curran, Aberystwyth University, Dept. of International Politics, September 2011, pp. 228f

  1969. znet,, Germany, 31 August 2011
    ("Die Dämonisierung von Gaddafis Libyen: Lockerbie und die bulgarischen Krankenschwestern" by Diana Johnstone)

  1970.,, Austria, 31 August 2011
    ("Die Dämonisierung von Gaddafis Libyen": reposting of article by Diana Johnstone)

  1971. Bond Law Review, Vol. 23, Issue 2 (2011)
    Crime fighters and border guards: The Scottish law officers in comparative perspective" by Iain Field)

  1972. Veterans Today,, USA, 1 September 2011
    ("Why Still Only Silence Over The Lockerbie Frame-Up" by Trowbridge H. Ford)

  1973., Youngstown, Ohio, USA, 1 September 2011
    ("Pan Am bomber's death won't close the book on terror attack": comment)

  1974. Sri Lanka Guardian,, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1 September 2011
    ("Gaddafi's Libya as Demon": reposting of article by Diana Johnstone)

  1975. The Global Realm,, web log, 4 September 2011
    ("Gaddafi's Libya as Demon: Lockerbie and the Belgian Nurses": reposting of article by Diana Johnstone)

  1976. Holyrood Magazine,, Edinburgh, Scotland, 5 September 2011
    ("Lockerbie questions won't go away" by Ross Reid)

  1977. Večernji,, Zagreb, Croatia, 5 September 2011
    ("Gadafijevi pristaše noću ubijaju ljude, a on bježi sa 6 mlrd. dolara": comment)

  1978. Saarländische Online-Zeitung,, Saarbrücken, Germany, 6 September 2011
    ("Lockerbie und die bulgarischen Krankenschwestern / Die Dämonisierung von Gaddafis Libyen" by Diana Johnstone)

  1979. my metropolis NEWS,, 6 September 2011
    "Lockerbie und die bulgarischen Krankenschwestern - Die Dämonisierung von Gaddafis Libyen": reposting of article by Diana Johnstone)

  1980. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 9 September 2011
    ("Pilger on Libya and Megrahi": comment)

  1981. HuffPost Social News,, USA, 11 September 2011
    ("Justice has to be seen to be done: Undisclosed interests change the context")

  1982. Extreme Prejudice,, web log, USA, 17 September 2011
    ("Key Lockerbie Witness Admits Perjury": reposting of article by L. de Braeckeleer)

  1983. The Story Behind The Story,, web log, 20 September 2011
    ("Key Lockerbie Witness Admits Perjury": reposting of article by L. de Braeckeleer)

  1984. "Scoop" Independent News,, Auckland, New Zealand, 20 September 2011
    ("Key Lockerbie Witness Admits Perjury": reposting of article by L. de Braeckeleer)

  1985. Progressive Radio Network PRN,, USA, 20 September 2011
    ("'Prof. Ludwig De Braeckeleer' - Key Lockerbie Witness Admits Perjury": reposting of article)

  1986.,, Moscow, Russia, 23 September 2011
    ("Дежавю, или Хождение по кругу / Оборотная сторона новости №2")

  1987., web log, Germany, 25 September 2011
    ("THE BIG LIE 1.0: Die Bombe von Lockerbie")

  1988. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 26 September 2011, Features
    (Online exclusive: Editor's blog: "Window dressing")

  1989. Der Standard,, Vienna, Austria, 27 September 2011
    ("Lockerbie-Fall für Übergangsrat abgeschlossen": comment)

  1990. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 27 September 2011
    ("Lockerbie: time for us to reveal the true culprits": comment)

  1991., web log, Germany, 28 September 2011
    ("THE BIG LIE 1.1: Live and Let Die")

  1992. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 30 September 2011
    ("Lockerbie: CIA made US State Department attorney 'lie' to UN Security Council": comment)

  1993., Russia, September 2011
    ("Дежавю, или хождение по кругу")

  1994. Rogue Statehood in International Society: The Case of Libya. PhD dissertation by Chris Curran. Aberystwyth University, UK, September 2011

  1995. Zvědavec,, Prague, Czech Republic, 1 October 2011
    ("Demokracie a diktátořki" by Diana Johnstone)

  1996. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 9 October 2011
    ("Megrahi says in book he was framed": comment)

  1997. The Guardian,, Manchester, UK, 20 October 2011
    ("Muammar Gaddafi's violent death leaves Libya at a crossroads": comment)

  1998. رفاقت کارگری,, Iran, 20 October 2011
    ("لاکربی در لیبی")

  1999. Diana West,, web log, USA, 21 October 2011
    ("Qaddafi's Death Leaves John Rosenthal Sick to His Stomach: Why?" by Diana West)

  2000. Evening Times,, Glasgow, Scotland, 21 October 2011
    ("'This is a day to remember all of Gaddafi's victims'" / "Unanswered questions" by Jim Swire)

  2001., www.smesk, online newspaper, Bratislava, Slovakia, 21 October 2011
    To máš za Lockerbie, píše britská tlač o Kaddáfího smrti" / "Ako to bolo nebolo")

  2002. Index Forum,, Zagreb, Croatia, 21 October 2011
    ("Uznemirujući video: Gadafi je ubijen s dva metka - u glavu i prsa")

  2003. Der Standard,, Vienna, Austria, 21 October 2011
    ("Neue Machthaber verzögern Beisetzung von Ex-Diktator Gaddafi": comment)

  2004. Daily News,, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 22 October 2011
    ("Gaddafi and the media" by Sher Azad)

  2005. Google Groups / Marlborough Research Group,, UK, 22 October 2011
    ("Lockerbie - The Quiet Storm by Gareth Peirce")

  2006. Spiegel Online Forum,, Hamburg, Germany, 23 October 2011
    ("Gaddafis Tod: Weltöffentlicher Lynchmob": comment by Joachim Voß)

  2007. ISRAPUNDIT,, blog archive, 24 October 2011
    ("Beware the West" by Ted Belman)

  2008. Israel Portal,, Israel, 24 October 2011
    ("Beware the West": reposting)

  2009. Workers World,, New York, USA, 26 October 2011
    ("Don't blame Libya for the Lockerbie bombing" by Stephen Millies)

  2010. Online World News,, USA, 27 October 2011
    ("Don't Blame Libya For the Lockerbie Bombing": reposting)

  2011. Pan-African News Wire,, 26 October 2011
    ("Don't Blame Libya For the Lockerbie Bombing": reposting)

  2012. WorldWebNews,, 27 October 2011
    ("Don't Blame Libya For the Lockerbie Bombing": reposting)

  2013. Daily News 24,, USA, 27 October 2011
    ("Don't Blame Libya For the Lockerbie Bombing": reposting)

  2014. wikiwand,, 28 October 2011 / Talk: Muammar Gaddafi/Archive 6
    ("Lockerbie Bombing & first line of Alliances with authoritarian national leaders")

  2015. cyBerita,, Singapore, 29 October 2011
    ("Di balik kisah hodoh Gaddafi" by Zainuddin Ismail)

  2016. VU Virtual University, Cyber Students Network,, 29 October 2011
    ("Moammar Gadhafi of Libya 2")

  2017. Helsingin Sanomat, Keskustelu (Discussion),, Helsinki, Finland, 2011
    ("Oikaisu Lockerbiesta" by Emmanuel Goldstein)

  2018. Beyond Patriotism : From Truman to Obama. By James R. Flynn. Luton, Bedfordshire: Andrews UK Limited, 2011
    (Chapter "Obama and Libya")

  2019. Mundo Obrero / Workers World, New York NY, USA, Vol. 53, No. 43, 3 November 2011
    ("Dont't blame Libya for the Lockerbie bombing" by Stephen Millies)

  2020. ILTALEHTI,, Helsinki, Finland, 4 November 2011, talk page
    ("Libyan lyhyt historia länsiglobalismin varjossa")

  2021. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 8 November 2011
    ("Justice Committee votes to keep Megrahi petition open": comment)

  2022. Kimpa Vita Press,, Trondheim, Norway, 10 November 2011
    ("Who said Gaddafi had to go?": reposting of LRB article)

  2023. Stop War Crimes!,, 11 November 2011
    ("Who said Gaddafi had to go?" / Excerpts: "The Lockerbie bombing; how the Libyan government 'bought peace'": reposting)

  2024. Ota Benga Alliance,, web log, D.R. Congo, 11 November 2011
    ("Who said Gaddafi had to go?": reposting of LRB article)

  2025. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 13 November 2011
    ("... the prosecution case in the Lockerbie trial was itself a conspiracy theory": partial reposting of LRB article)

  2026. London Review of Books,, London, UK, 17 November 2011, Vol. 33, No. 22, pp. 8-18
    ("Who said Gaddafi had to go?" by Hugh Roberts)

  2027. FrontPage Magazine,, Sherman Oaks, CA, USA, 17 November 2011
    ("NATO Hands Future of Libya to Islamists": comment)

  2028. Le National Emancipé,, Paris, France, 20 November 2011
    ("Démocratie et dictateurs. Le Diable est dans les Détails": reposting of article by Diana Johnstone)

  2029. Alienated Left,, UK, 23 November 2011
    ("Saif Al Gaddafi & Megrahi Vs Moussa Koussa - Patsies vs Real Criminal aided and abetted by the US government?"

  2030. In Place of Fear,, UK, 23 November 2011
    ("Saif Al Gaddafi & Megrahi Vs Moussa Koussa - Patsies vs Real Criminal aided and abetted by the US government?": reposting)

  2031. CBS Boston,, Boston, USA, 23 November 2011
    ("Pan Am 103 Victim's Family Not Surprised Ghadafi Ordered Bombing": comment)

  2032. Pambazuka News,, pan-African online newsletter, 24 November 2011
    ("Who said Gaddafi had to go?": reposting of article by Hugh Roberts)

  2033. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 24 November 2011
    ("Libya may investigate Lockerbie": comment)

  2034. Indepth Africa Magazine,, Canada, 25 November 2011
    ("Who said Gaddafi had to go?": reposting of article by Hugh Roberts)

  2035. Le Grand Soir,, France, 28 November 2011
    ("Qui a dit que Kadhafi devait partir?" by Hugh Roberts / translation of article from London Review of Books)

  2036. La Voix De La Libye,, 28 November 2011
    ("Qui a dit que Kadhafi devait partir": reposting of article from Le Grand Soir)

  2037. AEUD,, Cameroon, 29 November 2011
    ("Libye : Révolution ou recolonisation?")

  2038. Seeking Gaddafi: Libya, the West and the Arab Spring. Biteback Publishing, UK, 2011
    (Book by Daniel Kawczynski)

  2039. MauriMedia,, Nouakchott, Mauritania, 30 November 2011
    ("Libye: Révolution ou recolonisation?": reposting)

  2040.,, 5 December 2011
    ("Qui a dit que Kadhafi devait partir?": reposting of article by Hugh Roberts)

  2041. the tonic books,, 7 December 2011
    ("Muammar Gaddafi: -Western acceptance")

  2042.,, Scotland, December 2011
    ("The Lockerbie Trial and Release of Megrahi / 2011 Update")

  2043. phpBB,, USA, 22 December 2011
    ("The Lockerbie Crash")

  2044. AANGIRFAN,, UK, 23 December 2011
    ("Mueller and Mulholland; don't mention the heroin")

  2045. The OzBoy File, Victoria, Australia 2011, Truth About Series
    ("The Truth About The Lockerbie Plane Bombing": report by Lloyd T. Vance & Steve Johnson)

  2046. ULUSLARARASI ANDLAŞMALAR HUKUKUNDA: JUS COGENS (BUYRUK) KURALLAR. PhD dissertation by Demet Şefika Mangir. Kirikkale Üniversitesi, Türkiye, 2011

  2047. John E. Lewis, Terrorist Attacks & Clandestine Wars. London: Constable & Robinson, 2012
    (Chapter: "Lockerbie Bombing")

  2048. Lobster Magazine,, UK, Winter 2012, Issue 64
    ("Lockerbie, 1988": book review by Tom Easton ["Megrahi - You Are My Jury])

  2049. BAKCHICH / satire juste, www.bakchich.ifo, Paris, France, 5 January 2012, International
    ("Kadhafi ne rime pas avec Lockerbie [1/2]")

  2050. Alter Info,, Paris, France, 7 January 2012
    ("Kadhafi ne rime pas avec Lockerbie [1/2]": reposting)

  2051. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 13 January 2012, News
    ("Exclusive: Imperial War Museum considering putting Lockerbie Trial witness box on display")

  2052. News Net Scotland,, Glasgow, Scotland, 17 January 2012
    ("Documentary - Dr Jim Swire visits Al-Megrahi": comments)

  2053. Scottish Parliament / Justice Committee, Edinburgh, 7 February 2012, Official Report Debate Contributions
    ("Criminal Cases [Punishment and Review] [Scotland] Bill: Stage 1")

  2054. Abel Danger,, web log, USA, 24 February 2012
    ("Theft of United States Prosecution Management Information System ['PROMIS'] Software - Robert Hanssen - FBI Laboratories - Spoliation of Evidence")

  2055. The Herald,, Glasgow, UK, 26 February 2012
    ("Megrahi: Jim Swire's view")

  2056. Newsnet Scotland,, UK, 27 February 2012
    ("Media accusations of 'Megrahi release deal' based on 'third hand hearsay' says MacAskill": comment)

  2057. Scottish Review,, Prestwick, Scotland, 28 February 2012, No. 519
    ("The Scottish police / The Crown Office / The payouts" by John Ashton)

  2058., web log, UK, 29 February 2012
    ("Lockerbie Bomber Was Innocent
    ? New Documents Suggest Setup" by Keelan Balderson)

  2059. A Burdz Eye View,, web log, UK, 4 March 2012
    ("Lockerbie and the wicked silence of our press" by David McEwan Hill)

  2060.,, 7 March 2012
    ("New evidence points to Lockerbie set-up" by Yusuf Fernandez)

  2061. AANGIRFAN,, 7 March 2012
    ("Lockerbie: Bollier to sue police")

  2062. True US History,, web log, USA, 8 March 2012
    ("Lockerbie Bomber Was Innocent; New Documents Support the Obvious": reposting)

  2063. Culprits of Lockerbie: Gaddafi or the Extremists of Palestine? Monograph by David Wolchover,, UK, 8 March 2012

  2064. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 13 March 2012, News
    ("Crown case collapsing as SCCRC Pan Am 103 referral is leaked")

  2065. The Herald,, Glasgow, UK, 13 March 2012
    ("Timeline -- How events unfolded")

  2066. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 14 March 2012, Features / Editor's blog
    ("HMA v HMA: The Next Pan Am 103 trial")

  2067. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 16 March 2012
    ("HMA v HMA: The Next Pan Am 103 trial": reposting of article from Firm Magazine)

  2068. Megrahi: You are my Jury - The Lockerbie Evidence. Book by John Ashton. Edinburgh: Birlinn, 2012

  2069. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 26 March 2012, Features / Opinion
    ("Scotland's judicial coven")

  2070. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 26 March 2012
    ("A clear signal ...": reposting of article from Firm Magazine)

  2071. Daily Mail / Mail Online,, London, UK, 26 March 2012
    ("Calls for probe into conviction of Lockerbie bomber al-Megrahi after his grounds of appeal is leaked onto internet": comment)

  2072. KIMBOZEIRO,, Luanda, Angola, 26 March 2012
    ("Al-Megrahi desafia injustiça imperialista!")

  2073. Scottish Review,, Prestwick, Scotland, 28 March 2012, No. 532
    ("A Scottish show trial has descended into farce" by John Cameron)

  2074. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 28 March 2012
    ("A Scottish show trial has descended into farce": reposting of article from Scottish Review)

  2075. Google Groups / UK 9/11 & 7/7 Truth,, UK, 29 March 2012
    ("Lockerbie report published by Scottish Sunday Herald")

  2076. Lockerbie: Fact and Fiction, published by Justice for Megrahi, Longtown, Cumbria, UK, March 2012
    (by Dr. M. G. Kerr)

  2077. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 1 April 2012
    ("Justice Committee report on SCCRC disclosure Bill": comment)

  2078. The Mammoth Book of New CSI: Forensic science in over thirty real-life crime scene investigations. By Nigel Cawthorne. London: Hachette UK, 2012
    ("Lockerbie Crime Scene")

  2079. Dispatches from the Dark Side: Torture and the Death of Justice. Book by Gareth Peirce, 2nd ed., London: Verso, 10 April 2012
    (Reprint of the article "The Framing of Al-Megrahi")

  2080. Onet,, Warsaw, Poland, 15 April 2012
    ("Libia: zamachowiec z Lockerbie przeszedł transfuzję": comment)

  2081. MMO Champion,, 28 April 2012
    ("Do people still believe that Al-Megrahi was the Lockerbie bomber?")

  2082.,, USA, 29 April 2012, Book Review
    ("Dave's Disgrace" by David Bryson)

  2083. The Herald,, Glasgow, UK, 5 May 2012
    ("Heathrow admission fuels case for a Lockerbie public inquiry" by Jim Swire)

  2084. deep journal,, Netherlands, 6 May 2012
    ("Jim Swire, father of Lockerbie victim, on the murderers: 'They have been framed'")

  2085. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 7 May 2012
    ("Heathrow admission fuels case for a Lockerbie public inquiry": reposting)

  2086. AANGIRFAN,, 10 May 2012
    ("Evidence hidden at Lockerbie trial")

  2087. The New York Times,, New York, USA, 20 May 2012
    ("Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi, Convicted in 1988 Lockerbie Bombing, Dies at 60" by Robert D. McFadden)

  2088. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 20 May 2012
    ("Lockerbie bombing: In full - Statement by Justice for Megrahi")

  2089. The Times of Israel,, Jerusalem, Israel, 20 May 2012, Analysis
    ("Lockerbie - a terrible story still not fully told" by David Horovitz)

  2090. The Seattle Times,, Seattle, USA, 20 May 2012, Nation & World
    ("With Libyan bomber's death, truth on attack may never be known")

  2091. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette,, Pittsburgh, USA, 20 May 2012
    ("Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi, Convicted in 1988 Lockerbie Bombing, Dies at 60": reposting of New York Times article)

  2092., web log, USA, 20 May 2012
    ("Lockerbie bomber, Abdel Basset al-Megrahi, dies after the longest 3 months in history")

  2093. Austrian Wings,, Vienna,. Austria, 20 May 2012, International
    ("Verurteilter Lockerbie-Attentäter El Megrahi ist tot")

  2094. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 20 May 2012
    ("A statement by Justice for Megrahi on the death of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi")

  2095. Hannatu Musawa,, London, UK, 20 May 2012, Hard View
    ("The Lockerbie Patsy")

  2096. Onet Wiadomości,, Warsaw, Poland, 20 May 2012
    Nie żyje libijski terrorysta, który zabił 270 osób": comment)

  2097. Gothamist Daily,, Toronto, Canada, 20 May 2012
    ("Lockerbie Bomber, Predicted To Die In 2009, Is Dead Now")

  2098. Daily Mail,, London, UK, 20 May 2012
    ("Cameron dashes hopes for relatives of Lockerbie victims by rejecting call for new inquiry after bomber al-Megrahi dies": comment)

  2099. PPRuNe / Professional Pilots Rumour Network,, web log, USA, 20 May 2012
    ("BBC News - Lockerbie bomber Megrahi 'dead'")

  2100. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 20 May 2012, Features
    ("A statement by Justice for Megrahi on the death of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi")

  2101. UK Nigeria Online,, London, UK, 20 May 2012
    ("Abdelbaset al-Megrahi: The only man convicted of involvement in the Lockerbie bombing": reposting)

  2102. NewsNet Scotland,, UK, 20 May 2012
    ("Lockerbie: Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi has died": comment)

  2103. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 20 May 2012
    ("Lockerbie bombing: In full - Statement by Justice for Megrahi")

  2104. Edinburgh Eye,, web log, Edinburgh, UK, 21 May 2012
    ("Megrahi and the Lockerbie bombing")

  2105. The Independent,, London, UK, 21 May 2012
    ("There are clear reasons why many believe the Lockerbie trial was a miscarriage of justice" by Kim Sengupta)

  2106. The Boston Globe,, Boston, USA, 21 May 2012, Obituaries
    ("Abdel al-Megrahi, at 60; Libyan convicted in Lockerbie bombing": reposting of New York Times article)

  2107. The Independent,, London, UK, 21 May 2012
    ("Abdelbaset al-Megrahi: The only man convicted of involvement in the Lockerbie bombing" by Tam Dalyell)

  2108. Truth Addict,, 21 May 2012
    ("What the NYT Doesn't Say About the Lockerbie Bombing")

  2109. Daily Mail,, London, UK, 21 May 2012 (updated 22 May 2012)
    ("A member of the 'Lockerbie bomber's' legal team says the evidence suggests he was INNOCENT" / "I can prove the 'Lockerbie bomber' was INNOCENT" by John Ashton)

  2110. Globe View,, 21 May 2012
    ("Pan Am Flight 103 Conspiracy Theories")

  2111. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 21 May 2012, Scottish news / Top stories
    ("Lockerbie bomber buried as David Cameron dismisses inquiry calls": comment)

  2112. Al Jazeera,, Doha, Qatar, 21 May 2012, Blogs
    ("Lockerbie's 'final victim'" by Alan Fisher)

  2113. Consortium News. Independent Investigative Journalism since 1995,, USA, 21 May 2012
    ("NYT Admits Lockerbie Case Flaws" by Robert Parry)

  2114. Consortium News. Independent Investigative Journalism since 1995,, USA, 21 May 2012
    ("A NYT elismeri a Lockerbie-ügy hibáit" by Robert Parry)

  2115. Consortium News. Independent Investigative Journalism since 1995,, USA, 21 May 2012
    ("NYT thừa nhận sai sót của vụ Lockerbie" by Robert Parry)

  2116. NewsNet Scotland,, UK, 21 May 2012
    ("A statement by Justice for Megrahi on the death of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi")

  2117. NYTimes eXaminer,, USA, 21 May 2012
    ("What the NYT Doesn't Say About the Lockerbie Bombing" by Michael McGehee)

  2118. UK Nigeria Online,, London, UK, 21 May 2012
    ("I can prove the 'Lockerbie bomber' was INNOCENT": reposting)

  2119. El Mundo, Madrid, Spain, 21 May 2012, "Orbyt"
    ("Obituarios - Abdel Baset Ali Al Megrahi / Unico condenado por Lockerbie" by Rosa Meneses)

  2120. Free Scotland - Scotland's FreePress Archive,, UK, 21 May 2012, Scotland News
    ("With Libyan bomber's death, truth on attack may never be known")

  2121. Intel Today,, web log, 21 May 2012
    (THIS DAY IN HISTORY -- May 21 2012: NYT Admits Lockerbie Case Flaws")

  2122. WhoWhatWhy -- Forensic Journalism,, USA, 22 May 2012
    ("Burying the 'Lockerbie Bomber' -- And the Truth" by Russ Baker)

  2123. Colourful Radio,, London, UK, 22 May 2012
    (Live interview of Hans Köchler on the Lockerbie case)

  2124. Wings Over Scotland, web log, Scotland, UK, 22 May 2012
    ("John Lamont does not speak for us. Here are 42 people who do")

  2125. OEN -,, USA, 22 May 2012
    ("Burying the 'Lockerbie Bomber' -- And the Truth": reposting of article by Russ Baker)

  2126. Wings over Scotland,, Scotland, UK, 22 May 2012
    ("Johann Lamont does not speak for us. Here are 42 people who do": posting of statement by Justice for Megrahi)

  2127. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 22 May 2012
    ("Wickedness in Washington and in the Crown Office in Edinburgh": reposting of articly by Tam Dalyell)

  2128. Megrahi: You are my Jury,, UK, 22 May 2012
    ("Daily Mail feature article": reposting of Daily Mail article of 21 May 2012)

  2129. CNN Cable News Network,, USA, 22 May 2012
    ("Lockerbie: Did someone else bomb Pan Am 103?" by Dave Gilbert and Nic Robertson)

  2130. Middle East Online,, London, UK, 22 May 2012
    ("NYT Admits Lockerbie Case Flaws": reposting of article by Robert Parry)

  2131. Business Insider,, New York, USA, 22 May 2012
    ("Burying the 'Lockerbie Bomber' -- And the Truth")

  2132. The Unhived Mind,, web log, 22 May 2012
    ("What we knew all along, the Lockerbie bomber was innocent and framed": reposting of article by John Ashton)

  2133. Libya Index,, web log, 22 May 2012
    ("Who bombed Pan Am 103?": reposting of CNN article)

  2134. Der Bund,, Berne, Switzerland, 22 May 2012, Ausland
    ("Terrorist oder Sündenbock?" by Mirko Plüss)

  2135. INC Global Intelligence blog,, USA, 22 May 2012
    ("Lockerbie: Did Someone Else Bomb Pan Am 103?": reposting of CNN report)

  2136. Basler Zeitung,, Basel, Switzerland, 22 May 2012, Ausland
    ("Terrorist oder Sündenbock?": reposting of article from Der Bund)

  2137. Daily Telegraph Blog,, London, UK, 22 May 2012
    ("Lockerbie and Libya")

  2138. Tages Anzeiger,, St. Gallen, Switzerland, 22 May 2012, Ausland
    ("Terrorist oder Sündenbock?" by Mirko Plüss)

  2139. The Oslo Times,, Oslo, Norway, 22 May 2012
    ("Lockerbie: Did someone else bomb Pan Am 103?")

  2140. Ripple's Web,, South Africa, 23 May 2012, News
    ("Lockerbie: Who Bombed Pan Am 103?": reposting of CNN report)

  2141. Libyan Tweepforum,, Libya, 23 May 2012
    ("With Libyan bomber's death, truth on Lockerbie may never be known")

  2142. nsnbc: Breaking the Embargo on Truth,, web log, USA, 23 May 2012
    ("A member of the 'Lockerbie bomber's' legal team says the evidence suggests he was INNOCENT": reposting of Daily Mail article)

  2143. Rigorous Intuition,, web log, Canada, 23 May 2012
    ("NYT Admits Lockerbie Case Flaws": reposting of article by Robert Parry)

  2144. phpBB - Metro Chat,, UK, 23 May 2012
    ("al-Megrahi: what you won't read in the tabloid rags - Scotland must now have the courage to look itself in the mirror": reposting of Justice for Megrahi statement)

  2145. Alienated Left,, web log, UK, 23 May 2012
    ("The real Lockerbie bombers must be unable to believe their luck that the witch hunt against Megrahi is still letting them get off with mass murder even after he's dead")

  2146. The Washington Panafrican,, Washington DC, USA, 23 May 2012
    ("Who bombed Pan Am 103?": reposting of CNN article)

  2147. National Post, Toronto, Canada, 23 May 2012, p. AL.7
    ("Lockerbie bomber's death closes 'unfortunate chapter'")

  2148. Kaleijdoskop,, Chicago, USA, 24 May 2012
    ("Śmierć terrorysty" by Krysztof M. Kucharski)

  2149. Business Insider,, New York, USA, 24 May 2012
    ("The NYT Obituary Of The Lockerbie Bomber Makes Some Controversial Suggestions": reposting of article by Russ Baker)

  2150., web log, 24 May 2012
    ("Who bombed Pan Am 103?")

  2151. Daily Record,, Glasgow, UK, 24 May 2012
    ("First Minister Alex Salmond refuses to launch new inquiry into Lockerbie bombing": comment)

  2152. Green Left Weekly,, Australia, 27 May 2012
    ("New book investigates Lockerbie frame up" by Alex Miller)

  2153. Deliberation,, web log, 31 May 2012
    ("An Innocent Man: Abdelbaset Ali Mohammed Al-Megrahi [1952-2012]" by Kashif Ahmed)

  2154. Encounters with Islam: On Religion, Politics and Modernity. Book by Malise Ruthven. New York: I. B. Tauris, 2012, Part Two: "Faith, Power and Terror," ch. 10, pp. 81-86
    ("Deception over Lockerbie?": republication)

  2155. The Herald,, Glasgow, UK, 8 June 2012
    ("Delay in reviewing Lockerbie verdict obstructs search for real perpetrators" by Jim Swire)

  2156. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 8 June 2012
    ("Delay in reviewing Lockerbie verdict obstructs search for real perpetrators": reposting of article from The Herald)

  2157. Middle East Online,, London, UK, 14 June 2012
    ("Lockerbie After 24 Years: Back to Square One" by Mustafa Fetouri)

  2158. McGill University, human rights papers,, Montreal, Canada, 15-16 June 2012
    "Dropped in Tripoli; Exploded in New York; Assessing the Collateral Consequences of NATO's [Mis]leading Intervention in Libya" by Eberechi Ifeonou, Nigeria

  2159. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 18 June 2012
    ("Lockerbie after 24 years: back to square one": reposting of article from MEO)

  2160. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 21 June 2012
    ("Libyan NTC head on Gaddafi's payments to Megrahi": comment)

  2161. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 25 June 2012
    ("Mainstream media's distorted narrative on the Lockerbie airline bombing": comment)

  2162. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 26 June 2012
    ("The descent": comment)

  2163. Confusion to our Enemies: Selected Journalism of Arnold Kemp (1939-2002). Book edited by Jackie Kemp. Glasgow: Neil Wilson Publishing, 2012, ch. 2: "Newspapers," pp. 41-44
    (Reprint of article in the The Observer / The Guardian, 17 March 2002)

  2164. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 27 June 2012, Features
    ("The Descent")

  2165. JREF Forum - James Randi Educational Foundation,, web log, USA, 2 July 2012
    ("Lockerbie bombing")

  2166. Terrorist Attacks & Clandestine Wars. By John E. Lewis. London: Mammoth Books, 2012

  2167. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 30 July 2012
    ("The American press on the death of the 'Lockerbie bomber'": reposting)

  2168. Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,, Washington DC, USA, August 2012, p. 22 (Special Report)
    ("The American Press on the Death of the 'Lockerbie Bomber'" by Andrew I. Killgore)

  2169. Socialist Unity,, UK, 7 August 2012
    ("Making the Case for Attacking Iran": comment)

  2170. Edinburgh International Book Festival,, Edinburgh, UK, 11 August 2011
    ("Megrahi cover up questioned at Edinburgh International Book Festival")

  2171.,, Edinburgh, UK, 11 August 2011
    ("Book Festival Puts Spotlight On Megrahi Cover-up")

  2172. The Press Association,, London / Edinburgh, UK, 11 August 2012
    ("Megrahi events 'a political fix'": news release)

  2173. Yahoo News UK & Ireland,, UK, 11 August 2012
    ("Megrahi events 'a political fix'")

  2174. Belfast Telegraph,, Belfast, UK, 11 August 2012
    ("Megrahi events 'a political fix'")

  2175. Express,, London, UK, 11 August 2012
    ("Megrahi events 'a political fix'")

  2176. Express & Star,, London, UK, 11 August 2012
    ("Megrahi events 'a political fix'")

  2177. Times of Malta,, Valletta, Malta, 11 August 2012
    ("Megrahi events 'a political fix'")

  2178. Shropshire Star,, UK, 11 August 2012
    ("Megrahi events 'a political fix'")

  2179. Lennox Herald,, Glasgow, UK, 11 August 2012
    ("Megrahi events 'a political fix'")

  2180. World News Report,, 11 August 2012, Malta United Nations News
    ("Megrahi cancer diagnosis cwas 'gift' to authorities, says biographer")

  2181. Wales Online,, UK, 11 August 2012
    ("Megrahi events 'a political fix'")

  2182. Political Views,, web log, UK, 11 August 2012
    ("Megrahi cancer diagnosis was 'gift' to authorities, says biographer")

  2183. Cotswold Journal,, UK, 11 August 2012
    ("Megrahi events 'a political fix'")

  2184. The Edinburgh Reporter,, Edinburgh, UK, 12 August 2012 / Edinburgh International Book Festival - Hans Köchler
    ("Was there a cover up over the Lockerbie Bomber?" by Phyllis Stephen)

  2185. The Guardian,, Manchester, UK, 12 August 2012
    ("Megrahi cancer diagnosis was 'gift' to authorities, says biographer" by Conal Urquhart)

  2186. Sunday Sun,, London, 12 August 2012
    ("Lockerbie bomber's cancer was a 'gift from god'")

  2187. Chronicle Live,, UK, 12 August 2012
    ("Lockerbie bomber's cancer was a 'gift from god'" by Katie Davis)

  2188. The Journal,, UK, 12 August 2012
    ("Lockerbie bomber's cancer was a 'gift from god'" by Katie Davis)

  2189., UK, 12 August 2012
    ("Cancer that killed Lockerbie bomber was 'gift from God' to those with something to hide, claims biographer")

  2190. Industry News provided by NewsEdge,, UK, 12 August 2012
    ("Author calls Megrahi's cancer 'a gift for those with something to hide'")

  2191. Daily Record,, Glasgow, UK, 12 August 2012
    ("Cancer that killed Lockerbie bomber was 'gift from God' to those with something to hide, claims biographer")

  2192. Scotland on Sunday,, Edinburgh, UK, 12 August 2012, p. 9
    ("Author calls Megrahi's cancer 'a gift for those with something to hide'" by Tom Peterkin)

  2193. SHABAB LIBYA - Libyan Youth Movement,, Benghazi, Libya, 12 August 2012
    ("Megrahi cancer diagnosis was 'gift' to authorities, says biographer": reposting of article from The Guardian)

  2194. Bedfordshire on Sunday,, UK, 12 August 2012
    ("Megrahi events 'a political fix'")

  2195. The Guardian,, Manchester, UK, 12 August 2012
    ("Edinburgh International Book festival: day two bulletin" by Yasmin Sulaiman and Jennifer Bowden)

  2196. 24 hour news,, UK, 12 August 2012
    ("Edinburgh International Book Festival")

  2197. The Times,, London, UK, 13 August 2012
    ("Has Scotland really swallowed this crazy conspiracy?" by Magnus Linklater)

  2198. Megrahi: You are my jury,, web log, UK, 13 August 2012
    ("Response to Magnus Linklater article" by John Ashton)

  2199. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 13 August 2012
    ("Has Scotland really swallowed this crazy conspiracy?": reposting of Times article with comment)

  2200. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 13 August 2012
    ("Book festival reviews: Jim Swire" by Ninian Dunnett)

  2201. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 13 August 2012, Features
    ("Pan Am 103:  A crazy conspiracy")

  2202. Libya for the free,, Tripoli, Libya, 14 August 2012
    ("Megrahi's cancer was a 'gift from God', biographer claims" by Sherif Dhaimish)

  2203. The Malta Independent Online,, Malta, 19 August 2012
    ("Lockerbie bomber's cancer 'a gift from God' for Scottish government")

  2204. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 19 August 2012
    ("Lockerbie bomber's cancer 'a gift from God' for Scottish government": reposting of article from Malta Independent)

  2205. The Progressive Mind,, web log, USA, 20 August 2012
    ("Deception over Lockerbie": reposting of article by
    Maidhc Ó Cathail, Aletho News, 24 September 2009)

  2206. The Huffington Post / United Kingdom,, 26 August 2012
    ("Lockerbie Bombing: Willie Rennie Seeks Assurances That Case Still Being 'Rigorously Investigated'")

  2207. Irish Examiner,, Cork, Ireland, 26 August 2012
    ("Rennie calls for Lockerbie assurances")

  2208. JULGAR, N. 17/2012, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 13-33
    ("Prova indiciária e as novas formas de criminalidade" by José Santos Cabral)

  2209. Libya Index,, Libya, August 2012, In News
    ("Megrahi's cancer was a 'gift from God', biographer claims")

  2210. Chinese Journal of International Law, Vol. 11, Issue 3, September 2012
    ("A New, Multicultural World Community and an Emerging New, Pluralistic World Order System" by Edward McWhinney)

  2211. Confusion to Our Enemies: Selected Journalism of Arbnold Kemp (1939-2002). Ed. by Jackie Kemp. Neil Wilson Publishing, 3 September 2012 / Literary Collection

  2212. MEBO LTD / Telecommunication,, Zurich, Switzerland, 17 September 2012
    ("Libyan prosecutor says payout of US$ 2.7 billion to Lockerbie victims 'a waste of public money'")

  2213. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 2 October 2012
    ("We are being cheated of the truth" by Jim Swire)

  2214. Book "Best Practices for Human Rights and Humanitarian NGO Fact-Finding." Eds. J. Berman, G.M. Steinberg, A. Herzberg. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 2012
    ("Human Rights-Fact Finding: Some Legal and Ethical Dilemmas" by Geoffrey Robertson, pp. 174-209)

  2215. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 23 October 2012, News
    ("Police, Crown Office, Lord Advocate and Minister accused in widespread perversion of the course of justice over Pan Am 103")

  2216. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 23 October 2012
    ("Police, Crown Office accused in widespread perversion of the course of justice over Pan Am 103": reposting)

  2217. Web News Daily,, South Africa, 24 October 2012
    ("Lockerbie" by Devan Maistry)

  2218. Prova Indiciária e as novas formas de criminalidade,, Portugal, 2012, p. 15
    (By J. S. Cabral)

  2219. JREF Forum - James Randi Educational Foundation,, web log, USA, 4 December 2012
    ("Was the MST-13 timer fragment planted in the wreckage of Pan Am 103?")

  2220. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 18 December 2012
    ("Megrahi conviction lies in ruins now, says Jim Swire")

  2221. BBC Scotland, Glasgow, Scotland, 22 December 2012
    (Interview for radio program "Good morning Scotland")

  2222. Morning Star,, London, UK, 23 December 2012, Culture
    ("Books of the years 2012" by Alex Miller -- John Ashton's "Megrahi: You Are My Jury")

  2223. Hybrid and Internationalised Criminal Tribunals. By Sarah Williams.Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2012
    ("The LOckerbie Court," note 77)

  2224. Shirley McKie: The Price of Innocence. By Iain McKie and Michael Russell. Birlinn Ltd: Edinburgh, 2012 (ebook edition)

  2225. WikiSpooks,, 2013
    ("Cameron's Report on Lockerbie Forensic Evidence")

  2226. Restriction of Powers - Human Rights Protection in the context of Security Council. By Kati Ylinen, 3 January 2013
    (MA thesis, University of Helsinki, Finland)

  2227. news24,, Cape Town, South Africa, 1 February 2013
    ("Christians being 'driven' out of Libya": comment)

  2228. Daily Express,, London, UK, 3 February 2013
    ("Lockerbie: seven new Libyans named": comment)

  2229., web log, UK, 9 February 2013
    ("While Good Men Do Nothing": letter by Dr. Jim Swire to Lord Advocate of Scotland)

  2230. TES Connect,, UK, 11 February 2013
    (Entry in: "EIS Watch 2 - Scotland - Opinion")

  2231. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 11 February 2013
    ("Dereliction of duty" by Jim Swire)

  2232. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, 11 February 2013, News
    ("Fabricated Pan Am 103 evidence: Lord Advocate accused of protecting perpetrators and dereliction of duty")

  2233. Public International Law & Policy Group (PILPG) / Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 26 February 2013
    - Memorandum for the High Level Piracy Working Group -
    ("Applying the Lockerbie Model to a Proposed Extraterritorial Somali Anti-Piracy Court")

  2234. Libya against Superpower Media,, 27 February 2013
    ("NYT Admits Lockerbie Case Flaws")

  2235. Wings Over Scotland, web log,, UK, 4 March 2013
    ("Nothing exists in isolation": comment)

  2236. A Diary of Injustice in Scotland,, UK, 10 March 2013
    ("A MATTER OF TRUST: Scotland's top judge Lord Gill attacks Scottish Parliament petition calling for a Register of Interests for Scots Judiciary": comment)

  2237. Megrahi: You are my jury,, web log, UK, 15 March 2013
    ("Geoffrey Robertson QC on Megrahi's right to silence" by John Ashton)

  2238. Mémoires de Guerre,, France, 19 March 2013
    ("Al Megrahi Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed")

  2239., web log, UK, 26 March 2013
    ("Frank Duggan and VPAF103")

  2240. Book "Destroying Libya and World Order." Francis A. Boyle. Atlanta, GA: Clarity Press, 2013
    (Chapter 4: "Resolving the Lockerbie Dispute by Means of International Law," pp. 106-153)

  2241. Book "Terrorism And Deadliest Enabling Scandals of 21st Century" by Rodney Stich. Alamo, CA (USA): Silverpeak Publisher, 1 May 2013
    (Chapter 6: "FBI-DOJ Corruption in Lockerbie Disaster - and the Ripple Effects")

  2242. TW /,, 20 May 2013
    ("Pan Am Flight 103")

  2243. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 20 May 2013
    ("First anniversary of death of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi": statement by Justice for Megrahi campaign)

  2244. arte TV, Germany / France, 2 September 2013
    ("Lockerbie Revisited": film by Gideon Levy)

  2245. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 25 September 2013
    ("Busy doing nothing")

  2246. kiwi bird arXiv,, web log, Russia, 5 October 2013, Новость # 2
    ("Дежавю, или хождение по кругу")

  2247. Megrahi: You are my jury,, web log, UK, 17 October 2013
    ("An open letter to Magnus Linklater" by John Ashton)

  2248. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 17 October 2013
    ("An open letter to Magnus Linklater article": reposting)

  2249. / Politics of aviation safety and a history of related airline disasters, web log, USA, November 2013
    ("Lockerbie Bombing Investigation, Prosecution, Cover-Ups, and Catastrophic Consequences": book review)

  2250. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 25 November 2013
    ("Lockerbie reward payouts 'above board'": comment)

  2251. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 26 November 2013
    ("Lockerbie trial" by Ian Johnstone)

  2252. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 26 November 2013
    ("Deep scepticism about ethics and legality of Gauci payments")

  2253. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 28 November 2013
    ("Lockerbie lies" by Tom Minogue)

  2254. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 28 November 2013
    ("World views Lockerbie verdicts as work of Uncle Sam via puppet state")

  2255. Book "Scotland's Shame: Why Lockerbie still Matters" by John Ashton. Edinburgh: Birlinn, 2013

  2256. Book "Adequately Explained by Stupidity? Lockerbie, Luggage and Lies" by Morag G. Kerr. Kibworth Beauchamp, UK: Matador, December 2013

  2257. SRF Swiss Radio and Television,, Berne, Switzerland, 11 December 2013 and 16 December 2013, SRF 1
    ("Todesflug Pan Am 103 - Das Rätsel von Lockerbie": documentary film by Christoph Caron and Carl-Ludwig Paeschke)

  2258. Deutsche Welle,, Berlin, Germany, 17 December 2013
    ("Das Lockerbie-Rätsel" by Alois Berger)

  2259. The Herald,, Glasgow, UK, 18 December 2013
    ("Libyan evidence on Lockerbie should be treated with caution" by Thomas Crooks)

  2260. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 18 December 2013
    ("Lockerbie: seeking the truth" by Jim Swire)

  2261. Deutsche Welle,, Berlin, Germany, 18 December 2013, Dunia
    ("Teka-Teki Lockerbie" by Alois Berger)

  2262. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 19 December 2013
    ("Lockerbie families consider third al-Megrahi appeal": reposting of article from The Scotsman)

  2263., web log, UK, 20 December 2013
    ("Lockerbie - the murder of Scottish justice" by Richard Haley)

  2264. The Telegraph,, London, UK, 20 December 2013
    ("CIA held Syrian militants responsible for Lockerbie bombing": comment)

  2265.  مصراوي ,, Cairo, Egypt, 20 December 2013
    (" لغز قضية لوكربي الغامض)

  2266. HABERLER.COM,, Turkey, 20 December 2013
    لغز قضية لوكربي الغامض")

  2267.   وجدة زيري ,, Algeria, 20 December 2013
    ("لغز قضية لوكربي الغامض")

  2268.  MSN Arabia,, USA, 20 December 2013
    ("لغز قضية لوكربي الغامض")

  2269. Deutsche Welle,, Berlin, Germany, 20 December 2013, سياسة واقتصاد
    ("لغز قضية لوكربي الغامض")

  2270. Deutsche Welle,, Berlin, Germany, 21 December 2013, Terrorismus
    ("Das Lockerbie-Rätsel" by Alois Berger)

  2271., web log, USA, 21 December 2013
    ("'Tell Us the Truth,' Lockerbie Victim Father Asks Western Leaders")

  2272. Deutsche Welle,, Berlin, Germany, 21 December 2013, Top Stories/World/Europe
    ("Lockerbie mystery still raises questions after 25 years" by Alois Berger)

  2273. Deutsche Welle,, Berlin, Germany, 21 December 2013, Chinese

  2274. Deutsche Welle,, Berlin, Germany, 21 December 2013
    ("Zagonetka zvana Lokerbi" by Alois Berger)

  2275. Deutsche Welle,, Berlin, Germany, 21 December 2013
    ("Tajanstveni slučaj Lokerbi" by Alois Berger)

  2276. NEWS.GE / Deutsche Welle English,, Berlin, Germany, 21 December 2013
    ("Lockerbie mystery still unresolved after 25 years": reposting of article by Alois Berger)

  2277., web log, 21 December 2013
    ("Lockerbie the dirty secret who did what where and for whom?")

  2278. MSN Arabia,, 21 December 2013
    ("Lockerbie mystery still unresolved after 25 years": reposting of DW article)

  2279. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 21 December 2013
    ("The case didn't follow the rule of law, says Hans Köchler")

  2280. HABERLER.COM,, Turkey, 21 December 2013
    ("Lockerbie Mystery Still Unresolved After 25 Years": reposting of DW article)

  2281. silobreaker,, web log, UK, 21 December 2013
    ("Lockerbie mystery still raises questions after 25 years": reposting of DW article)

  2282. Deutschlandfunk,, Cologne, Germany, 21 December 2013 / Radio
    Anschlag von Lockerbie: Die Leichen lagen auf der Straße" by Winfried Dolderer)

  2283. NASLOVI.NET,, Belgrade, Serbia, 21 December 2013
    ("Zagonetka zvana Lockerbi": reposting of DW article)

  2284. Zeit Online,, Hamburg, Germany, 21 December 2013
    ("Attentat 1988: Die Zweifel von Lockerbie" by Volker Schmidt)

  2285. O Povo,, São Paolo, Brazil, 21 December 2013, Mundo / Política
    ("Após 25 anos, atentado de Lockerbie ainda é cercado de enigmas")

  2286. Austrian Wings / Österreichs Luftfahrtmagazin,, Vienna, Austria, 21 December 2013
    ("Neue Ermittlungen 25 Jahre nach der Tragödie von Lockerbie")

  2287. Der Standard,, Vienna, Austria, 21 December 2013
    ("Ermittlungen 25 Jahre nach Anschlag über Lockerbie" by Sebastian Bogner)

  2288. قضايا و أخبار عربية و دولية/ Arabic & International News‏,, 21 December 2013
    لغز قضية لوكربي الغامض")

  2289. Deutsche Welle,, Berlin, Germany, 21 December 2013
    ("Neriješena zagonetka Lockerbie")

  2290. Deutsche Welle DW,, Berlin, Germany, 21 December 2013, Notícias / Mundo
    ("Após 25 anos, atentado de Lockerbie ainda é cercado de enigmas")

  2291. RTV Slovenija,, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 21 December 2013
    ("25 let po bombnem napadu nad Lockerbiejem teorije zarot ne potihnejo")

  2292. Terra Brasil,, USA, 21 December 2013
    ("Após 25 anos, atentado de Lockerbie ainda é cercado de enigmas")

  2293.  凤凰论坛-中文最具影响力社区-凤凰网,, Beijing, China, 21 December 2013

  2294. ParanhanaNET,, Parobé, Brazil, 21 December 2013
    ("Após 25 anos, atentado de Lockerbie ainda é cercado de enigmas")

  2295. defesanet,, São Paolo, Brazil, 21 December 2013
    ("Após 25 anos, atentado de Lockerbie ainda é cercado de enigmas")

  2296.  أبجد نيوز/ Abjad News,, Beirut, Lebanon, 21 December 2013
    لغز قضية لوكربي الغامض")

  2297. Gossip,, UK, 21 December 2013
    ("Who killed Bernt Carlsson and 269 other people from the Lockerbie mid-air explosion aboard Pan Am flight 103?")

  2298. il POST,, Milan, Italy, 21 December 2013
    ("L'attentato di Lockerbie: Fu 25 anni fa, morirono 270 persone e chi ne fu responsabile è ancora poco chiaro")

  2299.   رصين/ Rasseen,, Amman, Jordan, 21 December 2013
    (" لغز قضية لوكربي الغامض")

  2300. Radio Slobodna Evropa,, Prague, Czech Republic, 21 December 2013
    ("Zagonetka zvana Lokerbi": reposting of DW article)

  2301., 21 December 2013
    (" لغز قضية لوكربي الغامض/ Lockerbie mysterious enigma")

  2302. 024 INFO,, Belgrade, Serbia, 21 December 2013
    ("Zagonetka zvana Lokerbi" by Alois Berger and Sa
    ša Bojić)

  2303. The Independent,, London, UK, 22 December 2013, News
    ("'Megrahi was my friend. He did not kill my daughter': Lockerbie father says the British government is not telling the truth about the bombing" by Ian Johnston)

  2304. MASRAWY,, Ciaro, Egypt, 22 December 2013
    ("Lockerbie still raises questions after 25 years")

  2305. شبكة الاخبار الليبية/ Libya News Network,, Libya, 22 December 2013 
    ("هل كانت قضبة لوكربي مجرد محاكمة سياسية؟")

  2306., news portal, Thailand, 22 December 2013, China News

  2307. Megrahi: You are my jury,, web log, UK, 22 December 2013
    ("Another open letter to Magnus Linklater" by John Ashton)

  2308. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 22 December 2013
    ("Conviction of Megrahi 'very shaky indeed'")

  2309. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 23 December 2013
    ("Lockerbie - the murder of Scottish justice": reposting)

  2310.  العربية/ Al-Arabia,, Dubai, UAE, 23 December 2013 
    ("طائرة 'لوكربي'. التفجير الأشهر يعود للنقاش بعد 25 سنة")

  2311.   المُهِم,, Algiers, Algeria, 23 December 2013
    ("طائرة لوكربي'.. التفجير الأشهر يعود للنقاش بعد 25 سنة'")

  2312.   ليبيا المستقبل / Libya Al-Mostakbal,, Libya, 23 December 2013
    ("طائرة لوكربي'.. التفجير الأشهر يعود للنقاش بعد 25 سنة'")

  2313.   صوت الغد عربية بنكهة فلسطينية,, Palestine, 23 December 2013
    ("طائرة لوكربي'.. التفجير الأشهر يعود للنقاش بعد 25 سنة'")

  2314.   جهينة نيوز,, Jordan, 23 December 2013
    ("لغز قضية لوكربي الغامض")

  2315.   موقع الشمس,,  Israel, 23 December 2013
    ("طائرة لوكربي'.. التفجير الأشهر يعود للنقاش بعد 25 سنة'")

  2316.  شبكة الاخبار الليبية/ Libya News Network,, Libya, 23 December 2013 
    ("طائرة لوكربي'.. التفجير الأشهر يعود للنقاش بعد 25 سنة'")

  2317. The Project Avalon Forum,, 23 December 2013
    ("Secret CIA testimony identifies real Lockerbie mastermind" by David Icke)

  2318.   وكالة كل العرب ,, Amman, Jordan, 23 December 2013
    ("طائرة لوكربي'.. التفجير الأشهر يعود للنقاش بعد 25 سنة'")

  2319.    البحرين نيوز/  Bahrain News,, Manama, Bahrain, 23 December 2013
    ("طائرة لوكربي'.. التفجير الأشهر يعود للنقاش بعد 25 سنة'")

  2320.    جريدة الجسر الالكترونية,, 23 December 2013
    ("لغز قضية لوكربي الغامض  ")

  2321.   هدى السراري / Huda Elserari,, 23 December 2013
    ("طائرة لوكربي'.. التفجير الأشهر يعود للنقاش بعد 25 سنة'")

  2322.   الانباط,, Amman, Jordan, 23 December 2013
    ("طائرة لوكربي'.. التفجير الأشهر يعود للنقاش بعد 25 سنة'")

  2323.   مركزالرافدين للدراسات والبحوث الإستراتيجية/ Al-Rafedein Center for Research & Strategic Studies,, Baghdad, Iraq, 23 December 2013
    ("لغز قضية لوكربي الغامض")

  2324.    المستقبل/ Al Mustagbal,, Kuwait, 23 December 2013
    ("'طائرة لوكربي'__ التفجير الأشهر يعود للنقاش بعد 25 سنة ")

  2325.   بنغازى اليوم/ Benghazi, Benghazi, Libya, 23 December 2013
    ("طائرة لوكربي'.. التفجير الأشهر يعود للنقاش بعد 25 سنة'")

  2326.   وزارة العدل – مركز المعلومات والتوثيق/  Ministry of Justice - Libya,, Tripoli, Libya, 23 December 2013
    (" “طائرة لوكربي”.. التفجير الأشهر يعود للنقاش بعد 25 سنة")

  2327.  يومية الشاهد ,, Algiers, Algeria, 24 December 2013
    ("طائرة لوكربي'.. التفجير الأشهر يعود للنقاش بعد 25 سنة'")

  2328. Libya Contact,, Tripoli, Libya, 24 December 2013
    ("'طائرة لوكربي'.. التفجير الأشهر يعود للنقاش بعد 25 سنة")

  2329.  بحزاني‎ / BAHZANI,, Iraq, 24 December 2013
    ("لوكربي ...وشكري غانم .... وصهاريج النفط الليبي دخان في سماء الجريمة المنظمة")

  2330.  صحيفة صوت الحرية / Baghdad Times,, Baghdad, Iraq, 25 December 2013
    ("لوكربي ... وشكري غانم ...وصهاريج النفط الليبي دخان في سماء الجريمة المنظمة " by شيرين سباهي)

  2331.    الحوار المتمدن,, Iraq, 25 December 2013
    (" لوكربي ...وشكري غانم .... وصهاريج النفط الليبي دخان في سماء الجريمة المنظمة": reposting)

  2332.   صحيفة 14 أكتوبر,, Sana'a, Yemen, 25 December 2013
    ("حكومات ليبيا وأميركا وبريطانيا عبرت عن التزامها بالتعاون...«طائرة لوكربي».. التفجير الأشهر يعود للنقاش بعد (25) عاما")

  2333.    التقدمية,, 25 December 2013
    ("لوكربي …وشكري غانم …. وصهاريج النفط الليبي دخان في سماء الجريمة المنظمة شيرين سباهي": reposting)

  2334.   حشد نت ,, Sana'a, Yemen, 25 December 2013
    (" وكربي ... وشكري غانم ...وصهاريج النفط الليبي دخان في سماء الجريمة المنظمة": reposting)

  2335.   اخبارنا اليوم,, Egypt, 26 December 2013
    ("طائرة لوكربي__ التفجير الأشهر يعود للنقاش بعد 25 سنة ")

  2336.   فلنكتب,, Baghdad, Iraq, 25 December 2013
    (" لوكربي ...وشكري غانم .... وصهاريج النفط الليبي دخان في سماء الجريمة المنظمة": reposting)

  2337.   القانون الليبي/ Law of Libya,, web log, Libya, 28 December 2013
    (" لوكربي__ 25 عاما والتحقيقات مستمرة")

  2338.  منارة الحرية / Freedom Beacon,, 29 December 2013
    (" لغز قضية لوكربي الغامض")

  2339. Lockerbie and Related Scams,, UK, 30 December 2013
    ("Review and comment on -'Adequately Explained by Stupidity' by Dr Morag G. Kerr PhD": comment)

  2340.  قناة مصراتة الفضائية/ Misrata TV,, Libya, 31 December 2013 
    (" لغز قضية لوكربي الغامض")

  2341. Rough Guide to Conspiracy Theories, 3rd edition. London: Rough Guides, 2013
    (Book by  James McConnachie and Robin Tudge)

  2342. Perspectives: Magazine of Scotland's DEmocratic Left, Edinburgh, UK, Issue 37, 2013
    ("What is it that our states know but still hide from us, the relatives?" by Jim Swire)

  2343. พัฒนาการของอนุสัญญาว่าด้วยการปราบปรามการกระทำโดยมิชอบด้วยกฎหมายเกี่ยวกับการบินพลเรือนระหว่างประเทศ ค.ศ. 2010 : ข้อพิจารณาในทางกฎหมายของประเทศไทยในการเข้าเป็นภาคี / DEVELOPMENT OF THE CONVENTION ON THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS RELATING TO INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION, 2010 : LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR THAILAND TO BECOME A STATE PARTY, Ch. 2.4.1: Lockerbie Case, pp. 57ff.
    (Law Thesis, Chulalongkorn University, Faculty of Law, Bangkok, Thailand, 2013)

  2344. International Criminal Law: Genocide, Piracy, Crime Against Humanity, War Crime, Universal Jurisdiction, Nuremberg Code, Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Panama City: University-Press Org, 2013.
    ("Hans Kochler's Lockerbie trial observer mission")

  2345. Brooklyn Journal of International Law, Vol. 39, No. 1 (2014), pp. 73-158; p. 98
    ("Enforcing International Law: States, IOS, and Courts as Shaming Reference Groups" by Sandeep Gopalan and Dr. Roslyn Fuller)

  2346. The Herald,, Glasgow, UK, 5 January 2014
    ("UK and US geopolitical interests could derail fresh Lockerbie inquiry" by Joan S. Laverie)

  2347. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 5 January 2014
    ("UK and US geopolitical interests could derail fresh Lockerbie inquiry": reposting)

  2348.   منتديات الدفاع عن الجماهيرية الليبية و سوريا العروبة,, Libya, 9 January 2014 
    (" رد: سوزان لينداور – ضابط ارتباط لدى الـ CIA سابقا...حقيقة لايستطيع ...")

  2349. Consortium News,, Arlington VA, USA, 26 January 2014
    ("The Crumbling Lockerbie Case" by John Ashton)

  2350. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 26 January 2014
    ("The Crumbling Lockerbie Case": reposting)

  2351. Centre for Research on Globalization,, Pincort, Québec, Canada, 29 January 2014
    ("The Crumbling Lockerbie Case": reposting)

  2352. RINF Alternative News,, Lancaster, UK, 29 January 2014
    ("The Crumbling Lockerbie Case": reposting)

  2353. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 30 January 2014
    ("Lockerbie: Libya deal could see new prosecutions": comment)

  2354. After the Shift,, UK, 30 January 2014
    ("The Crumbling Lockerbie Case": reposting)

  2355. Middle East Online,, London, UK, 31 January 2014
    ("The Crumbling Lockerbie Case": reposting)

  2356. Stop Making Sense,, UK, 6 February 2014
    ("The Crumbling Lockerbie Case": reposting)

  2357. Austrian Wings - Österreichs Luftfahrtmagazin,, Vienna, Austria, 18 February 2014
    ("Das Rätsel von Lockerbie")

  2358. ARTE TV,, France / Germany, 18 and 21 February 2014
    ("Todesflug Pan Am 103": TV documentary produced for ZDF German Television by Jean Christoph Caron and Carl Ludwig Paeschke)

  2359. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung,, Frankfurt a.M., Germany, 18 February 2014
    Film üner Lockerbie-Attentat: Wer steckt hinter dem Anschlag von Lockerbie?" by Matthias Hannemann)

  2360. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 4 March 2014
    ("A disgrace and a stain by Scotland's reputation" by Robert Black)

  2361. France TV, opolis./ Afrique,, Paris, France 11 March 2014
    ("Attentat de Lockerbie: le retour de la piste iranienne, selon al-Jazeera" by Pierre Magnan)

  2362. franceinfo, Gé, France, 11 March 2014
    ("Attentat de Lockerbie: le retour de la piste iranienne, selon al-Jazeera": reposting)

  2363. Craig Murray web log,, UK, 11 March 2014
    ("Lockerbie": comment)

  2364. Army Rumour Service,, UK, 11 March 2014
    ("Lockerbie: The mystery deepens")

  2365. Telegraph,, London, UK, 14 March 2014 / My Telegraph / Blogs
    ("Lockerbie: the last casualty ...")

  2366. The Scotsman,, Edinburgh, UK, 15 March 2014, Letters
    ("Rough justice" by Tome Minogue)

  2367. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 15 March 2014
    ("I do know for certain Megrahi never got a fair trial")

  2368. Hollie Greig Justice,, Scotland, UK, 28 April 2014
    ("The Speculative Society of Edinburgh")

  2369. A Diary of Injustice in Scotland,, UK, 28 April 2014
    ("YOU ARE RECUSED: Anti-transparency top judge forced to publish conflict of interest recusal data as Scottish Parliament considers register of judicial intersts proposals": comment)

  2370. DOJ-Judicial Crimes Against the People. Book by Captain Rodney Stich, Alamo, CA (USA): Silverpeak Publisher, May 2014
    Five: "Lockerbie - and Corrupt FBI-DOJ Culture")

  2371., web log, USA, 2 May 2014
    ("The NSA's Retroactive Discovery of Tamerlan Tsarnaev": comment)

  2372. De groene Amsterdammer,, news blog, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 8 May 2014, London calling
    ("Geen Libie maar Perzie" by Patrick van Ijzendoorn)

  2373. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 20 May 2014
    ("Second anniversary of death of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi")

  2374. The Firm. Scotland's Independent Law Journal,, Glasgow, Scotland, May 2014, Features
    ("The Quiet Sorm": interview with Gareth Peirce)

  2375. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 11 June 2014
    ("A good man, a smear, and the Crown Office": comment)

  2376. Alternative News Network,, 18 June 2014
    ("US screws its allies")

  2377. Brooklyn Journal of International Law, Vol. 39, No. 1 (2014), pp. 73-158; p. 98
    ("Enforcing International Law: States, IOS, and Courts as Shaming Reference Groups" by Sandeep Gopalan and Dr. Roslyn Fuller)

  2378. Aangirfan,, web log, UK, 17 June 2014
    ("US screws its allies": reposting)

  2379. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 4 July 2014
    ("Scottish lawyers support Lockerbie inquiry": reposting)

  2380. The Lockerbie Case,, UK, 6 July 2014
    ("Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose")

  2381. TAZ,, Berlin, Germany, 18 July 2014 / Kommentar Flugzeugabschuss Ukraine
    ("In politischer Brandherd": comment)

  2382. Deutsche Nachrichten-Agentur DPA (Germany), Glasgow, UK, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie" by Michael Donhauser)

  2383. News Round,, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analysis: Ukraine experiences straight it Lockerbie": dpa)

  2384. AERO / Das Online Portal der Zivilluftfahrt,, Munich & Otterstedt , Germany, 23 July 2014 / Aviation News
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2385. Die Welt,, Berlin, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2386. Zeit Online,, Hamburg, Germany, 23 July 2014 / dpa ... newsticker / Konflikte
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2387. Stern,, Hamburg, Germany
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2388. Süddeutsche Zeitung,, Munich, Germany / Konflikte - Luftverkehr
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2389. FOCUS Online,, Munich, Germany, 23 July 2014 / Konflikte
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2390. Abendzeitung,, Munich, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2391. Berliner Morgenpost,, Berlin, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2392. Berliner Zeitung,, Berlin, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2393. Hamburger Abendblatt,, Hamburg, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2394. Epoch Times,, Berlin, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Wird die Wahrheit je gefunden weden? - Analyse: Das hat der Abschuss von MH 17 in der Ukraine mitt Lockerbie gemein": dpa)

  2395. Ruhr-Nachrichten,, Dortmund, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2396. Tiroler Tageszeitung,, Innsbruck, Austria, 23 July 2014
    ("Flug MH 17 - Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2397. General-Anzeiger,, Bonn, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2398. Augsburger Allgemeine,, Augsburg, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2399. Aachener Zeitung,, Aachen, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2400. Frankfurter Neue Presse,, Frankfurt, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2401. Freie Presse,, Chemnitz, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2402. Antenne 1,, Stuttgart, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2403. radio 91.2,, Dortmund, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2404. Radio Dresden,, Dresden, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2405. Radio Leipzig,, Leipzig, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2406. msn Nachrichten,, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2407. Yahoo! Nachrichten Deutschland,, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2408. Nachrichten Heute Deutschland,, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2409. Nordwest-Zeitung / NWZ Online,, Oldenburg, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2410. Main-Netz / Der Main-Echo-Onlinedienst,, Aschaffenburg, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2411.,, Cologne, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2412. Neue Westfälische,, Bielefeld, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2413. Lübecker Nachrichten / LN online,, Lübeck, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2414. Stuttgarter Zeitung,, Stuttgart, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2415. Schleswig-Holsteinische Zeitung / sh:z,, Flensburg, Germany, 23 July 2014 / Deutschland & Welt / Konflikte
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2416. Rhein-Zeitung,, Koblenz, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2417. Westdeutsche Zeitung,, Düsseldorf, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2418. Pforzheimer Zeitung,, Pforzheim, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2419. Stuttgarter Nachrichten,, Stuttgart, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2420. Schwarzwälder Bote,, Oberndorf am Neckar, Germany, 23 JUly 2014 / Großbritannien
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2421. Nordkurier,, Neubrandenburg, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2422. Frankenpost,, Hof, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2423. Solinger Tageblatt,, Solingen, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2424. Döbelner Allgemeine / DAZ online,, Leipzig, Germany, 23 July 2014 / Topthema
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2425. OAZ / Oschatzer Allgemeine Zeitung, Leipzig, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2426. Berchtesgadener Anzeiger,, Berchtesgaden, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2427. Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung,, Hildesheim, Germany, 23 July 2014 / Thema
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2428. Wiesbadener Kurier,, Wiesbaden, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2429. Frankfurter Rundschau,, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2430.,, Berlin, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2431. Allgemeine Zeitung / Rhein Main Presse,, Mainz, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2432. Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung,, Heidelberg, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2433. Wilhelmshavener Zeitung,, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2434. Nordbayerischer Kurier,, Bayreuth, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2435. ARCOR Internetportal,, Düsseldorf, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2436. Marler Zeitung,, Marl, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2437. Reutlinger General-Anzeiger,, Reutlingen, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2438. Reichenhaller Tagblatt,, Bad Reichenhall, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2439. Traunsteiner Tagblatt,, Traunstein, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2440. Eßlinger Zeitung,, Esslingen, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2441. OVZ online,, Leipzig, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2442. Recklinghäuser Zeitung,, Marl / Recklinghausen, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2443. Oberhessische Zeitung,, Gießen, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2444. Saarbrücker Zeitung,, Saarbrücken, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2445. Mitteldeutsche Zeitung,, Halle/Saale, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2446. Lausitzer Rundschau,, Cottbus, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2447. Westfälische Nachrichten,, Münster, Germany, 23 July 2014
    (""Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2448. Mindener Tageblatt,, Minden, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2449. AD HOC NEWS,, Berlin, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Glasgow - Die Flugzeug-Explosion im schottischen Lockerbie 1988 ähnelt den Ereignissen in der Ukraine": dpa)

  2450. Gäubote / Die Herrenberger Zeitung,, Herrenberg, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2451. KLAMM.DE,, Neustadt/Weinstrasse, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2452. Gießener Allgemeine,, Gießen, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2453. Remscheider General-Anzeiger,, Remscheid, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2454. morgenweb / Nachrichtenportal Rhein-Neckar,, Mannheim, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2455. Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung,, Ludwigsburg, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2456. Dresdner Nachrichten / DNN online, www.dnn-online-de, Dresden, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2457. [m],, Wetzlar, Germany, 23 July 2014 / Thema des Tages
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2458. / LZ online,, Lüneburg, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2459. inSüdthü,, Suhl, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2460. Dreister- und Weserzeitung /,, Hameln, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2461. Weser Kurier,, Bremen, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2462. Waltroper Zeitung,, Marl, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2463. Wendlinger / Nürtinger Zeitung,, Nürtingen, Germany
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2464. Volksfreund,, Trier, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2465. Cellesche Zeitung,, Celle, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2466. Wetterauer Zeitung,, Gießen, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2467. Volksstimme,, Magdeburg, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2468. Der Patriot / Lippstädter Zeitung,, Lippstadt, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2469. Schaumburg-Lippische Landes-Zeitung,, Bückeburg, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2470. Lippische Landes-Zeitung,, Detmold, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2471. Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote / BB-LIVE.DE,, Böblingen, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2472. Backnanger Kreiszeitung,, Backnang, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2473. Heimatzeitung,, Passau, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2474. ka-news,, Karlsruhe, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2475. Die Oberbadische / Weiler Zeitung / Markgräfler Tagblatt,, Lörrach, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2476. Goslarsche Zeitung,, Goslar, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2477. Antenne Unna,, Unna, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2478. Murrhardter Zeitung,, Backnang, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2479. Alsfelder Allgemeine,, Gießen, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2480. Neue Deister-Zeitung,, Springe, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2481. Südost News,, Traunstein, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2482. Westline,, Münster, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2483. Stimberg Zeitung,, Marl, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2484. Neue Presse Coburg,, Coburg, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2485. Dattelner Morgenpost,, Marl, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2486. idowa - Isar-Donau-Wald: Straubinger Tagblatt / Landshuter Zeitung,, Straubing, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2487. Weinheimer Nachrichten / Odenwäder Zeitung,, Weinheim, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2488. Stader / Buxtehuder / Altländer Tageblatt,, Stade, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2489. Hertener Allgemeine,, Marl, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2490. Passauer Neue Presse,, Passau, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2491. Die Glocke,, Oelde, Germany, 23 July 2014 / Blick in die Welt
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2492. Main-Post,, Würzburg, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2493. Ostsee-Zeitung,, Rostock, Germany, 23 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2494. Mein Saarland Online,, Saarbrücken, Germany, 23 July 2014 / Thema des Tages
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2495. Walsroder Zeitung,, Walsrode, Germany, 24 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2496. care energy,, Hamburg, Germany, 24 July 2014
    ("Analyse: Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2497. The Guardian,, Manchester, UK, 24 July 2014
    ("MH 17: victims' relatives can help one another in their bereavement": comment)

  2498. "No Limit to Our Anger,", web log, Ukraine, 25 July 2014
    ("The Catastrophe of #MH17: #BBC in the Search of the '#BUK' - The Video Report Deleted by @BBC": comment)

  2499. International Progress Organization,, Vienna, Austria, 26 July 2014 / News Release
    ("War in Ukraine / tragedy of flight MH 17: Urgent call for independent international investigation")

  2500.,, Berlin, Germany, 27 July 2014
    ("Die Ukraine erlebt gerade ihr Lockerbie": dpa)

  2501. World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations,", Moscow, Russia, 28 July 2014
    ("War in Ukraine / tragedy of flight MH 17: Urgent call for independent international investigation": reposting of I.P.O. news release)

  2502. RIA Novosti,, Moscow, Russia, 29 July 2014 / World
    ("UN Observer Says Justice Subordinated to 'Power Politics' During Lockerbie Bombing Trial" by Mark Hirst)

  2503. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 29 July 2014
    ("Judicial requirements subordinated to considerations of power Politics": reposting of RIA Novosti report)

  2504., Washington DC, USA, 29 July 2014
    ("News: UN Observer Says Justice Subordinated to 'Power Politics' During Lockerbie Bombing Trial": reposting of RIA Novosti report)

  2505. WN World News Network,, 29 July 2014
    ("UN Observer Says Justice Subordinated to 'Power Politics' During Lockerbie Bombing Trial": reposting of RIA Novosti report)

  2506. Thời Thổ Tả,, web log, Vietnam, 29 July 2014
    ("Chuyến bay 103 Pan Am Lockerbie P3: Lừa dối về Lockerbie")

  2507. JUST / International Movement for a Just World,, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 30 July 2014
    ("War in Ukraine / Tragedy of Flight MH17: Urgent Call for Independent International Investigation": reposting of I.P.O. news release)

  2508. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 31 July 2014
    ("What is it that our states know but still hide from us, the relatives?": reposting of article by Jim Swire)

  2509. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 13 August 2014
    ("'Crazy conspiracy' slur remembered")

  2510. LinkedIn - Pulse,, USA, 14 August 2014
    ("Pan Am Flight 103 Bombing: One of Many Hoaxes Upon the Media-Controlled American Public" by Rodney Stich)

  2511. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 16 August 2014
    ("The London origin theory")

  2512. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 19 August 2014
    ("Utterly incompetent and shameful")

  2513. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 22 August 2014
    ("Why so little pressure from British and American public on their governments to investigate Lockerbie properly?")

  2514. Lebanon News Agency,, Beirut, Lebanon, 23 August 2014
    ("Moammar Gaddafi, Socialist Revolutionary or Charlatan": reposting of article by Dave Fryett)

  2515. ZMagazine,, Woods Hole, MA, USA, 24 August 2014
    ("Plane Shootdowns in the Propaganda System" by Edward S. Herman)

  2516. Libya against Superpower Media,, Tripoli, Libya, 24 August 2014
    ("The Lockerbie bombing - no ordinary flight" by Lady Khamis)

  2517. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 29 August 2014
    ("Obvious cover-up unacceptable for Scots citizens or international public": reposting)

  2518. LinkedIn,, 30 August 2014
    ("Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 Over Lockerbie: the Truth!" by Rodney Stich)

  2519. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 4 September 2014
    ("'One of the most disgraceful miscarriages of justice in history'": reposting of article by Linda S. Heard)

  2520. INDEX Forum,, Zagreb, Croatia, 9 September 2014
    ("Službeno izvješće: MH17 je pao nakon što je bio pogođen!")

  2521. Hiệp Sĩ Cưỡi Lừa,, Vietnam, 23 September 2014
    Những vụ bắn hạ máy bay trong hệ thống tuyên truyền")

  2522. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 25 September 2014
    ("'Many Scots feel that Megrahi was unjustly convicted": reposting)

  2523. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 27 September 2014
    ("'Criminal acts and the Lockerbie evidence": reposting)

  2524. A Diary of Injustice in Scotland,, Scotland, 2 October 2014
    Scots Legal Aid ‘a £161Million public subsidy for legal profession’ as EU report reveals judges salaries & lawyers legal aid claims come before public’s access to justice")

  2525. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 10 October 2014
    ("'Confidence that Megrahi appeal would succeed": reposting)

  2526. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 13 October 2014
    A denial of justice and Megrahi not proved to be guilty, says English QC": reposting)

  2527. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 25 October 2014
    Incomprehensible verdict that could be reached only through deliberate malpractice")

  2528. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 8 November 2014
    ("Will justice be served?": reposting of article from Tripoli Post)

  2529. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 11 November 2014
    ("Letter from Edwin Bollier to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon")

  2530. A Diary of Injustice in Scotland,, Scotland, 4 December 2014
    ("Justice Secretary said no to judicial complaints powers": comment)

  2531. The Truth Seeker,, web log, UK, 21 December 2014
    ("Lockerbie father says the government is not telling the truth about the bombing")

  2532. Megrahi: You are my Jury, web log,, Edinburgh, UK, 21 December 2014
    ("Eight inconvenient truths about Lockerbie, which the media and authorities are ignoring" by John Ashton)

  2533. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 21 December 2014
    ("The eight elements that destroy the Megrahi conviction": reposting of article by John Ashton)

  2534. Worst Plane Crashes in History. Ed. by Jack Lewis. Electronic book, Białobrzegi (Poland): Masterlab, 2014
    ("Pan Am Flight 103")

  2535. Loved Egyptian Night: The Meaning of the Arab Spring. Hugh Roberts. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Verso Books, 2014
    (pp. 19-20, 219, 257)

  2536. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 3 January 2015
    ("Piece by piece, the major elements of the case are falling apart": reposting)

  2537. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 9 February 2015
    ("Guilty of monumental hypocrisy": reposting)

  2538. Página|12,, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 9 February 2015
    ("'Los servicios secretos no se caracterizan por buscar la verdad'" by Marcelo Justo)

  2539. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 13 March 2015
    ("Delaying tactics, errors and malpractices": reposting)

  2540. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 15 March 2015
    ("'Standards violated in most serious and fundamental way' in Lockerbie case": reposting)

  2541. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 22 March 2015
    ("'Frankly speaking I am not convinced'": reposting of article by Steve James

  2542. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 26 March 2015
    ("Megrahi appeal an 'abstract undertaking not related to the search for truth'": reposting)

  2543. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 9 April 2015
    ("'Unfair, incomprehensible, irrational and arbitrary'": reposting)

  2544. The Lockerbie Case,, Edinburgh, UK, 17 April 2015
    ("'The whole truth..'?": reposting)

» Continued on page 2

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