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Hansard (House of Commons Daily Debates)

This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject headings and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers text for
Tuesday 1 May 2001

Volume No. 367

Part No. 77

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Column: 547W

Written Answers to Questions [1 May 2001]


Lockerbie Trial [1 May 2001]

Mr. Dalyell ° -- Lockerbie Trial [1 May 2001]

Mr. Wilson  ·

Column: 585W

Lockerbie Trial

Mr. Dalyell: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what assessment he has made of the report by Dr. Hans Van Koechler on the Lockerbie trial at Camp Zeist. [158626]

Mr. Wilson: The UN Secretary-General was tasked by the Security Council to appoint international observers to the Lockerbie trial. These observers, representing five organisations, were not UN observers and, as such, did not have the task of reporting to the Secretary-General.

One of these observers, Dr. Hans Van Koechler, has written a report in a private capacity.

We understand that Dr. Koechler has been complimentary about the professionalism shown in the way the trial was administered by the Scottish Court

1 May 2001 : Column: 585W

Service, the Scottish Prison Service and the police. However, Dr. Koechler appears to have misunderstood a number of aspects of criminal procedure and processes in this case.

° Member of the House of Commons

· Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs